HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030521_480.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH COMMISSIONER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY COMMISSION STAFF LEGAL FROM:SCOTT WOODBURY DATE:MAY 9, 2003 RE:CASE NO. PAC-03-7 (PacifiCorp) PETITION OF DEL RAY HOLM On April 24, 2003 , Del Ray Holm (Petitioner) filed a Petition with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) requesting an Order requiring PacifiCorp dba Utah Power & Light Company (PacifiCorp; Company) to provide cost data for installation of underground power lines and related facilities. Petitioner has an interest in farming operations in eastern Idaho located within the UP&L service area and desires to install underground electrical lines and transformation equipment in replacement of overhead lines which service irrigation pivots. Petitioner requests a Commission Order directing UP&L to comply with Petitioner request for cost itemization, including specifications for required equipment in order that Petitioner and Del Ray Holm & Sons Farms can "intelligently and appropriately seek alternative bids" which meet the specifications of UP&L for the installation. Petitioner requests expedited action because ofthe impending irrigation season. On April 29, 2003 , the Commission issued Notices of Petition and Scheduling in Case No. PAC-03-7. On May 7 2003, pursuant to scheduling, PacifiCorp filed its Answer to the Petition of Del Ray Holm and filed also a Motion to Dismiss. PacifiCorp notes that Petitioner has requested not a line extension, but a conversion of existing overhead distribution lines to underground lines. In conjunction with this request Petitioner seeks a Commission order requiring the Company to provide certain detailed cost information. The Company contends that Petitioner s Consultant, Carl Palmer, has already been DECISION MEMORANDUM provided with an itemization of the costs and credits for PacifiCorp s Labor & Vehicle, Material Material Salvage and Accrued Depreciation, which provide the basis ofthe total costs for the two underground conversion proposals that are the subject of Petitioner s request. Even if Petitioner had the option of hiring someone else to convert the Company distribution lines to underground, which option, the Company contends, is not available under existing rules PacifiCorp contends that Petitioner has already been provided sufficient cost data for its evaluation. Accordingly, the Company states there is no need for the Commission to order the disclosure of detailed item-by-item cost information. Preparation and disclosure of detailed cost itemization such as that requested by Petitioner, the Company further contends, would be an unnecessary and unreasonable burden on the Company. The time and expense that would be incurred in such an effort, the Company contends, is not warranted. PacifiCorp notes that Petitioner is requesting cost information for the purpose of seeking and evaluating "alternative bids for the conversion of PacifiCorp s overhead distribution lines to underground lines. However, PacifiCorp notes that Petitioner and its Consultant are operating under the mistaken belief that they have a right under existing rules to have someone else perform overhead to underground conversions ofPacifiCorp s facilities. No such right exists for conversions and relocations, although PacifiCorp s Electric Service Regulation No. 12 does include a provision for "applicant-built line extensions. Under Electric Service Regulation 12, a line "Extension" is defined as "a branch from, a continuation of, or an increase in the capacity of, an existing Company-owned transmission or distribution line. An extension may be single-phase, three-phase or a conversion of a single-phase line to a three-phase line. The Company will own, operate and maintain all extensions made under this regulation." Company Answer, Exhibit A. Pursuant to Regulation , Section 5(a)(1), "an Applicant may contract with someone other than the Company to build a line extension." The Electric Service Regulation, the Company notes, does not include any provision allowing a customer to have someone other than PacifiCorp perform an underground conversion of its facilities. Petitioner s Consultant, the Company states, was advised that a conversion such as that proposed by Petitioner is not a line extension under Regulation 12. With respect to conversions, Regulation 12 provides that when an Applicant or customer requests the replacement of existing overhead distribution facilities with comparable underground facilities the Applicant or customer must elect to either provide all trenching and backfilling, imported DECISION MEMORANDUM backfill material, conduits, and equipment foundations required by PacifiCorp, or pay the Company to provide those items. See Regulation 12, Section 6(a). The regulation does not allow the customer to elect to perform the electrical installation or to provide all the electrical equipment for which Petitioner seeks a cost breakdown, nor does Regulation 12 require the Company to provide any cost breakdown. Arguing that the Company is following its tariffs and that Petitioner is requesting information that is not required under its tariffs, PacifiCorp requests that the relief requested by Petitioner be denied and that the Petition be dismissed. Commission Decision Del Ray Holm has filed a Petition with the Commission requesting disclosure of detailed item-by-item cost information related to Petitioner s proposal to convert certain existing overhead distribution lines to underground lines. PacifiCorp contends that it is complying with its electric service regulations and that it has no obligation to supply the requested information. Does the Commission believe that the established record in Case No. PAC-03-7 is sufficient