HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180410PAC to Staff WY Attach Aeolus West Transmission Assessment.pdfAeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Updated Study Report Revision 2.1 March 30,2018 Prepared by PacifiCorp -Transmission Planning Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Table of Contents Executive Summary .....................................................................................1 1 Introduction ...............................................................4 1.1 Purpose .........................................................................................................4 1.2 Plan of Service ......................................................................................4 1.3 Planned Operating Date ................................................................5 1.4 Scope ................................................5 2 Study Criteria...........................................................................................5 2.1 Thermal Loading ...................................................................................................5 2.2 Steady State Voltage Range .............................................................................6 2.3 Post-Transient Voltage Deviation.....................................................................7 2.4 Dynamic Stability Analysis Criteria .............................................................7 2.5 Dynamic Voltage Response .........................................................................7 3 Base Case Development ......................................................................8 3.1 Base Case Selection ...............................................................8 3.2 Generating Facility Additions ......................................................10 3.3 Base Case Modification and Tuning.....................................................................11 4 Path Studies ...........................................................................................12 4.1 Aeolus West vs.TOT 4B ...............................................................................12 4.2 Base Case Development.......................................................................15 4.3 Dynamic Stability Analysis.......................................................................16 5 Sensitivity Analysis.............................................................................16 6 Study Conclusions ...............................................................................................17 Appendix A -Path Definitions.................................................................18 Appendix B -Power Flow Plots....................................................................18 Appendix C -Dynamic Stability Results (Case C7)........................................................18 H Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Executive Summary This assessment was conducted to document the Transfer Capability of the Aeolus Westi transmission path once the Gateway West -Subsegment D.22 (Bridger/Anticline-Aeolus) transmission facilities (D.2 Project)are added to the Wyoming transmission system and assumed resources identified in the PacifiCorp 2017R RFP3 Shortlist were added. The Aeolus West transmission path (see Figure 1)is a new path that will be formed by adding the D.2 Project in parallel with the TOT 4A4 (Path 37)transmission path facilities.The anticipated in-service date for the D.2 Project is October 31,2020.The D.2 Project is part of PacifiCorp's Energy Vision 2020 (EV2020)initiative which includes the followingmajor transmission facilities and network upgrades to support new wind generation resources:Figure 1:Aeolus West Transmission Path Aeolus 500/230 kV substation, Shirley Basin -Freezeout 230 kV line Aeolus Westloop-in to Aeolus, Anticline 500/345 kV substation, Aeolus -Anticline 500 kV new line, Bridger -Anticline 345 kV new line, Shirley Basin -Aeolus 230 kV #1 line rebuild, Shirley Basin -Aeolus 230 kV #2 new line,__----------- I The Aeolus West transmission path will include the followingmajor transmission elements:Aeolus*-Anticline 500 kV,Platte*-Latham 230 kV,Mustang*-Bridger230 kV and Riverton*-Wyopo 230 kV transmission lines.(*meter location) 2 Gateway West -Subsegment D.2 is a key component of the Energy Vision 2020 (EV2020)initiative that was announced by PacifiCorp on April 4,2017.Other components of the EV2020 initiative include repowering PacifiCorp's existing wind fleet in southeast Wyoming and adding approximately 1,100 MW of new wind generation east of the Aeolus West transmission path.