HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190624Telephonic Hearing Transcript Vol I.pdfORIGINAL o rn(f o o BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the matter of the application for approval of the Professional Way-Broadway Asset Purchases Agreement and Transfer of Service Between ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ANd THE CITY OE IDAHO FALLS. Case No. PAC-E-L9-06 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) BEFORE CHAIRMAN PAUL KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER ERIC ANDERSON COMMISSIONER KRISTINE RAPER Date: June 11, 20L9 Location: Idaho Pub1ic Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83702-59L9 REPORTED BY: CINDY LEONHARDT CCR, RPR Notary Public L-*-4 t-.. --trJ(,il C)*.C)# alr u>aaoz l*J \44(-C N) T - HEDRISK COURT REPORTING POST OFFICE BOX 578 BOISE, IDAHO 83701 208-336-9208 ,9et*ir!, t/o l/a/cwrrun* anrco frS 2 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 1,2 13 !4 15 t6 t7 L8 27 22 23 24 r.9 20 o The telephonic Lrearingr of application for approwal of t,he Professional Way-Broadway AEset Purchase Agreement and Transfer of Serwice between ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER and the CITY of IDAHO FALLS, wag conducted at the of f ices of Idatro Public Utilities Commission, 472 w. Washington Street, Boige, Idaho, corunencing at 2zOO p.m. on ,June LL , 20L9, bef ore Cindy L . Leonhardts , Regi stered Professional Reporter and Notary Public within and for the State of ldaho, in t,he abowe-entitled matter. APPEARJAIVCES: For Rocky Mount,ain Power: BY MR. DAIVIEI, E. SOLAI\TDER, wia phone L4O7 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 daniel . solander@paci f icorp . com For the Staff: Office of the Attorney General BY MR. DAYN S . HARDIE Boise, Idaho 83720-0001 700 W. ,Jefferson Street, Suite 2LO Boise, Idatro 83720-0074 diane. hanian@puc . idaho. gov ALSO PRESEfiIf : Conuniseioner Eric Andereon Commissioner Kristine Raper25 I Hearing - June 11,2019 COMMISSIONER KiIELLAIIDER: Good af ternoon. This is tlre time and place for a telephonic hearing in Caee No. PAC-E- 19 - 05, algo known aE In the Mat,ter of the Application for Approval of ttre Professional Way-Broadway AeEet Purchase Agreement, and TranEfer of Service betsween Roeky Mountain Power and the City of Idaho FaIIs. My name iE Paul Kjellander. Ir11 be chairing todayrs proceedings. To my right is Commissioner Eric Anderson, and to my left is CommiEsioner Kristine Raper. The tshree of ua comprise the Commission, and at ttre conclusion of this teleptronic hearing we will be the entiE,ieg who ultimately deliberate and iEEue a final order in relationship to the fully developed record associated with Case No. PAC-E-19-05. AE a quick background tso the case, ttre company Rocky Mountain Power gubmittsed its application for approwal under the Idaho Electric Supplier Stabilization Act, and the Electric Utility Asset, Transferred Statute of ttre State of ldaho. The company requested that its application be procesaed under modified procedure. T14>ica1ly, the uEe of modified procedure contemplatee a written submission wit,trout a live hearingi howewer, Idatro Code Section 51-238 etates, rrTLre CormnisEion Eha1l iEsue a public 3 o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25o