HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181226PAC to IIPA 1-9.pdfnrnrt\rrr'lti!".UL.IJLtJ VROCKYMOUNTAIN ---,'Tpa xee -r \ eon's,ororacrrrcona J,Tu/ lutfioN- /a* PFI l:r+B 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake Cig, Utah &4116 December 26,2018 Eric L. Olsen (ISB# 481l) ECHO HA WK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Ste. 100 P.O. Box 6l 19 Pocatello,Idaho 83205 elo@echohawk.com (C) Dr. Lance Kaufrnan 4801 W. Yale Ave. Denver, CO 80219 lance@aegisinsight.com (C) Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 tonvlOvankel.net (C) -\/ RE: ID PAC-E-18-08 IIPA 2nd Set Data Request (l-9) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IIPA 2nd Set Data Requests 2.1- 2.9 Also provided is Attachment IIPA 2.1. Sincerely, J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@williamsbradbury.com (C) Brad Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com (e-mail only) Jim Duke/PIIC iduke@idahoan.com Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui.edu Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner@.aqrium.com Randall C. Budge/Ivlonsanto rcb@racinelaw.net (C) Thomas J. Budge/Ivlonsanto tjb@.racinelaw.net (CXW) Maurice Brubakeri\tlonsanto mbrubaker@consultbai.com (C) Katie [verson/Monsanto kiverson@consultbai.com Ben Otto/ICL botto@idahoconservation.ors (C) Matthew Gerhart/Sierra Club matt.gerhan@sierraclub.org Ana Boyd/Sierra Club ana.boyd@sierraclub.ors Diane Hanian/IPUC diane. holt@f uc.idaho. sov (C) Edward Jewell/PUC edward/iewell@puc.idatro. eov PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2"d Set Data Request 2.1 IIPA Data Request 2.1 Regarding the proposed early retirement of the Cholla Unit 4, please provide the following: (a) What and when were the environmental standards adopted that are associated with the early retirement of this plant? (b) What options were considered as a means of meeting the environment standards listed in "a" above? (c) Was the conversion to natural gas considered as an alternative to early retirement of the plant? (d) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, when was it considered? (e) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, please provide a copy of each review/report that discusses the consideration where the natural gas option was rejected. (0 For each time that the natural gas option was considered and rejected, please provide a copy of the forecasted natural gas prices that were used. Response to IIPA Data Request 2.1 (a) The Company has not proposed early retirement of Cholla Unit 4 in this docket, but has proposed to align the depreciable life of Cholla Unit 4 with its currently established regional haze compliance obligation timeline. The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality's (AZ DEQ) re-assessed Aizona Regional Haze State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Cholla, incorporating an April2025 retirement or natural gas conversion date for Cholla Unit 4, was approved by United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) on March 27 , 2017 , and became effective April 26, 2017 - The Federal Register documenting EPA's action can be accessed by utilizing the following website link: (b) Installation of emissions controls, natural gas conversion or early retirement of the unit. (c) Yes. https://www. gpo. eov/fdsys/pke/FR-20 I 7-03 -27lpdf/20 I 7-05 724.pdf PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2''l Set Data Request 2.1 (d) Natural gas conversion remains an available option for operation of the Cholla Unit 4 beyond the April 30,2025 regional haze compliance deadline. (e) PacifiCorp included assessment of natural gas conversion of Cholla Unit 4 in its2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Update filed May l, 2018. Please refer to the discussion beginning on page 78. PacifiCorp's 2017 IRP Update can be accessed by utilizing the following website link: http://www.oacificom.com/content/dam/pacificorp/doc/Enerey_Sources/Intee rated_Resource_Plan/20 I 7%20IRP%20Update/20 I 7_IRP-Update.pdf Note: lndividual unit outcomes under any regionalhaze compliance case will ultimately be determined by on-going rulemaking, results of litigation, and future negotiations with state and federal agencies, partner plant owners, and other vested stakeholders. While the regionalhaze compliance cases represent a range of strategic paths to be evaluated, no individual unit commitrnents are being made at this time. (f) Please refer to Attachment IIPA 2.1 which provides copies of the forecasted natural gas prices- utilized in the System Optimizer model (SO model) and Planning and Risk (PaR) model for the 2017 IRP Update. Recordholder: James Owen / Shay LaBray Sponsor: Chad Teply / Rick Link PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2"'l Set Data Request 2.2 IIPA Data Request 2.2 Regarding the proposed early retirement of the Jim Bridger Unit l, please provide the following: (a) What and when were the environmental standards adopted that are associated with the early retirement of this plant? (b) What options were considered as a means of meeting the environment standards listed in "a" above? (c) Was the conversion to natural gas considered as an alternative to early retirement of the plant? (d) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, when was it considered? (e) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, please provide a copy of each review/report that discusses the consideration where the natural gas option was rejected. (f) For each time that the natural gas option was considered and rejected, please provide a copy of the forecasted natural gas prices that were used. Response to IIPA Data Request2.2 (a) The Company has not proposed early retirement of Jim Bridger Unit 1 in this docket, but has proposed to align the depreciable life of Jim Bridger Unit I with its currently assessed least-cost, least-risk alternative regional haze compliance timeline. The United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the state of Wyoming's regional haze state implementation plan (SIP) requirements for Jim Bridger Unit I and published