[Subsequent to the initial announcement,technical studies have demonstrated that as high as 1,510 MW can be integrated east of the Aeolus West transmission path.] 3 The PacifiCorp 2017R Request for Proposals for renewable resources (2017R RFP)solicited cost-competitive bids for up to 1,270 MW of new or repowered wind energy interconnecting with or deliveringto PacifiCorp's Wyoming system with the use of third-party firm transmission service and any additional wind energy located outside of Wyoming capable of deliveringenergy to PacifiCorp'stransmission system that will reduce system costs and providenet benefits for customers. 4 The existing TOT 4A (Path 37)transmission path is comprised of the Riverton*-Wyopo 230 kV,Platte - Standpipe*230 kV and Spence*-Mustang 230 kV transmission lines.(*meter location) 1 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Aeolus -Freezeout 230 kV line reconductor, Freezeout -Standpipe 230 kV line reconductor, Latham dynamic voltage control device, Separate the double-circuit portion of the Ben Lomond -Naughton 230 kV #1 and Ben Lomond -Birch Creek 230 kV #2 lines to create two single-circuit lines, Railroad -Croydon 138 kV partial line reconductor, Aeolus 230 kV shunt reactor, Shirley Basin 230 kV shunt reactor, The WECC 2021-22 HW power flow base case was utilized for the Aeolus West transfer capability assessment studies.In support of the EV2020 initiative,which calls for the addition of new and repoweredwind resources in Wyoming,the base case was modified to achieve the transfer levels evaluatedby utilizingPacifiCorp 2017R RFP Shortlist resources as evaluated in the Large Generation Interconnection (LGI)queue,which added 1510 MW east of the Aeolus West "cut plane"and 221 MW in southwest Wyoming.For different Aeolus West transfer levels (heavy and light)and 2400 MW flow across the Jim Bridger West path,resource levels in eastern Wyoming were varied relative to the Jim Bridger Generation in central Wyomingand the Emery/Hunterand Huntingtongenerationin central Utah. Contingenciesthat were considered in this analysis include: N-1 of D.2 Project facilities N-1,N-2 Bridger contingencies All eastern,central and northern Wyoming transmission system contingencies performed as part of the TPL-001-4 annual assessment. For this transfer capability assessment,simultaneous interaction between the Aeolus West path and the TOT 4B path was evaluated;however,the interactions with other transmission paths (YellowtailSouth,Jim Bridger West,TOT lA and TOT 3)were monitored throughoutthe study.Subsequent transfer capability assessments will evaluate interaction with TOT 3 (Path 36),Bonanza West (Path 33)and TOT lA (Path 30)transmission paths.(See Appendix A.) In this revision of the report,the power flow analysis was re-evaluatedto identify maximum transfer capability by stressing both the Aeolus West and the TOT 4B paths simultaneously.If required,additional power from Western Area Power Administration (WAPA)was imported into the PacifiCorp East (PACE)balancing authorityarea. 2 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Conclusions Technical studies have demonstrated that the interconnected Bulk Electric System (BES)in Wyoming with the D.2 Project added can support the PacifiCorp 2017R RFP Shortlist resources,and that system performance will meet all North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)and Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)performance criteria. Preliminary power flow studies demonstrate that by utilizingexisting and planned southeast Wyomingresourcess,the Aeolus West transmission path can transfer up to 1829 MW under simultaneous transfer conditions with the TOT 4B transmission path,effectively6 ÏRCTORSÏDg the east to west transfer levels across Wyoming by 951 MW.Power flow findings also indicated: Dynamic voltage control is necessary at the Latham 230 kV substation to mitigate low voltage conditions resulting from loss of Bridger/Anticline -Aeolus transmission facilities. Under certain operating conditions,one Remedial Action Scheme (RAS)will need to be implemented to trip generation followingoutage of specific transmission facilities in southeast Wyoming. The location (and output level)of new and repoweredwind resources can influence the transfer capability level across the Aeolus West transmission path and the Aeolus West vs.TOT 4B nomogram curve. Dynamic stability studies evaluated a wide range of critical system disturbances in eastern Wyoming.The analyses identified two outages with poor voltage performance,and another outage identified a wind turbine modeling problem.These issues are all attributed to the wind turbine models at the Q0706,Q0707 and Q0708 projects.PacifiCorp is workingwith the wind turbine manufacture to resolve these issues.Aside from these issues,the studied outages evaluatedmeet the dynamic performance criteria with the system being stable and damped. 