HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190926PAC to Staff Attach 14.pdf PACIFICORP Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses November 2011 Prepared by: Management Applications Consulting, Inc. 1103 Rocky Drive – Suite 201 Reading, PA 19609 Phone: (610) 670-9199 / Fax: (610) 670-9190 ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 1 of 39 MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS CONSULTING, INC. 1103 Rocky Drive • Suite 201 • Reading, PA 19609-1157 • 610/670-9199 • fax 610/670-9190 •www.manapp.com November 15, 2011 Mr. Kenneth Houston, PE Vice President, Transmission Services PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 1600 Portland, OR 97232 RE: 2009 LOSS ANALYSES – Idaho Dear Mr. Houston: Transmitted herewith are the results of the 2009 Analysis of System Losses for the Idaho operations. These results consist of an Annual analysis which develops cumulative expansion factors (loss factors) for both demand (peak-kW) and energy (average-kWh) losses by discrete voltage levels applicable to metered sales data. The loss calculations were made using a preliminary system wide transmission loss factor which was then incorporated into the Idaho loss model to derive the final results prescribed herein. Our analyses considered only technical losses in arriving at our final recommendations. On behalf of MAC, we appreciate the opportunity to assist you in performing the loss analysis contained herein. The level of detail, multiple databases, and state jurisdictions coupled with power flow studies and updates are consistent with prior loss studies and reflect reasonable and representative power losses on the PacifiCorp system. Our review of these data and calculated loss results support the proposed loss factors as presented herein for your use in various cost of service, rate studies, and demand analyses. Should you require any additional information, please let us know at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Paul M. Normand Principal ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 2 of 39 PACIFICORP - IDAHO 2009 ANALYSIS OF SYSTEM LOSSES TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 1  2.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 6  2.1 Conduct of Study ............................................................................................................ 6  2.2 Description of Model ...................................................................................................... 7  2.2 Description of Model ...................................................................................................... 8  3.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 9  3.1 Background ..................................................................................................................... 9  3.2 Analysis and Calculations ............................................................................................. 11  3.2.1 Bulk, Transmission and Subtransmission Lines ....................................................... 11  3.2.2 Transformers ............................................................................................................. 11  3.2.3 Distribution System .................................................................................................. 11  4.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS........................................................................................... 13  Appendix A – PacifiCorp System Wide Transmission Loss Factor (Preliminary) Appendix B – Results of PacifiCorp Idaho 2009 Loss Analysis Appendix C – Discussion of Hoebel Coefficient ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 3 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents PacifiCorp’s 2009 Analysis of System Losses for Idaho’s power systems as performed by Management Applications Consulting, Inc. (MAC). Our analyses considered only technical losses and did not attempt to quantify non-technical factors such as theft and meter accuracy. The study developed separate demand (kW) and energy (kWh) loss factors for each voltage level of service in the power system. The cumulative loss factor results by voltage level, as presented herein, can be used to adjust metered sales data in Idaho for losses in performing cost of service studies, determining voltage discounts, and other analyses which may require a loss adjustment. The procedures used in the overall loss study were consistent with prior studies and emphasized the use of "in house" resources where possible. To this end, extensive use was made of the Company's peak hour power flow studies and transformer plant investments in the model. Using estimated load data provided a means of calculating reasonable estimates of losses by using a "top-down" and "bottom-up" procedure. In the "top-down" approach, losses from the high voltage system, through and including distribution substations, were calculated along with power flow data, conductor and transformer loss estimates, and metered sales. At this point in the analysis, system loads and losses at the input into the distribution substation system are known with reasonable accuracy. However, it is the remaining loads and losses on the distribution substations, primary system, secondary circuits, and services which are generally difficult to estimate. Estimated load data provided the starting point for performing a "bottom- up" approach for calculating the remaining distribution losses. Basically, this "bottom-up" approach develops line loadings by first determining loads and losses at each level beginning at a customer's meter service entrance and then going through secondary lines, line transformers, primary lines and finally distribution substation. These distribution system loads and associated losses are then compared to the initial calculated input into Distribution Substation loadings for reasonableness prior to finalizing the loss factors. An overview of the loss study is shown on Figure 1 on page 4. Appendix A identifies the PacifiCorp system-wide Transmission 2009 loss factors for the integrated PacifiCorp System for 500 kV through 46 kV. These preliminary loss factors will be finalized and approved as the Company’s FERC OATT rate in 2012. Appendix B incorporates Appendix A’s loss factor and presents a total PacifiCorp Idaho only loss calculation and derives specific loss factors by voltage applicable to metered sales. Table 1, below, provides the final results from Appendix A and B for the calendar year. The distribution system losses are calculated in Appendix B for all voltage levels except transmission which was obtained from Appendix A. These loss expansion factors are applicable only to metered sales at the point of receipt for adjustment to the power system’s input level. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 4 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 2 TABLE 1 Loss Factors at Sales Level Idaho Voltage Level of Service 2009 Delivery System (Excludes Transmission) Demand (kW) Transmission1 1.04259 1.00000 Primary 1.08559 1.04124 Secondary 1.11867 1.07298 Energy (kWh) Transmission1 1.04527 1.00000 Primary 1.07448 1.02794 Secondary 1.11466 1.06638 Losses – Net System Input2 7.83% MWh 8.62% MW Losses – Net System Output3 8.50% MWh 9.44% MW The loss factors presented in the Delivery Only column of Table 1 are the Total PacifiCorp loss factors divided by the transmission loss factor in order to remove the transmission losses from each service level loss factor. For example, the secondary distribution demand loss factor of 1.07298 includes the recovery of all non-transmission losses from distribution substation, primary lines, line transformers, secondary conductors and services. The additional transformation loss multipliers are appropriate as an adjustment for either additional transformation or additional primary loss recovery. The net system input shown in Table 1 presents percent MWh losses of 7.83% for the total PacifiCorp load using calculated losses divided by the associated input energy to the system. The 8.62% represents the MW losses also using system input as a reference. The net system output reference shown in Table 1 represents MWh losses of 8.50% and MW losses of 9.44%. These results use the appropriate total losses for each but are divided by system output or sales. These calculations are all based on the results from Exhibits 1, 7, and 9 of Appendix B. 1 Reflects preliminary loss factors from Appendix A for 500 kV through 46 kV. 2 Net system input equals firm sales plus losses, Company use less non-requirement sales and related losses. See Appendix B, Exhibit 1, for their calculations. 