HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181129PAC to IIPA 1-18.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN HgyEn""" RECIIVED till8 FiCV 29 AH ll: I l+ '1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 8a116 November 28,2018 Eric L. Olsen (ISB# 481l) ECHO HA WK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Ste. 100 P.O. Box 6l 19 Pocatello, Idatro 83205 elo@echohawk.com (C) Dr. Lance Kaufrnan 4801 W. Yale Ave. Denver, CO 80219 lance@ae gisinsi ght.com (C) Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohto 44107 tonv@vankel.net (C)+\/ RE: ID PAC-E-18-08 IIPA lst Set Data Request (l-18) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IIPA lst Set Data Requests l.l-1.5, 1.7-1.8, l.12,and Ll4-1.18. The remaining responses will be provided separately. Also providedareAttachmentsllPA l.lb-I, 1.2,1.4,1.5,1.7,1.15,and 1.18. Providedonthe enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Attachments IIPA l.lb-2, 1.8, and 1.17. Confidential information is protected under the Non-Disclosure Agreement in this proceeding. Sincerely, 1',-T-tl tJ.Mor". I pr-t J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@williamsbradbury.com Jim DukePIIC iduke@idahoan.com Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@.byui.edu Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner@aerium.com Randall C. Budge/I\ulonsanto rcb@racinelaw. net (C) Thomas J. BudgeiMonsanto tj b@raci nelaw.net (C XW) Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker@.consultbai.com (C) Katie Iversor/Monsanto kiverson@consultbai.com B en Otto/ICL botto@.idahoconservation.org (C) Matthew Gerhart/Sierra Club matt.eerhart@sierraclub.ore Ana Boyd/Siena Club ana.bovd@sierraclub.ore Diane Hani arlIPUC diane.holt@puc. idaho. eov (C) Edward Jewell/PUC edward/iewell@puc.idaho. sov ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSrOa{ OF mOfEORP [:ii:C H lVtD i,l il i:jl J 29 fil.i ll : Ctr 5b 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116,3 November 29,2078 Eric L. Olsen (lSB# 481l) ECHO HA WK & OLSEN, PLLC 505 Pershing Ave., Ste. 100 P.O. Box 6l l9 Pocatello, Idaho 83205 elo@echohawk.com (C) Dr. Lance Kaufrnan 4801 W. Yale Ave. Denver, CO 80219 lance@aeqisinsisht.com (C) Anthony Yankel 12700 Lake Avenue, Unit 2505 Lakewood, Ohio 44107 tonv@vankel.net (C) RE ID PAC-E.18.08 IIPA lst Set Data Request (l-18) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IIPA I't Set Data Requests 1.6, 1.9- Lll,and 1.13. AlsoprovidedareAttachmentsllPA 11.6, 1.9,1.10-2,and 1.11. Providedonthe enclosed Confidential CD is Confidential Attachment IIPA 1.10-1. Confidential information is protected under the Non-Disclosure Agreement in this proceeding. Sincerely, \J . I4d u-vhrr I pT{ J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c. : Ronald L. Williams/PIIC ron@.williamsbradbur.v.com Jim Duke/PIIC jduke@idahoan.com Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui.edu Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner@agrium.com Randall C. Budge/Monsanto rcb@racinelaw.net (C) Thomas J. Budge/Monsanto tjb@racinelaw.net (CXW) Maurice Brubaker/Jvlonsanto mbrubaker@consultbai.com (C) Katie Iverson/Monsanto kiverson@consultbai.com Ben Otto/lCL botto@.idahoconservation.ors (C) Matthew Gerhart/S ierra C lub matt. serhart@sierraclub. ore Ana Boyd/Sierra Club ana.boyd@sierraclub.ors Diane Hanian/IPUC diane.holt@puc. idatro. eov (C ) Edward Jewell/PUC edward/iewell@nuc.idaho.eov PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA I't Set Data Request I IIPA Data Request I Please provide copies of any and all data requests submitted to you by any party to the following proceedings and your corresponding responses to those data requests. This is an ongoing request: (a) Public Utility Commission of Oregon Docket No. UM 1968 (b) Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Filing UE-180778 (c) Idaho Public Utilities Commission Case No. PAC-E-18-08 (d) Wyoming Public Service Commission Docket No.20000-539-EA-18 (e) Utah Public Service Commission Docket No: l8-035-36 Response to IIPA Data Request I PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad, unduly burdensome, and outside the scope of this proceeding. Without waiving any objections, the company responds as follows: a. Please referto subpart b. b. Please refer to Attachment IIPA lb-l and Confidential Attachment IIPA lb-2 for the requested responses. The company's response to PC-BWP I provides responses to the requested Oregon, Wyoming and Utah data requests. The company does not waive any objections raised in the data request responses included in the attachments. c. IIPA is copied on all outgoing Idaho discovery in this docket per the rules. d. Please refer to subpart b. e. Please refer to subpart b. The attachment does not