6 Eastern Wyoming Resources:Existing Wind:1124 MW,Dave Johnston (net)717 MW;Wyodak (PacifiCorp - net)268 MW,New Wind -behind the Aeolus West "cut plane":1510 MW;east Wyoming:1270 MW,north Wyoming:240 MW. 6 Effectivetransfers were determined by subtracting the existing TOT 4A path maximuml3 transfer level (960 MW)from the Aeolus West transfer level (1829 MW)and adding the Platte area loads (82 MW)that are up- stream of the Aeolus West metering point. 3 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of the study is to demonstrate that the interconnectedtransmission Bulk Electric System (BES)in Wyomingwith the D.2 Project added can support the PacifiCorp 2017R RFP Shortlist resources and can be operated reliably during normal and contingency operations throughoutthe planning horizon.To achieve this purpose,the study will:(1)identify the new Aeolus West transmission path limitations,(2)evaluate the interactions between the Aeolus West and the TOT 4B transmission paths and develop a nomogram that depicts system limitations,and (3)identify any necessary Remedial Action Schemes (RAS). This report will summarize the results of the power flow and dynamic stability analysis of the Aeolus West transmission path and will demonstrate that Wyoming transmission system performance with the D.2 project added meets all NERC and WECC performance criteria. 1.2 Plan of Service The D.2 Project,and supporting network upgrades consists of the following system improvements: 1.Add Aeolus 500/230 kV substation 2.Add Aeolus 500/230 kV,1600 MVA transformer 3.Loop the Shirley Basin -Freezeout 230 kV line into Aeolus, 4.Add Anticline 500/345 kV substation 5.Add Anticline 500/345 kV,1600 MVA transformer 6.Add the Aeolus -Anticline 500 kV transmission line,137.8-miles,3x1272 ACSR (Bittern)conductor 7.Add the Anticline -Bridger 345 kV line,5.1-miles,3x1272 ACSR (Bittern)conductor 8.Add the Aeolus 230 kV,60 MVAr shunt reactor 9.Add the Shirley Basin 230 kV,60 MVAr shunt reactor 10.Add Aeolus 500 kV,200 MVAr shunt capacitor 11.Add Anticline 500 kV,200 MVAr shunt capacitor 12.Rebuilding of the Aeolus -Shirley Basin 230 kV #1 line,2xl557 ACSS/TW (Hudson/TW)conductor 13.Add the Aeolus -Shirley Basin 230 kV #2 line,2xl557 ACSS/TW (Hudson/TW) conductor 14.Reconductor the Aeolus -Freezeout 230 kV line,2x1272 ACSR (Bittern)conductor 4 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment 15.Reconductorthe Freezeout -Standpipe 230 kV line,2x1272 ACSR (Bittern)conductor 16.Add dynamic reactive device at Latham 230 kV substation. 17.Separate eight miles of the double-circuit Ben Lomond -Naughton 230 kV #1 and Ben Lomond -Birch Creek 230 kV #2 lines to create two single-circuit lines,and 18.Reconductor 2.35 miles of the Railroad -Croydon 138 kV line,1222 ACCC high temperature conductor, 1.3 Planned OperatingDate The in-service date for all facilities associated with the D.2 Project is October 31,2020. 1.4 Scope The Aeolus West transfer capability assessment assumes the addition of new wind generation facilities as noted in Table 1,which includes the PacifiCorp 2017R RFP Shortlist resources as evaluated in LGI queue studies.While the new technology and model information of the repowered units was used in the steady-state and dynamic stability analysis,no incremental MW output was considered;i.e.,each repowered facility was limited to its current LGI agreement generationcapacity levels.The study was performed using a 2021-22 heavy winter WECC approved case which was modified to include the D.2 Project facilities.The system model assumed summer line ratings to assess the thermal limitation of the Wyoming system. Load served from Platte is normally represented as an open point between Platte -Whiskey Peak 115 kV.The system configuration with Platte l 15 kV normallyopen is presently the most limitingscenario for the existing TOT 4A/4B nomogram. 