HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191206PAC to Staff 18-22.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN PolA'ER A OtvlsloN OF PACTfTCOiP RECEIVED r3l9 DEC -6 Ptt \: 07 lr,l;'lr., iSSION 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 salt Lake city, utah 841 16 December 6, 2019 Diane Hanian Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 diane.holt(Dpuc. idaho. cov (c) RE ID PAC-E.I9-08 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request (18-22) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 3'd Set Data Requests 18-22. Also provided are Attachments IPUC 18 - (l -4) and 22. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Attachments IPUC 2l {l-5). Confidential information is provided subject to the non-disclosure agreement in this case. lfyou have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.C.: Eric L. Olsen/IIPA elo(g'iechohawk.com Anthony YankeUIIPA ton-v@yankel.net PAC-E-19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2019 IPUC 3"r Set Data Request 18 IPUC Data Request 18 Referencing Meredith Exhibit No. 2 (Excel File), please provide supporting information and documents for the following: (a) 2017 Total Customer Generation Administrative Costs; (b) Hourly Engineering Costs ($/Hour); (c) Engineering review time per application; (d) Meter Exchange Work Orders: i. Average Handle Time; ii. 2017 Customer Generator Meter Exchange Work Orders in Idaho; (e) Calls: i. 2017 Count of Calls from Customer Generator Split in Idaho; ii. Average Handle Time (Seconds); and (0 Call Center Agent Cost ($/Hour). Response to IPUC Data Request 18 (c) The engineering review time is an average of the time spent by metering standards engineering to review all net energy metering (NEM) applications and designs. (d) Please refer to the Company's responses to subparts i and ii below: The average handling time of processing NEM meter exchange work orders was determined by sitting and observing employees performing this work. In order to compute the number of meter exchange work orders completed in ldaho in 2017, information from the Company Data Warehouse was queried to identifr completed exchanges. The query method and results is ll (a) Processing customer generation interconnection requests is handled by a specific customer generation business unit. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 18-1 which provides all costs related to that business unit in 2017. (b) The hourly eng'ineering cost is based on the average hourly wages ofthe engineers in the metering standards engineering department. PAC-E- 19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power Decernber 6, 2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request l8 included in Attachment 1 8-2. (e) Please refer to Attachment IPUC l8-3 which provides a "screen shot" from PacifiCorp's call management system that includes the total number ofNEM calls from Idaho customers and the average handling time. (f) Please refer to Attachment IPUC l8-4 which provides information from SAP related to the call center agent hourly cost. Record holder: Sponsor: Robert Meredith Ted Weston PAC-E-19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2019 IPUC 3''l Set Data Request l9 IPUC Data Request 19 Referencing MacNeil's Exhibit No. I (Excel File), please povide supporting documents and any narrative explaining the reasoning ofthe following: (a) HLH Weighting (Export Credit Tab); O) LLH Weighting (Export Credit Tab); and (c) Energy Scalars: PACE ELAP 2018. Response to IPUC Data Request 19 (a) The heavy load hour (HLH) and light load hour (LLH) monthly weighting values are included in the current Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) approved Surrogate Avoided Resource (SAR) methodology template. The values were adopted by the IPUC in Order 30423. The Company's proposed energy values are based on the monthly energy values in the approved SAR avoided costs. (b) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. (c) For supporting documents, please refer to file "PACE EIM Scalars (2018) 2019 03 03.xlsx" provided with PacifiCorp's "Additional "Workpapers" filed with IPUC on October 23, 2019. PacifiCorp East Energy Imbalance Market Load Aggregation Point (PACE ELAP) prices represent the marginal cost ofload in PacifiCorp's East control area (PacifiCorp East (PACE)) in each five-minute interval. The aggregate control area price reflects a weighting ofthe price for each individual substation weighted based on relative load. PACE ELAP prices are used to shape the monthly SAR energy values within the proposed on-peak and off-peak periods. Because they reflect the paftem of marginal resource costs experienced by the Company over the course of a day, ELAP prices are reasonable to use for shaping. Record holder: Sponsor: Dan MacNeil Dan MacNeil PAC-E-19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power Decernber 6, 2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 20 IPUC Drtr Request 20 On page 6 of his direct testimony, Mr. MacNeil states that "The Company has used the results from power flow studies to calculate a marginal loss by load by load level and then fitted it to a 12 month by 24 hour profile for each of the interconnection levels referenced above." Please provide the work papers and results for this power flow study in electronic format with formulae