include confidential information from Utah Docket No. l8-035-36 because Utah Administrative Code R746-l-602 and R746-l-603 prohibits the use or disclosure of confidential information other than for the purpose of the Utah proceeding. Going forward, the company will prepare supplemental responses to this data request as requests and responses are received. The confidential attachment is provided subject to the terrns and conditions of the confidentiality agreement in this proceeding between PacifiCorp and Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, [nc. Recordholder: Kaley McNay Sponsor: Ted Weston PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA I't Set Data Request 2 IIPA Data Request 2 Please provide all documents, data, and files submitted by PacifiCorp to Gannett Fleming including but not limited to: (a) All accounting records of plant additions, retirements, transfers, sales, and related balances identified in The Direct Testimony of John Spanos, page 4. (b) All accounting records of plant cost of removal and gross salvage identified in The Direct Testimony of John Spanos, page 8. (c) The life assessment study identified in The Direct Testimony of John Spanos, page7. Response to IIPA Data Request 2 (a) Please refer to Attachment IIPA 1.2, specifically Attachment PC-BWP 2-l (b) Please refer to Attachment IIPA 1.2, specifically Attachment PC-BWP 2-1. (c) Please refer to the attachments "IIPA 1.2-1 - Steam - Gas - Wind Plant Lives.xlsx" and "llPA 1.2-2 - Hydro Plant Lives.xlsxo' to this response for the estimated retirement dates based on the Company's internal analysis. The term "life assessment study" referenced in Mr. Spanos' testimony is in reference to the Company's analysis of the probable retirement dates of each of its facilities. Recordholder: John J. Spanos Sponsor: John J. Spanos PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA l'( Set Data Request 3 IIPA Data Request 3 Please refer to The Direct Testimony of John Spanos, page 5 (a) Please explain why the Company has not maintained the vintage of each transaction for most distribution assets in Idaho and Utah. (b) Does the Company intend to maintain vintage data on a going forward basis? If no, why not? Response to IIPA Data Request 3 Please note that distribution assets located in Utah are situs assigned to Utah, and are not included in Idaho rates. With that clarification, the company responds as follows: (a) For the Utah and Idaho distribution mass property accounts, aged data was not maintained before 2000 because the company's record system did not provide aged retirements, but rather priced retirements based on an average unit cost. Since 2000, the company has maintained aged data for most of the recent vintages for Utah and Idaho distribution mass accounts. However, there is not a long enough history for aged vintages to determine life characteristics of the mass accounts. (b) The company continues to maintain the non-aged data as well as the aged data for the Utah and ldaho distribution mass accounts until there is sufficient aged data to provide adequate results from the actuarial life analysis. Currently, the aged data is only available for the more recent vintages so clear life characteristics are not conclusive for actuarial analysis. Recordholder: Kent Ipson Sponsor: John J. Spanos PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA lst Set Data Request 4 IIPA Data Request 4 Please refer to The Direct Testimony of John Spanos, page 5, which states "For each property groupr I used the retirement rate data to form a life table which, when plotted, shows an original survivor curve for that property group." (a) Please provide the data used by Mr. Spanos to calculate retirement rates. (b) Please identify all differences between PacifiCorp's accounting records and the data provided in part a ofthis request, and explain the reason for each difference. (c) Please provide the retirement rates calculated by Mr. Spanos for each property group. Please provide such data as a computer-readable spreadsheet. Response to IIPA Data Request 4 a. Please refer to Attachments IIPA 1.4-l and IIPA I .4-2 to this response for the requested data. b. Attachment IIPA I .4-3 to this data request includes the historical retirement values as recorded by the Company. Also see Attachment IIPA I .4-7 for an explanation of the layout of the files showing the memo and type codes used to describe the data. The table below indicates which codes were included and which codes were excluded as retirements in the development of the Retirement amounts. For transactions since the previous depreciation study, additional transactions that were not included as retirements are provided in Attachment IIPA I .4-4to this response. Include/Exclude Excluded