3 Net system output uses losses divided by output or sales data as a reference. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 5 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 3 Due to the very nature of losses being primarily a function of equipment loadings, the loss factor derivations for any voltage level must consider both the load at that level plus the loads from lower voltages and their associated losses. As a result, cumulative losses on losses equates to additional load at higher levels along with future changes (+ or –) in loads throughout the power system. It is therefore important to recognize that losses are multiplicative in nature (future) and not additive (test year only) for all future years to ensure total recovery based on prospective fixed loss factors for each service voltage. The derivation of the cumulative loss factors shown in Table 1 have been detailed for all electrical facilities in Exhibit 9, page 1 for demand and page 2 for energy. Beginning on line 1 of page 1 (demand) under the secondary column, metered sales are adjusted for service losses on lines 3 and 4. This new total load (with losses) becomes the load amount for the next higher facilities of secondary conductors and their loss calculations. This process is repeated for all the installed facilities until the secondary sales are at the input level (line 45). The final loss factor for all delivery voltages using this same process is shown on line 46 and Table 1 for demand. This procedure is repeated in Exhibit 9, page 2, for the energy loss factors. The loss factor derivation for major voltage categories is simply the input required (line 45) divided by the metered sales (line 2). An overview of the loss study is shown on Figure 1 on the next page. Figure 2 simply illustrates the major components that must be considered in a loss analysis. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 6 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 4 ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 7 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 5 Figure 2 Generic Energy Loss Components Lo a d D a t a Metered and/or Estimated Load Data Unbilled Company Use Lo s s e s Transmission System Wide Load Losses Distribution Delivery ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 8 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 6 2.0 INTRODUCTION This report of the 2009 Analysis of System Losses for Idaho provides a summary of results, conceptual background or methodology, description of the analyses, and input information related to the study. 2.1 Conduct of Study Typically, between five to ten percent of the total kWh requirements of an electric utility is lost or unaccounted for in the delivery of power to customers. Investments must be made in facilities which support the total load which includes losses or unaccounted for load. Revenue requirements associated with load losses are an important concern to utilities and regulators in that customers must equitably share in all of these cost responsibilities. Loss expansion factors are the mechanism by which customers' metered demand and energy data are mathematically adjusted to the generation or input level (point of reference) when performing cost and revenue calculations. An acceptable accounting of losses can be determined for any given time period using available engineering, system, and customer data along with empirical relationships. This loss analysis for the delivery of demand and energy utilizes such an approach. A microcomputer loss model4 is utilized as the vehicle to organize the available data, develop the relationships, calculate the losses, and provide an efficient and timely avenue for future updates and sensitivity analyses. Our procedures and calculations are consistent with prior loss studies and rely on numerous databases that include customer statistics and power system modeling results. Company personnel performed most of the data gathering and data processing efforts. MAC analyzed the Company’s various databases and performed calculations to check the reasonableness of results. A review of the preliminary results provided for additions to the database and modifications to certain initial assumptions based on available data. Efforts in determining the data required to perform the loss analysis centered on information which was available from existing studies or reports within the Company. 4Copyright by Management Applications Consulting, Inc. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 9 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 7 From an overall perspective, our efforts concentrated on five major areas: 1. System information by state jurisdiction concerning peak demand and metered annual sales data by voltage level, 2. High voltage power system power flow data and associated loss calculations (utilized preliminary system wide Transmission Loss Factors), 3. Distribution system primary and secondary loss calculations, 4. Derivation of fixed and variable losses by voltage level, and 5. Development of final cumulative expansion factors at each voltage level for peak demand (kW) and annual energy (kWh) requirements reconciled to system input. 2.2 Electric Power Losses Losses in power systems consist of primarily technical losses with a much smaller level of non-technical losses. Technical Losses Electrical losses result from the transmission of energy over various electrical equipment. The largest component of these losses is power dissipation as a result of varying loading conditions and are oftentimes called load losses which are proportional to the square of the current (I2R). These losses can be as high as 75% of all technical losses. The remaining losses are called no-load and represent essentially fixed (constant) energy losses throughout the year. These no-load losses represent energy required by a power system to energize various electrical equipment regardless of their loading levels. The major portion of no-load losses consists of core or magnetizing energy related to installed transformers throughout the power system. Non-Technical Losses These are unaccounted for energy losses that are related to energy theft, metering, non-payment by customers, and accounting errors. Losses related to these areas are generally very small and can be extremely difficult and subjective to quantify. Our efforts generally do not develop any meaningful level as appropriate because we assume that improving technology and utility practices have minimized these amounts. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 10 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 8 2.3 Description of Model The Loss Model is a customized applications model, constructed using the Excel software program. Documentation consists primarily of the model equations at each cell location. A significant advantage of such a model is that the actual formulas and their corresponding computed values at each cell of the model are immediately available to the analyst. A brief description of the two appendices and their major categories of effort for the preparation of each loss model is as follows: • Appendix A identifies the preliminary system wide transmission loss factors and supporting calculations. These transmission loss factors formed the basis and starting point with which to derive the final delivery loss factors for each remaining voltage level as presented in Appendix B and summarized on Table 1 of the Executive Summary. • Appendix B which contains calculations for distribution-related conductors, transformers, and all primary and secondary losses as summarized in the output reports. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 11 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 9 3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Background The objective of a Loss Study is to provide a reasonable set of energy (average) and demand (peak) loss expansion factors which account for system losses associated with the transmission and delivery of power to each voltage level over a designated period of time. The focus of this study is to identify the difference between total energy inputs and the associated sales with the difference being equitably allocated to all delivery levels. Several key elements are important in establishing the methodology for calculating and reporting the Company's losses. These elements are: • Selection of voltage level of services, • Recognition of losses associated with conductors, transformations, and other electrical equipment/components within voltage levels, • Identification of customers and loads at various voltage levels of service, • Review of generation or net power supply input at each level for the test period studied, and • Analysis of kW and kWh sales by voltage levels within the test period. The three major areas of data gathering and calculations in the loss analysis were as follows: 1. System Information (monthly and annual) • MWH generation and MWH sales. • Coincident peak estimates and net power supply input from all sources and voltage levels. • Customer load data estimates from available load research information, adjusted MWH sales, and number of customers in the customer groupings and voltage levels identified in the model. • System default values, such as power factor, loading factors, and load factors by voltage level. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 12 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 10 2. High Voltage System (Appendix A) • Presents the detailed calculations and derivation of the preliminary system wide transmission loss factors used in the calculations developed in Appendix B. 3. Distribution System (Appendix B)  Distribution Substations – data was developed for modeling each substation as to its size and loading. Loss calculations were performed from this data to determine load and no load losses separately for each transformer. • Primary lines – Line loading and loss characteristics were obtained from distribution feeder analyses. These loss results developed kW loss per MW of load by Primary Voltage level. An average was calculated to derive the primary loss estimate after weighting the proper rural versus urban customer mix. • Line transformers – Losses in line transformers were based on each customer service group's size, as well as the number of customers per transformer. Accounting and load data provided the foundation with which to model the transformer loadings and calculate load and no load losses. • Secondary network – Typical secondary networks were estimated for conductor sizes, lengths, loadings, and customer penetration for residential and small general service customers. • Services – Typical services were estimated for each secondary service class of customers identified in the study with respect to type, length, and loading. The loss analysis was thus performed by constructing the model in segments and subsequently calculating the composite until the constraints of peak demand and energy were met: • Information as to the physical characteristics and loading of each transformer and conductor segment was modeled. • Conductors, transformers, and distribution were grouped by voltage level, and unadjusted losses were calculated. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 13 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 11 • The loss factors calculated at each voltage level were determined by "compounding" the per-unit losses. Equivalent sales at the supply point were obtained by dividing sales at a specific level by the compounded loss factor to determine losses by voltage level. • The resulting demand and energy loss expansion factors were then used to adjust all sales to the generation or input level in order to estimate the difference. • Reconciliation of kW and kWh sales by voltage level using the reported system kW and kWh was accomplished by adjusting the initial loss factor estimates until the mismatch or difference was eliminated. 3.2 Calculations and Analysis This section provides a discussion of the input data, assumptions, and calculations performed in the loss analysis. Specific appendices have been included in order to provide documentation of the input data utilized in the model. 3.2.1 Bulk, Transmission and Subtransmission Lines Appendix A provides the summary results of the hourly calculations of segments of the PacifiCorp power system on an hourly basis. 3.2.2 Transformers Appendix A provides the summary results of the hourly calculations of segments of the PacifiCorp power system on an hourly basis. 3.2.3 Distribution System The load data at the substation and customer level, coupled with primary and secondary network information, was sufficient to model the distribution system in adequate detail to calculate losses. Primary Lines Estimates were made by the Company of primary line losses by the different levels of distribution voltage and whether they were urban or rural. These estimates consider substations, feeders per substation, voltage levels, loadings, total circuit miles, wire size, and single- to three-phase investment estimates. Our ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 14 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 12 recommended loss factors were determined by calculating all other factors, and the remaining unaccounted for MW and MWH were assigned to primary losses. Line Transformers Losses in line transformers were determined based on typical transformer sizes for each secondary customer service group and an estimated or calculated number of customers per transformer. Accounting records and estimates of load data provided the necessary database with which to model the loadings. These calculations also made it possible to determine separate copper and iron losses based on a table of representative losses for various transformer sizes. Secondary Line Circuits Calculations of secondary line circuit losses were performed for loads served through these secondary line investments. Estimates of typical conductor sizes, lengths, loadings and customer class penetrations were made to obtain total circuit miles and losses for the secondary network. Customer loads which do not have secondary line requirements were also identified so that a reasonable estimate of losses and circuit miles of the investments could be made. Service Drops and Meters Service drops were estimated for each secondary customer reflecting conductor size, length and loadings to obtain demand losses. A separate calculation was also performed using customer maximum demands to obtain kWh losses. Meter loss estimates were also made for each customer and incorporated into the calculations of kW and kWh losses included in the Summary Results. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 15 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 13 4.0 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS A brief description of each Exhibit provided in Appendix B as follows: Exhibit 1 - Summary of Company Data This exhibit reflects system information used to determine percent losses and a detailed summary of kW and kWh losses by voltage level. The loss factors developed in Exhibit 7 are also summarized by voltage level. Exhibit 2 - Summary of Conductor Information A summary of MW and MWH load and no load losses for conductors by voltage levels is presented. The sum of all calculated losses by voltage level is based on input data information provided in Appendix A. Percent losses are based on equipment loadings. Exhibit 3 - Summary of Transformer Information This exhibit summarizes transformer losses by various types and voltage levels throughout the system. Load losses reflect the copper portion of transformer losses while iron losses reflect the no load or constant losses. MWH losses are estimated using a calculated loss factor for copper and the test year hours times no load losses. Exhibit 4 - Summary of Losses Diagram (2 Pages) This loss diagram represents the inputs and output of power at system peak conditions. Page 1 details information from all points of the power system and what is provided to the distribution system for primary loads. This portion of the summary can be viewed as a "top down" summary into the distributor system. Page 2 represents a summary of the development of primary line loads and distribution substa- tions based on a "bottom up" approach. Basically, loadings are developed from the customer meter through the Company’s physical investments based on load research and other metered information by voltage level to arrive at MW and MVA requirements during peak load conditions by voltage levels. Exhibit 5 - Summary of Sales and Calculated Losses Summary of Calculated Losses represents a tabular summary of MW and MWH load