HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180914PAC to Staff 1-9.pdfY -' '- lt'/::- ROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER ' t-; i,i 3:.:.raDlvrsroNoFPAcrfrcoRP ' J ' ' I I i): ,:._-,1,'.' dTrl n4 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 September 14,2018 Diane Hanian Edith Pacillo Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 diane.holt@puc. idaho. gov (C) RE: ID PAC-E-18-07 IPUC Data Request (1-9) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC Data Requests 1-9. Also provided are Attachments IPUC 2,3, and 5. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Attachments IPUC I {1-2),4 -(l-5), and 6. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures PAC-E-18-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 14,2018 IPUC lst Set Data Request 1 IPUC Data Request I Please provide a listing of all expenses charged to the Company's Demand Side Management (DSM) tariffrider account for 2016 andZAfi. Please include date, vendor, amount, type of expense, and a brief description of the expense. Please separate expenses by program so that the total amount for each program ties to the amounts reported in the Annual DSM reports. Response to IPUC Data Request 1 The Annual Reports provide the results of the first year energy savings achieved. In 2011, the Company began performing a year-end true-up in an effort to match cost incurred with the program's first year savings achieved for calculation of cost effectiveness. Confidential Attachment IPUC l-1 provides the l) 2016-2017line item details from SAP that support the uriffrider expenditures, and 2) beginning balance of the year-end reconciliations that support the expenditures by program reported in the Annual Reports. Confidential Attachment IPUC 1-2 provides a reconciliation betrveen the year-end true-up used in the Annual Reports and the Schedule 191 tariffrider balancing account. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-18-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 14,2018 IPUC ls Set Data Request 2 IPUC Data Request 2 Please provide the monthly interest calculations for the balance in the DSM tariff rider account for 2016-2017. Response to IPUC Data Request 2 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 2. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-18-07 i Rocky Mountain Power September 14,2018 IPUC I't Set Data Request 3 IPUC Data Request 3 Please provide the tariff rider revenue by year and by customer class for 2016- 20t7. Response to IPUC Data Request 3 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 3. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-18-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 14,2018 IPUC I't Set Data Request 4 IPUC Data Request 4 Please provide the cost-effectiveness workpapers and calculations for all DSM programs, including demand response, by year Q0l6-2017) in Excel format with formulas intact and all assumptions clearly defined. Response to IPUC Data Request 4 Please refer to Confidential Attachments IPUC 4-1,4-2,4-3, and 44 (PY 2016 Mode[daho*Cl_Waffsmart, PY20 I 6 Mode[daho_Residential_All_Programs, PYzAfi Model-Idaho_Cl*All_Program, and PY20l 7 ModelJdaho_Residential_ All_Programs, respectively). Please note that also included is Confidential Attachment IPUC 4-5, which includes the 2017 portfolio and residential model without residential evaluation costs. This is being provided due to cost- effectiveness being reported two ways in the 2017 annual report due to the residential sector cost-effectiveness not passing. The cost effectiveness workpapers for the inigation demand response program are not included in this response as it is outside the purview of the request for prudency for energy efficiency programs. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Nikki Karpavich Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-18-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 14,2018 IPUC I't Set Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 Please provide a listing of all legal and consulting fees, including, but not limited to Evaluation, Measurement and Verification (EM&V), charged to the Idaho DSM tariff rider during 2016 and 2017. lf any of the fees were allocated among jurisdictions, please provide the calculation and explanation of the allocation. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 There were no legal fees incurred during the time period of 2016-2017. Attachment IPUC 5 QArc-2017 Consulting Fees) provides consulting fee expenditures that posted to the deferred account during 2016-2017. This does not include consulting fees that were part of Program Administration. Please refer to Request No. 8 for allocation among the jurisdictions. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-I8-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 14,2018 IPUC l$ Set Data Request 6 IPUC Data Request 6 Please provide a listing of all projects in which an incentive of greater than $10,000 was paid during 2016 and 2017. Please include a detailed description of each project. Response to IPUC Data Request 6 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 6 for a listing of all projects in which an incentive of greater than $10,000 was paid during 2016 and2017. (Confidential ID 2016 &2017 C&[ Programs) Occasionally, the Company incents project measures that may result in negative kV/h savings, but the project itself will always result in positive savings overall. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder: Nikki Karpavich Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-18-07 i Rocky Mountain Power September 14,2018 IPUC I't Set Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Please compare the Company's acquired annual class 2 DSM savings by program and sector with targets from the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and conservation potential assessment for 2016-2017. If the Company did not achieve its targets, such as the IRP energy efficiency savings for 2017 on a statewide level, please explain why. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 Table 4 in the Application compares the Company's Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA), IRP targets and achieved savings. The Company hires a third party consultant to perform its CPA to potential for electric DSM resources. The assessment results in an estimate of achievable technical potential savings, which represents the potential that can reasonably be acquired by all mechanisms available, regardless ofhow conservation is achieved. The achievable technical potential applies customer participation rates that account for market barriers, customer awareness and attitudes, program maturity, energy effrciency acquisition costs, and other factors that may affect market penetration of DSM measures. The results from the Potential Assessment inform the development of the IRP. These potential resources from the CPA are converted into supply curves for modeling against competing supply-side alternatives in the IRP, which allows for the selection of least cost resources. As shown in Table 4, the Company exceeded its IRP target over the 2016 -2017 period by 5,696 MWh. When observed by each individual year, program year 201 6 exceeded its targets, but 20 I 7 came within 99 .7o/o of its target . ln 2017 , lighting and energy kits fell just shy of its target for the residential program, and the small mid-market delivery channel was slightly short for the non-residential program. These marginal shortfalls resulted in an achievement of 99.7o/o of the 2017IRP target. Recordholder: Nikki Karpavich Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-18-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 14,2018 IPUC lst Set Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request 8 Please describe how common costs are allocated among jurisdictions. Response to IPUC Data Request 8 Common costs shared among ldaho programs that are offered in its ponfolio are allocated based on achieved kWh savings from the prior program year results. For common costs shared between states, achieved kWh savings from the prior program year are typically used. For some specific settlement orders such as system support number of projects completed from prior program year may also be considered. For these common costs, settlement orders are created with the appropriate percentage allocation. When settlement orders are used, the common costs receive the appropriate percentage ofthe expenditures based on the allocation percentage in place. Updating the settlement order allocation percentage is done at the beginning of each year, after reconciliation of savings has been completed. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: Clay Monroe PAC-E-18-07 / Rocky Mountain Power September 14,2018 IPUC I't Set Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Please provide the amount of labor expense charged to the DSM tariffrider for the years 2016-2017. For each of those years, please also include the number of Full Time Equivalents funded by the rider. Please also provide the general wage adjustnent percentage for non-union personnel approved by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors for each year. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 The table below contains the information requested. The full time equivalent was calculated using the internal labor hours charged to Idaho DSM divided by possible full time hours in a year of 2,080. Note that the General wage adjustment percentage reflects the approved percentages, which is not necessarily equal to the percentage of the actual payout. Recordholder: Esther Giezendanner Sponsor: CIay Monroe 20t6 $t27,447 76 2.5% 2017 $131,244 78 2.5% Year Labor Expense FT Equivalent General wage o/o