Included Included Included Included Excluded c. Please refer to Attachments IIPA 1.4-5 and IIPA 1 .4-6 to this response for the requested information, which is provided in native MS Word format. Recordholder: John J. Spanos Sponsor: John J. Spanos oMem A C E M P S PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA lsl Set Data Request 5 IIPA Data Request 5 Please refer to The Direct Testimony of John Spanos, page 5, which States "Therefore, the simulated plant record method was utilized to determine life characteristics. " (a) Please provide the data used by Mr. Spanos to utilize the simulated plant record method. (b) Please identify all differences between PacifiCorp's accounting records and the data provided in part a ofthis request, and explain the reason for each difference. Response to IIPA Data Request 5 a. Please refer to Attachment IIPA L5 to this response for the requested information. b. No adjustments were made to the accounting data provided by the Company for the data provided in the attachments to this response. Recordholder: John J. Spanos Sponsor: John J. Spanos PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA l'1 Set Data Request 7 IIPA Data Request 7 Please refer to Exhibit No. 2, page 30. (a) Please provide the criteria used for mathematical matching of original survivor curves and Iowa survivor curves. (b) Please identify each curve for each account which was visually examined by Mr. Spanos, but not ultimately selected to smooth the original survivor curves Please include the images examined by Mr. Spanos. Response to IIPA Data Request 7 a. The mathematical curve matching is performed based on a least squares difference between the points on the original life table and a smooth survivor curve for a given range of fit for a given band. The metric used to compare different curves is referred to as the residual measure. and is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of differences divided by the number of points within the range of fit. The lower the residual measure, the better the mathematical fit for a given range of fit for a given band.\ b. When conducting a depreciation study, Gannett Fleming may review a number of survivor curves for each account and/or depreciable group. Gannett Fleming does not track every curve that has been reviewed. However, Attachments IIPA I .7- I and IIPA L7 -2 to this response provide available survivor curves that Mr. Spanos reviewed while performing the depreciation study. Recordholder:John J. Spanos John J. SpanosSponsor: PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 29,2018 IIPA lst Set Data Request 6 IIPA Data Request 6 Please provide all notes relied on or generated by Mr. Spanos, or any other Gannett Fleming employee when preparing Exhibit No. 2. Response to IIPA Data Request 6 The Company objects to this request to the extent that it seeks information protected by attorney - client privilege. Notwithstanding that objection, please refer to the Attachments IIPA 1.6-l and tlPA L6-2. Recordholder: John J. Spanos Sponsor: John J. Spanos IIPA Data Request 9 Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Nikki L. Kobliha, page 7, which states "Additions to property, plant and equipment balances, more commonly refened to as capital additions, is one of the primary drivers that increases depreciation expense." Please identify each referenced incremental capital addition and provide the date, unit, gross plant and reason for the addition. Response to IIPA Data Request 9 PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad and unduly burdensome within the scope of this proceeding. Without waiving these objections, the company responds as follows: The Direct Testimony of Nikki L. Kobliha, Exhibit NLK-lT, page 7, referred to significant issues concerning steam generating facilities. Please refer to Attachment IIPA 1.9 which lists steam generating facility additions for projects over $l million (total company) placed in service during the period January 2014 through September 2018; the time period since the last depreciation study. The referenced portion of Nikki L. Kobliha's testimony is a general reference to a primary driver for the increase to the depreciation expense for the steam generating fleet of PacifiCorp. Providing all additions less than $l million would be voluminous and overly burdensome, thus the attachment lists the projects above $1 million that resulted in capital additions, by generating plant and unit. Recordholder: Dean Wirick / Jim Etheridge Sponsor: Nikki L. Kobliha PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 29,2018 IIPA l" Set Data Request 9 PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA I't Set Data Request 8 IIPA Data Request 8 Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Chad