and no load losses by discrete areas of delivery within each voltage level. Losses have been identified ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 16 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses 14 and are derived based on summaries obtained from Exhibits 2 and 3 and losses associated with meters, capacitors and regulators. Exhibit 6 - Development of Loss Factors, Unadjusted This exhibit calculates demand and energy losses and loss factors by specific voltage levels based on sales level requirements. The actual results reflect loads by level and summary totals of losses at that level, or up to that level, based on the results as shown in Exhibit 5. Finally, the es- timated values at generation are developed and compared to actual generation to obtain any difference or mismatch. Exhibit 7 - Development of Loss Factors, Adjusted The adjusted loss factors are the results of adjusting Exhibit 6 for any difference. All differences between estimated and actual are prorated to each level based on the ratio of each level's total load plus losses to the system total as shown on Exhibit 8. These new loss factors reflect an adjustment in losses due only to kW and kWh mismatch. Exhibit 8 – Adjusted Losses and Loss Factors by Facility These calculations present an expanded summary detail of Exhibit 7 for each segment of the power system with respect to the flow of power and associated losses from the receipt of energy at the meter to the generation for the Company’s power system. Exhibit 9 – Appendix B Only – Summary of Losses by Delivery Voltage These calculations present a reformatted summary of the losses presented in Exhibits 7 and 8 by power system delivery segment as calculated by voltage level of service based on sales. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 17 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses Appendix A PacifiCorp System Wide Transmission Loss Factors (Preliminary) ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 18 of 39 Appendix A Transmission Loss Model Page 1 of 6PacifiCorp 2009 State Jurisdictional Transmission Loss Analysis With GSU Pages 1 Schedule 1, Page 2 Schedule 2, Page 3 Schedule 3, Page 4 Schedule 4, Page 5 Schedule 5, Page 6 Index Presents the summary loss results of the calculated hourly losses for the Company's PACE and PACW control areas at the annual peak hour and for the annual average losses for all hours of the year. Calculated loss factors are applicable to the metered (output) sales level. All data is from Schedule 2. Summary of the summer and winter peak hour MW and annual MWH losses for PACE and PACW and the total system. Results are detailed by segment and season: Summer (June, July, August, and September), Winter (all months excluding Summer months). Loss data is from Schedule 3. Summary of MW and MWH loss results for each control area by season and voltage level. Summary of seasonal peak hour MW and average MWH loss results for PACE by voltage level from Appendices A (winter) and B (summer) hourly loss calculations. Summary of seasonal peak hour MW and average MWH loss results for PACW by voltage level from Appendices C (winter) and D (summer) hourly loss calculations. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 19 of 39 Appendix A Transmission Loss Model Page 2 of 6 PACIFICORP 2009 TRANSMISSION LOSS ANALYSI PERCENT OF LOSSES TOTAL INPUT OUTPUT LOSS FACTO TRANSMISSION (Input/Output) TRANSMISSION A. DEMAN Peak (MW) Summe 1 East 325.0 73.4% 7,443 7,118 1.04566 2 West 117.9 26.6% 3,647 3,529 1.03340 3 Total Demand 442.8 100.0% 11,090 10,647 1.04159 4 Unmetered Station Use Adjustment 0.00100 5 Demand Loss Factor 1.04259 B. ENERG nnual MWH 6 East 2,002,285 70.8% 45,369,000 43,366,715 1.04617 7 West 826,451 29.2% 21,361,106 20,534,655 1.04025 8 Total Energy 2,828,736 100.0% 66,730,106 63,901,370 1.04427 9 Unmetered Station Use Adjustment 0.00100 10 Energy Loss Factor 1.04527 NOTES: (1) Results include Bridger losses from Schedule 4, (2) Results include Corona loss estimates from Schedule 3. (3) Loss calculations include adjusted (reduced) for Company ownership. (4) Loss calculations include GSU and Wind Plant. (5) Loss calculations excludes third party facilities. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 20 of 39 Appendix A Transmission Loss Model Page 3 of 6 PACIFICORP POWER FLOW RESULTS - SUMMARY OF LOSSES PEAK (SUMMER) PEAK (WINTER)NNUA Total % of Total % of Total Total % of Total % of Total Total Annua % of Total % of Total (MW)re System (MW)re System (MWH)re System EAST 1 Load (Peak MW, Annual MWH)7,443 6,946 45,369,000 Transmission 2 Transformers 25.0 7.7% 5.6%23.9 7.7% 5.4% 145,704 7.3% 5.2% 3 Transmission Lines 300.0 92.3% 67.8%286.7 92.3% 65.0% 1,856,581 92.7% 65.6% 4 Total Transmission 325.0 100.0% 73.4%310.6 100.0% 70.4% 2,002,285 100.0% 70.8% 5 Subtotal - EAST 325.0 100.0% 73.4%310.6 100.0% 70.4% 2,002,285 100.0% 70.8% 6 Losses % of Input (Line 6/Line 1)4.4%4.5%4.4% 7 Losses % of Output (Line 6/(Line 1/Line 6))4.6%4.7%4.6% WEST 8 Load (Peak MW, Annual MWH)3,647 4,009 21,361,106 Transmission 9 Transformers 11.9 10.1% 2.7%12.5 9.5% 2.8% 98,188 11.9% 3.5% 10 Transmission Lines 106.0 89.9% 23.9%118.3 90.5% 26.8% 728,263 88.1% 25.7% 11 Total Transmission 117.9 100.0% 26.6%130.7 100.0% 29.6% 826,451 100.0% 29.2% 12 Subtotal - WEST 117.9 100.0% 26.6%130.7 100.0% 29.6% 826,451 100.0% 29.2% 14 Losses % of Input (Line 14/Line 9)3.2%3.3%3.9% 15 Losses % of Output (Line 14/(Line 9/Line 14)) 3.3%3.4%4.0% TOTAL PACIFICORP 16 Load (Peak MW, Annual MWH)11,090 10,955 66,730,106 Transmission 17 Transformers 36.9 8.3%36.3 8.2% 243,893 8.6% 18 Transmission Lines 406.0 91.7%405.0 91.8% 2,584,843 91.4% 19 Total Transmission 442.8 100.0%441.3 100.0% 2,828,736 100.0% 20 Total System 442.8 100.0%441.3 100.0% 2,828,736 100.0% 22 Losses % of Input (Line 22/Line 17)4.0%4.0%4.2% 23 Losses % of Output (Line 22/(Line 17/Line 22)) 4.2%4.2%4.4% ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 21 of 39 Appendix A Transmission Loss Model Page 4 of 6 PACIFICORP POWER FLOW RESULTS - TOTAL TRANSMISSION TRANSFORMER LOSSES MW TRANSMISSION LINE LOSSES MW TIME MW INPUT 345 kV to 500 kV (1) 161 kV to 345 kV Includes Bridger 115 kV to 161 kV 46 kV to 115 kV GSU SVC Subtotal Transformers 345 kV to 500 kV (2) 161 kV to 345 kV Includes Bridger 115 kV to 161 kV Corona 500 kV to 138 kV 46 kV to 115 kV Below 46 kV Subtotal Transm Lines Total Transmission Losses WINTER - EAST 1 PEAK - MW 6,946 7.160 3.450 0.182 12.569 0.504 23.864 177.157 51.324 9.313 45.029 3.889 286.712 310.5762 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.103% 0.050% 0.003% 0.181% 0.007% 0.344% 2.550% 0.739% 0.134% 0.648% 0.056% 4.128%3 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 7.684%92.316% 100.000%4 5 WINTER MWH 29,694,446 33,163 9,480 812 53,402 2,612 99,470 753,679 206,587 70,607 136,393 18,450 1,185,716 1,285,186 6 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.112% 0.032% 0.003% 0.180% 0.009% 0.335% 2.538% 0.696% 0.238% 0.459% 0.062% 3.993% 7 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 7.740%92.260% 100.000% SUMMER - EAST8 PEAK - MW 7,443 7.211 4.461 0.190 12.566 0.534 24.962 175.235 67.436 9.313 45.430 2.607 300.021 324.982 9 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.097% 0.060% 0.003% 0.169% 0.007% 0.335% 2.354% 0.906% 0.125% 0.610% 0.035% 4.031% 10 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 7.681%92.319% 100.000% 11 12 SUMMER MWH 15,674,554 16,316 6,444 415 22,316 744 46,234 410,374 146,442 35,449 72,178 6,422 670,864 717,099 13 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.104% 0.041% 0.003% 0.142% 0.005% 0.295% 2.618% 0.934% 0.226% 0.460% 0.041% 4.280%14 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 6.447%93.553% 100.000% TOTAL ANNUAL - EAST 15 PEAK - MW 7,443 7.211 4.461 0.190 12.566 0.534 24.962 175.235 67.436 9.313 45.430 2.607 300.021 324.982 16 ANNUAL MWH 45,369,000 49,479 15,924 1,228 75,718 3,356 145,704 1,164,053 353,028 106,055 208,572 24,872 1,856,581 2,002,285 17 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.109% 0.035% 0.003% 0.167% 0.007% 0.321% 2.566% 0.778% 0.234% 0.460% 0.055% 4.092%18 LOSS % TO TOTAL ANNUAL INPUT 7.277%92.723% 100.000% 19 LOSS % TO TOTAL ANNUAL OUTPUT 43,366,71520 (Input - Losses)4.617% LOSS FACTORS - EAST 21 Demand 1.0456622 Energy 1.04617 WINTER - WEST 23 PEAK - MW 4,009 0.465 6.843 2.042 3.109 12.459 11.433 30.143 4.691 70.768 1.237 118.271 130.730 24 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.012% 0.171% 0.051% 