HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190108PAC to IIPA OCS 1e Set 3 (1-7).pdfJanuary 3, 2019 Cheryl Murray Office of Consumer Services 160 East 300 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 cmuray@utah.gov (C) Donna Ramas Ramas Regulatory Consulting, LLC 4654 Driftwood Drive Commerce Twp., MI 48382 donnaramas@aol.com (C) RE: UT Docket No. 18-035-36 OCS 3rd Set Data Request (1-7) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power’s Responses to OCS 3rd Set Data Requests 3.1-3.6 and Redacted and Confidential Response to OCS 3.7. Also provided is Attachment OCS 3.2. Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah Rule 746-1- 602 and 746-1-603. If you have any questions, please call me at (801) 220-2823. Sincerely, ___/s/___ Jana Saba Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c. Erika Tedder/DPU dpudatarequest@utah.gov (C) Roxie McCullar/DPU RoxieMcCullar@consultant.com (C) Sophie Hayes/WRA sophie.hayes@westernresources.org (C) Nancy Kelly/WRA nkelly@westernresources.org (C) Penny Anderson/WRA penny.anderson@westernresources.org (W) Gary A. Dodge/UAE gdodge@hjdlaw.com (W) Phillip J. Russell/UAE prussell@hjdlaw.com (C) Kevin Higgins/UAE khiggins@energystrat.com (C) Neal Townsend/UAE ntownsend@energystrat.com (C)(W) Courtney Higgins/UAE chiggins@energystrat.com (C)(W) Justin Bieber/UAE jbieber@energystrat.com (C)(W) Hunter Holman/UCE hunter@utahcleanenergy.org (C) Sarah Wright/UCE sarah@utahcleanenergy.org (C) 1407 W. North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84116 18-035-36 / Rocky Mountain Power January 3, 2019 OCS Data Request 3.1 OCS Data Request 3.1 Refer to the Second Supplemental Testimony of Steven R. McDougal, lines 23 – 26, which states that “The amount of current tax reduction not reflected in rates, along with the non-protected excess deferred income taxes (“EDIT”) balances will be used to reduce Utah’s share of the Dave Johnston plant’s current net book value by offsetting depreciation expense.” Additionally, lines 48 – 50 state: “Since the Company cannot separate and buy down the Utah allocated share of each Qualifying Thermal Plant’s net book value, the Company will make an accounting entry to offset Utah’s estimated share of the annual depreciation expense.” a. Since the Company proposes that the adjustment be made to the annual depreciation expense instead of to the net book value of the Dave Johnston plants to which the depreciation rates are applied, please confirm that the Utah jurisdictional amount of the current tax reduction not reflected in rates and the non-protected EDIT (shown as $183,461,000 in the workpapers provided with the second supplemental filing and in Settlement Attachment 1 in Docket No. 17-035-69) will be reflected as an offset to rate base in the next rate case. If not confirmed, please explain in detail why not and explain how ratepayers will receive the benefit of the rate base offset associated with these balances in future rate cases. b. If the anticipated offset to rate base in the next rate case associated with the Utah jurisdictional amount of the current tax reduction not reflected in rates and the non- protected EDIT differs from $183,461,000, please provide the Company’s current best estimate of the amount and explain why the amount differs from the $183,461,000 identified in the “Depreciation Buy Down” column of Settlement Attachment 1 in Docket No. 17-035-69 Response to OCS Data Request 3.1 a. The Company confirms that a rate base offset for the current tax reduction and the non-protected EDIT will be included in the next general rate case. b. The Company’s estimated offset to rate base associated with the Utah jurisdictional current tax amount and the non-protected EDIT does not differ from the $183,461,000 estimate provided. 18-035-36 / Rocky Mountain Power January 3, 2019 OCS Data Request 3.2 OCS Data Request 3.2 Refer to the Second Supplemental Testimony of Steven R. McDougal, lines 23 – 26, which states that “The amount of current tax reduction not reflected in rates, along with the non-protected excess deferred income taxes (“EDIT”) balances will be used to reduce Utah’s share of the Dave Johnston plant’s current net book value by offsetting depreciation expense.” Additionally, lines 48 – 50 state: “Since the Company cannot separate and buy down the Utah allocated share of each Qualifying Thermal Plant’s net book value, the Company will make an accounting entry to offset Utah’s estimated share of the annual depreciation expense.” Paragraph 40 of the Settlement Stipulation in Docket No. 17-035-69 states: “Parties agree that the non-protected EDIT balances will be used to accelerate depreciation of the Dave Johnston thermal generation plant, reducing Utah’s share of the plant’s current net book balance. The accelerated depreciation and non-protected EDIT balance reduction will be recorded prior to year- end 2018.” a. Please explain how the Company’s proposed treatment of offsetting depreciation expense is consistent with Paragraph 40 of the Stipulation. b. Please provide a copy of the journal entries used by the Company