2 Study Criteria 2.1 Thermal Loading For system normal conditions described by the P0'event,thermal loading on BES transmission lines and transformers is required to be within continuous ratings. For contingency conditions described by Pl-P7 category planning events,thermal loading on transmission lines and transformers should remain within 30-minute emergency ratings. 7 Facility outage events that are identifiedwith "P"designations are referenced to the TPL-001-4 NERC standard. 5 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment The thermal ratings of PacifiCorp's BES transmission lines and transformers are based on the most recent PacifiCorp's Weak Link Transmission Database and Weak Link Transformer Database. Table 1:Generating Resources Studied Existing Wyoming Thermal Existing East New WyomingWind Generation WyomingWind Generation Generation 2396 MW 1124 MW 1731 MW Dave Johnston (DJ):717 MW (Foote Creek,Rock Eastern Wyoming (Aeolus, Wyodak (PacifiCorp):268 River,High Plains,Shirley Basin,Windstar): MW Seven Mile Hill,1270 MW Jim Bridger (PacifiCorp):Dunlap,Root Creek,Northern Wyoming 1411 MW Top of the World,(Bighorn Basin):240 MW Glenrock,Three Southwest Wyoming(Uinta Buttes,Chevron)County):221 MW See Table 4. 2.2 Steady State Voltage Range The steady state voltage ranges at all PacifiCorp BES buses shall be within acceptable limits as established in PacifiCorp's Engineering Handbook section 1B.3 "Planning Standards for Transmission Voltage""as shown below. Table 2:Voltage Criteria ContingencyConditionsOperatingSystemNormalConditions(PO)(P1-P7)Configuration Vmin (pu)Vmax (pu)Vmin (pu)Vmax (pu) Looped 0.95 1.069 0.90 1.10 Radial 0.90 1.06 0.85 1.10 8 PacifiCorp Engineering Handbook "Planning Standards for Transmission Voltage,"April 8,2013. In some situations,voltages may go as high as 1.08 pu at non-load buses,contingent upon equipment rating review. 6 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Steady state voltage ranges at all applicable BES buses on adjacent systems were screened based on the limits established by WECC regional criterion as follows: 95%to 105%of nominal for P0 event (system normal), 90%to l10%of nominal for Pl-P7 events (contingency). 2.3 Post-Transient Voltage Deviation Post-contingency steady state voltage deviation at each applicable BES load serving bus (having no intermediate connection)shall not exceed 8%for Pl events. 2.4 Dynamic StabilityAnalysis Criteria All voltages,frequencies and relative rotor angles are required to be stable and damped. Cascading or uncontrolled separation shall not occur and dynamic voltage response shall be within established limits. 2.5 Dynamic Voltage Response Dynamic stability voltage response criteria are based on WECC Regional Performance Criteria WRl.3 through WRl.5 as follows: Dynamic stability voltage response at the applicable BES buses serving load (having no intermediate connection)shall recover to at least 80%of pre-contingency voltage within 20 seconds of the initiating event for all Pl-P7 category events,for each applicable bus serving load. For voltage swings followingfault clearing and voltage recovery above 80%,voltage dips at each applicable BES bus serving load (having no intermediate buses)shall not dip below 70%of pre-contingency voltage for more than 30 cycles or remain below 80%of pre-contingency voltage for more than two seconds for all Pl-P7 category events. For contingencies without a fault (P2-1 category event),voltage dips at each applicable BES bus serving load (having no intermediate buses)shall not dip below 70%of pre- contingency voltage for more than 30 cycles or remain below 80%of pre-contingency voltage for more than two seconds. The followingcriteria were used to investigate the potential for cascading and uncontrolled islanding: 7 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Load interruption due to successive line tripping for thermal violations shall be confined to the immediate impacted areas and shall not propagate to other areas.The highest available emergency rating is used to determine the tripping threshold for lines or transformers when evaluating a scenario that may lead to cascading. Voltage deficiencies caused by either the initiating event or successive line tripping shall be confined to the immediate impacted areas,and shall not propagate to other areas. Positive damping in stability analysis is demonstrated