their final action in the Federal Register on January 30,2014, making the compliance obligation legally enforceable at the federal level in addition to being enforceable at the state level. State level compliance obligations were established in 2010. https://www.eovinfo.eov/content/pks/FR-2014-01-30/pdf/2014-00930.pdf (b) Installation of emissions controls or early retirement of the unit. (c) PacifiCorp has not considered a natural gas conversion at Jim Bridger Unit 1, and has no unit-specific analysis associated with natural gas conversion. (d) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2"'t Set Data Request 2.2 (e) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. (f) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. Recordholder: James Owen / Shay LaBray Sponsor: Chad Teply / Rick Link PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2"d Set Data Request 2.3 IIPA Data Request 2.3 Regarding the proposed early retirement of the Jim Bridger Unit2, please provide the following: (a) What and when were the environmental standards adopted that are associated with the early retirement of this plant? (b) What options were considered as a means of meeting the environment standards listed in "a" above? (c) Was the conversion to natural gas considered as an alternative to early retirement of the plant? (d) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, when was it considered? (e) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, please provide a copy of each review/report that discusses the consideration where the natural gas option was rejected. (f) For each time that the natural gas option was considered and rejected, please provide a copy of the forecasted natural gas prices that were used. Response to IIPA Data Request 2.3 (a) The Company has not proposed early retirement of Jim Bridger Urut2 in this docket, but has proposed to align the depreciable life of Jim Bridger Urrttz with its currently assessed least-cost, least-risk alternative regional haze compliance timeline. The United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the state of Wyoming's regional haze state implementation plan (SIP) requirements for Jim Bridger Unit 2 and published their final action in the Federal Register on January 30.2014, making the compliance obligation legally enforceable at the federal level in addition to being enforceable at the state level. State level compliance obligations were established in 2010. https: //www. eovinfb. eov/content/pkdFR-20 I 4-0 I -3O/pdfl20 I 4-00930.pdf (b) Installation of emissions controls or early retirement of the unit. (c) PacifiCorp has not considered a natural gas conversion at Jim BridgerUnrt2, and has no unit-specific analysis associated with natural gas conversion. (d) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2"'l Set Data Request 2.3 (e) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. (f) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. Recordholder: James Owen / Shay LaBray Sponsor: Chad Teply / Rick Link PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2''t Set Data Request 2.4 IIPA Data Request 2.4 Regarding the proposed early retirement of the Craig Unit 1, please provide the following: (a) What and when were the environmental standards adopted that are associated with the early retirement of this plant? (b) What options were considered as a means of meeting the environment standards listed in "a" above? (c) Was the conversion to natural gas considered as an alternative to early retirement of the plant? (d) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, when was it considered? (e) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, please provide a copy of each review/report that discusses the consideration where the natural gas option was rejected. (f) For each time that the natural gas option was considered and rejected, please provide a copy of the forecasted natural gas prices that were used. Response to IIPA Data Request2.4 (a) The Company has not proposed early retirement of Craig Unit I in this docket, but has proposed to align the depreciable life of Craig Unit I with its currently established regional haze compliance obligation timeline. PacifiCorp is not the operator of Craig Unit 1, but does have a minority owner stake in the unit. The United States (U.S.) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the state of Colorado's regional haze state implementation plan (SIP) requirements for Craig Unit I and published their final action in the Federal Register on July 5, 2018, making the compliance obligation legally enforceable at the federal level in addition to being enforceable at the state level. (b) Installation of emissions controls, natural gas conversion or early retirement of the unit. (c) Yes, as part of settlement discussions with partner owners and state / federal agencies. https://www.epo.eohttps://www.qpo.gov/ftlsvs/pkq/FR-2018-07-05/pdf/2018- l4387.pdf PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2n't Set Data Request 2.4 (d) Natural gas conversion remains an available option for operation of Craig Unit I under the terms of the regional haze compliance obligations described above. (e) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. (f) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c) above. Recordholder: James Owen / Shay LaBray Sponsor: Chad Teply / Rick Link PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2'd Set Data Request 2.5 IIPA Data Request 2.5 Regarding the proposed early retirement of the Craig Unit 2, please provide the following: (a) What and when were the environmental standards adopted that are associated with the early retirement of this plant? (b) What options were considered as a means of meeting the environment standards listed in "a" above? (c) Was the conversion to natural gas considered as an alternative to early retirement of the plant? (d) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, when was it considered? (e) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, please provide a copy of each review/report that discusses the consideration where the natural gas option