HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181212PAC to IIPA Attach 1e UCE Set 1.pdf TAH LEAN NERGY nd Counsel for Utah Clean Energy BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF UTAH In the Matter of Rocky Mountain Power for Authority to Change its Depreciation Rates Effective January 1, 2021 Docket No. 18-035-36 Utah clean energy First data request to Rocky Mountain Power Utah Clean Energy hereby submits its first data request in this docket to Rocky Mountain Power: 1.1 Other Data Responses. Please provide copies of all past and future data requests and data responses received by Rocky Mountain Power or sent by Rocky Mountain Power to any other party in this docket. Please include both formal and informal responses. Please provide your responses to the following: Hunter Holman Sarah Wright Utah Clean Energy 1014 2nd Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84111 801-363-4046 hunter@utahcleanenergy.org sarah@utahcleanenergy.org This request includes a request for any responsive confidential or proprietary information. Each counsel and consultant for Utah Clean Energy who will be given access to confidential information has executed or will prior to such access execute a Nondisclosure Agreement under Rule R746-100-16 and/or an Appendix A to any protective order entered in this docket, and the requested information will be treated in accordance with the terms of said rule and/or protective order. DATED this 21 day of November, 2018. Utah Clean Energy /s/ Hunter Holman Hunter Holman Counsel for Utah Clean Energy Certificate of Service Docket No. 18-035-36 I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served by email this 21st day of November, 2018 on the following: ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Yvonne Hogle yvonne.hogle@pacificorp.com Jana Saba jana.saba@pacificorp.com datarequest@pacificorp.com utahdockets@pacificorp.com DIVISION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Patricia Schmid pschmid@agutah.gov Justin Jetter jjetter@agutah.gov Chris Parker chrisparker@utah.gov William Powell wpowell@utah.gov OFFICE OF CONSUMER SERVICES Steven Snarr stevensnarr@agutah.gov Robert Moore rmoore@agutah.gov Michele Beck mbeck@utah.gov Cheryl Murray cmurray@utah.gov UTAH ASSOCIATION OF ENERGY USERS Gary Dodge gdodge@hjdlaw.com Phillip Russel prussell@hjdlaw.com UTAH CLEAN ENERGY Hunter Holman hunter@utahcleanenergy.org Sarah Wright sarah@utahcleanenergy.org Kate Bowman kate@utahcleanenergy.org WESTERN RESOURCE ADVOCATES Sophie Hayes sophie.hayes@westernresources.org Nancy Kelly nkelly@westernresources.org Steven S. Michel smichel@westernresources.org SIERRA CLUB Matthew Gerhart matt.gerhart@sierraclub.org Marta Darby marta.darby@sierraclub.org Ana Boyd ana.boyd@sierraclub.org /s/ Hunter Holman Hunter Holman Counsel for Utah Clean Energy