0.078% 0.311% 0.285% 0.752% 0.117% 1.765% 0.031% 2.950%25 LOSS % TO TOTAL 9.530%90.470% 100.000%2627 WINTER MWH 14,464,624 1,165 36,257 11,417 17,590 66,430 64,387 114,122 35,565 279,221 1,616 494,911 561,34128 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.008% 0.251% 0.079% 0.122% 0.459% 0.445% 0.789% 0.246% 1.930% 0.011% 3.422% 29 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 11.834%88.166% 100.000% SUMMER - WEST 30 PEAK - MW 3,647 0.390 6.604 1.834 3.065 11.892 10.025 27.421 4.691 62.660 1.161 105.958 117.85131 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.011% 0.181% 0.050% 0.084% 0.326% 0.275% 0.752% 0.129% 1.718% 0.032% 2.906%32 LOSS % TO TOTAL 10.091%89.909% 100.000% 33 34 SUMMER MWH 6,896,481 536 19,636 4,442 7,144 31,759 30,516 51,775 17,856 132,623 581 233,351 265,110 35 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.008% 0.285% 0.064% 0.104% 0.461% 0.442% 0.751% 0.259% 1.923% 0.008% 3.384% 36 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 11.979%88.021% 100.000% TOTAL ANNUAL - WEST 37 PEAK - MW 3,647 0.390 6.604 1.834 3.065 11.892 10.025 27.421 4.691 62.660 1.161 105.958 117.851 38 ANNUAL MWH 21,361,106 1,702 55,893 15,859 24,735 98,188 94,903 165,897 53,421 411,844 2,197 728,263 826,451 39 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.008% 0.262% 0.074% 0.116% 0.460% 0.444% 0.777% 0.250% 1.928% 0.010% 3.409% 40 LOSS % TO TOTAL ANNUAL INPUT 11.881%88.119% 100.000% 39 LOSS % TO TOTAL ANNUAL OUTPUT 20,534,65540 (Input - Losses)4.025% LOSS FACTORS - WEST 41 Demand 1.03340 42 Energy 1.04025 TOTAL ANNUAL - PACIFICORP 43PEAK SUMMER - M 11,090 0.390 13.814 4.461 2.023 15.632 0.534 36.854 10.025 202.657 67.436 14.004 108.091 3.767 405.979 442.833 44 ANNUAL MWH 66,730,106 1,702 105,372 15,924 17,087 100,453 3,356 243,893 94,903 1,329,951 353,028 159,476 620,416 27,069 2,584,843 2,828,736 45 PEAK WINTER MW 10,955 0.465 14.003 3.450 2.224 15.678 0.504 36.323 11.433 207.299 51.324 14.004 115.797 5.125 404.983 441.306 ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 22 of 39 Appendix A Transmission Loss Model Page 5 of 6 PACIFICORP POWER FLOW RESULTS - EAST TRANSFORMER LOSSES MW TRANSMISSION LINE LOSSES MW TIME MW-EAST INPUT 161 kV to 345 kV Bridger 345 kV 115 kV to 161 kV 46 kV to 115 kV GSU SVC Subtotal Transformers 161 kV to 345 kV Bridger 345 kV 115 kV to 161 kV Corona 500 kV to 138 kV 46 kV to 115 kV Below 46 kV Subtotal Transm Lines Total Transmission Losses WINTER - EAST 1 PEAK - MW 6,946 4.226 2.934 3.450 0.182 12.569 0.504 23.864 118.027 59.130 51.324 9.313 45.029 3.889 286.712 310.576 2 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.061% 0.042% 0.050% 0.003% 0.181% 0.007% 0.344% 1.699% 0.851% 0.739% 0.134% 0.648% 0.056% 4.128% 3 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 7.684%92.316% 100.000% 4 5 WINTER MWH 29,694,446 15,751 17,413 9,480 812 53,402 2,612 99,470 440,073 313,606 206,587 70,607 136,393 18,450 1,185,716 1,285,186 6 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.053% 0.059% 0.032% 0.003% 0.180% 0.009% 0.335% 1.482% 1.056% 0.696% 0.238% 0.459% 0.062% 3.993% 7 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 7.740%92.260% 100.000% SUMMER - EAST 8 PEAK - MW 7,443 4.278 2.933 4.461 0.190 12.566 0.534 24.962 118.015 57.220 67.436 9.313 45.430 2.607 300.021 324.982 9 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.057% 0.039% 0.060% 0.003% 0.169% 0.007% 0.335% 1.586% 0.769% 0.906% 0.125% 0.610% 0.035% 4.031% 10 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 7.681%92.319% 100.000% 11 12 SUMMER MWH 15,674,554 7,729 8,587 6,444 415 22,316 744 46,234 243,369 167,005 146,442 35,449 72,178 6,422 670,864 717,099 13 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.049% 0.055% 0.041% 0.003% 0.142% 0.005% 0.295% 1.553% 1.065% 0.934% 0.226% 0.460% 0.041% 4.280% 14 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 6.447%93.553% 100.000% TOTAL ANNUAL - EAST 15 PEAK - MW 7,443 4.278 2.933 4.461 0.190 12.566 0.534 24.962 118.015 57.220 67.436 9.313 45.430 2.607 300.021 324.982 16 ANNUAL MWH 45,369,000 23,480 26,000 15,924 1,228 75,718 3,356 145,704 683,442 480,611 353,028 106,055 208,572 24,872 1,856,581 2,002,285 17 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.052% 0.057% 0.035% 0.003% 0.167% 0.007% 0.321% 1.506% 1.059% 0.778% 0.234% 0.460% 0.055% 4.092% 18 LOSS % TO TOTAL ANNUAL INPUT 7.277%92.723% 100.000% 19 LOSS % TO TOTAL ANNUAL OUTPUT 43,366,71520 (Input - Losses)4.617% LOSS FACTORS - EAST 21 Demand 1.0456622 Energy 1.04617 Winter Hours Summer Hours Total Hours Percent of Total Hours PERCENT RANGE - EAST 22 91-100 169 109 278 3.17% 23 76-90 970 905 1,875 21.40% 24 51-75 4,596 1,875 6,471 73.87% 25 1-50 97 39 136 1.55% 26 Total Hours 5,832 2,928 8,760 100.00% NOTES: (1) Bridger losses shown at 66.7% - reference Work paper 1. (2) Summer Period includes June, July, August, and September. (3) Winter Period includes all non Summer months. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 23 of 39 Appendix A Transmission Loss Model Page 6 of 6 PACIFICORP POWER FLOW RESULTS - WES TRANSFORMER LOSSES M TRANSMISSION LINE LOSSES MW TIME MW-WEST INPUT 345 kV to 500 kV (1) 161 kV to 345 kV 46 kV to 115 kV GSU Subtotal Transformers 345 kV to 500 kV (2) 161 kV to 345 kV Corona 500 kV to 138 kV 46 kV to 115 kV Below 46 kV Subtotal Transm Lines Total Transmission Losses WINTER - WEST 1 PEAK - MW 4,009 0.465 6.843 2.042 3.109 12.459 11.433 30.143 4.691 70.768 1.237 118.271 130.730 2 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.012% 0.171% 0.051% 0.078% 0.311% 0.285% 0.752% 0.117% 1.765% 0.031% 2.950% 3 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 9.530%90.470% 100.000% 4 5 WINTER MWH 14,464,624 1,165 36,257 11,417 17,590 66,430 64,387 114,122 35,565 279,221 1,616 494,911 561,341 6 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.008% 0.251% 0.079% 0.122% 0.459% 0.445% 0.789% 0.246% 1.930% 0.011% 3.422% 7 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 11.834%88.166% 100.000% SUMMER - WEST 8 PEAK - MW 3,647 0.390 6.604 1.834 3.065 11.892 10.025 27.421 4.691 62.660 1.161 105.958 117.851 9 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.011% 0.181% 0.050% 0.084% 0.326% 0.275% 0.752% 0.129% 1.718% 0.032% 2.906% 10 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 10.091%89.909% 100.000% 11 12 SUMMER MWH 6,896,481 536 19,636 4,442 7,144 31,759 30,516 51,775 17,856 132,623 581 233,351 265,110 13 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.008% 0.285% 0.064% 0.104% 0.461% 0.442% 0.751% 0.259% 1.923% 0.008% 3.384% 14 LOSS % TO TOTAL LOSSES 11.979%88.021% 100.000% TOTAL ANNUAL - WES PEAK - MW 3,647 0.390 6.604 1.834 3.065 11.892 10.025 27.421 4.691 62.660 1.161 105.958 117.851 15 ANNUAL MWH 21,361,106 1,702 55,893 15,859 24,735 98,188 94,903 165,897 53,421 411,844 2,197 728,263 826,451 16 LOSS % TO INPUT 0.008% 0.262% 0.074% 0.116% 0.460% 0.444% 0.777% 0.250% 1.928% 0.010% 3.409% 17 LOSS % TO TOTAL ANNUAL INPUT 11.881%88.119% 100.000% 18 LOSS % TO TOTAL ANNUAL OUTPUT 20,534,655 19 (Input - Losses)4.025% LOSS FACTORS - WES 20 Demand 1.03340 21 Energy 1.04025 Winter Hours Summer Hours Total Hours Percent of Total Hours PERCENT RANGE - WES 22 91-100 49 287 336 3.84% 23 76-90 2,039 512 2,551 29.12% 24 51-75 3,663 1,981 5,644 64.43% 25 1-50 81 148 229 2.61% 26 Total Hours 5,832 2,928 8,760 100.00% NOTES: (1) Summer Period includes June, July, August, and September. (2) Winter Period includes all non Summer months. ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 24 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses Appendix B Results of PacifiCorp Idaho 2009 Loss Analysis ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 25 of 39 PACIFICORP IDAHO 2009 LOSS ANALYSIS PACIFICORP IDAHO EXHIBIT 1 SUMMARY OF COMPANY DATA ANNUAL PEAK 517 MW GENERATION & PURCHASES-INPUT 3,214,920 MWH ANNUAL SALES -OUTPUT 2,963,061 MWH SYSTEM LOSSES INPUT 251,859 or 7.83% OUTPUT or 8.50% SYSTEM LOAD FACTOR 70.9% SUMMARY OF LOSSES - OUTPUT RESULTS SERVICE KV MW % TOTAL MWH % TOTAL TRANS 500,345,161 21.1 47.36% 139,236 55.28% 115,69,46 4.09%4.33% PRIMARY 34,12,1 13.8 30.99% 49,967 19.84% 2.67%1.55% SECONDARY < 1 9.7 21.64% 62,655 24.88% 1.87%1.95% TOTAL 44.6 100.00% 251,859 100.00% 8.62%7.83% SUMMARY OF LOSS FACTORS CUMMULATIVE SALES EXPANSION FACTORS SERVICE KV DEMAND ENERGY d 1/d e 1/e TRANS 500,345,161 1.04259 0.95915 1.04527 0.95669 115,69,46 PRIM SUBS 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 PRIMARY 0,0,0 1.08559 0.92116 1.07448 0.93068 SECONDARY < 1 1.11867 0.89392 1.11466 0.89714 PAC_IDA_09LOSS 11/15/2011 12:38 PM ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 26 of 39 PACIFICORP IDAHO 2009 LOSS ANALYSIS SUMMARY OF CONDUCTOR INFORMATION EXHIBIT 2 DESCRIPTION CIRCUIT LOADING ----- MW LOSSES ----- ---- MWH LOSSES ---- MILES % RATING LOAD NO LOAD TOTAL LOAD NO LOAD TOTAL --- BULK ----------- 345 KV OR GREATER --------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------------ TIE LINES 0.0 0.00% 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 BULK TRANS 0.0 0.00%0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTOT 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 --- TRANS ---------115 KV TO 345.00 KV -------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ TIE LINES 0 0.00% 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS1 161 KV 0.0 0.00% 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS2 115 KV 0.0 0.00%0.000 0.001 0.001 0 7 7 SUBTOT 0.0 0.000 0.001 0.001 0 7 7 --- SUBTRANS ------35 KV TO 115 KV -------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------ TIE LINES 0 0.00% 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRANS1 69 KV 0.0 0.00% 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRANS2 46 KV 0.0 0.00% 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRANS3 35 KV 0.0 0.00%0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTOT 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 PRIMARY LINES 6,010 9.522 0.501 10.024 30,096 4,399 34,496 SECONDARY LINES 280 0.106 0.000 0.106 615 0 615 SERVICES 1,549 1.212 0.214 1.426 5,958 1,876 7,835 TOTAL 7,839 10.840 0.716 11.556 36,669 6,283 42,952 PAC_IDA_09LOSS 11/15/2011 12:39 PM ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 27 of 39 PACIFICORP IDAHO 2009 LOSS ANALYSIS SUMMARY OF TRANSFORMER INFORMATION EXHIBIT 3 DESCRIPTION KV CAPACITY NUMBER AVERAGE LOADING MVA --------- MW LOSSES -------- ------- MWH LOSSES ------ VOLTAGE MVA TRANSFMR SIZE % LOAD LOAD NO LOAD TOTAL LOAD NO LOAD TOTAL BULK STEP-UP 345 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 BULK - BULK 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 BULK - TRANS1 161 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 BULK - TRANS2 115 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS1 STEP-UP 161 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS1 - TRANS2 115 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS1-SUBTRANS1 69 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS1-SUBTRANS2 46 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS1-SUBTRANS3 35 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS2 STEP-UP 115 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS2-SUBTRANS1 69 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS2-SUBTRANS2 46 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS2-SUBTRANS3 35 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN1 STEP-UP 69 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN2 STEP-UP 46 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN3 STEP-UP 35 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN1-SUBTRAN2 46 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN1-SUBTRAN3 35 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN2-SUBTRAN3 35 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATIONS TRANS1 - 161 34 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS1 - 161 12 30.0 1 30.0 44.25% 13 0.021 0.041 0.062 67 360 428 TRANS1 - 161 1 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 302 302 TRANS2 - 115 34 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS2 - 115 12 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 TRANS2 - 115 1 22.4 1 22.4 44.25% 10 0.017 0.032 0.049 55 279 334 SUBTRAN1- 69 34 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN1- 69 12 618.8 47 13.2 44.25% 274 0.538 0.949 1.486 1,742 8,311 10,054 SUBTRAN1- 69 1 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN2- 46 34 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN2- 46 12 129.6 20 6.5 44.25% 57 0.140 0.229 0.369 453 2,009 2,463 SUBTRAN2- 46 1 20.6 4 5.2 44.25% 9 0.025 0.041 0.066 81 358 439 SUBTRAN3- 35 34 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN3- 35 12 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 SUBTRAN3- 35 1 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 PRIMARY - PRIMARY 0.0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0 0 0 LINE TRANSFRMR 1,847.3 46,212 40.0 19.13% 353 1.141 5.747 6.888 2,027 50,346 52,373 =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== ========== =========== TOTAL 2,669 46,285 1.881 7.039 8.920 4,426 61,965 66,392 PAC_IDA_09LOSS 11/15/2011 12:39 PM ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 28 of 39 PACIFICORP IDAHO 2009 LOSS ANALYSIS SUMMARY OF LOSSES DIAGRAM - DEMAND MODEL - SYSTEM PEAK 517.3891735 MW EXHIBIT 4 PAGE 1 of 2 BULK TIE LINES BULK LINES BULK STEP UP BULK-BULK LOAD 0.00% MW LOADING 0.00% LOADING 0.00% LOADING 0.00% LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW NO LOAD 0.000 MW NO LOAD 0 MW NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW LOAD 0.000 MW LOAD 0 MW AVG SIZE 0 MVA AVG SIZE 0 MVA NUMBER 0 NUMBER 0 TRANS TIE LINES BULK-TRANS1 STEP DOWN TRAN1-TRAN2 STEP DOWN BULK-TRANS2 STEP DOWN LOAD 0.00% MW LOADING 0.00% LOADING 0.00% LOADING 0.00% LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW NO LOAD 0.000 MW NO LOAD 0.000 MW NO LOAD 0.000 MW NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW LOAD 0.000 MW LOAD 0.000 MW LOAD 0.000 MW AVG SIZE 0 MVA AVG SIZE 0 MVA AVG SIZE 0 MVA NUMBER 0 NUMBER 0 NUMBER 0 TRANS 1&2 STEP UPS TRANS1 161.0 KV TRANS2 115.0 KV TRANS CUST LDNG TR1SU 0.00% LOADING 0.00% LOADING 0.00% SUBS 0.000 MW NOLOAD1&2 0.000 MW LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW 0.000 MVA LOAD 1&2 0.000 MW NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW NOLD LOSS 0.001 MW LINES MW AVSIZ TR1SU 0.0 MVA MVA NUMBER 0 SUBTRANS TIE LINES TRANS1&2-SUBTRANS1 SUBTR1&2-SUBTRANS2&3 TRANS1&2- SUBTRANS2 TRANS1&2-SUBTRANS3 LOAD 0.00% MW LDNG TR2-S 0.00%LOADING 0.00%LDNG TR2-S 0.00%LDNG TR2-ST 0.00% LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW NO LOAD 0.000 MW NO LOAD 0.000 MW NO LOAD 0.000 MW NO LOAD 0.00 NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW LOAD 0.000 MW LOAD 0.000 MW LOAD 0.000 MW LOAD 0.00 AVSIZ TR2 0 MVA AVG SIZE 0 MVA VSIZ TR2-S 0.00 MVA VSIZ TR2-ST 0.00 NUMBER 0 NUMBER 0 NUMBER 0 NUMBER 0 SUBTRANS1,2,&3 STEP UPS SUBTRANS1 69 KV SUBTRANS2 46 KV SUBTRANS2 35 KV SUBTRANS CUST LDNG ST1SU 0.00% LOADING 0.00% LOADING 0.00% LOADING 0.00% SUBS - MW 0.000 NO LOAD 0.000 MW LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW MVA 0.000 LOAD 0.000 MW NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW LINES- MW AVSIZ ST2 0.0 MVA MVA NUMBER 0 TO DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 363.4 MVA 356.2 MW TRANS1 13.3 MVA TRANS2 9.9 MVA SUBTRANS1 273.8 MVA SUBTRANS2 66.4 MVA SUBTRANS3 0.0 MVA 3.65% 2.73% 75.34% 18.28% 0.00% 161 KV 115 KV 69 KV 46 KV 35 KV PAC_IDA_09LOSS 11/15/2011 12:39 PM ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 29 of 39 PACIFICORP IDAHO 2009 LOSS ANALYSIS FROM HIGH VOLTAGE SYSTEM EXHIBIT 4 PAGE 2 of 2 TOTAL 363 MVA 356 MW TRANS1 13.3 MVA TRANS2 9.9 MVA SUBTRANS1 273.8 MVA SUBTRANS2 66.4 MVA SUBTRANS3 0.0 MVA 3.65% 2.73% 75.34% 18.28% 0.00% 161 KV 115 KV 69 KV 46 KV 35 KV DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM LOAD | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PRIM1 PRIM2 PRIM3 PRIM1 PRIM2 PRIM3 PRIM1 PRIM2 PRIM3 PRIM1 PRIM2 PRIM3 PRIM1 PRIM2 PRIM3 VOLTAGE 34 12 1 34 12 1 34 12 1 34 12 1 34 12 1 LOAD MVA 0 13 0 0 0 10 0 274 0 0 57 9 0 0 0 % SYS TOT 0.00% 3.65% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.73% 0.00% 75.34% 0.00% 0.00% 15.77% 2.51% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% NOLD LOSS 0.000 0.041 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.032 0.000 0.949 0.000 0.000 0.229 0.041 0.000 0.000 0.000 LOAD LOSS 0.000 0.021 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.017 0.000 0.538 0.000 0.000 0.140 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.000 AVG SIZE 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.4 0.0 13.2 0.0 0.0 6.5 5.