Hearing - June 11,2419 notice and shall conduct a publi-c hearing upon the application.'l And the reason I add that emphasis is because thatrE my favorite section from ldaho st,atute, so thatrs why werre here with a telephonic hearing tsoday. Why don't we being with ttre appearance€r of the parties. Why don't be begin with the Attorney General's Office, representing tlre etaff of the Idatro Public Utilities Commission. Is this your firet appearance before ua in a hearing? MR. HARDIE: Yes, it is. Thank you, Commissioner. My name is Dayn }Iardie, and I will be representing ttre staff today. COMMISSIONER KiIELLA}iIDER: Okay. I trope itrs not too hea'ry of a lift. MR. IIARDIE: I don't think it will be. COMMfSSIONER KiIEIJIJAIIDER: Okay. Are ttrere any other parties that need to be recognized for purposes of the hearing today? MR . SOLAIiIDER : Good af ternoon, Commi s s ioner Kjellander. This is Danie1 Zo1ander, repre€eenting Rocky Mountain Power. COMMISSIONER K{IELLAITDER: Good afternoon, Daniel. IIow are you? Where are you calling in f rom? 4 o O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 L3 L4 15 15 L7 1_8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 a 25 Hearing - June 11,2019 MR. SOLAIIDER: I arn actually in my car. That,rs just how it,'s got to be. COMMISSIONER K.]ELLAIITDER: Excellents. And just for my clarification, are you legaI counsel and are you eligible tso croE E-examine? MR. SOLAIiIDER: Yes, I arn legal counsel for Rocky Mountain Power, and if ttrere are any circumstanceg required, I would be requeE ting the abiliEy to croc Er-examine. COMMISSIONER K'JELLAIIDER: Excellent. And since t,his is a teleptronic trearing and you're, obwiously, on a celI phone and you are driwing, please stay out of any, 1ike, culwertsE or tunnele or anyttring justr 1zoll know, in case you do have to ask a qrrestion. MR . SOLAIiIDER : I ! we pul led over at the COMMISSIONER KiIELLAIIDER: Excellent, because that waE, going to be my next presentation. AIEo, don't text and driwe. I thought I ! d throw that out there too. MR. SOLAIIDER: Thank you . COMMISSIONER KJELLAIIDER: Let ' s see, as we move forward with the proceeding, are there any indiwiduale on ttre phone who wish to testify? The long paue e indicates tshat, ttrere waE no one else on ttre 1ine, and since it was anticipated there would be no one else on the line, it would be my desire 5 o o 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 o 25 Hearing - June 11,2019 at this point to eat into the attorneyrs ceII minutes by tsaking a fiwe-minut,e recess to see if anyone would like to call in. At that point, ttren we'Il reconvene. If there are no new callers, w€ will close the hearing at that point. However, if there are callers, at that point we'11 take their testimony. Ats this point we will go off the record for a period of five minutes. (Break taken. ) COMMISSIONER KiIELLAIiIDER: We r re back on the record after an official fiwe-minute receEE. We'11 just ctreck to Eiee if there are any potential callers who wish to tsestify on the line today. Arrd we're receiwing a signal ttrat there are no potsentsiaI members of the public who wieh to testify on Case No. PAC-E-19-05. Where that takeg rrg, then, is, Mr. Hardie, if you could just make uE aware, officially, for the record, of whatrs 1eft, with this case with regards to any comment period. MR. HARDIE: Yeg. Thank you. The eomments period for public commente iE ,June 18th. That, will be next Tuesday . And then on ,June 2 5 th ttre company can reply to ttroee comments if they desire to. That's it for ttre public. 