A. Teply, page 12 which states "The Company performed updated decommissioning cost studies in the 2014 to 2016 time frame ..." Please provide all decommissioning studies performed on PacifiCorp generation resources from 2013 to the present. Please include all related work papers, files, and deliverables. Response to IIPA Data Request 8 Decommissioning studies performed on PacifiCorp generation resources from 2013 to the present are provided in Attachment IIPA l-le (subfolder "Attach DPU l.3l-1") and Confidential Attachment IIPA 1.8. The confidential attachment is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the confidentiality agreement in this proceeding between PacifiCorp and Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. Recordholder: Grant Laughter Sponsor: Chad Teply PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA I't Set Data Request 12 IIPA Data Request 12 Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Nikti L. Kobliha, page 9, which states "For the Depreciation Study, steam facilities are grouped by FERC account at a unit level." Does PacifiCorp intend to book depreciation at the unit level? Response to IIPA Data Request 12 Yes, PacifiCorp intends to book depreciation for its steam generating facilities at the unit level. Recordkeeper: Justus Evangelista Sponsor: Nikki Kobliha PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 29,2018 IIPA I't Set Data Request 10 IIPA Data Request 10 Please refer to Exhibit No. 2. Please provide the following information related to this depreciation study: (a) Request for proposal, if any, and all parties that such RFP was sent to. (b) Contract, terms of engagement, and all other agreements between PacifiCorp and Gannet Fleming. (c) All invoices submitted by Gannet Fleming. (d) Please identify each person interviewed by Mr. Spanos or other Gannet Fleming employee in preparation for the report. Please provide the name and position of the person interviewed, the name and position of the individual conducting the interview, the date of the interview, and all notes or other records of interview. (e) Please identify each PacifiCorp facility inspected by Mr. Spanos. Please provide the location and type of facilities inspected and all photos, notes or other records ofthe inspection. Response to IIPA Data Request 10 (a) There were no request for proposals (RFP) sent out to any parties for the purpose of this depreciation study. (b) Please refer to Confidential Attachment IIPA I . I 0. I - I . (c) PacifiCorp objects to this request as overly broad, unduly burdensome, not likely to lead to discovery of admissible evidence, and outside the scope of this proceeding. Detailed invoices for depreciation studies are proprietary between Gannett Fleming and PacifiCorp. (d) To the extent the request seeks information projected under attorney-client privilege, please refer to the attachments to the response to IIPA Data Request 6 and Attachment IIPA l.l0-2 (e) Please refer to the attachments to the response to IIPA Data Request 6 Recordholder: Kent Ipson/John .1. Spanos The confidential attachment is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the confidentiality agreement in this proceeding between PacifiCorp and Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, [nc. PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 29,2018 IIPA lst Set Data Request l0 Sponsor: John J. Spanos PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 29,2018 IIPA lst Set Data Request I I IIPA Data Request 11 Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Nikki L. Kobliha, page 6, which states "I believe that the Depreciation Study is well supported by the underlying engineering and accounting data .... ". Please provide all referenced engineering and accounting data. Response to IIPA Data Request 11 Please refer to Attachment IIPA l.l I containing the Company's response to PC- BWP Data Request 2. Recordholder: Justus Evangelista / John J. Spanos Sponsor: John J. Spanos PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 29,2018 IIPA I't Set Data Request l3 IIPA Data Request 13 Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Nik*i L. Kobliha, page 10, which states "The Company has continued to experience interim retirements related to scheduled overhauls on its natural gas facilities." Please provide the annual maintenance expense since 2008 separately for each PacifiCorp generating resource. Response to IIPA Data Request 13 The Company acknowledges the request for maintenance expense, in response the Company is providing the major overhaul expenditures for the requested period. The Company's capitalization policy provides that overhaul or "maintenance" costs that result in a substantial addition or betterment can be capitalized. These