HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200220PAC to IIPA WA UE (1-22).pdf February 18, 2020 Lance Kaufman 4801 E. Yale Avenue Denver, CO 80219 lance@aegisinsight.com (C) Nina Suetake Public Counsel Unit Office of Attorney General 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2000 Seattle, WA 98104 NinaS@atg.wa.gov (C) Tyler Pepple Davison Van Cleve, P.C. 1750 SW Harbor Way, Suite 450 Portland, OR 97201 tcp@dvclaw.com (C) RE: WA UE-180778 PC-BWP 1st Set Data Request (1-22) Please find enclosed Pacific Power & Light Company’s 14th Supplemental Response to PC-BWP Data Request 1. Also provided are Attachments to PC-BWP 1d and 1e 14th Supplemental. If you have any questions, please call me at 503-813-5410. Sincerely, __/s/___ Ariel Son Regulatory Affairs Manager Enclosures C.c. Matthew Gerhart/Sierra Club matt.gerhart@sierraclub.org (C) Ana Boyd/Sierra Club ana.boyd@sierraclub.org (C) David Panco/WUTC dpanco@utc.wa.gov (C) Nash Callaghan/WUTC nash.callaghan@utc.wa.gov (C) UE-180778 / Pacific Power & Light Company February 18, 2020 PC-BWP Data Request 1 – 14th Supplemental PC-BWP Data Request 1 Please provide copies of any and all data requests submitted to you by any party to the following proceedings and your corresponding responses to those data requests. This is an ongoing request: (a) Public Utility Commission of Oregon Docket No. UM 1968; (b) Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Filing Docket UE-180778; (c) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. PAC-E-18-08; (d) Wyoming Public Service Commission Docket No. 20000-539-EA-18; and (e) Utah Public Service Commission Docket No. 18-035-36. 14th Supplemental Response to PC-BWP Data Request 1 PacifiCorp continues to object to this request as overly broad, unduly burdensome, and outside the scope of this proceeding. Without waiving any objections, the company responds as follows: (a) There has been no additional discovery in Oregon. (b) PC-BWP will be provided copies of discovery on an ongoing basis. (c) There has been no additional discovery in Idaho. (d) There has been no additional discovery in Wyoming. (e) Please refer to Attachment PC-BWP 1e 14th Supplemental. The attachment does not include confidential information because Utah Administrative Code R746-1-602 and R746-1-603 prohibits the use or disclosure of confidential information other than for the purpose of the Utah proceeding. The company does not waive any objections raised in the data request responses included in the attachments. Going forward, PC-BWP will be provided supplemental responses to this data request as requests and responses are received. PREPARER: Kaley McNay Despite PacifiCorp's diligent efforts, certain information protected from disclosure by the attorney-client privilege or other applicable privileges or law may have been included in its responses to these data requests. PacifiCorp did not intend to waive any applicable privileges or rights by the inadvertent disclosure of protected information, and PacifiCorp reserves its right to request the return or destruction of any privileged or protected materials that may have been inadvertently disclosed. Please inform PacifiCorp immediately if you become aware of any inadvertently disclosed information. UE-180778 / Pacific Power & Light Company February 18, 2020 PC-BWP Data Request 1 – 14th Supplemental SPONSOR: Not Applicable Despite PacifiCorp's diligent efforts, certain information protected from disclosure by the attorney-client privilege or other applicable privileges or law may have been included in its responses to these data requests. PacifiCorp did not intend to waive any applicable privileges or rights by the inadvertent disclosure of protected information, and PacifiCorp reserves its right to request the return or destruction of any privileged or protected materials that may have been inadvertently disclosed. Please inform PacifiCorp immediately if you become aware of any inadvertently disclosed information.