5 o o L 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1,1 L2 L3 L4 15 15 L7 18 r.9 20 2L 22 23 24 o 25 Hearing - June 11,2019 COMMISSIONER KiIELLAIIDER: Great. Thank you. I appreeiate the update. Are there any ot,her quee tions or comments or mat,ters that need to come before uE in this telephonic trearing? MR . AITTDERSON: No . MS. RAPER: No. COMMISSIONER KiIELLAIiIDER: Is tlrere anyone that we need to hear from from PacifiCorp? MR. SOLATiIDER: I don't beliewe so at t,his point, Chairman. COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER: AII right. Thank you very much for being wittr us today, and I appreciate your participation. And gince there are no ottrer matters to come before uE today in reference to this teleptronic hearingr yr/€ are adjourned. (Hearing concluded at 2tL3 p.m.) 7 o o L 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 L4 15 15 t7 18 1-9 20 2t 22 23 24 25o o o 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 76 !7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 NoT4f u--a-'PltBttc OF REPORTER I S CERTIFICATE I, CINDY LEONHARDT, CSR No. 7L5, Certified Shorthand Reporterr certify; That the foregoing proceedings were taken before me at the time and place therein set forth, at which time the witness was put under oath by me; That the testimony and al-1 obj ections made were recorded stenographically by me and transcribed by me or under my di-rection; That the foregoing is a true and correct record of all testimony given, to the best of my ability; I further relative or employee nor am I financially IN WITNESS certify that I am not a of any attorney or party, interested i-n the action. WHEREOF, I set my -Y+tc o,,,^, hand ,20 and seal this ay of v CTNDY LEONHARDT, C. S. R. No. 715, R. P Notary Public P. O. Box 2636 Boi-se, Idaho 83707-2636 My Commission expires November 28, 2024. o _11_ qXt't( 14 ;,'i* (lt trt o o o I In the Matter of the Application for Approval (Rockly Mountain Power and City of Idaho Falls) Hearing June ll,20l9 A 4:15 I Idaho (6) 3:7 ,18,20,24;4:4,8 indicates (l) 5:23 individuals (l) 5:22 into (1) 6:1 issue (2) 3:13,25 June (2) 6:22,23 K KJELLANDER (14) 3 : 1,8;4: I 5, I 8,22,24;5:3,10, 16,20:6:10:7:1,8,12 known (l) 3:3 Kristine (l) 3:10 o O ability (1) 5:8 Act (l) 3:19 actually (1) 5:1 add (1) 4:3 adjourned (l) 7:16 afternoon (3) 3:l;4:21,24 Agreement (1) 3:5 Anderson (2) 3:10;7:6 anticipated (1) 5:24 appearance (1) 4:10 appearances (l) 4:6 Application (4) 3:4,17,21:4:2 appreciate (2) 7:2,13 Approval (2) 3:4.18 Asset (2) 3:5, I 9 associated (l) 3:15 Attorney (1) 4:7 attorney's (l) 6:l aware (1) 6:18 back (1) 6: l0 background (1) 3: l6 begin (l) 4:7 Break (l) 6:9 call (l) 6:3 callers (3) 6:4,5,12 calling (l) 4:25 can (1) 6:23 J L B left (2) 3:10;6:19 legal (2) 5:4.6 rift (l) 4:16 line (3) 5:24,25;6:13 live (1) 3:24 long (l) 5:23 M C Matter (1) 3'.5 matters (2) 7:4,15 members (l) 6:15 minutes (2) 6:1,8 modified (2) 3:22,23 Mountain (4) 