to record the accelerated depreciation and non-protected EDIT balance referenced in Paragraph 40 of the Stipulation. If the FERC accounts are not identified in the journal entries, then please identify the respective FERC accounts. If the journal entries have not yet been made, then provide the anticipated journal entries and update this response with the actual entries when recorded on the Company’s books. Response to OCS Data Request 3.2 a. The Company will make an accounting entry to record a liability balance for the amount of current tax reduction not reflected in rate and the non-protected EDIT balances associated with the accelerated depreciation of the Dave Johnston plant’s net book value. This liability balance will be debited and the offset will be credited to deferred tax expense. Accumulated depreciation will be credited with the same amount and the offset will be debited to the Utah allocated depreciation expense for the Dave Johnston plant. The net impact of these entries will result in a decrease to Utah’s share of the Dave Johnston plant’s net book balance. As the Company annually depreciates the Dave Johnston plant, the Company will make an accounting entry to offset Utah’s estimated share of the annual depreciation expense. Please refer to Data Response OCS 3.4b for further explanation. b. The journal entries have not yet been made but will be recorded as part of the Company’s year-end accounting process in early January. Please see Attachment OCS 3.2 for the detailed journal entries, which include the respective FERC accounts. 18-035-36 / Rocky Mountain Power January 3, 2019 OCS Data Request 3.3 OCS Data Request 3.3 Refer to the Second Supplemental Testimony of Steven R. McDougal, lines 86 - 87, which states: “The amounts shown in the Total Utah Balance reflected in Table B of the Stipulation did not include the net salvage associated with interim retirements.” Please provide a version of Table B of the Stipulation that includes an additional column for the estimated “net salvage associated with interim retirements” and the revised “Total Utah Balance.” Response to OCS Data Request 3.3 Below is a revised version of Table B of the Stipulation, adding the estimated net salvage associated with interim retirements. TABLE B Utah Projected Net Book Balance Utah Projected Decomm. Subtotal Utah Utah Projected Interim Net Salvage Total Utah Balance Cholla Unit 4 $122 million $9 million $131 million $2 million $133 million Craig Units 1 & 2 $47 million $1 million $48 million $1 million $49 million Colstrip Units 3 & 4 $51 million $6 million $57 million $1 million $58 million Jim Bridger Unit 1 $42 million $4 million $46 million $1 million $47 million Jim Bridger Unit 2 $54 million $4 million $58 million $2 million $60 million Total $340 million $347 million 18-035-36 / Rocky Mountain Power January 3, 2019 OCS Data Request 3.4 OCS Data Request 3.4 Refer to the Second Supplemental Testimony of Steven R. McDougal, lines 68 - 71, which states: “The Company is proposing to hold the Utah Accrual Adjustment constant and will true-up any differences in the Company’s next depreciation study or at a time of plant closure, whichever is sooner. The differences will be shown in the Company’s results of operations report filed with the PSC.” a. Please provide an example of the format that will be used in future results of operations reports to show the differences caused by the dynamic Utah allocation factor. b. Please explain, in detail, how the differences caused by the change in Utah allocation factors will be calculated. Include a sample calculation for clarity. c. By stating that the “Utah Accrual Adjustment” will remain constant, does this mean that an annual dollar amount of accrual on a Utah jurisdictional basis will be calculated as of 12/31/20 based on the actual plant balances as of that date, with that amount then remaining constant until a future depreciation case? d. By stating that the “Utah Accrual Adjustment” will remain constant, does this mean that Utah Accrual Adjustment presented in this case will be based on the forecasted 12/31/20 amounts included in the Company’s filing on a Utah jurisdictional basis, with the amount presented in the Second Supplemental filing remaining constant until a future depreciation case? e. Please confirm that the actual “Utah Accrual Adjustments” that will be used in the next rate case will be determined based on the actual December 31, 2020 balances by plant and not based on the estimated 2020 plant balances contained in the depreciation filing. If not confirmed, explain, in detail, why the actual Utah Accrual Adjustments will not be determined based on the actual plant balances. f. Please more fully explain how the “Utah Accrual Adjustment” that the Company is proposing to remain constant will be determined and indicate when the final amount of the Utah Accrual Adjustment will be determined. Response to OCS Data Request 3.4 a. The Company will account for the Utah Accrual Adjustment in separately identified accounts allocated situs to Utah. The Utah Accrual Adjustment is a fixed amount