by showing that the amplitude of power angle or voltage magnitude oscillations after a minimum of 10 seconds is less than the initial post-contingency amplitude.Oscillations that do not show positive damping within a 30- second time frame shall be deemed unacceptable. Stability studies shall be performed for planning events to determine whether the BES meets the performance requirements. Single contingencies (Pl category events):No generating unit shall pull out of synchronism (excludes generators being disconnected from the system by fault clearing action or by a special protection system). Multiple contingencies (P2-P7 category events):When a generator pulls out of synchronism in the simulations,the resulting apparent impedance swings shall not result in the tripping of any transmission system elements other than the generatingunit and its directlyconnected facilities. Power oscillations are evaluated by exhibiting acceptable damping.The absence of positive damping within a 30-second time frame is considered un-damped. 3 Base Case Development 3.1 Base Case Selection The base case developmentprocess involves selecting an approvedWECC base case,updating the models to represent plannedtransmission facilities (D.2 Project)and existing and new wind generation(see Table 1)facilities,and then tuning the cases to maximum transfer levels on the WECC transmission path(s)being studied.For this study,the WECC approvedbase case 2021- 22 HW (created on August 19,2016)was selected.This case meets key criteria in that it is close to the Projects'in-service date of October 31,2020,includes average load conditions based on 2021 load projections and has an accompanying dynamic stability base case available. This study focused on simultaneous transmission path interaction in the Wyoming area 8 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment between the Aeolus West and the TOT 4B transmission paths;however,other transmission paths such as Yellowtail South (non-WECC path),Jim Bridger West,TOT lA and TOT 3 (See Appendix A for path definitions)were monitored throughout the study. The various critical components for this study purpose selected from the 2021-22 HW base case are listed below: Table 3:Wyoming Load,Generation and Platte Normal Open Configuration in Base Case Load or Generation Amount (MW) North Wyoming PAC Load (includingWyodak load 391 MWof42MW) North Wyoming -WAPA Load 211 MW Eastern WyomingPAC Load (includingDJ load of 56 474 MWMW) Eastern Wyoming PAC Loads on WAPA System 95 MW Central WyomingLoad (includingJB load of 130 434 MWMW) Yellowtail South Flow 192 MW Yellowtail Generation 140/260 MW (Online/Max) WAPA's Existing Small Generationl°in North . .26/50 MW(Online/Max)Wyoming WAPA's Existing Small Generationil in Eastern . .484/584 MW(Online/Max)Wyoming Wyodak Generation (PacifiCorp/Black Hills)350/380 MW (Online/Max) Dry Fork Generation (Basin Electric)420/440 MW (Online/Max) Gross Laramie River Generation I (WAPA's swing .605 MW(Max)machme) io WAPA's small generation in north Wyoming includes;Boysen,Buffalo Bill,Heart Mountain,Shoshone, Spring Mountain "WAPA's small generation in eastern Wyoming includes;Alcova,Fremont,Glendo,Guernsy,Kortes,Seminoe, CLR_l,SS_Genl AND CPGSTN 9 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Load or Generation Amount (MW) Gross Laramie River Generation II 590/605 MW(Online/Max) Gross Dave Johnston (DJ)Generation 700/774 MW(Online/Max) Total Existing PAC East WyomingWindl2 Generation 885.7/1124 MW (Online/Max) Rapid City DC W Tie 130 w2e (200 MW-bidirectional) Stegall DC Tie 100 e2w (110 MW-bidirectional) Sydney DC Tie 196 e2w (200 MW-bidirectional) TOT 4A Flow 627 MW TOT 4B Flow 469 MW Jim Bridger (JB)Generation 2200 MW Jim Bridger West Flow 2027 MW TOT 3 Flow 1259.1 MW TOT lA Flow 195 MW Platte -Mustang 115 kV Normal Open Point Platte -Normal Open 3.2 Generating FacilityAdditions The transmission path assessment studies outlined in Section 4 were performed by utilizing the resources identified in Table 4 to evaluate the performance of the Aeolus West transmission path.Transmission and generationprojects with an in-service date beyond 2020 were excluded from the analysis.While Table 4 provides the general location of the resources included in the study,Figure 2 provides an overview of PacifiCorp's Wyoming transmission system and provides a visual illustration of the location of each of the existing and new generation (noted in red)resources,and identifies the location of the Aeolus West and TOT 4B transmission path constramts. 