HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181226PAC to PIIC 1-7.pdf1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 December 26,2018 Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. Pacifi Corp Idaho Industrial Customers 802 W. Bannock St., Suite 900 Boise,ldaho 83702 ron@williamsbradbury.com (C) RE ID PAC-8.18.08 PIIC 1't Set Data Request (1-7) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to PIIC l't Set Data Requests 1-7. Also provided is Attachment PIIC 2. Sincerely, Jr4 J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Diane Hanian/IPUC diane.holt@puc.idaho.gov (C) Edward Jewell/PUC Edward j ewell@nuc. idaho. gov (C) Brad Mullins/?llC brmull ins@mwanalytics. com (e-mail only) Jim DukelPIIC i duke@idahoan.com Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui. edu Val Steiner/PIIC val. steiner@,itafos. com Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker@consultbai.com (C) Ben Otto/ICL botto@idahoconservation.org (C) Eric Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawk.com (C) Dr. Lance Kaufman/IIPA lance@.ae gisinsi ght. com (C) Anthony Yankel/IIPA tony@yankel.net (C) Matthew Gerhart/S i erra Club matt. eerhart@ sierraclub. org Ana Boyd/Sierra Club ana.bovd@sierraclub.ore Randall C. BudgeAvlonsanto rcb@racinelaw,net (C) Thomas J. BudgeAvlonsanto tj b@racinelaw.n"t (CXW) PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 PIIC I't Set Data Request 1 PIIC Data Request I Please provide all questions and answers to all prior data requests between RMP and all other parties in this case, including questions and answers that contain confi dential information. Response to PIIC Data Request I Please refer to IIPA 1.1. Recordholder: Kaley McNay Sponsor: Not Applicable PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 PIIC lst Set Data Request 2 PIIC Data Request 2 Please provide RMP's 2017 results of operations in Excel format with all formulas intact. Response to PIIC Data Request 2 Please refer to Attachment PIIC 2 for copies of the Idaho December 20i7 result of operations report. Recordholder: Steve McDougal Sponsor: Steve McDougal PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 PIIC I't Set Data Request 3 PIIC Data Request 3 Reference PAC/202, Spanos/43-44: For each production plant identified in the life span tables on the referenced pages, please identify the total embedded cost of the resource in 2015, 2016, and 2017. Please detail the embedded cost by FERC account. By "embedded cost" PIIC means the total "revenue requirement" of the unit, excluding variable power costs. The power cost data is requested in a separate request. The cost data should be based on PacifiCorp's results of operations for 2015,2016, and20L7. PIIC would like PacifiCorp to provide the revenue requirement data by unit and FERC account using the same methodology PacifiCorp is proposing to use in the CLEAR plan for resource valuation in the context of the Multi-State Process. The cost categories would include Depreciation Expenses, Non-NPC Operating Cost, Fuel Stock, ADIT, EDFIT, Gross Plant, Accumulated Depreciation, and any other category of costs PacifiCorp believes is relevant when considering the cost of the respective resources. Response to PIIC Data Request 3 PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Total revenue requirement is based on state specific policy issues, and includes costs that are not broken down on a resource by resource basis. Recordholder: Yvonne Hogle Sponsor: Not Applicable PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2418 PIC 1't Set Data Request 4 PIIC Data Request 4 Please provide total-Company actual net power costs detailed on a monthly basis for calendar years 2008 through 2017. Please include the database entries and all fuel supply cost calculations for the period in their native format, including any mapping necessary to assign the database and fuel accounts to line items in the power cost report, as well as all links between the database and fuel data to the actual net power cost report. Response to PIIC Data Request 4 PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. The depreciation study addresses fixed costs, not variable costs. Recordholder: Yvonne Hogle Sponsor: Not Applicable PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 PIIC 1't Set Data Request 5 PIIC Data Request 5 Please provide total-Company actual net power costs in the manner described in AWEC Data Request No. 0024, but for calendar years 2018 and 2019 through the most recent month available. Please update this report and the underlying data on a monthly basis through the pendency of this proceeding. Response to PIIC Data Request 5 The Company assumes that the reference to "AWEC Data Request No. 0024" is in error and that the correct and intended reference is to "P[C Data Request 4." Based on the foregoing assumption, the Company responds as follows: PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. The depreciation study addresses fixed costs, not variable costs. Recordholder: Yvonne Hogle Sponsor: Not Applicable PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 PIC lst Set Data Request 6 PIIC Data Request 6 Please provide a copy of PacifiCorp's most recent 1O-year business plan, including all supporting work papers with all links and formulas intact. Response to PIIC Data Request 6 PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as requesting disclosure of information protected by the attomey-client privilege or the attorney work- product doctrine. Without waiving these objections, the company responds as follows: Non-privileged portions of PacifiCorp's l0-year business plan are considered highly confidential and commercially sensitive. PacifiCorp requests special handling. Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 to discuss arrangements to review PacifiCorp's most recent l0-year business plan. Recordholder: Ted Weston Sponsor: Ted Weston PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 PIIC 1't Set Data Request 7 PIIC Data Request 7 Please provide access to the GRID model used to develop PacifiCorp's most recent l0-year business plan, including all input and output work papers that are used to develop the forecast. Response to PIIC Data Request 7 PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad, not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and as requesting disclosure of information protected by the attomey-client privilege or the attorney work- product doctrine. Without waiving these objections, the company responds as follows: Please refer to the company's response to PIIC Data Request 6 for additional information regarding access to the company's 10-year business plan. Recordholder: Ted Weston Sponsor: Ted Weston