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 NUMBER 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 47 0 0 20 4 0 0 0 DIVERSITY 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 RATIO | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | PRIMARY LINES PRIM/PRIM TRANSF PRIM CUST LOADS LOADING 344.146 MW LOADING 0.000 MW NO LINES 0.000 MW @ SYS PF 351.169 MVA NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW CUST SUB 0.000 MVA LOAD LOSS 9.522 MW LOAD LOSS 0.000 MW NO LINES 0.000 MW NOLD LOSS 0.501 MW AVG SIZE 0.00 CO. SUB 0.000 MVA TOT LOSS 10.024 MW NUMBER 0 PRIM WITH 8.808 MW LINES 9.272 MVA LINE TRANSFORMERS LOADING 325.314 MW MVA 360.310 NOLD LOSS 5.747 MW LOAD LOSS 1.141 MW AVG SIZE 40.0 KVA NUMBER 46212 SECONDARY LINES NO SECONDARY LINES LOAD 28.578 MW LOAD LOSS 0.106 MW LOAD 289.848 MW NOLD LOSS 0.000 MW TOT LOSS 0.106 MW SERVICES LOAD 318.320 MW LOAD LOSS 1.212 MW NOLD LOSS 0.214 MW TOT LOSS 1.426 MW CUSTOMER SECONDARY LOAD 316.895 MW PAC_IDA_09LOSS 11/15/2011 12:39 PM ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 30 of 39 PACIFICORP IDAHO 2009 LOSS ANALYSIS SUMMARY of SALES and CALCULATED LOSSES EXHIBIT 5 LOSS # AND LEVEL MW LOAD NO LOAD + LOAD = TOT LOSS EXP CUM MWH LOAD NO LOAD + LOAD = TOT LOSS EXP CUM FACTOR EXP FAC FACTOR EXP FAC 1 BULK XFMMR 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 BULK LINES 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 3 TRANS1 XFMR 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 4 TRANS1 LINES 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 5 TRANS2TR1 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 6 TRANS2BLK SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 7 TRANS2 LINES 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 7 0 7 0.0000000 0.0000000 TOTAL TRAN 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 7 0 7 0.0000000 0.0000000 8 STR1BLK SD 9 STR1T1 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 10 SRT1T2 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 11 SUBTRANS1 LINES 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 12 STR2T1 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 13 STR2T2 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 14 STR2S1 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 15 SUBTRANS2 LINES 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 16 STR3T1 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 17 STR3T2 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 18 STR3S1 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 19 STR3S2 SD 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 20 SUBTRANS3 LINES 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 21 SUBTRANS TOTAL 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 22 TRANSMSN LOSS FAC 517.4 2.11 19.02 21.14 1.042590 1.042590 3,214,920 41,771 97,465 139,236 1.0452700 1.0452700 DISTRIBUTION SUBST TRANS1 13.0 0.04 0.02 0.06 1.004781 0.000000 67,010 663 67 730 1.0110118 0.0000000 TRANS2 0.0 0.03 0.02 0.05 0.000000 0.000000 50,034 279 55 334 1.0067113 0.0000000 SUBTR1 268.3 0.95 0.54 1.49 1.005570 0.000000 1,382,145 8,311 1,742 10,054 1.0073273 0.0000000 SUBTR2 65.1 0.27 0.17 0.44 1.006728 0.000000 335,418 2,367 535 2,902 1.0087265 0.0000000 SUBTR3 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0.0000000 0.0000000 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 346.5 1.3 0.7 2.03 1.005900 1.048742 1,834,608 11,620 2,399 14,019 1.0077002 1.0533188 PRIMARY INTRCHNGE 0.0 0.000000 0 0.0000000 PRIMARY LINES 344.1 0.50 9.52 10.02 1.030000 1.080204 1,820,851 4,390 30,096 34,487 1.0193055 1.0736536 LINE TRANSF 325.3 5.75 1.14 6.89 1.021631 1.103570 1,736,416 50,346 2,027 52,373 1.0310995 1.1070437 SECONDARY 318.4 0.00 0.11 0.11 1.000332 1.103936 1,684,043 0 615 615 1.0003650 1.1074478 SERVICES 318.3 0.21 1.21 1.43 1.004499 1.108903 1,683,429 1,876 5,958 7,835 1.0046757 1.1126259 ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== ========== TOTAL SYSTEM 9.87 31.74 41.61 110,018 138,561 248,578 PAC_IDA_09LOSS 11/15/2011 12:39 PM ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 31 of 39 PACIFICORP IDAHO 2009 LOSS ANALYSIS DEVELOPMENT of LOSS FACTORS EXHIBIT 6 UNADJUSTED DEMAND LOSS FACTOR CUSTOMER CALC LOSS SALES MW CUM EXPANSION LEVEL SALES MW TO LEVEL @ GEN FACTORS a b c d 1/d BULK LINES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 TRANS SUBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 TRANS LINES 147.1 6.3 153.3 1.04259 0.95915 SUBTRANS SUBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 SUBTRANS LINES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 PRIM SUBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 PRIM LINES 8.8 0.7 9.5 1.08020 0.92575 SECONDARY 316.9 34.5 351.4 1.10890 0.90179 TOTALS 472.8 41.5 514.2 DEVELOPMENT of LOSS FACTORS UNADJUSTED ENERGY LOSS FACTOR CUSTOMER CALC LOSS SALES MWH CUM EXPANSION LEVEL SALES MWH TO LEVEL @ GEN FACTORS a b c d 1/d BULK LINES 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 TRANS SUBS 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 TRANS LINES 1,237,519 56,022 1,293,541 1.04527 0.95669 SUBTRANS SUBS 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 SUBTRANS LINES 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 PRIM SUBS 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 PRIM LINES 49,948 3,679 53,627 1.07365 0.93140 SECONDARY 1,675,594 188,715 1,864,309 1.11263 0.89877 TOTALS 2,963,061 248,417 3,211,478 ESTIMATED VALUES AT GENERATION LOSS FACTOR AT VOLTAGE LEVEL MW MWH BULK LINES 0.00 0 TRANS SUBS 0.00 0 TRANS LINES 153.33 1,293,541 SUBTRANS SUBS 0.00 0 SUBTRANS LINES 0.00 0 PRIM SUBS 0.00 0 PRIM LINES 9.51 53,627 SECONDARY 351.41 1,864,309 SUBTOTAL 514.25 3,211,478 ACTUAL ENERGY LESS THI 517.39 3,214,920 MISMATCH (3.14) (3,442) % MISMATCH -0.61% -0.11% PAC_IDA_09LOSS 11/15/2011 12:39 PM ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 32 of 39 PACIFICORP IDAHO 2009 LOSS ANALYSIS DEVELOPMENT of LOSS FACTORS EXHIBIT 7 ADJUSTED DEMAND LOSS FACTOR CUSTOMER SALES CALC LOSS SALES MW CUM EXPANSION LEVEL SALES MW ADJUST TO LEVEL @ GEN FACTORS a b c d e f=1/e BULK LINES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 TRANS SUBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 TRANS LINES 147.1 0.0 6.3 153.3 1.04259 0.95915 SUBTRANS SUBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 SUBTRANS LINES 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 PRIM SUBS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 PRIM LINES 8.8 0.0 0.8 9.6 1.08559 0.92116 SECONDARY 316.9 0.0 37.6 354.5 1.11867 0.89392 TOTALS 472.8 0.0 44.6 517.4 DEVELOPMENT of LOSS FACTORS ADJUSTED ENERGY LOSS FACTOR CUSTOMER SALES CALC LOSS SALES MWH CUM EXPANSION LEVEL SALES MWH ADJUST TO LEVEL @ GEN FACTORS a b c d e f=1/e BULK LINES 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 TRANS SUBS 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 TRANS LINES 1,237,519 0 56,022 1,293,541 1.04527 0.95669 SUBTRANS SUBS 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 SUBTRANS LINES 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 PRIM SUBS 0 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 PRIM LINES 49,948 0 3,720 53,668 1.07448 0.93068 SECONDARY 1,675,594 0 192,116 1,867,710 1.11466 0.89714 TOTALS 2,963,061 0 251,859 3,214,920 ESTIMATED VALUES AT GENERATION LOSS FACTOR AT VOLTAGE LEVEL MW MWH BULK LINES 0.00 0 TRANS SUBS 0.00 0 TRANS LINES 153.33 1,293,541 SUBTRANS SUBS 0.00 0 SUBTRANS LINES 0.00 0 PRIM SUBS 0.00 0 PRIM LINES 9.56 53,668 SECONDARY 354.50 1,867,710 517.39 3,214,920 ACTUAL ENERGY LESS THI 517.39 3,214,920 MISMATCH 0.00 0 % MISMATCH 0.00%0.00% PAC_IDA_09LOSS 11/15/2011 12:39 PM ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 33 of 39 PACIFICORP IDAHO 2009 LOSS ANALYSIS Adjusted Losses and Loss Factors by Facitliy EXHIBIT 8 MW MWH Service Drop Losses 1.42 7,824 Secondary Losses 0.10 614 Line Transformer Losses 6.84 52,302 Primary Line Losses 9.96 34,440 Distribution Substation Losses 2.02 14,000 Transmission System Losses 21.14 139,236 Total 41.48 248,417 MW MWH Service Drop Losses -0.22 (247) Secondary Losses -0.02 (19) Line Transformer Losses -1.06 (1,649) Primary Line Losses -1.54 (1,086) Distribution Substation Losses -0.31 (441) Transmission System Losses 0.00 0 Total -3.14 (3,442) MW MWH Service Drop Losses 1.63566 8,071 Secondary Losses 0.12109 633 Line Transformer Losses 7.90180 53,951 Primary Line Losses 11.49915 35,526 Distribution Substation Losses 2.33137 14,441 Transmission System Losses 21.13545 139,236 Total 44.62451 251,859 Retail Sales from Service Drops 316.89 1,675,594 Adjusted Service Drop Losses 1.64 8,071 Input to Service Drops 318.53 1,683,665 Service Drop Loss Factor 1.00516 1.00482 Output from Secondary 318.53 1,683,665 Adjusted Secondary Losses 0.12 633 Input to Secondary 318.65 1,684,298 Secondary Loss