whereas depreciation expense and reserve will be allocated based on the appropriate allocation factor. Both accounts will be provided in the Company’s unadjusted accounting data submitted in the B-Tabs of the Utah results of operations. b. In the workpapers provided in this docket, supporting RMP Exhibit 1, Excel tab “UT Depr Study” column Z, the “Utah Accrual Adjustment,” reflects the adjustment that will be made to offset actual annual depreciation expense. This adjustment was calculated using a 43.5042% System Generation (“SG”) allocation factor from the Utah December 2017 Results of Operations report. If the SG allocation factor were to increase for Utah in a future results of operations, the amount of actual depreciation expense would not equal the adjustment to depreciation expense as calculated in the 18-035-36 / Rocky Mountain Power January 3, 2019 OCS Data Request 3.4 workpapers. A similar difference would happen if Utah’s SG allocation factor were to decrease. c. No. The Company has calculated this adjustment based on projected balances as of December 31, 2020. This is consistent with the Company’s calculation and approval of the depreciation rates used in the depreciation study filed in this docket. d. Yes. e. Please see OCS Data Response 3.4c. f. The amount included in filing is assumed to be the final Utah Accrual Adjustment and will not be updated until the Company’s next depreciation study filing. 18-035-36 / Rocky Mountain Power January 3, 2019 OCS Data Request 3.5 OCS Data Request 3.5 Refer to the Second Supplemental Testimony of Steven R. McDougal, lines 27 - 30, which states: “The STEP Depreciation Funds will be used to offset depreciation expense and reduce Utah’s share of the plant’s current net book value of the Qualified Thermal Plant units listed in Table 1 below, to the extent possible, in the order listed.” (underline added) Additionally, lines 40 – 42 state: “To buy down the Qualifying Thermal Plants, the Company reflected an offset as a STEP Adjustment or Tax Settlement Adjustment to the estimated December 31, 2020 net book value and calculated annual depreciation amount of the revised work paper supporting Exhibit RMP__(SRM-1).” (underline added) Is it the Company’s proposal that the actual Utah Accrual Adjustments to be used in the next rate case be based on the amounts calculated in the Second Supplemental Filing, or will the amounts be recalculated at the time of the next rate case to reflect: a) updated projections of the December 31, 2020 net book values; and b) updated projection of the December 31, 2020 STEP fund balance? Please explain your response. Response to OCS Data Request 3.5 The Company is proposing to use the amounts calculated in the Second Supplemental Filing for the actual Utah Accrual Adjustments in the next rate case. Consistent with the treatment in a depreciation study filing, where the plant balances are projected forward and used to develop a depreciation rate, the plant balances are not recalculated upon a rate case filing. The Company will be updating to the actual STEP fund balance to ensure the appropriate funds are available for the acceleration of the Qualified Thermal Plants. 18-035-36 / Rocky Mountain Power January 3, 2019 OCS Data Request 3.6 OCS Data Request 3.6 Paragraph 47 of the Stipulation in Docket 17-035-69 indicates, in part, that “The Parties further agree that the available STEP Depreciation Funds on December 31, 2020 will be used to accelerate depreciation and reduce the Total Utah Balance of the Qualifying Thermal Plant units listed…” Please confirm that at the time of the next rate case, the Company will reduce the amount included in rate base for the Utah balance of the Qualifying Thermal Plants by the amount of STEP funds projected to be available as of December 31, 2020. If not confirmed, explain in detail why not. Response to OCS Data Request 3.6 The Company confirms that the rate base will reflect reduced Utah balances of the Qualifying Thermal Plants by the amount of STEP funds applied towards the accelerated depreciation of the plants as of December 31, 2020. 18-035-36 / Rocky Mountain Power January 3, 2019 OCS Data Request 3.7 OCS Data Request 3.7 Refer to the Second Supplemental Testimony of Steven R. McDougal, lines 43 - 45, which indicates that the Utah-allocated share was calculated based on the December 2017 ROO Utah SG factor of 43.5042%. a. Please provide the actual Utah SG factor based on the December results of operations for 2013 through 2016. b. Please provide the current Utah SG factor. c. Please provide the Company’s current best projection of the Utah SG factor as of December for the years 2018 through 2025. Confidential Response to OCS Data Request 3.7 a. Please see the below: Year Utah SG factor 2013 43.0745% 2014 43.3300% 2015 43.7438% 2016 43.0182% b. The Utah SG allocation factor for June 2018 Result of Operations is 43.2964%. c. Please see the confidential table below: ____ ___________ ____ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ ____ ______ Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah Rule 746-1-602 and 746-1-603.