12 PAC eastern Wyoming wind generation includes;Root Creek,Three Buttes,Top of The World,Glenrock, Rolling Hills,Dunlap.Seven Mile Hill,Foote Creek and High Plains wind generation 10 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Table 4:New Wyoming Wind Resources LGIProposedNew ProjectQueue Point of InterconnectionWindFacilitiesSizeNumber Northern Wyoming .. .Q542 240 MW Franme -Yellowtail 230 kV lme(Bighorn Basm) -Q706 250 MW Aeolus 230 kVEasternWyommg (Aeolus/Shirley Q707 250 MW Shirley Basin 230 kV Basin/Windstar Q708 250 MW Shirley Basin 230 kV Area)Q712 520 MW Windstar 230 kV Southwest Wyoming Q715 120 MW LanyonCompression -Railroad 138 kV (Uinta County)Canyon Compression -Railroad 138 kVQ810101MW.lme TOTAL 1731 MW 3.3 Base Case Modification and Tuning The 2021-22HW base case was modified to reflect the most recent Foote Creek,High Plains, Top of the World and Three Buttes wind generationmodeling as per the recent MOD-032 data submitted by each generator owner (GO).Transmission line impedances between Dave Johnston and Standpipe were verified and updated and the transmission line ratings in the 2021-22 heavy winter case were modified to summer ratings,which represent the most conservative thermal limitations.The Platte -Standpipe 230 kV dynamic line rating of 608/666/680 MVA was assumed during the analysis. The generation resources listed in Table 4 were added to the base case and the existing repowered wind farm generator models and collector system data were updated.The Aeolus West path was stressed by maximizing the output on all of the existing and new wind generation facilities.Output for the repowered wind generation facilities was limited to the existing LGI agreement generation capacity levels.The additional generation in southeast Wyoming was displaced with Jim Bridger,central and southern Utah generation.The Jim Bridger generation output was maintained such that Jim Bridger West path flows were maintained near 2400 MW. As per the available data obtained for the various wind generation facilities at the time of this study analysis,the base cases were reviewed and adjusted to ensure voltages in the collector system of wind generationfacilities were below 1.05 p.u.and that there was no reactive power 11 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment GSU loop flow conditions for wind generation facilities that have multiplemain generator step-up GSU transformers. Figure 2 Existing/Proposed Wyoming Generation Resources,and Transmission Constraints Bo r ts Yellowtail Montana Decker Wyomont Montana PacifiCorp Aeolus West/TOT4B Wyoming TransmissionConstraints cariana i DryFork i OregonBasin NorthWyoming 271sM NT Lookout Buffalo DCa"Hughes GrassCreek TOT4B Ba er cr k <230 kV Existing Kaycee Reno Osage 230 kV Existing 345 kV Existing Thermopolls P pkin I ----500kVProposed Badwater Midwest Glenr klRolLng " eaYellowca e Q712Cedarspringsl (520 AEOLUS WEST Riverton ChevronWind Latigo Windstar Wyopo 16 5 MW TOW Naughton Load Paradise e/, casper 811 1w 200 2 Mw s#EastWyoming Atlanticcity Spence Amasa ChimneyButte BigPiney i dh Central RootCreek80MW Wyoming Dif5culty Q707/708 TBFiats I&II (2x250 To3MK ee Labarge ao Bairoi!MW) ToPopulu Mustang 0409 Shirley Basin Trona Boswell springs Dunlap 111 MW ToTreasureton 'N Aeolus Kemmerer //AEOLUS standpip 3 Freezeout o70eEkolaFiats(250 aug n Palisdes ' tcirne WEST Platte 7Miie 118.5 i Birchereek Man nt FooteCreek 135MW C Comp FireholeToBenLomondQ715/8101Ulinta II(120 (simpiou Mendhd i e 8 WMW Railroad Wyoming AEOLUS WEST ffOT 4B Limit1.--.--wouww.....,__.__.__._,__._SimultaneousNomogram Utah !Colorado This process involved tuning transformer and generator parameters such that generators were producing appropriate reactive power output.Additionally,within the 230 kV transmission system it was verified that the shunt reactive devices were accurately represented,voltage profiles were normal,reactive power flows were within normal operating ranges and transmission system voltage was maintained to match acceptable PacifiCorp Transmission Voltage Schedules. 