3:6,17;4:23;5:7 move (l) 5:21 much (1) 7:13 5: l8 driving (l) 5:12 E eat (1) 6:l Electric (2) 3:18,19 eligible (1) 5:5 else (2) 5:24,25 emphasis (1) 4:3 entities (l) 3:13 Eric (l) 3:9 Excellent (3) 5:3,10,16 F Falls (l) 3:7 favorite (l) 4:4 final (l) 3:13 first (l) 4: l0 five (l) 6:8 five-minute (2) 6:2.11 forward (1) 5:21 fully (l) 3:14 G car (l) 5:1 Case (6) 3 :3, 1 5, I 6;5 : 1 4;6:16,19 cell (2) 5:12,6:l chairing (l) 3:8 Chairman (l) 7:l I check (l) 6:12 circumstances (l) 5:7 City (l) 3:6 clarification (l) 5:4 close (1) 6:4 Code (1) 3:24 comment (2) 6:20,21 comments (3) 6:22.24;7:3 Commission (3) 3:11,25;4:9 coMMrssroNER (16) 3 : 1,9, 10;4: I 3,15,18,21,24; 5:3, 10, 16,20;6: l0;7: 1,8, 12 company (3) 3:16,21:'6:23 comprise (1) 3:1 I concluded (1) 7:17 conclusion (1) 3:12 conduct (l) 4:l contemplates (l) 3:23 counsel (2) 5:4,6 cross-examine (2) 5.5 q culverts (1) 5:13 General's (l) 4:7 Good (3) 3:1,4:21,24 Great (l) 7:l D H Daniel (2) ,t.)) )\ Dayn (l) 4: l3 deliberate (l) 3:13 desire (2) 5:25;6:24 developed (1) 3:14 drive (1) HARDTE (s) 4:12,13,17;6:17 ,21 hear (l) 7:9 hearing (12) 3 :2,1 2,24;4 : 1,5,1 1,20; 5:l l;6:5:7:5,16,17 heavy (l) 4:16 hope (l) O (9) ability - much In the Matter of the Application for Approval (Rockly Mountain Power and City of ldaho Falls) name (2) 3:8;4: 1 3 need (3) 4:19,7:4,9 new (l) 6:4 next (2) 5:17;6:23 notice (1) 4..1 o N w Way-Broadway (1) 3:5 what's (l) 6:19 wish (3) 5:22;6:12,15 without (l) 3:24 written (l) 3:23 Zolander (l) 4..22 l8th (r) 6:22 2:13 (1) 7:17 2sth (l) 6:23 6l-238 (1) 3:25 Hearing June 11,2019 U (10) name - 6l-238 o o o ultimately (1) 3:13 under (2) 3:18,22 update (l) 7:2 upon (l) 4:1 use (l) 3:22 Utilities (l) 4:9 Utility (l) 3:19obviously (1) 5:12 off (1) 6:7 Office (l) 4:8 official (1) 6:1 I officially (1) 6: l8 one (2) 5:23,25 order (l) 3:14 out (2) 5:13,18 over (l) 5:15 Z P PAC-E-19-06 (3) 3:3,15;6:16 PacifiCorp (l) 7:9 participation (1) 7:14 parties (2) 4:1,19 Paul (l) 3:8 pause (l) 5:23 period (3) 6:8,20,22 phone (2) 5:12,22 place (l) 3:2 please (l) 5:12 pm (1) 7:17 point (6) 6:1.3,5,6,7;7:l I potential (2) 6:12,15 I ) 6 3:6,17:4:22;5:7 S Power (4) 3:6,17;4:23;5:7 presentation (l) 5:17 procedure (2)1.r, )2J.LL.LJ proceeding (l) 5:21 proceedings (1) 3:9 processed (1) 3:22 Professional (1) 3:4 public (6) 3 :25;4: 1,8;6: I 5,22,25 pulled (1) 5:15 Purchase (1) 3:5 purposes (1) 4:19 a quick (l) 3:16 R Section (2) 3:24;4:4 Service (1) 3:6 shall (2) 1.r 5./.. 1 signal (1) 6:14 SOLANDER (6) 4:21;5:l ,6,15, I 9;7: I 0 Stabilization (l) 3: l8 staff (2) 4:8,14 State (l) 3:20 states (1) 3:25 Statute (2) 3:19:.4:4 stay (l) 5:13 submission (1) 3:23 submitted (l) 3:17 Supplier (1) 3:18 T Raper (2) 3:10:7:7 reason (l) 4:3 receiving (l) 6:14 recess (2) 6:2.11 recognized (1) 4:19 reconvene (l) 6:3 record (4) 3:14',6:7 ,11,19 reference (l) 7:15 regards (l) 6: l9 relationship (1) 3:14 reply (l) 6:24 representing (3) 4:8,14,22 requested (l) 3:21 requesting (l) 5:8 required (1) 5:8 right (2) 3:9:7:12 Rocky (4) telephonic (6) 3 :2,12;4: 5 ;5 : | 1 ;7 :4,1 6 testify (3) 5:22;6:13,15 testimony (1) 6:6 thought (l) 5:18 three (l) 3:11 throw (1) 5:18 today (6) 4 :5,1 4,20 ;6: I 3 ;7 : 1 3,1 5 today's (l) 3:9 Transfer (1) 3:5 Transferred (1) 3:19 Tuesday (1) 6:23 tunnels (1) 5:13 Typically (1) 3:22