HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190508PAC to PIIC 1-10.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN BP",yYm*, RECEIVED :0t9 HAY -8 AH t(} I I ,TrLi?iillTJ#Fhl8u,o* 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 May 7,2019 Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. P.O. Box 388 Boise ID, 83701 ron(rDwi I liamsbradbury.com (C) Bradley G. Mullins 333 S.W. Taylor, St 400 Portland, OR97204 brmullins(rDmwanalytics. com (C) RE:ID PAC-E-19-04 PIIC 1't Set Data Request (l-10) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to PIIC l't Set Data Requests l-10. Also provided are Attachments PIIC l-1,2-1,3-1, and 5. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Attachments PIIC I-2,2-2,3-2, 4,6,7, and 9. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions in the protective agreement between PIIC and the Company in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963 Sincerely, -Jsl-J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation EnclosuresC.c. Jim Duke/PIIC jduke(@idahoan.com (W) Val Steiner/PIIC val. steiner@itasof.com (W) Kyle Williams/PlC williamsk@byui.edu (W) Randall C. Budge/\{onsanto rcb@ rac inelaw. net randy(ZD racineolson. com (C) Thomas J. Budge/IVlonsanto ti b@ racinel aw. net (W) Brian C. Collins/Ivlonsanto bcol lins(E consultbai. com (C) Maurice Brubakerilvlonsanto mbrubaker@,consultbai. com (CXW) Diane HaniadIPUC diane.holt@puc. idaho. eov (C) Brad Iverson-Long/IPUC brad.lone@puc.idaho. eov (CXW) 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power N'4.ay 7,2019 PIIC l't Set Data Request I PIIC Data Request I Please provide all questions and answers to all prior data requests between RMP and all other parties in this case, including questions and answers that contain confidential information. The Company does not waive any objections raised in the data request responses included in the attachments. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions in the protective agreement between PIIC and the Company in this proceeding. Recordholder: KaleyMcNay Sponsor: Not Applicable Response to PIIC Data Request 1 Please refer to Attachment PIIC l-1 and Confidential Attachment PIIC l-2. PIIC will be copied on all future responses in the other proceedings as Supplemental Responses to this data request. 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power May 7,2019 PUC l't Set Data Request 2 PIIC Data Request 2 Please provide native copies of all non-confidential and confidential work papers supporting Rocky Mountain Power's filing, including the work papers supporting the Direct Testimony and exhibits of Rocky Mountain Power witresses Wilding and Meredith. Please provide the work papers in Excel format with all links, including links to other documents, retained. To the extent that the work papers link to another document, please provide a copy of the other document as well. Response to PIIC Data Request 2 Native copies of the non-confidential and confidential work papers supporting the application was provided April 23,2019. Notwithstanding please refer to Attachment PIIC 2-1 and Confidential Attachment PIIC 2-2. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions in the protective agreement between PIIC and the Company in this proceeding. Recordholder: Kaley McNay Sponsor: Not Applicable 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power May 7,2019 PIIC l't Set Data Request 3 PIIC Data Request 3 Please provide total-Company actual net power costs detailed on a monthly basis for calendar years 20 1 5 through 20 I 8. In the response, please include both I ) the energy supply management database entries and 2) the underlying fuel supply cost calculations, supporting the actual net power cost report. Please also provide any mapping necessary to assign the database and fuel accounts to line items in the actual net power cost report. Response to PIIC Data Request 3 The Company objects to this request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence given 2015 through 2017 data is not relevant to the 2019 energy cost adjustment mechanism (ECAM), which is based on calendar year 2018 data (January l, 2018 through December 31,2018). Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Attachment PIIC 3-l which provides actual net power costs (NPC) reports for calendar years 2015 through 2018. Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 3-2 which contains the actual NPC database entries, along with their mapping and fuel supply cost calculations for calendar years 2015 through 201 8. Confidential information is provided subject to terms and conditions of the protective agreement between PIIC and the Company in this proceeding. Recordholder: Amie Stevenson Sponsor: Mike Wilding 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power May 7,2019 PIIC I't Set Data Request 4 PIIC Data Request 4 Please provide total-Company actual net power costs in the manner described in PIIC Request No. 3 but for calendar years 2019 through the most recent month available. Please update this report and the underlying data on a monthly basis over the course ofthis proceeding. Response to PIIC Data Request 4 The Company objects to this request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence given 2019 data is not relevant to the 2019 energy cost adjustment mechanism (ECAM), which is based on calendar year 2018 data (January l, 2018 through December 31, 2018). Notwithstanding and without waiving the foregoing