HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180914PAC to Staff Summons Complaint Attach 9.pdfA lb. ;_:_t CT Corporation Service of Process Transmittal 06/21/2018 CT Log Number 533560415 TO: Carol McCracken PacifiCorp 1407 West North Temple, Room 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RE: Process Served in Idaho FOR: PacifiCorp (Domestic State: OR) ENCLOSED ARE COPIES OF LEGAL PROCESS RECEIVED BY THE STATUTORY AGENT OF THE ABOVE COMPANY AS FOLLOWS: ACTION ITEMS: CITY OF IDAHO FALLS, ETC., PLTF. vs. PACIFICORP, ETC., DFT. SUMMONS, VERIFIED COMPLAINT, ATTACHMENT(S) Bonneville County, Seventh Judicial District, ID Case # CV20183272 Amount $221.00 C T Corporation System, Boise, ID By Process Server on 06/21/2018 at 15:02 Idaho WITHIN 20 DAYS RANDALL D. FIFE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 375 D. STREET Idaho Falls, ID 83401 208-612-8178 CT has retained the current log, Retain Date: 06/22/2018, Expected Purge Date: 06/27/2018 Image SOP Email Notification, Paul Leighton PJLEIGHTON@MIDAMERICAN.COM Email Notification, Jeff Richards jeff.richards@pacificorp.com Email Notification, Anne Kohls Anne.Kohls@pacificorp.com Email Notification, Emily Wegener Emily.wegener@pacificorp.com Email Notification, Carol Sabol Carol.Sabol@pacificorp.com Email Notification, Carol McCracken Carol.mccracken@pacificorp.com Email Notification, Deb Borchert dsborchert@midamerican.com Email Notification, Frank Grey Frank.Grey@pacificorp.com Page 1 of 2 / NM Information displayed on this transmittal is for CT Corporation's record keeping purposes only and is provided to the recipient for quick reference. This information does not constitute a legal opinion as to the nature of action, the amount of damages, the answer date, or any information contained in the documents themselves. Recipient is responsible for interpreting said documents and for taking appropriate action. Signatures on certified mail receipts confirm receipt of package only, not contents. TITLE OF ACTION: DOCUMENT(S) SERVED: COURT/AGENCY: NATURE OF ACTION: ON WHOM PROCESS WAS SERVED: DATE AND HOUR OF SERVICE: JURISDICTION SERVED: APPEARANCE OR ANSWER DUE: ATTORNEY(S) / SENDER(S): A lb. ;_:_t CT Corporation Service of Process Transmittal 06/21/2018 CT Log Number 533560415 TO: Carol McCracken PacifiCorp 1407 West North Temple, Room 320 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 RE: Process Served in Idaho FOR: PacifiCorp (Domestic State: OR) Email Notification, Christian Marble christian.marble@pacificorp.com Email Notification, John Sample john.sample@pacificorp.com Email Notification, Ryan Flynn Ryan.Flynn@PacifiCorp.com Email Notification, Tim Clark Tim.Clark@PacifiCorp.com SIGNED: C T Corporation System ADDRESS: 921 S. Orchard Street Suite G Boise, ID 83705 TELEPHONE: 954-473-5503 Page 2 of 2 / NM Information displayed on this transmittal is for CT Corporation's record keeping purposes only and is provided to the recipient for quick reference. This information does not constitute a legal opinion as to the nature of action, the amount of damages, the answer date, or any information contained in the documents themselves. Recipient is responsible for interpreting said documents and for taking appropriate action. Signatures on certified mail receipts confirm receipt of package only, not contents. ASSIGNED TO • 14;;,,:::4. ,PEL E. TINGEY Randall D. Fife/ISB #4010 Michael A. Kirkham/ISB #8939 CITY OF IDAHO FALLS 375 D. Street Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Telephone: (208) 612-8178 Facsimile: (208) 612-8175 Attorney for City of Idaho Falls, Idaho 211gJU 3 PH 4: 214 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS, an Idaho municipal corporation, Case No. CV-2018- 2_ Plaintiff, VS. SUMMONS PAC1FICORP, an Oregon Corporation, Operating in Idaho as Rocky Mountain Power 0, CO Cita Aft420110nmiligi5 Defendant. ) NOTICE: YOU HAVE BEEN SUED BY THE ABOVE-NAMED PLAINTIFF. THE COURT MAY ENTER JUDGMENT AGAINST YOU WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN TWENTY (20) DAYS. READ THE INFORMATION BELOW. TO: PacifiCorp, operating in Idaho as Rocky Mountain Power, You are hereby notified that in order to defend this lawsuit, an appropriate written response (Answer or appropriate Rule 12 