was rejected. (f) For each time that the natural gas option was considered and rejected, please provide a copy of the forecasted natural gas prices that were used. Response to IIPA Data Request 2.5 (a) The Company has not proposed early retirement of Craig Unit 2 in this docket, but has proposed to align the depreciable life of Craig Unit 2 to facilitate least-cost, least-risk analysis, decision-making, and planning as Craig Unit 1 approaches retirement in2025, as currently expected, and Craig Unit 2 economics and joint owner business plaruring decisions are made.. (b) Craig Unit2 is not currently facing any major environmental compliance requirements that would trigger major near-term capital investments. (c) Please refer to the Company's responses to subparts (a) and (b) above. (d) Please refer to the Company's response to subparts (a) and (b) above. (e) Please refer to the Company's response to subparts (a) and (b) above. (f) Please refer to the Company's response to subparts (a) and (b) above. Recordholder: James Owen / Shay LaBray PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2nd Set Data Request 2.5 Sponsor: Chad Teply / Rick Link PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2"'l Set Data Request 2.6 IIPA Data Request 2.6 Regarding the proposed early retirement of the Craig Unit 3, please provide the following: (a) What and when were the environmental standards adopted that are associated with the early retirement of this plant? (b) What options were considered as a means of meeting the environment standards listed in "a" above? (c) Was the conversion to natural gas considered as an alternative to early retirement of the plant? (d) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, when was it considered? (e) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, please provide a copy of each review/report that discusses the consideration where the natural gas option was rejected. (f) For each time that the natural gas option was considered and rejected, please provide a copy of the forecasted natural gas prices that were used. Response to IIPA Data Request 2.6 PacifiCorp has no ownership of Craig Unit 3 Recordholder: James Owen Sponsor: Chad Teply PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2o't Set Data Request 2.7 IIPA Data Request 2.7 Regarding the proposed early retirement of the Craig Unit 4, please provide the following: (a) What and when were the environmental standards adopted that are associated with the early retirement of this plant? (b) What options were considered as a means of meeting the environment standards listed in "a" above? (c) Was the conversion to natural gas considered as an alternative to early retirement of the plant? (d) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, when was it considered? (e) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, please provide a copy of each review/report that discusses the consideration where the natural gas option was rejected. (f) For each time that the natural gas option was considered and rejected, please provide a copy of the forecasted natural' gas prices that were used. The Craig generating station only has three units. Recordholder: James Owen Sponsor: Chad Teply Response to IIPA Data Request2.T PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2nd Set Data Request 2.8 IIPA Data Request 2.8 Regarding the proposed early retirement of the Craig Untt2, please provide the following: (a) What and when were the environmental standards adopted that are associated with the early retirement of this plant? (b) What options were considered as a means of meeting the environment standards listed in "a" above? (c) Was the conversion to natural gas considered as an alternative to early retirement of the plant? (d) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, when was it considered? (e) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, please provide a copy of each review/report that discusses the consideration where the natural gas option was rejected. (f) For each time that the natural gas option was considered and rejected, please provide a copy of the forecasted natural gas prices that were used. Response to IIPA Data Request 2.8 Please refer to the Company's response to IIPA Data Request 2.5 Recordholder: James Owen / Shay LaBray Sponsor: Chad Teply / Rick Link PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2''t Set Data Request 2.9 Regarding the proposed early retirement of the David Johnston plant, please provide the following: (a) What and when were the environmental standards adopted that are associated with the early retirement of this plant? (b) What options were considered as a means of meeting the environment standards listed in "a" above? (c) Was the conversion to natural gas considered as an alternative to early retirement of the plant? (d) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, when was it considered? (e) If the conversion to natural gas was considered, please provide a copy of each review/report that discusses the consideration where the natural gas option was rejected. (f) For each time that the natural gas option was considered and rejected, please provide a copy of the forecasted natural gas prices that were used. Response to IIPA Data Request 2.9 The Company assumes the reference to "David Johnston" plant is intended to reference the PacifiCorp's Dave Johnston plant. Based on the foregoing assumption, the Company responds as follows: (a) The Company has not proposed early retirement of the Dave Johnston plant in this docket. The depreciable life end date for the Dave Johnston plant for Idaho customers remains unchanged at December 31 ,2027 . (b) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. (c) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. (d) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. (e) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. (f) Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a) above. Recordholder: James Owen IIPA Data Request 2.9 PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 26,2018 IIPA 2''t Set Data Request 2.9 Sponsor: Chad Teply