HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190117PAC to Staff 13-20.pdfECEIVED ROCKY MOUNTAIN BP.HE.#",,i^ ISSION 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 RE: January 17,2019 Diane Hanian Edward Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 diane. holt(a).puc. idaho. eov (c) edward/j ewell@puc. idaho. qov (C) ID PAC-E-I8-08 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request (13-20) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 3'd Set Data Requests 13-20. Also provided is Attachment IPUC 13. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Attachments IPUC 15, 16, and 18. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms of the non-disclosure agreement in this docket. Sincerely, 1sl- J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Ronald L. WilliamslPllC ron(dwilliamsbradbury.com (C) Brad Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com Jim Duke/PIIC i duke(didahoan.com Kyle Williams/PtrC williamsk@b)rui.edu Val Steiner/PIIC val. steiner@itafos. com Randall C. Budge/IMonsanto rcb @rac inel aw. net (C) Thomas J. Budge/I\rlonsanto tj b(E racinelaw. net (CXW) Maurice Brubaker/]vlonsanto mbrubaker@consultbai.com (C) Ben Otto/ICL botto(d.idahoconservation.ore (C) Eric Olsen/IIPA elo(d,echohawk. com (C) Dr. Lance Kaufrnar/IIPA lance@aeeisinsieht.com (C) Anthony YankeVIIPA tony(@yankel.net (C) Matthew Gerhart/Sierra Club matt. eerhart(d sierraclub. ors Ana Boyd/S ierra Club ana. boyd(rD.sierraclub. ors ?lliiJflF{ i? AFI ll:2? PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January 17,2019 IPUC 3"1 Set Data Request l3 IPUC Data Request 13 According to Exhibit No 7, page 1, in Timothy Hemstreet testimony, Viva Naughton is exempt from FERC License. Please explain what makes Viva Naughton exempt. Response to IPUC Data Request 13 Viva Naughton was exempted from licensing requirements as contained in Part I of the Federal Power Act because it met the definition of a small hydroelectric project of five megawatts (MW) or less. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 13, which provides a copy of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) exemption for the Viva Naughton hydroelectric project, dated August 6,1982. Recordholder: Todd Olson Sponsor: Tim Hemstreet U,;Dq ocoonU!46 dq,JO B.oo3'(o!xo!o90EU}uoo!A (r)o L, ofo-c ooc o-troL: ={ suJ Jv otr >a/o c!O '-!oo! 6! O €6 cq !! qo OO,d O q.O.d Ou- d O ! >o.i c oo.O Odc O c c.0 A-i q -a./ 6 c, risO04 9oO@ o.Acuc.a0r or.iu d < oqLU E lJr.d0-6 E o ! 0.d uo.E,O.CO!-Oaa1 , O,co c ooo.c c, oq.a./ u r, .-a o t oI !^ O ! G.aE d6-!ou6.i oq!o!OaE-OOOu t En 0,a- O i 0 O6oO a)60x 66rQOCO4'O .vI o -o ir!i o !dO . ! > Oc6 cd O O.d ca O ! q! !c.A c o o oa.i ! O ! o6-C od O cu uc, q u.c.i u.d'J.a(, U ! C,Iu]l oo'o uco a oo.o./ qEEc io t-i.i!-aladE>!< o ., Oat,ouDL ! O O! .i'Oo. .d.t q >U E >rs Eoi o ./ o 6' o!@d O! O'/D c o.i 6 0 0 q-x o o o o@E.AO rO.CrOO-dE,o6qo..r eo c6v60Eq.O 6,O!O - E o-a c o 6 u'JEOUO=OO -O C O.i O! Ol:t6dJ,!Ia ).a u O !o 4 0! ! o.c! u o o o o! >D.i!O.uOO' dOrI E U AU O! C AoqE O uoOeO'i U>ri u ! 0, !ou 6 .-6OOOU4 O=6'a O 3 ! !,i o o tu9o od'-o !Jo2 6D ! !L6)O@qeo o uc-o-o. >! . c DO Cq! O . 'd OZ 6 U./- ecot,< oN !.iuEo q@ oEu o! !.io oo E ' E >EO!oOO. !!4 XQOO O .a oo N c !a ao .r0,oJ o ar > E !-a -a99t .iC,!e o 6 de! aoq f q Eo !N dJ O C ! Oo ooL { o.Xd 3O ^F)o O- €J |!- !uOA E- OO! -!iq qElN 4fr c>6iqiN c 3 =u O.< O-O3 > < .atsc aHo ' uoo, t €ouc\Dco outD t-ad, .Auo c6 42cOtuq. O.>r6i OD eD .z Eu4a 6 t,.o o O Ott 13 oo6ri -a oOi5!.i aur 'l:4CF 6U ! !! F-i Oc c o qEoc o^-i O EEt< ^o o<g'rO!. !o9.i - O ! ! 6 L v6EO,.dO. 6 re ) ca) ND o Oo '@c x o!@ c)66D!oi Za I I I 8 oo ,r,moa,ooo.aC orE@!eO ec o o>! 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H o{=(JEHO.(uL) =><4oLFo5 u3o(,Fro<dq>(,a&o@ HOz( oAaL t^ No F o\o o ol :lHl PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January 17,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 14 IPUC Data Request 14 On line 54 in the spreadsheet titled AWEC 0013 exhibit 2 CONF that has capital additions identified on Cell 16l, which states "VivaNaughton FERC Compliance CYIT-}0," please provide a listing of all projects and their projected costs to achieve FERC compliance. Response to IPUC Data Request 14 The capital addition "Viva Naughton FERC Compliance CYlT-20. is one multi- year project. Although the project title may be interpreted as having many embedded projects, it is only one project that will have capital spending over several years. The project work includes removal of the fuseplug, installation of a new emergency spillway and an erosion protection wall in the existing service spillway, geotechnical investigations, design, permitting, construction, and quality control. The projected cost is $4.8 million, placed in service in2020, as provided with the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 14, specifically Attachment Monsanto I 4- 1. Recordholder: Ryan Witbeck / Mike Mortensen Sponsor: To Be Determined IPUC Data Request 15 Please provide a schedule showing all capital projects planned for 2018, 2019, and2020, including the planned cost for each the following plants: (a) Naughton (b) Dave Johnston (c) Hunter (d) Huntington (e) Jim Bridger (f) Wyodak PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence within the scope of this proceeding. Without waiving these objections, the Company responds as follows: Providing all capital projects less than $l million would be voluminous and overly burdensome; thus, the attachment provides capital projects over $1 million for the steam generation plants specified above. Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 15 for forecasted capital projects, for the steam generation plants specified above, from October 2018 through December 2020. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms of the non-disclosure agreement in this docket. Recordholder: Tom Evans / Justus Evangelista Sponsor: To Be Determined PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January I7,2019 IPUC 3d Set Data Request 15 Response to IPUC Data Request 15 PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January 17,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 16 IPUC Data Request 16 Please reconcile the schedule above with the amounts in the Attachment Monsanto l4-1, as provided in response to Monsanto's Production Request No. 14. Response to IPUC Data Request 16 The Company assumes that the reference to "schedule above" is intended to be a reference to IPUC Data Request 15. Based on the foregoing assumption, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 16 for a reconciliation of schedules provided with the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 15. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms of the non-disclosure agreement in this docket. Recordholder: Kent Ipson Sponsor: To be Determined PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January 17,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request l7 IPUC Data Request 17 Please update the 2018 capital additions and retirements as provided in response to Monsanto's Production Request No. 14 with actual amounts. Response to IPUC Data Request 17 Due to the timing of this request, the Company's actual results for capital additions and retirements as of December 3 I , 201 8 is not possible at this time. The Company will supplement this response in early March 2019, after PacifiCorp's December 31,2018, Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) Form l0-K has been filed with the SEC. Recordholder: Justus Evangelista/Kent lpson Sponsor: To be Determined PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January 17,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 18 IPUC Data Request 18 Please provide the Ownership and Operating Agreements for each of the coal units not fully owned by the Company. Response to IPUC Data Request 18 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 18 for the respective joint-owned power plants ownership and operations agreements. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms of the non-disclosure agreement in this docket. Recordholder: Megan Withroder Sponsor: Chad Teply PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January 17,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 19 IPUC Data Request 19 For each of the coal units referenced in Request No. 18, please provide a detailed explanation by unit of any contractual limitations the Company has for shortening the operating life of the unit to match the depreciation lives provided in the Company's filing. Response to IPUC Data Request 19 PacifiCorp objects to this data request as the request asks for legal analysis of the Company's contractual obligations which are dictated by individual plant definitive agreements. These definitive agreements are often ambiguous or silent on precise issues related to operating responsibilities or decisions, thus needing legal interpretation of the Company's contractual obligations and liabilities. Recordholder: Megan Withroder Sponsor: Chad Teply PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January 17,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 20 IPUC Data Request 20 Please provide all analyses conducted by PacifiCorp that supports the proposed sequence of depreciation end-dates: Cholla Unit 4 and Craig Unit I in2025, Craig Untt2 in2026, Colstrip Units 3 and 4 in 2027, and Jim Bridger Unit 1 in2028. Please explain to what extent this date sequence is based on the age of plants, PVRR, reliability, operating agreements, or other factors? Response to IPUC Data Request 20 Cholla Unit 4: Per testimony from company witness, Chad A. Teply, PacifiCorp is recommending to accelerate the depreciable life for Cholla Unit 4 from2042 to 2025 to align with the unit's approved Regional Haze Rule compliance obligations. The United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the Arizona State Implementation Plan (SIP) incorporating an alternative Regional Haze compliance approach that avoids selective catalytic reduction (SCR) installation by retiring the coal unit by the end of April 2025, with the option of natural gas conversion by end of July 2025. PacifiCorp arralyzed various Regional Haze compliance alternatives for Cholla Unit 4 as part of the 2015 Integlated Resource Plan (IRP), specifically Confidential Volume III, to pages 28 through 45. A redacted version of the 2015 IRP, specifically Confidential Volume III can be accessed by utilizing the following website link: http://www.pacificorp.com/content/dam/pacificorp/doc/Enerey_Sources/Inteqrate d Resource Plan/2015 20l5IRP-Vol3-C oalAnalvsis- REDACTED.pdf By 2025, Cholla Unit 4 will be 44 years old. PacifiCorp owns 100 percent of Cholla Unit 4 and shares common facilities that support non-owned units at the Cholla plant with Arizona Public Service Company (APS). APS is the plant operator. The Cholla power plant is interconnected to APS' transmission system and APS maintains responsibility for transmission reliability on that system. Craie Unit 1: PacifiCorp is recommending acceleration of the depreciable life for Craig Unit I from2034 to 2025 to align with the unit's approved Regional Haze Rule compliance timeline as per Mr. Teply's testimony. The U.S. EPA approved the Colorado SIP incorporating an alternative RegionalHaze compliance approach that avoids SCR installation by retiring the coal unit by the end of December 2025,withthe option of natural gas conversion. Craig Unit 1 will be 45 years old in2025. PacifiCorp's20l7IRP and 2017IRP Update preferred portfolios assume Craig Unit 1 retires at the end of 2025. Further discussion of the 2017 IRP and20l7 IRP Update preferred portfolios can be accessed by utilizing the following website link to PacifiCorp's 2017 IRP and 2017 IRP Update: PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January 17,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 20 http://www.pacifi corp.com/content/dam/pacificorp/doc/Enerev Sources/Inteerate,{ p-.^,.-^- pl.-/1nr'7 rDDtlnl7 IPP Vnhrmcl TPP E'inql ndf and http : //www.pac i fi corp. com/contenVdam/pacifi corp/doc/Ener gy_Sources/Inte grate d Resource_Plar/20 I 7%20IRP%20Update/20 I 7_IRP_Update.pdf Crais Unit 2: Per Mr. Teply's testimony, PacifiCorp's recommendation to accelerate the depreciable life for Craig Unit 2 from 2034 to 2026 is to facilitate least-cost, least-risk analysis, decision making and planning as Craig Unit I approaches retirement in2025. The unit will be 47 years old in 2026.PacifiCorp's previously filed [RP's have not included analysis of a Craig Unit22026 retirement date. That analysis is being performed as part of the 2019 IRP process that is currently in-progress. Colstrip Unit 3 and Colstrio Unit 4: In the same light as Craig Untt2, to facilitate least-cost, least-risk analysis, decision making and planning, PacifiCorp's recommendation is to accelerate the depreciable life of Colstrip Unit 3 and Colstrip Unit 4. Puget Sound Energy (PSE), a25 percent owner has settlement agreements in place with regulators to accelerate depreciable life of the units to 2027. Avista, joint owner that holds 15 percent ownership is currently in settlement negotiations with regulators to do the same. PacifiCorp's understanding is that stakeholders in Colstrip Unit 1 and Colstrip Untt2, which share common facilities with Colstrip Unit 3 and Colstrip Unit 4, have agreed to retire those units in 2022.Retirement of Colstrip Unit 1 and Colstrip Urrtt2 could put upward pressure on cofirmon costs sharing when only Colship Unit 3 and Colstrip Unit 4 remain operating. Colstrip Unit 3 and Colstrip Unit 4 will be 43 years old and 4 I years old, respectively , n 2027 . PacifiCorp's previously filed IRP's have not included analysis of a Colstrip Unit 3 and Colstrip Unit 4 2027 retirement date. That analysis is being performed as part of the 2019 IRP process that is currently in-progress. Jim Brideer Unit l: PacifiCorp's2017 IRP and 2017 IRP Update preferred portfolios analyzed the economics of Jim Bridger Unit I assuming a retirement at the end of 2028 in lieu of SCR implementation by December 2022 and continued operation through the units currently approved depreciable life of 2037. The 2028 retirement scenario economics demonstrate customer benefits when compared to the SCR implementation scenario. As such, PacifiCorp is recommending to align the depreciation of Jim Bridger Unit I to the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio. The recommendation is to accelerate Jim Bridger Unit l's depreciable life from2037 to 2028. The discussion of the 2028 early retirement analysis in-lieu of SCR implementation in 2022 is reflected in pages 73 through 75 of PacifiCorp's 2017 IRP Update and can be accessed by utilizing the following website link: PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power January 17,2019 IPUC 3'd Set Data Request 20 http://www.pacificom.com/contenVdam/pacificorp/doc/Energ],_Sources/lnteerate d_Resource_Plan/20 I 7%20IRP%20Update/20 I 7_IRP-Update.pdf The discussion of the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio assumptions that assume Jim Bridger retires in2028 inJieu of SCR can be accessed by utilizing the following website link: http://www.pacificorp.com/contenVdam/pacificorp/doc/Energ)r_Sources/Inteerate d_Resource Plan/2 0 I 7_IRP/2 0 I 7_IRP_VolumeI_IRP_Final.pdf Jim Bridger Unit 1 will be 54 years old by 2028. Recordholder: Irene Heng / Shay LaBray Sponsor: Chad Teply / Rick Link