costs, although sometimes described as long-term maintenance agreements with the OEMs, do extend the life of the units and qualify as property retirement units. The table below reflects the major overhaul capital costs by year placed in-service for natural gas facilities: P.dflCorp ilrtur.l G.s c€ner.drg fedlldes M.ror OrcrhluI C.ptt l lPllccd-in-S.rvicrl HE]RMISTON lArE srDE 1 Recordholder: Tom Evans Sponsor: Nikki Kobliha Art CHEI{AUS crl0 ct2Gt Gr200 o,tnl ct lln:l c,loul Cl20!l ct 2015 cY2016 cvall,cI 20rl S10,216 S&2o7 s s s s s s24,6E2 s s s s s Sr"3s7 s St8,64e s s s s20,2il1 S (160)s s s 757 91,643 S S 1,7s3 S1,o4o Sn S 1,007 S s s 4.il7 S r,oa Sl',en s SLtgr S Lfls S 74o S3,18!t S 2,3a8 S LrlO s1.473 S.s $sL87r s s9.663 s s31.3C)s s6263 s s s s s s $s s s s S s,s9E s s16,794 PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA lst Set Data Request 14 IIPA Data Request 14 Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Steven R. McDougal, page 5, which states" ... the Company will continue to recognize the stipulated life of Klamath through a regulatory adustment in the relevant filings made in [daho." Please provide a detailed description of the regulatory adjustments PacifiCorp intends to make for the Klamath River hydro facilities. Response to IIPA Data Request l4 The Company makes regulatory adjustments to reflect the impacts of the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA). Consistent with the stipulation in PAC-E-13-02, beginning in January 1,2014, the Company has been making an adjustment to the depreciation expense and depreciation reserve so the Klamath facilities are fully depreciated by December 31,2022. Beginning in July 1,2014, the Company also makes an adjustment to amortizationexpense and reserve for the Klamath Relicensing and Settlement Process costs to reflect the depreciation through Dec 31 ,2022. For further details please refer to adjustment 8.10 in December 2017 Results of Operations filing. Recordholder: Nick Highsmith Sponsor: Steve McDougal PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA lst Set Data Request 15 IIPA Data Request 15 Please refer to Exhibit No. 3. (a) Please provide these data as an electronically-readable spreadsheet for each of Pacifi Corp's state j urisdictions. (b) Please provide these data for plant balances as of December 2017. Response to IIPA Data Request 15 (a) Please refer to Attachment IIPA l.l5 (b) The Company has not performed the requested analysis. Please refer to the Exhibits and work papers that the Company has submitted in docket PAC-E- l8-8 for all required documents and data necessary to perform the calculation. Recordholder: Nick Highsmith Sponsor: Steve McDougal PAC-E-18-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA lsl Set Data Request 16 IIPA Data Request 16 Please refer to Direct Testimony of Chad A. Teply, page 8, which states "One notable public policy example is Oregon Senate Bill 1547-8, which was signed into law by the governor of Oregon on March 8,2016." Has SB 1547 affected PacifiCorp's estimated economic lives of any generation facilities? If yes, how? If no, why not? Response to IIPA Data Request 16 Yes, with respect to assessing the economics of investment decisions affecting Oregon ratepayers. Oregon's Senate Bill (SB) L547-B requires that coal-fueled resources are to be eliminated from Oregon's allocation of electricity by January 1,2030. Beginning January 1,2030, from a cost allocation perspective, Oregon customers will no longer pay for operating costs or plant investments incurred for coal-fueled resources nor will Oregon customers be served by those coal-fueled resources from a electricity perspective. Recordholder: Steve McDougal (cost allocation), Scott Bolton (SB 1547-B) Sponsor: Chad Teply PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA lst Set Data Request 17 IIPA Data Request l7 Please refer to Direct Testimony of Chad A. Teply, page I l, which states "The original equipment manufacturer's year useful life recommendation has not changed and remains consistent with the 2013 depreciation study." Please provide documentation of the original equipment manufacturer's useful life recommendations and maintenance recommendations. Please provide such data for each of PacifiCorp's gas generation units. Response to IIPA Data Request 17 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IIPA Ll7, which indicates the General Electric (GE) LM6000 aero-derivative simple cycle combustion turbine plant package design basis and the generator design basis of30 years. This generator model is used in Gadsby Units 4, 5, and 6, which are the only gas-fired simple cycle units in PacifiCorp's fleet. PacifiCorp's 2018 depreciation study assumes 4O-year useful life for the combined cycle gas generation units consistent with the depreciable life approved in the 2013 depreciation study. PacifiCorp is not aware of any changes to original equipment manufacturer (OEM) useful life recommendations in the respective OEM specifications for combined cycle combustion turbine units since the 2013 depreciation study. Chehalis, Currant Creek, and Hermiston combined cycle natural gas combustion turbines (CCCT) are all General Electric (GE) 7FA combustion turbines with .03 series extension for Chehalis and Cunant Creek, and .02 series extension for Hermiston. Please find the latest published original equipment manufacturers (OEM) "Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine Operating and Maintenance Considerations GER-3620N (10/17)" in the hyperlink below for review: htttrls://www. ge.com/content/dam/eepower- pgdp/elobal/en-US/documents/technical/eerleer-3620n-heavy-dut),-gas- turbine-operatione-maintenance-considerations.pdf Highly confidential information addressed from here on is available for supervised on-site review only. Please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963 to make arrangements for review. Additional reference for Chehalis and Currant Creek CCCTs includes highly confidential amended contract language with the OEM regarding maintenance intervals due to advanced turbine components that were installed at the respective identified units. The highly confidential language supersedes the maintenance interval suggested for the GE 7FA.03 CCCT model identified in the publication available in the hyperlink cited earlier for both Chehalis and Currant Creek units. PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2418 IIPA I't Set Data Request l7 With anangements made with Siemens, the OEM for Lake Side I and 2 CCCTs, the OEM's highly confidential recommendation service bulletin for the units are available for on-site review as well. The confidential attachment is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the confidentiality agreement in this proceeding between PacifiCorp and Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association, Inc. Recordholder: Brad Richards (OEM maintenance contracts), Kent Ipson (2013 Depreciation Study Sponsor: Chad Teply PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA I't Set Data Request l8 IIPA Data Request 18 Please refer to Exhibit No. 5 at the column named "Recommended End of Depreciation Year". (a) Please provide these data for every generating unit, including hydro and wind facilities, in each of PacifiCorp's state jurisdictions. (b) For each unit or facility with the recommended end of depreciation year differing between states, please identify the year that PacifiCorp plans to retire the unit or facility. Response to IIPA Data Request 18 (a) For PacifiCorp's thermal units, please refer to Attachment IIPA 1.18 For PacifiCorp's owned renewable resources (hydro and wind), please refer to the direct testimony of company witness, Timothy J. Hemstreet, specifically Exhibit 7, column "New Proposed Plant Depreciation End Year" for hydro resourses, and column "Proposed Retirement Year" for wind resources. Note: the information contained in Exhibit 7 in this proceeding is the same as the information contained in Mr. Hemstreet's testimony and exhibits in the Depreciation Study proceedings in the state utility commissions in Oregon (Docket UM-1968 / Exhibit PPL/501), Washington (Docket UE-180778 / Exhibit TJH-2), Utah (Docket 18-035-36 i Exhibit RMP_(TJH-l) and Wyoming (Docket 20000-539-EA-18 / Exhibit RMP_(TJH-I), (b) Unit retirements are assumed for planning purposes as part of the integrated resource planning (lRP) process. The following units or facilities that have different depreciation years between states and their associated retirement date assumptions for planning purposes are identified in the 201 7 IRP (or 20 I 7 IRP Update, if there are any differences) are listed below: o Naughton Unit 3 - January 2019 (per 2017 IRP Update; 2017 IRP was end of201 8)o Dave Johnston plant - 2027 (end-of-depreciable-life)o Jim Bridger Unit I -2028 (assumed Regional Haze compliance altemative)o Naughton Units I and 2 -2029 (end-of-depreciable-life)o Hayden Units I and2 - 2030 (end-of-depreciable-life)o Jim Bridger Unit 2 -2032 (assumed Regional Haze compliance altemative)o Craig Unit 2 -2034 (end-of-depreciable-life)o Huntington plant - 2036 (end-of-depreciable-life)o Colstrip Units 3 &,4 - 2046 (end-of-depreciable-life) PAC-E-I8-08 / Rocky Mountain Power November 28,2018 IIPA I't Set Data Request l8 o Hunter Units I ,2, &.3 - 2042 (end-of-depreciable-life)o Jim Bridger Units 3 & 4 - 2037 (end-of-depreciable-life) o Wyodak - 2039 (end-of-depreciable-life) Recordholder: Tom Evans / Tim Hemstreet Sponsor: Chad Teply / Tim Hemstreet