4 Path Studies 4.1 Aeolus West vs.TOT 4B Based on the assumptions outlined above,the study demonstrated that the Aeolus West maximum transfer capability limit is 1829 MW,while meeting all NERC and WECC performance criteria.While this transfer level is 869 MW above the present TOT 4A (960 12 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment MWl3)path limit for similar conditions,east to west transfers have effectively increased by 951 MW due to shifting the Platte area load (82 MW)east of the Aeolus West cut plane.The Aeolus West path was stressed by using 3351 MW of total generation resources,which includes thermal (Dave Johnston,717 MW -net),existing wind (1124 MW),and new wind (1510 MW)resources.The 240 MW of new wind resource in Big Horn Basin was varied with Wyodak generation as necessary.It was assumed that only the thermal generation at Dave Johnston and Wyodak generating plants in eastern Wyomingwould be adjusted to maintain transfers on the Aeolus West and the TOT 4B transmission paths. Table 5:Aeolus West and TOT 4B Corner Point Cases (See Figure 3) Case Aeolus TOT 4B Limiting Element Outage West (MW) (MW) 1 1829 100 Platte-Latham 230 kV line Anticline -Aeolus 500 kV line outage with RAS 2 1803 300 Platte-Latham 230 kV line Anticline -Aeolus 500 kV line outage with RAS 3 1777 500 Platte-Latham 230 kV line Anticline -Aeolus 500 kV line outage with RAS 4 1763 607 Platte-Latham 230 kV line Anticline -Aeolus 500 kV line outage with RAS Dave Johnston South Tap -Casper 230 kV CB RefineryTap -Casper 115 1H4001 failure causing kV line Casper -Dave Johnston 230 kV and Casper 230/115 kV transformer outage or Casper -Dave Johnston 230 kV line outage 5 1628 699 Platte-Latham 230 kV line Anticline -Aeolus 500 kV line outage with RAS 13 Maximum nomogram point with normal open point at Platte utilizing the dynamic line rating on Platte - Standpipe 230 kV line. 13 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Case Aeolus TOT 4B Limiting Element Outage West (MW) (MW) Dave Johnston South Tap -Casper 230 kV CB RefineryTap -Casper 115 lH4001 failure causing kV line Casper -Dave Johnston 230 kV and Casper 230/115 kV transformer outage or Casper -Dave Johnston 230 kV line outage 6 1125 880 Yellowtail -Sheridan 230 kV N-0 line See Appendix B for power flow plots. The low voltage issue in the Big Horn Wyoming area is an existing issue for the Yellowtail - Frannie 230 kV line outage or future Q0542 POI -Frannie 230 kV outage.This issue is resolved by adding capacitor banks at various locations in north Wyoming.A project to install a new 30 MVAr shunt capacitor bank at Grass Creek 230 kV,two new 20 MVAr shunt capacitor banks at Frannie and a new 7.5 MVAr capacitor bank at Hilltop115 kV are proposed. In the study,one RAS scheme was identified for N-1 outages: i.Aeolus RAS to trip approximately 630 MW of wind generation depending on pre- outage flow conditions for any of the new transmission element outages between Aeolus -Jim Bridger. Study results are summarized in Table 5 and illustrated in Figure 3.In reviewing Figure 3,it is evident that the Aeolus West and TOT 4B path interaction are minimized with the addition of the D.2 Project,as indicated by the straight horizontal line (implying no path interaction) when Aeolus West flows are below 1125 MW.The Aeolus West vs TOT 4B nomogram "knee point"is at Aeolus West flows of 1763 MW (TOT 4B,607 MW).As TOT 4B flows increase from that point,Aeolus West flows reduce;likewise,from the knee point as TOT 4B flows decrease,Aeolus West flows increase. 14 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Figure 3:Aeolus West Vs TOT 4B Nomogram Wyoming System Operating Curve 2022 Heavy Winter Loads Normal Open Point:Plattell5 kV Aeolus West Vs TOT 4B Nomogram 1000 1125,880 900 N00 "00 1628,699 00 1763,607 500 1777,500 200 100 1829,100 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Aeolus West Flow (MW) 4.2 Base Case Development The 2021-22 HW WECC case was modified to simultaneously stress the Aeolus West and the TOT 4B path flows.The Aeolus West path was stressed using all of eastern and north Wyomingresources fora total of 3619 MW (existing and future)wind and net coal resources. These resources were displaced with Jim Bridger and resources in central and southern Utah such that the Jim Bridger West flows were maintained near 2400 MW. The TOT 4B path flows were adjusted between a minimum of 100 MW and a maximum of 880 MW.Additional resources were exported from PACE to Montana and WAPA to Montana to adjust flows across the TOT 4B path between 300 MW and 880 MW using Crossover, Rimrock and Steam Plant phase shifting transformers in Montana. The Shiprock,San Juan and Gladstone phase shifting transformers were locked to regulate flow across the TOT 3 path between Colorado and Wyoming. 