I.R.C.P. Motion) must be filed with the above designated court with the Court Clerk at 605 N. Capital Avenue, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83402, (208) 529-1350 within 24) days after service of this Summons on you. SUMMONS PAGE 1 If you do not respond or fail to appear and defend this lawsuit, the Court will award default judgment against you for the relief detailed in the complaint. This lawsuit seeks an order from the court to issue an injunction against you—specifically an order that you are required to remove power lines from South Holmes Avenue—, damages, and attorney's fees. Please review the Complaint, served with this Summons, for a particularized description of the issue. - A copy of the Complaint is served with this Summons. If you wish to seek the advice of or representation by an attorney in this matter, you -should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be filed in time and other legal rights protected. The written response must comply with Idaho Civil Procedure Rule 2 and other Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure and include: your name, mailing address and telephone number; or your attorney's name, mailing address and telephone number; and the title and number of this case. To determine whether you must pay a filing fee with your response, contact the Clerk of the District Court. If you are considering talking to an attorney, you should do so quickly to protect your legal rights. DATED this f-3 day of June, 2018. - CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: 0114/14443 Typed/printed name Deputy Cler SUMMONS PAGE 2 Randall D. Fife/ISB #4010 Michael A. Kirkham/ISB 48939 CITY OF IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO 375 D. Street Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Telephone: (208) 612-8178 Facsimile: (208) 612-8175 a!: COUgTy,43ACASE ASSIGNED TO NNEVILLE I-ION. JOEL E. TINGEY • 2618JUN 13 PM Li: 24 Attorneys for City of Idaho Falls, Idaho IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE Of IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BONNEVILLE CITY OF IDAHO FALLS, an Idaho ) municipal corporation, ) Case No. CV-2018- ) Plaintiff, ) VERIFIED COMPLAINT ) vs. ) Fee: $221.00 ) PACIFICORP, an Oregon Corporation, ) Operating in Idaho as Rocky Mountain ) Power ) ) Defendant. ) COMES NOW Plaintiff; the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho, a municipal corporation of the State of Idaho (the "City of Idaho Falls" or "City"), by and through its counsel of record and as and for a claim against Defendant, complains and alleges as follows: PARTIES, JURISDICTION, AND VENUE 1. Plaintiff, is an Idaho municipal corporation of the state of Idaho, duly and legally organized and created pursuant to, and by virtue of; the laws of the state of Idaho. 2. Defendant, Pacificom, an Oregon corporation, is an electrical corporation and public utility doing business as Rocky Mountain Power in the state of Idaho and is subject to the jurisdiction of the state of Idaho. 3. The property under construction is within City limits, and the City therefore has COMPLAINT - PAGE 1 OF 5 jurisdiction and control of the right-of-way that is the subject of this dispute. 4. Plaintiff, by this action, seeks an order that Defendant vacate all power lines and associated wires, poles, brackets, attachments, guy wires, etc. owned or operated or maintained by Defendant from the construction zone described herein. 5. The above-entitled court has jurisdiction and venue over this action. COUNT I TRESPASS 6. In September 2017, Alan Cunningham and Chris Canfield, City employees, met with Bill Brabec, of Rocky Mountain Power, to discuss the project line relocation as a result of the roadway widening project described infra. 7. It was communicated to the City in that meeting, that Rocky Mountain would need three (3) months' notice to effectively design, schedule, and complete the line relocation. 8. On February 20, 2018, Chris Canfield sent notice indicating that the Plaintiff planned to schedule the roadway widening work on Holmes that would require the Defendant's power line relocation by May 2018. 9. May 20, 2018, was the three (3) month mark for notice requested by the Defendant, and yet the lines remain fully energized with electricity and in use by the Defendant. 