HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181101PAC to Staff 10-13.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN HP:[y,E-A".. rJtrr,rl\/trt1I\L*lJI-I Y LL,' ?ili$liilT-t pH Z:h2 : | -- ,lr r r'1.. I Ljl.u.l,v 1407 W No(h Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 November 1,2018 Diane Hanian Edith Pacillo Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 edith.pacil lo@puc.idaho. gov diane.holt@puc.idaho. gov (C) RE ID PAC-E-I8.07 IPUC Data Request (10-13) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC Data Requests l0-13. Also provided is Attachment IPUC 13. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801) 220-2963 Sincerely, J fza laltn," /a.,-, J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation EnclosuresC.c. Ronald Williams/PlIC ron@williamsbradbury.com Jim Duke/PIIC i duke@idahoan. com Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui.edu Val Steiner/Pl IC val. steiner@asri um.com Randall C. BudgdMonsanto rcb@racinelaw.net Thomas J. Budge/Monsanto tjb@racinelaw.net Eric L. Olsen/llPA elo@echohawk.com Anthony Yankel/llPA tony@yankle.net PAC-E-I8-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November l, 2018 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request l0 IPUC Data Request l0 Please provide the supporting documentation, such as invoices, contracts, and receipts for the expenses charged to the DSM tariff rider listed on Confidential Attachment A (2016 Expense Sample) and Confidential Attachment B (2017 Expense Sample). Please have this information available for review during Staff s onsite audit scheduled for November 7-8, 2018. Response to IPUC Data Request I0 The requested information will be made available for review during StafPs onsite audit scheduled for November 7-8, 2018. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-I8-07 lRocky Mountain Power November 1,2018 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request I I IPUC Data Request I I In response to Production Request No. 5, please provide the supporting documentation, such as invoices, contracts, and jurisdictional allocation calculations for the consulting fees listed in Confidential Attachments A and B. Please have this information available for review during Staff s onsite audit scheduled for November 7-8, 2018. Response to IPUC Data Request ll The requested information will be made available during Staffs onsite audit scheduled for November 7-8, 2018. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-18-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 1,2018 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request l2 IPUC Data Request 12 In response to Production Request No. 6, please provide the supporting documentation, such as invoices, contracts, and detailed lists of items installed and estimated energy savings, for the following projects: For the year 2016:o SBID_I56720o WBID_12607r WBID_126404o WBID_144047o WBID_35425o WBID_37857o WBID_94855o WBID 94857 For the year 2017: 14014 t75772 179921 r 89584 r 89s99 63740 Response to IPUC Data Request 12 A detailed list of measures installed with their associated energy savings was provided in Confidential Attachment IPUC 6 from the previous data request set. During the onsite audit scheduled with Staff on November 7-8, these projects will be available for review to address the remaining items. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: Clay Monroe WBID- WBID_ WBID_ WBID WBID WBID IPUC Data Request 13 ln response to Production Request No. 9, please provide a detailed summary of the expenses, including salaries, benefits, overhead or other expenses, that contributed to the $127,447 in labor expenses in 2016 and Sl 31,244 in labor expenses in20l7. Response to IPUC Data Request 13 Activity rates for the Customer Solutions department are calculated by group using the planned labor and other employee related expenses divided by an assumed amount of regular working hours. Employees are grouped based on similar salary levels. Thus, this calculation occurs at each group level, rather than occurring at a total company or departrnent level. The components that make up the rate are demonstrated in Attachment IPUC 13. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-18-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 1, 2018 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request l3 Labor Regular salary or hourly wages Labor is planned by position within the SAP Workforce Planning module. Data is exported from scenario groups which interface planned labor costs to the SAP CO module. AIP Annual lncentive plan Each position is assigned an AIP rate by HR. This rate is used to estimate the expected AIP payout. Benefits Medical, dental, vision, life, 401k, payroll taxes These benefits are planned by position within the SAP Workforce Planning module. Data is exported fronr scenario groups which interface planned labor costs to the SAP CO module. Labor Overheads Pension, post retirement and employment, workers' cornp., disability, enhanced 401k, other misc. salary overheads Other Other employee related costs [e.9. travel, cell phone, office supplies, training services, etc.) Historical actual costs for these various labor related costs is used to calculate a loading factor. The rate determined for 2018 is8.2o/o conrpared to 8.7o/ofor 2Ot7. This rate is applied to all positions and will be reviewed and adjusted as necessary. These benefits are allocated to cost centers using planned headcount and other statistical key figures. A labor loading worksheet is prepared by RMP Finance each year based on planned labor to derive a loading factor. The factor used for 2018 is 7.82o/o compared to 7.98o/ofor 2O17. This rate is applied to al! positions and willbe reviewed and adjusted as Hours Regular working hours An assumed 1,750 regular working hours per full-tinre position (average of 330 hours of paid time-off per full-time position). Activity rate calculation for each group = Labor and other employee related cost components / Regular working hours Item Short Description Source for Plan Dollars/Hours Resular / Standard Rate comDonents