HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181207PAC to Monsanto 29-34.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN HPJYHB"*, i[ilEtv[D iliil f;lil _T pi{ re: rr9 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 December 7,2018 Randall C. Budge, ISB No. 1949 Thomas J. Budge, ISB No. 7465 RACINE, OLSON, NYE & BUDGE, CHARTERED P.O. Box l39l;201 E. Center Pocatello, Idaho 83204-1391 rcb@racinelaw.net (C) tib@racinelaw.net (CXW) RE ID PAC-E-I8.08 Monsanto 2'd Set Data Request (29-34) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to Monsanto 2nd Set Data Requests 29- 34. Monsanto 32 will arrive under separate cover. Provided on a Confidential CD is Confidential Attachment Monsanto 33. Also provided are Attachments Monsanto 3l and Monsanto 34. Confidential information is provided subject to the non-disclosure agreement between Monsanto and PacifiCorp. Sincerely, J .t*t lur/-h,* /l^ J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Diane Hanian/IPUC diane.holt@.ouc.idaho.eov (C) Edward Jewell/PUC Edward.iewell@.puc.idaho.eov Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@williamsbradbury.com (C) Brad Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com (e-mail only) Jim Duke/PIIC jduke@idahoan.com Kyle WilliamslPllC williamsk@bvui.edu Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner@agrium.com Mauri ce Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker@consultbai. com (C) Ben Otto/lCL botto@idahoconservation.ors (C) Eric Olsen/llPA elo@echohawk.com (C) Dr. Lance Kaufrnan/IIPA lance@aeeisinsi ght.com (C) Anthony Yankel/IIPA tonv@vankel.net (C) Matthew GerharUS ierra Club matt. gerhart@si erracl ub.ore Ana Boyd/Si erra Club ana. bovd @si erracl ub. ors PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 7,2018 Monsanto 2nd Set Data Request 29 Monsanto Data Request 29 Please provide all data requests submitted to RMP by any party and the corresponding responses to those data requests from the following proceedings for RMP's Depreciation Study: (a) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. PAC-E-18-08 (b) Public Utility Commission of Oregon Docket No. UM 1968. (c) Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Filing UE-180778. (d) Wyoming Public Service Commission Docket No. 20000-539-EA-18. (e) Utah Public Service Commission Docket No. l8-035-36. If RMP doesn't establish a SharePoint site, or similar online repository for all of the data requests and response in these proceedings, please provide copies ofall data requests and responses directly to Monsanto at the same time the requests are received and the responses are supplied to the requesting party. This is an ongoing request. Response to Monsanto Data Request 29 Please refer to the Company's response to IIPA Data Request LI. The Company does not have a SharePoint site or similar online repository for data requests at this time. Recordholder: Kaley McNay i Danny Martinez Sponsor: Ted Weston PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 7,2018 Monsanto 2nd Set Data Request 30 Monsanto Data Request 30 Please refer to RMP's response to Monsanto Data Request 12. Please provide a detailed explanation of the exact process or procedure employed by Gannett Fleming's software that calculates the interim retirements shown in column 8 of Mr. Spanos' work paper titled, "PacifiCorp -2020 Production Net Salvage - East Plants.xlsx." Response to Monsanto Data Request 30 As noted in the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request l2,the interim retirements shown in column 8 of the referenced work paper are calculated based on a statistical aging procedure, the balances as of the depreciation calculation date and the estimated interim survivor curves and probable retirement dates. For a given depreciable goup (i.e., generating unit and plant account), the procedure to calculate the estimated interim retirements is performed as follows: l. The plant balances by vintage as of the date of the depreciation calculations are used as the starting point for the calculation. 2. The estimated interim survivor curve is used to calculate the retirements for each year prior to the estimated retirement date of the depreciable group as follows: Based on the estimated interim survivor curve, percent surviving values for the specific survivor curve are determined for one year intervals beginning at aget/2. From this curye, survivor ratios are computed and applied, by vintage, to the previous year's aged ending balance. For each vintage, the survivor ratio is determined as the quotient of the percent surviving at its age at the end of the test year divided by the percent surviving at the beginning of the test year or, for the test year additions, at age zero which is 100 percent. iii. The aged retirements during the test year are derived by subtracting the calculated survivors at the end of the test year, by vintage, from the survivors at the end ofthe previous year. l. lt. lv.The process is repeated for each test year within the test period (i.e., from the year immediately following the year of the depreciation calculations to the year immediately preceding the estimated retirement date). PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 7,2018 Monsanto 2nd Set Data Request 30 3. The total interim retirements are equal to the sum of the calculated retirements from the year subsequent the year of the depreciation calculations to the year immediately preceding the estimated retirement date Recordholder:John Spanos John SpanosSponsor: PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 7,2018 Monsanto 2nd Set Data Request 3l Monsanto Data Request 3l Please refer to RMP's response to Monsanto Data Request 28-C. The file provided was not the file that was requested. The request was for an excel file that is similar to RMP Exhibit 3, that shows the impact for the production, transmission, and distribution groups by FERC account, and if possible by generating unit. As an example, RMP Exhibit 3, shows that the increase for steam production is $ I 73 .2 million for the total company, with $ I 0.8 million allocated to Idaho. Please provide a version of this exhibit that shows the increase for all FERC accounts, 3l l-316, for each power plant, if possible. Do this in a similar manner for the hydro production, other production, transmission, and distribution accounts. Response to Monsanto Data Request 3l The Company objects to the request on the basis that the requested document does not exist and is not in the custody, possession or control of the Company. Without waiving the objection, please refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 28, specifically subpart (c) and Attachment Monsanto 28- 2 which included the allocation factor by Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) functional Soup in Microsoft Excel column D, and Idaho allocation factors in Microsoft Excel columns M and S, Please also refer to the Company's response to Monsanto Data Request 5, specifically Attachment Monsanto 5-2 for the requested FERC Account and the proposed Total Company increase by plant. This information is provided in Microsoft Excel columns A and Z. To calculate the requested information, which the Company had not prepared, Monsanto would have been able to apply the allocation factor and percentage to the proposed Total Company increase by plant. To assist in this effort, the Company has consolidated both exhibits and prepared this information as Attachment Monsanto 31. Specifically, Microsoft Excel columns AB and AD are new columns added to the previously provided Attachment Monsanto 5-2, and include the allocation factor and Idaho allocation portion of the proposed Total Company increase by plant for each requested category. Recordholder: Nick Highsmith Sponsor: Steve McDougal PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 7,2018 Monsanto 2nd Set Data Request 33 Monsanto Data Request 33 Referring to the file provided as "Attach l4-l-Production and Transmission Rollforward - 2020.x1sx," please answer the following: (a) Please provide all supporting studies, work papers, documents, etc. that support the $591,391,000 of 2020 additions for the TB Flats Wind Farm Please also provide all documents that support the 2020 in-service date. (b) Please provide all supporting studies, work papers, documents, etc. that support the $318,522,000 of 2020 additions for the Ekola Flats Wind Farm. Please also provide all documents that support the2020 in-service date. (c) Please provide all supporting studies, work papers, documents, etc. that support the $286,005,000 of 2020 additions for the Cedar Springs Wind Farm. Please also provide all documents that support the2020 in-service date. (d) Please explain why the net salvage assumed in this file is based on RMP's proposed net salvage rates, rather than the currently approved net salvage rates. (e) Please explain how the 2018,2019, and2020 retirements were determined. Please provide proof that these retirements were calculated consistent with RMP's currently approved survivor curves, rather than with RMP's proposed survivor curves. Response to Monsanto Data Request 33 PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad, unduly burdensome and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. Without waiving these objections, the Company provides the following: (a) PacifiCorp's Energy Vision 2020 filing (Case PAC-E-I7-07) included the TB Flats I and II project initial capital costs presented in CONF Exhibit 47, to the Teply 2nd Supplemental Direct Testimony. An indicative project critical path schedule was provided in CONF Exhibit 2-6. Please refer to Confidential Attachment Monsanto 33 for copies of these exhibits. (b) PacifiCorp's Energy Vision 2020 filing (Case PAC-E-17-07) included the Ekola Flats project initial capital costs presented in CONF Exhibit 47, to the Teply 2nd Supplemental Direct Testimony. An indicative project critical path schedule was provided in CONF Exhibit I -6. Please refer to Confidential Attachment Monsanto 33 for copies of these exhibits. PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 7,2018 Monsanto 2nd Set Data Request 33 Recordholder:John Spanos / Richard Goff To Be Determined (c) PacifiCorp's Energy Vision 2020 filing (Case PAC-E-17-07) included the Cedar Springs II (BTA) project initial capital costs presented as CONF Exhibit 47,to the Teply 2'd Supplanental Direct Testimony. An indicative project critical path schedule was provided in CONF Exhibit 3l-3. Please refer to Confidential Attachment Monsanto 33 for copies of these exhibits. (d) The proposed net salvage rates represent the current estimate of what future net salvage will be as a percentage of retirements, whereas the currently approved net salvage rates were based on a settlement and do not incorporate more recent data. Accordingly, the proposed net salvage rates represent the best estimate of the net salvage the Company will experience for the years 2018,2019 and2020 and should be used to project net salvage for these years. (e) The 2018,2019 and2020 retirements were determined using the same statistical aging process described in the company's response to Monsanto Data Request 30 (with the test period being 2018 through 2020). For the statistical aging procedure, the retirements were calculated for each year using the proposed survivor curves, not the currently approved survivor curves. The proposed survivor curves were used for similar reasons to those discussed in the Company's response to subpart (d) above. The proposed survivor curves represent the best estimate of the level of retirernents that will occur for each year based on the currently available information. Confidential information is provided subject to the non-disclosure agreement between Monsanto and PacifiCorp. Sponsor: PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power December 7,2018 Monsanto 2'd Set Data Request 34 Monsanto Data Request 34 In RMP's technical conference presentation in Utah Docket No. l8-035-36, on slides 6-7, RMP states that it will update its depreciation study to incorporate the applicable terms of a settlement in Docket No. l7-035-69. Please answer the following: (a) Please provide a copy of the stipulation agreement in Docket No. 17-035-69. (b) Please explain how the settlement agreement will affect RMP's proposal in the instant proceeding; i.e. the proposed increase in ldaho. (c) Please explain if there is an excess of ADIT in Idaho that could be utilized to "buy down" the plant balances for Idaho, as in Utah. Response to Monsanto Data Request 34 (a) Please refer to Attachment Monsanto 34 (b) The settlement agreement in Utah will have no impact on the ldaho allocated increase proposed in this docket. (c) The Company does have excess deferred income tax (EDIT) regulatory liability balances that could be used to "buy down" plant balances. These balances have been submitted as Data Request PIIC 3 2nd Supplemental in CaseNo. GNR-U-18-01. Recordholder: Kaley McNay / Nick Highsmith / Deanna Fladstol Sponsor: To Be Determined