10. The Defendant was sent a written Notice and Order to Vacate the Construction Zone, signed by the City of Idaho Falls Mayor, on or about May 23, 2018, describing that further delay caused by the power lines and other facilities, currently being operated and maintained by Rocky Mountain Power within the construction zone described, shall be considered by the City to be a trespass under Idaho Code. 11. By failing to comply with the Plaintiff's Notice and Order to Vacate the Construction Zone, the Defendant is trespassing on City property. COMPLAINT - PAGE 2 OF 5 12. Defendant's failure to vacate the construction. zone has caused the delay of the Defendant's other scheduling commitments with regard to this roadway widening project, causing damages in the amount sworn to in Chris Canfield's affidavit (attached). 13. The construction zone is legally described as: COMMENCING at a the Northwest corner of said Section 6 and running THENCE along the West line of said Section 6 s00 0 16'48"W 40.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING said point being at the Northeast corner of a quitclaim deed to The City of Idaho Falls filed with the Office of the Recorder for Bonneville County as instrument number 1224632; THENCE continuing along the West line of said Section 6 SOO 0 16'48"W 2609.52 feet to the East Quarter Corner of said Section 6; THENCE running along the South line of the said Northeast Quarter, (NE IL), of Section 6 N89 0 14'1 1 "W 50.00 feet to a to a point on the Westerly right-of- way line of said Holmes Avenue; THENCE along the said Westerly right-of-way line NOD 0 16'48"E 2609.61 feet to a point on the North line of said quitclaim deed; THENCE along said North line of the quitclaim deed 589 0 08'28'E 50.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 14. Idaho Code § 6-202 reads, in pertinent part: "Any person who, without permission of the owner, or the owner's agent, willfully and intentionally enters upon the real property of another. . . on the commons or public grounds of or in any city or town, or on the street or highway in front thereof, without lawful authority, is liable to the owner of such land, or to such city or town, for treble the amount of damages which may be assessed therefore or fifty dollars ($ 50.00), plus a reasonable attorney's fee which shall be taxed as costs, in any civil action brought to enforce the terms of this act if the plaintiff prevails." 15. Defendant has refused to de-energize the power lines and remove all of the supporting facilities from of the City's right-of-way. 16. To date, Plaintiff's governing board, the Idaho Falls City Council, has not released Defendant from its obligation nor directed any of its agents to release Defendant from its obligation. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho, prays for judgment against the Defendant(s) as follows: A. Granting a preliminary injunction ordering the Defendant to vacate the described right- COMPLAINT - PAGE 3 OF 5 CITY OF IDAH Rand D. Fife Attorney for Plaintiff of-way. B. Declaring that Defendant is in trespass of the right-of-way described above, and order that all power lines and facilities operated and maintained by the Defendant be vacated from the construction zone described above; C. Awarding Plaintiff treble damages resulting from the Defendant's trespass, in an amount sworn to in the attached affidavits of the Plaintiff and third party developer; D. Awarding attorney's fees and costs to Plaintiff; and E. For all other and further relief, in law and equity, to which Plaintiff may be entitled. DATED this l 3 liklay of June, 2018. COMPLAINT - PAGE 4 OF 5 VERIFICATION STATE OF IDAHO : ss. County of Bonneville Chris Fredericksen, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the Public Works Director of the City of Idaho Falls, Idaho, Plaintiff herein, that he has read the foregoing document, knows the contents thereof, and believes the same to be true and correct to the best of his information, knowledge and belief. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 19411 day of June, 2018. Kock ekvaC Notary Public for Idaho Residing at VAINLVitt-e_, CV10:16- WAD Commission expires: OU [Maar] COMPLAINT - PAGE 5 OF 5