to resolve the issues raised without further procedure? If so, should the Petition be granted; or should the Petition be denied and dismissed? If the Commission does not have sufficient information, how does the Commission wish to proceed? Scott Woodbury Vld/M:PACEO307 DECISION MEMORANDUM Robert C. Huntley ISB#894 HUNTLEY PARK LLP 250 So. Fifth Street, Suite 660 O. Box 2188 Boise, Idaho 83701 Telephone: 208-388-1230 Facsimile: 208-388-0234 HECEIVEO mFILED 2003 H;H 16 PH 4: 54 1;_ :";-~; tdjLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Attorneys for Plaintiff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION DEL RAY HOLM Case No. PAC-03- Petitioner vs. PETITIONER'S REPLY TO PACIFICORP'S ANSWER AND MOTION TO DISMISS UTAH POWER & LIGHT COMPANY /P ACIFICORP Respondent. COMES NOW Del Ray Holm by and through his attorney, Robert C. Huntley, and presents his reply to PacifiCorp s Answer and Motion to Dismiss as follows: PacifiCorp incorrectly characterizes the Petition as being primarily a "request for itemization of costs - we do indeed need an itemization of the costs but such is meaningless without PacifiCorp providing the " core 0 four request" which is for specifications as to the I ines and transformers so that a competitive bid can be made and a determination can be made whether PacifiCorp is overcharging. Attached hereto as Appendix A is a bid by Arco Electric Inc. based on its assessment ofthe proper specifications for the project. The bid comes in at $47 234 which is approximately 000 BELOW that ofPacifiCorp. The bid is actually approximately $8 000 BELOW that of PacifiCorp because the Arco bid contains $3 000 for secondary conductor which is not included Reply to PacifiCorp s Answer and Motion to Dismiss in the PacifiCorp bid. Petitioner respectfully requests: (a)The PacifiCorp provide the specifications requested; and (b)Regulation 12 be amended as necessary to provide for customer installation of conversions; and (c)The Commission adopt such other relief as necessary to insure that PacifiCorp s monopoly not be used in a manner to inflict unfair and unjust and unreasonable charges and rates upon the Idaho consumer. DATED this 16th day of May, 2003. HUNTLEY PARK LLP . , ~;3obert C. Huntley Reply to PacifiCorp s Answer and Motion to Dismiss - 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 16th day of May, 2003, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was served on the below listed individuals by the method indicated below: Mary S. Hobson STOEL RIVES 101 South Capitol Blvd., Suite 1900 Boise, ill 83702 Fax: 389-9040 Hand Delivered u.S. Mail Overnight Mail--L Facsimile John M. Eriksson STOEL RIVES One Utah Center 201 S. Main St. Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Fax: 801-578-6999 Hand Delivered u.S. Mail Overnight Mail--L Facsimile ~J74d J;4 Robert C. Huntley Reply to PacifiCorp s Answer and Motion to Dismiss - 3 05/16/2003 15: 26 2085228840 PAGE 05 ARCO ELECTRIC INC O. Box 50429 Idaho FaDs, Idaho 83405 208-522-2185 Fax 208-529-3423 Mail arco(8)srv.net This propollll is valid for 30 days From 5/15/2003, unless noted Otherwise. TO: Del Ray Holm 2725 East 500 North Roberts, Idaho 83444 PROJECT: Underground Power conversion on two systems. A 450 HP vertical lift pump, with a 150 HP booster pump. The other for 8 350 lIP verticalUft pump. We propose to furnish all labor, materials, equipment and applicable taxes necessary to complete the electrical installation on the above project, as shown on the drawings and described in the speeifications. Two Transformer Pads 5853. Meter bases, conduits, fittings $5,302. Se(:ondary Wire $867. Place wire in trench 52,383. Road crossing, conduit and place wire in conduit 51,839. 18,000 feet of #1 260 mill 25KV TRXLP cable 518,720. 2 - each SOO KV A Transformers 14,400 Volts 277/480 Volts $10,400. Equipment 51,685. Taxes, permits, overhead and profit 55,185. Appendix~ 05/16/2003 15: 26 2085228840 PAGE 06 TOTAL 547,234. This BID DOES NOT INCLUDE: Bond Premium (if required, add 5566.81) Cost of Utilities for eonltrumoD purposes ARCO ELECTRIC INC. $. /I:A~ Anthony E. Pusino Vice President State License #C3513 Public Works ##11698-AAA-4 (14) 05/16/2003 15: 26 2085228840 PAGE O. BOX!04Z9, m WEST 15'111 STREET, IDAIIO FALLS, IDADO U4O5 nLEPRONE 1-~2115 F.\X :ze&-5%!)-3423 ;:ji~7~"ffii,t~rJ:~tT" , ::~; , May 15, 2003 Mr. Del Ray Holm 2725 East 500 North Roberts, Idaho 83444 Subject: Underground Power :.., D~at Del Ray; :~\.'.. ', ,~:,.. " ~r reviewing your work scope to convert from overhead power to underground ,~:,:,;:? , :, ~ b~lieve we ~ sav:e,you money over the current proposal from Utah : :;ji:, '" '~. " "" ..:~\, .: .,' , :, ' ~Llght. As WIth their proposal we have figured that you as the owner WIll ::~':'..,;.." ,:~':~:~' ~"trenching and backfill. We will provide the wire, the road crossing, the ..:(~" : :;;~: :,', ' ,"'1 '~' , /" pad and transformer along with connections to your existing pumps. .'.. ':i, " .':" \';' "'k,';~~;I'" ", ., :\:~~i~r: ~:f; :;::' '~;'~~:!. ~~~f\~ According to our calculations #4 Alum 15kv cable is adequate for the loads , ,",, ', ":~":!:~;:':~" "in question. Also we are proposing cross-link Polyethylene tmderground , , .. t;:'i:~' :' cable. ~J~;' ::: UP&L's proposal shows two 500 KV A transformers md pad design. This is ok for the larger insmllation, however a 300 KV A transfonner is adequate for the smaller pump installation. Weare assuming you will be metering your pump installations at 480 Volt I have assumed that some one else will remove the existing overhead line once your undergroW1d work is installed. We look forward to this opportunity to work with you on this project. ~E. ?~~, "~'::" ~~:;09:.~i;,;i:""~"';' ;;' ~iI~" ~;, :::::a1~~'!tf""),~1'~'f,,~;~v1 :;~, .. .~~":_&~j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .