HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181105PAC to Monsanto Attach 2-5.pdfGross SalvageAccount ID FinalTransaction Amount Classification Data Reuse Cost of Removal Adjusted Trans- action Year Account Number Tr a n . C o d e Trans- action Year Co . N o . RECORD LAYOUT FOR COST OF REMOVAL AND SALVAGE DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4748 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 5758 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Columns Description Account Identification 1-5 Account Number. The primary account number recorded in the Continuing Property Record. 6-7 Group Number. Numeric codes for subdividing the primary account. Normally, group numbers are not used in the compilation of cost of removal and salvage data. 8-9 Company Number. Numeric code assigned by the user for identification of specific Company data files. 10 Transaction Code. Numeric code which identifies the type of transaction. The valid transaction codes are as follows (refer to “Transaction Code Descriptions” for more detailed explanations): 0 - Regular Retirement 1 - Reimbursed Retirement 2 - Sale 6 - Adjustment 7 - Outlier Retirement 11-14 Transaction Year. Year the entry was recorded to the depreciation reserve account. 19-28 Transaction Amount. Amount of the retirement, or other transaction, recorded to the plant account (normally a credit entry) and to the depreciation reserve account (normally a debit entry). If the amount is a credit entry to the plant account, a minus sign over the unit’s position (Column 28) is required (refer to “Recommended Sign Convention” for further explanation). 29-32 Adjusted Transaction Year. Only used for entries correcting a previous entry. The year entered is the transaction year of the original entry being corrected. 33-40 Classification Data. Optional descriptive and/or numeric data used for further record identification purposes. 41-50 Cost of Removal. All costs associated with the retirement of plant and recorded to the depreciation reserve account (normally a debit entry). If the amount is a credit to the depreciation reserve account, a minus sign over the unit’s position (Column 50) is required. 51-60 Reuse Salvage. Value of retired plant which is returned to stores (materials and supplies) for subsequent reuse and recorded to the deprecation reserve account (normally a credit entry). If the amount is a credit entry to the depreciation reserve account, a minus sign over the unit’s position (column 60) is required. 61-70 Final Salvage. Trade-in values, receipts from sale of scrap, and other receipts resulting from the disposition of retired plant and recorded to the depreciation reserve account (normally a credit entry). Receipts for transactions coded as Reimbursed Retirements (Code 1) and Sales (Code 2), also credits to the depreciation reserve account, are entered as “Final Salvage” for purposes of this analysis, and any other salvage is entered as “Reuse Salvage”. If the amount is a credit entry to the depreciation reserve account, a minus sign over the unit’s position (Column 70) is required. Gp . N o . Account ID Transaction Amount or Plant Balance Tr a n . C o d e AccountNumber Classification Data Instal- lation Year Trans-action Year Adjusted Trans- action Year Co . N o . Gp . N o . RECORD LAYOUT FOR PLANT ACCOUNTING DATA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Columns Description Account Identification. 1-5 Account Number. The primary account number recorded in the Continuing Property Record. 6-7 Group Number. Numeric codes for subdividing the primary account into life span, or other, groups such as major buildings, power plants, reservoirs, etc. 8-9 Company Number. Numeric code assigned by the user for identification of specific Company data files. Columns 8-9 may also be used for expanding the Group Number field to Columns 6-9. 10 Transaction Code. Numeric code which identifies the type of transaction or plant balance. The valid transaction codes are as follows (refer to “Transaction Code Descriptions” for more detailed explanations): 0 - Regular Retirement 1 - Reimbursed Retirement 2 - Sale 3 - Transfer 4 - Beginning-of-Interval Transfer 5 - Acquisition 6 - Adjustment 7 - Outlier Retirement 8 - Ending Balance 9 - Beginning Balance or Gross Addition 11-14 Transaction Year. Year the accounting transaction was recorded to the plant account. 15-18 Installation Year. Year the property item was first placed in public service, not necessarily the year it was placed in its present location (not required for “Simulated” data, except for the optional beginning aged balance). 19-28 Transaction Amount or Plant Balance. Transaction amount recorded to the plant account, or the surviving plant balance at a specific date. If the amount is a credit entry to the plant account, a minus sign over the unit’s position (Column 28) is required (refer to “Recommended Sign Convention” for further explanation). 29-32 Adjusted Transaction Year. Only used for entries correcting a previous entry. The year entered is the transaction year of the original entry being corrected. 33-40 Classification Data. Optional descriptive and/or numeric data used for further record identification purposes. RECOMMENDED SIGN CONVENTION 1. Plant accounting entry amounts (columns 19-28) are coded according to whether they are debits or credits to the plant account. Credit entries are identified by a minus sign over the units position (column 28). The software will accept sign characters in the units position in either ASCII OR EBCDIC form. However, when editing data files, for ease of keyboard entry of credit amounts it is recommended that the EBCDIC form be used as follows: Unsigned Digit (Debit) Equivalent EBCDIC in Units Position Keyboard Character of Amount Field for Credit Amount 0 } 1 J 2 K 3 L 4 M 5 N 6 O 7 P 8 Q 9 R Cost of removal and salvage entries (columns 41-50, 51-60 and 61-70) are coded according to whether they are debits or credits to the depreciation reserve account. Cost of removal normally is a debit to the reserve and salvage normally is a credit. Credit entries are identified by a minus sign over the units position in the same manner as explained above for the plant account entries. 2. An alternative to item 1 above is to enter the amount fields in “free form”. Under the “free form” option, leading (or trailing) minus signs and decimal points are valid characters; plus signs and commas are also valid but they serve no purpose and are merely stripped from the input during the internal conversion process. The only “free form” restriction is that each amount field entry must be right-justified on the units position. Therefore, column 28 for transaction amounts are columns 50, 60 and 70 for cost of removal and salvage amounts must not be blank. In addition to providing compatibility with the sign conventions of other software products, the “free form” option provides flexibility for entering rounded dollar amounts greater than 99,999,999.00, the previous maximum. For example, an entry of “999999999.", in columns 19-28 is interpreted as 999,999,999.00, the largest possible debit amount. The largest possible whole dollar credit amount which can be entered in “free form” is “-999999999.", or 99,999,999.00 CR. Note that when both dollars and cents are required for control purposes, the entry of a decimal point is not necessary although its omission is optional. That is, during the internal conversion process, the entry of dollars and cents is always assumed unless a decimal point is present. TRANSACTION CODE DESCRIPTIONS Code Description 0 Regular Retirement. All retirements from plant which occur in the course of normal operations for causes that are to be covered by depreciation accruals. Typically, these include all causes other than those listed below. 1 Reimbursed Retirement. Retirement for which the Company received payment approximating or exceeding the depreciated original cost of the property, and such payment was recorded as a credit to the depreciation reserve account. Reimbursed retirements are usually related to extraordinary circumstances such as fire or other accidents for which the loss is covered by insurance, and to property moved or abandoned due to the requirements or requests of outside parties, for which the Company is reimbursed. 2 Sale. Transfer of ownership of property for which the Company received payment approximating or exceeding the depreciated original cost, and the property would not have been retired at or near that time if the sale had not occurred. Sales are generally related to circumstances in which the property has not actually been retired, but continues in public service following the transaction. Sales in lieu of abandonment are classified as regular retirements. 3 Transfer. Transfer of property between accounts or property groups. Use for both transfers-in and transfers-out, and for intraaccount transfers. 4 Beginning-of-Interval Transfer. Transfer of property between accounts or property groups that is to be considered as occurring at the beginning rather than the end of the age interval. Includes major transfers of property into the account or property group, such as to initiate an account or to substantially increase the size of an existing account. 5 Acquisition. Purchase, trade, or similar transaction where property previously in public service was acquired. 6 Adjustment. Used for control purposes in Plant Accounting data, and for adjustments, special appropriations, or transfers to or from the Depreciation Reserve account in Cost of Removal and Salvage data. 7 Outlier Retirement. A retirement that occurs under unusual circumstances such that the analyst deems it appropriate that it be excluded from the retirements used in the service life or salvage study. 8 Ending Balance. The balance of plant in service as of December 31 of the most recent year included in the Experience Band, or as of a specific calculation date. 9 Beginning Balance. The balance of plant in service as of December 31 of the year preceding the first year included in the Experience Band. 9 Gross Addition. Placements of plant in service as replacements of plant retired or as additions to plant in service. Note: Corrections should be assigned the same code as the transaction being corrected.