15 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment 4.3 Dynamic StabilityAnalysis The dynamic stability analysis was performed using PSS/E models provided by both General Electric (GE)and Vestas's for the repowered and new wind generation.The generic model for the Root Creek wind model was updated to the GE0501 model (GE 1.85 units).Top of the World and Three Buttes wind farms in eastern Wyoming were updated to the GE 1.5 wind turbine model provided by GE for PTI V33.A generic WECC model was used for the Latham dynamic reactive device. The stability study was focused in the eastern Wyomingregion to demonstrate the acceptable performance from various new wind farms in the region.The real power,reactive power and voltage output from the new and the existing wind farm generators were reviewed to evaluate their ability to support the transmission grid voltage and system stability during various outage scenarios.Due to the combination of different wind turbine models,dynamic analysis also ensured that no interaction issues were being observed. The dynamic stability study was performed for one (worst case)nomogrampoint on the Aeolus West vs.the TOT 4B nomogram curve,which reflected the heaviest Aeolus West flow conditions. Dynamic stability analysis was performed on selective critical outages based on anticipated post fault impacts on the wind generationperformance,especially for the portion of the system with a calculated short circuit ratio of approximately 2.3.See Appendix C for the dynamic stability analysis summary and dynamic plots. 5 Sensitivity Analysis The sensitivity analysis focused on the evaluation of two different RAS generation tripping scenarios to ascertain which scheme would be the most effective at tripping generation followingoutage of the D.2 Project facilities between Bridger and Aeolus. A dynamic stability sensitivity analysis was performed to evaluate the system impact and generator performance for a single element outage on the D.2 segment between Aeolus 230 kV and Bridger 345 kV buses which requires a RAS for generator tripping.Two different sets of generator tripping locations and tripping levels (approximately 630 MW)were selected.The generation tripping of 607 MW,which includes High Plains,Seven Mile Hill,Q706 and Dunlap wind generation was compared with generation tripping of 628 MW,which includes High Plains,Q0706 and Q0707 wind generation.For summary results and plots,please see dynamic simulation cases la -lf2 in Appendix C. 16 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment 6 Study Conclusions Technical studies demonstrated that with the addition of the planned D.2 Project facilities to the Wyoming transmission system,system performance will meet all NERC and WECC performance criteria. Updated power flow studies demonstrate that by utilizing existing and planned southeast Wyomingresourcess,the Aeolus West transmission path can transfer up to 1829 MW under simultaneous transfer conditions with the TOT 4B transmission path,effectively6 ÏRCTORSing the east to west transfer levels across Wyoming by 951 MW.Power flow findings also indicated: Dynamic voltage control is necessary at the Latham 230 kV substation to mitigate low voltage conditions resulting from loss of Bridger/Anticline -Aeolus transmission facilities. Under certain operating conditions,one RAS scheme will need to be implemented to trip generation followingthe outage of specific transmission facilities. The location (and output level)of new and repoweredwind resources can influence the transfer capability level across the Aeolus West transmission path,the Aeolus West and TOT 4B nomogram curve and the area under the nomogram curve. Dynamic stability studies evaluated a wide range of critical system disturbances in eastern Wyoming.The analyses identified two outages with poor voltage performance,and another outage identified a wind turbine modeling problem.These issues are all attributed to the wind turbine models at the Q0706,Q0707 and Q0708 projects.PacifiCorp is workingwith the wind turbine manufacture to resolve these issues.Aside from these issues,the studied outages evaluatedmeet the dynamic performance criteria with the system being stable and damped. 17 Updated Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment Report Appendices Appendix A -Path Definitions Appendix B -Power Flow Plots Appendix C -Dynamic Stability Results (Case C7) 18