and links intact. For the referenced calculations of marginal losses by load level, please refer to confidential fil.e "12x24 Marginal Losses CONF.xlsx" provided in the Company's "Additional Workpapers" filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Cornrnission (IPUC) on October 23, 2019. Record holder: Sponsor: Dan MacNeil Dan MacNeil Response to IPUC Data Request 20 PAC-E-19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power Decernber 6, 201 9 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 21 IPUC Data Request 2l On pages 3 and 4 of his direct testimony, Mr. Meredith describes the method for determining each customer's generation and consumption profile. For each customer used in Mr. Meredith's analysis, please provide the following: (a) Generation systern parameters assumed by Mr. Meredith's model, including Generation Type, County, Schedule under which customer takes service, and AC nameplate capacity. For solar generation systems, please include panel orientation (Azimuth and Elevation), and latitude/longitude. Identiry the source of weatler information used by the model; (b) A customer code conesponding to the customer codes provided by the Company in its work papers in response to Staffs Production Request No. I 3; (c) Hourly modeled Export kWh; (d) Hourly modeled Delivered kWh; (e) Hourly modeled billed kWh; (f) Hourly modeled consumption (kWh); (g) Actual Monthly Export kWh; (h) Actual Monthly Delivered kWh; and (i) Actual Monthly Billed kWh. Response to IPUC Data Request 2l (a) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 2 l - 1 for generation systern parameters assumed by Company witness, Robert Meredith, including generation type, county, schedule, altemating current (AC) nameplate capacity, solar panel orientation/elevation and the source ofweather information used by the model. (b) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 2l-l for the customer code corresponding to the customer codes provided in the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 13. Note: only those customers interconnected at the time of the study (pre-2017) are used in the Company's modeling. (c) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 21-2, Confidential Attachment IPUC 2l -3 and Confidential Attachment IPUC 21-4 for the hourly modeled export kilowatt-hours (kWh). The Company scaled the calculated customer PAC-E-19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2019 IPUC 3"1 Set Data Request 21 Record holder: Sponsor: Lee Elder / Ray Baise Ted Weston export profiles to ensure that the total rate classJevel monthly exported energy matched actuals from the Company's billing system. The "ExportedFctr" column provides the scaling factors; whereas, the "Exported_Calibrated" column provides the export data after applying these factors. (d) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 21-2, Confidential Attachment IPUC 21-3 and Confidential Attachment IPUC 2l-4 for the hourly modeled delivered kWh. The Company scaled the calculated customer delivery profiles to ensure that the total rate classJevel monthly delivered energy matched actuals from the Company's billing system. The "DeliveredFctr" column provides the scaling factors; whereas, the "Delivered_Calibrated" column provides the delivery data after applying these factors. (e) Please refer to Special Condition I ofthe Company's Electric Service Schedule 135. Under net metering, billed energy is based upon a monthly netting ofdelivered and exported energy. Consequently, billed energy is a monthly and not an hourly concept. (f) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 2l -2, Confidential Attachment IPUC 2l -3 and Confidential Attachment IPUC 2l -4 for the hourly modeled consumption kWh. (g) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 2l-5 for the actual monthly exported kWh for each customer used in Mr. Meredith's analysis. (h) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 2l -5 for the actual monthly delivered kWh for each customer used in Mr. Meredith's analysis. (i) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 2l -5 for the actual monthly billed kwh for each customer used in Mr. Meredith's analysis. Confidential information is provided subject to the non-disclosure agreernent in this case. PAC-E- 19-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 6, 2019 IPUC 3''t Set Data Request 22 IPUC Data Request 22 Please provide net billing updates and work papers using 2019 IRP data. Response to IPUC Data Request 22 The proposed export credit methodology consists of avoided energy costs, avoided line losses, and integration costs. Of these three components, only integration costs are derived from the Company's Integrated Resource Plan (lRP). The Company's filing proposed an export credit calculation based on the solar integration cost of $0.60 per megawatt-hour ($/lv1wh) (2016 Dollars (2016S)) from the Company's 2017IRP. The Company's 2019 IRP identified solar integration costs for 2020 of $0.3I/MWh (2020 Dollars (2020$)) as shown in Volume II of the 2019 IRP, Figure F.l5 in Appendix F (Flexible Resource Study (FRS). Incorporating the updated solar integration cost fiom the 2019 IRP in the export credit calculation increases the average credit value by $0.37lMWh. For details, please refer to Attachment IPUC 22. Record holder: Sponsor: Dan MacNeil Dan MacNeil