objections, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 4 which provides the actual net power costs (NPC) report for calendar year 2019 (January 2019 through March 2019), as well as the actual NPC database entries, along with their mapping and fuel supply cost calculations for calendar year 2019 (January 2019 through March 20re). Notwithstanding the afore-stated objections, the Company will supplement the response to this data request as additional information becomes available. Confidential information is provided subject to terms and conditions of the protective agreement between PIIC and the Company in this proceeding. Recordholder: Amie Stevenson Sponsor: Mike Wilding 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power May7,2019 PIIC I't Set Data Request 5 PIIC Data Request 5 Please provide Rocky Mountain Power's 20 I 8 Idaho results of operations in Excel format with all links and formulas intact. Please provide this information as soon as it is available. Response to PIIC Data Request 5 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 5. Recordholder: Craig Larsen Sponsor: Nick Highsmith 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power May7,2019 PUC I't Set Data Request 6 PIIC Data Request 6 Please provide any work papers supporting the calculation of line 33 of Wilding Exhibit No 1, regarding the Unrecovered Deer Creek Mine lnvestment, and please also provide the amortization schedule for the Deer Creek Mine regulatory asset, including calculation of the remaining tdaho balance. Response to PIIC Data Request 6 Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 6. The Deer Creek Mine regulatory asset was intended to be amortized over 60 months, however due to salvage value proceeds the net amortization period allocated to Idaho resulted in 47 months. Confidential information is provided subject to terms and conditions of the protective agreement between PIIC and the Company in this proceeding. Recordholder: Amie Stevenson Sponsor: Mike Wilding 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power May 7,2019 PUC I't Set Data Request 7 PIIC Data Request 7 Please discuss how the FAS 106 savings associated with the Deer Creek mine transaction are being tracked in the Deer Creek Mine regulatory asset and identifu the total amount of FAS 106 savings recognized, on a total company and Idaho allocated basis, since the Deer Creek Mine transaction. Response to PIIC Data Request 7 ln accordance with Order 33304 in Case PAC-E-14-10, the Company is deferring all Deer Creek mine closure costs, including Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) 106 savings, and will request Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) determination on the treatment of those items in the next general rate case (GRC) filed by the Company in Idaho. The undepreciated Deer Creek mine investment is being recovered through the energy cost adjustment mechanism (ECAM) as a separate line item. Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 7 for the Company's best estimate of the annual incremental non-fuel FAS 106 savings. The portion allocated to Idaho is based on the system overhead (SO) allocation factors from the Idaho regulatory results of operations (ROO) filed annually by the Company. Confidential information is provided subject to terms and conditions of the protective agreement between PIIC and the Company in this proceeding. Recordholder:Amie Stevenson Sponsor:Mike Wilding 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power May 7,2019 PIIC l't Set Data Request 8 PIIC Data Request 8 Please provide all confidential and non-confidential Energy Balancing Account (EBA) Filing Requirements and Additional Filing Requirements submitted in Utah P.S.C Docket 19-035-01. Response to PIIC Data Request 8 The Company cannot legally disclose the information PIIC seeks pursuant to applicable Utah laws including Utah Administrative Code R746-l-602 and R746- 1-603 which prohibit the use or disclosure of confidential information other than for the purpose of the Utah proceeding. Without waiving and notwithstanding the objection, the public information can be accessed at the link below: https://psc.utah. eov/20 I 9/0 I /02ldocket-no- I 9-03 5 -0 I / Recordholder: Yvonne Hogle Sponsor: To Be Determined 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power N'.Iay 7,2019 PIIC I't Set Data Request 9 PIIC Data Request 9 To the extent not included in the EBA filing requirements, please provide the 2018 outage log for each of Rocky Mountain Power's thermal and hydro resource, including a narrative description f,reld. Response to PIIC Data Request 9 Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 9 Confidential information is provided subject to terms and conditions in the protective agreement between PIIC and the Company in this proceeding. Recordholder: Karl Mortensen / Thomas Hickey Sponsor: Mike Wilding 2019 ECAM / Rocky Mountain Power May7,2019 PIIC l't Set Data Request l0 PIIC Data Request 10 Please provide the detailed results of operations for Bridger Coal Company, supporting the Bridger Coal Company fuel costs that PacifiCorp has included in the cost of the Jim Bridger power plant for the period. Response to PIIC Data Request 10 Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Audit Request l, specifically Confidential Attachment IPUC Audit I which provides detailed operational results by month for Bridger Coal Company (BCC) for 2018. Recordholder: David Webb Sponsor: Ted Weston