Factor 1.00038 1.00038 Output from Line Transformers 318.65 1,684,298 Adjusted Line Transformer Losses 7.90 53,951 Input to Line Transformers 326.55 1,738,249 Line Transformer Loss Factor 1.02480 1.03203 Retail Sales from Primary 8.81 49,948 Req. Whls Sales from Primary 0.00 0 Input to Line Transformers 326.55 1,738,249 Output from Primary Lines 335.36 1,788,197 Adjusted Primary Line Losses 11.50 35,526 Input to Primary Lines 346.86 1,823,723 Primary Line Loss Factor 1.03429 1.01987 Output from Distribution Substations 346.86 1,823,723 Adjusted Distribution Substation Losses 2.33137 14,441 Input to Distribution Substations 349.19 1,838,164 Distribution Substation Loss Factor 1.00672 1.00792 Retail Sales at from Transmission 147.062 1,237,519 Req. Whls Sales from Transmission 0.00 0 Non-Req. Whls Sales from Transmission 0.000 0 Third Party Wheeling Losses 0.000 0 Input to Distribution Substations 349.19 1,838,164 Output from Transmission 496.254 3,075,683 Adjusted Transmission System Losses 21.13545 139,236 Input to Transmission 517.389 3,214,920 Transmission System Loss Factor 1.04259 1.04527 Loss Factors by Segment Unadjusted Losses by Segment Mismatch Allocation by Segment Adjusted Losses by Segment PAC_IDA_09LOSS 11/15/2011 12:39 PM ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 34 of 39 DEMAND MW SUMMARY OF LOSSES AND LOSS FACTORS BY DELIVERY VOLTAGE EXHIBIT 9 PAGE 1 of 2 SERVICE SALES LOSSES SECONDARY PRIMARY SUBSTATION SUBTRANS TRANSMISSION LEVEL MW 1 SERVICES 2 SALES 316.9 316.9 3 LOSSES 1.6 1.6 4 INPUT 318.5 5 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.00516 6 SECONDARY 7 SALES 8 LOSSES 0.1 0.1 9 INPUT 318.7 10 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.00038 11 LINE TRANSFORMER 12 SALES 13 LOSSES 7.9 7.9 14 INPUT 326.6 15 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.02480 16 PRIMARY 17 SECONDARY 326.6 18 SALES 8.8 8.8 19 LOSSES 11.5 11.2 0.3 20 INPUT 21 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.03429 22 SUBSTATION 23 PRIMARY 337.8 9.1 24 SALES 0.0 0.0 25 LOSSES 2.3 2.3 0.1 0.0 26 INPUT 340.0 9.2 0.0 27 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.00672 28 SUB-TRANSMISSION 29 DISTRIBUTION SUBS 30 SALES 31 LOSSES 32 INPUT 33 EXPANSION FACTOR 34 TRANSMISSION 35 SUBTRANSMISSION 36 DISTRIBUTION SUBS 340.0 9.2 0.0 37 SALES 147.1 147.1 38 LOSSES 21.1 14.5 0.4 0.0 6.3 39 INPUT 354.5 9.6 0.0 153.3 40 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.04259 41 TOTALS LOSSES 44.6 37.6 0.8 0.0 6.3 42 % OF TOTAL 100% 84.27% 1.69% 0.00%14.04% 43 SALES 472.8 316.9 8.8 0.0 147.1 44 % OF TOTAL 100.00%67.03% 1.86% 0.00%31.11% 45 INPUT 517.4 354.5 9.6 0.0 153.3 46 CUMMULATIVE EXPANSION LOSS FACTORS 1.11867 1.08559 NA 1.04259 (from meter to system input) ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 35 of 39 ENERGY MWH SUMMARY OF LOSSES AND LOSS FACTORS BY DELIVERY VOLTAGE EXHIBIT 9 PAGE 2 of 2 SERVICE SALES LOSSES SECONDARY PRIMARY SUBSTATION SUBTRANS TRANSMISSION LEVEL 1 SERVICES 2 SALES 1,675,594 1,675,594 3 LOSSES 8,071 8,071 4 INPUT 1,683,665 5 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.00482 6 SECONDARY 7 SALES 8 LOSSES 633 633 9 INPUT 1,684,298 10 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.00038 11 LINE TRANSFORMER 12 SALES 13 LOSSES 53,951 53,951 14 INPUT 1,738,249 15 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.03203 16 PRIMARY 17 SECONDARY 1,738,249 18 SALES 49,948.000 49,948 19 LOSSES 35,526 34,534 992 20 INPUT 21 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.01987 22 SUBSTATION 23 PRIMARY 1,772,783 50,940 24 SALES 0 0 25 LOSSES 14,441 14,038 403 0 26 INPUT 1,786,821 51,344 0 27 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.00792 28 SUB-TRANSMISSION 29 DISTRIBUTION SUBS 30 SALES 31 LOSSES 32 INPUT 33 EXPANSION FACTOR 34 TRANSMISSION 35 SUBTRANSMISSION 36 DISTRIBUTION SUBS 1,786,821 51,344 0 37 SALES 1,237,519 1,237,519 38 LOSSES 139,236 80,889 2,324 0 56,022 39 INPUT 1,867,710 53,668 0 1,293,541 40 EXPANSION FACTOR 1.04527 41 TOTALS LOSSES 251,859 192,116 3,720 0 56,022 42 % OF TOTAL 100% 76.28% 1.48% 0.00%22.24% 43 SALES 2,963,061 1,675,594 49,948 0 1,237,519 44 % OF TOTAL 100.00%56.55% 1.69% 0.00%41.76% 45 INPUT 3,214,920 1,867,710 53,668 0 1,293,541 46 CUMMULATIVE EXPANSION LOSS FACTORS 1.11466 1.07448 NA 1.04527 (from meter to system input) ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 36 of 39 Idaho 2009 Analysis of System Losses Appendix C Discussion of Hoebel Coefficient ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 37 of 39 1 COMMENTS ON HOEBEL COEFFICIENTS The Hoebel constant represents an established industry standard relationship between peak losses and average losses and is used in a loss study to estimate energy losses from peak demand losses. H. F. Hoebel described this relationship in his article, "Cost of Electric Distribution Losses," Electric Light and Power, March 15, 1959. A copy of this article is attached. Within any loss evaluation study, peak demand losses can readily be calculated given equipment resistance and approximate loading. Energy losses, however, are much more difficult to determine given their time-varying nature. This difficulty can be reduced by the use of an equation which relates peak load losses (demand) to average losses (energy). Once the relationship between peak and average losses is known, average losses can be estimated from the known peak load losses. Within the electric utility industry, the relationship between peak and average losses is known as the loss factor. For definitional purposes, loss factor is the ratio of the average power loss to the peak load power loss, during a specified period of time. This relationship is expressed mathematically as follows: where: FLS = Loss Factor ALS = Average Losses PLS = Peak Losses The loss factor provides an estimate of the degree to which the load loss is maintained throughout the period in which the loss is being considered. In other words, loss factor is the ratio of the actual kWh losses incurred to the kWh losses which would have occurred if full load had continued throughout the period under study. Examining the loss factor expression in light of a similar expression for load factor indicates a high degree of similarity. The mathematical expression for load factor is as follows: where: FLD = Load Factor ALD = Average Load PLD = Peak Load This load factor result provides an estimate of the degree to which the load loss is maintained throughout the period in which the load is being considered. Because of the similarities in definition, the loss factor is sometimes called the "load factor of losses." While the definitions are similar, a strict equating of the two factors cannot be made. There does exist, however, a relationship between these two factors which is dependent upon the shape of the load duration curve. Since resistive losses vary as the square of the load, it can be shown mathematically that the loss factor can vary between the extreme limits of load factor and load factor squared. The (1) FLS  ALS  PLS (2) FLD  ALD  PLD ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 38 of 39 2 relationship between load factor and loss factor has become an industry standard and is as follows: where: FLS = Loss Factor FLD = Load Factor H = Hoebel Coefficient As noted in the attached article, the suggested value for H (the Hoebel coefficient) is 0.7. The exact value of H will vary as a function of the shape of the utility's load duration curve. In recent years, values of H have been computed directly for a number of utilities based on EEI load data. It appears on this basis, the suggested value of 0.7 should be considered a lower bound and that values approaching unity may be considered a reasonable upper bound. Based on experience, values of H have ranged from approximately 0.85 to 0.95. The standard default value of 0.9 is generally used. Inserting the Hoebel coefficient estimate gives the following loss factor relationship using Equation (3): Once the Hoebel constant has been estimated and the load factor and peak losses associated with a piece of equipment have been estimated, one can calculate the average, or energy losses as follows: where: ALS = Average Losses PLS = Peak Losses H = Hoebel Coefficient FLD = Load Factor Loss studies use this equation to calculate energy losses at each major voltage level in the analysis. (3) FLS  H*FLD2 + (1-H)*FLD (4) FLS  0.90*FLD2 + 0.10*FLD (5) ALS  PLS * [H*FLD2 + (1-H)*FLD] ID - PAC-E-19-08 IPUC 14 Attachment IPUC 14 39 of 39