HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180329PAC to Staff WY WIEC Set 22 (1-38) (2).pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVlSION OF PACIFICORP 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 March 20,2018 Abigail C.Briggerman,#7-5476 Holland &Hart LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Circle,Suite 500 GreenwoodVillage,CO 80111 acbriggerman@hollandhart.com (C) RE:Wyoming Docket 20000-520-EA-17 WIEC 22nd Set Data Request (1-38) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to WIEC 22nd Set Data Requests 22.6- 22.12,22.14,22.17-22.21,22.24-22.30,22.36,and 22.38.The remaining responses will be provided separately. If you have any questions,please call me at (307)632-2677. Sincerely, Stacy Splittstoesser, Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.C.:Meridith Bell/WPSC meridith.bell@wyo.gov(C) Lori L.Brand/WPSC lori.brand@wyo.gov (W) John Burbridge/WPSC john.brubride@wyo.gov(W) Michelle Bohanan/WPSC Michelle.bohanan@wyo.gov (W) Kara Seveland/WPSC kara.seyeland@wyo.goy(W) Morgan Fish/WPSC morganjish@wyo.gov(W) Dave Walker/WPSC dave.walker@wvo.gv (W) Perry McCollom/WPSC perry.mecollom@wvo.gov (W) Patti Penn/WIEC PPenn@hollanhart.com(W) Thor Nelson/WIEC tnels_o_n@h_olllandhart.com (C)(W) Emanuel Cocian/WIEC etcocian@hollanhart.com(W) Adele Lee/WIEC Re_e@holllan_dharLeom (W) Nik Stoffel/WIEC NSStoffel@hollandhart.com (C)(W) Christopher Leger/OCA christopher.leger@wyo.gov (C) Crystal J.McDonough/NLRA (C) Callie Capraro/NLRA callie@medonoughlawlle.com Lisa Tormoen Hickey/Interwestlisahickey@newlawaroup.com (C) Brandon L.Jensen/RMSC brandon@buddfaln.com (C) Roxane Perruso/TOTCO Roxane.perruso@tac-denver.com Jane M.France/TOTCO jfrance@spkm.org (C) Constance E.Brooks/Anadarko connie@cebrooks.com(C) Danielle Bettencourt/Anadarko danielle@cebrooks.com(C)(W) Paul Kapp/Anadarko pkapp@spkm.org (C) Lisa Christian/TOTCO Lisa.Christian@tac-denver.com (C) J.Kenneth Barbe/Southlandkbarbe@wsmtlaw.com (C) 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.6 WIEC Data Request 22.6 Please provide a full executable copy of all work papers relied upon by Mr.Link to perform his new solar analysis presented in his Supplemental Rebuttal Testimony with all formulae and links intact includinga no solar,no wind case. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.6 Please refer to the confidential and non-confidential work papers supporting the supplemental rebuttal testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,which were provided with the Company's filing on March 14,2018. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.7 WIEC Data Request 22.7 Admit that the results of the nominal revenue requirements analysis performed in conjunctionwith Mr.Link's second supplemental direct testimony demonstrate that the Solar PPA option without the Combined Projects provides greater ratepayerbenefits through 2036 in the medium gas,medium CO2 scenario compared to The Combined Projects only,or the combination of the Combined Projects with the Solar PPA.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualifiedadmission please explain your response in detail and include the PVRR(d)resulting from the nominal revenue for each of the three alternativesunder the medium gas,medium CO2 case through 2036. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.7 The Company denies that the nominal revenue requirement analysis demonstrates that the solar power purchase agreements (PPA)associated with bids submitted into the 2017 Solar Request for Proposals (2017S RFP)provide greater customer benefits through 2036 when compared to the Combined Projects through 2036. The comparative results of these sensitivitystudies vary by year.For instance,the Combined Projects produce a change in annual revenue requirement that is more favorable relative to the solar PPA bids in some years,and in other years,this trend is reversed.Further,any present value of revenue requirements differential (PVRR(d)) calculated off of the nominal revenue requirement results through 2036 is not appropriate because it does not capture any potential benefits from capital investments beyond 2036. Finally,the solar sensitivitystudies summarized in the second supplemental direct testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,were performed before the bid-evaluation and selection process for the 2017S RFP was completed. As summarized in Mr.Link's supplemental rebuttal testimony,this bid-evaluation and selection process has now been completed.Based on valuation risks unique to solar resources that are not factored into the solar sensitivities summarized in Mr.Link's second supplemental direct testimony,continued availability of investment tax credits (ITC)for solar resources,and anticipated price reductions for solar projects,the Company has not selected any of the solar PPA bids that were offered into the 2017S RFP to the final shortlist. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.8 WIEC Data Request 22.8 Admit that the results of the nominal revenue requirements analysis performed in conjunctionwith Mr.Link's second supplemental direct testimony demonstrate that the Solar PPA option without the Combined Projects provides greater ratepayerbenefits through 2036 in the low gas,zero CO2 scenario compared to the Combined Projects only, or the combination of the Combined Projects with the Solar PPA.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualifiedadmission please explain your response in detail and include the PVRR(d)resulting from the nominal revenue for each of the three alternativesunder the low gas,zero CO2 case through 2036. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.8 Please refer to the Company's response to WIEC Data Request 22.7. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.9 WIEC Data Request 22.9 Admit that the results of the nominal revenue requirements analysis performed in conjunctionwith Mr.Link's second supplemental direct testimony demonstrate that the Solar PPA option without the Combined Projects provides greater ratepayerbenefits through 2050 in the medium gas,medium CO2 scenario compared to The Combined Projects only.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualified admission please explain your response in detail and include the PVRR(d)resulting from the nominal revenue for both alternativesunder the medium gas,medium CO2 case through 2050. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.9 The Company denies that the nominal revenue requirement analysis demonstrates that the solar power purchase agreements (PPA)associated with bids submitted into the 2017 Solar Request for Proposals (2017S RFP)provide greater customer benefits through 2050 when compared to the Combined Projects through 2050. The comparative results of these sensitivitystudies vary by year.For instance,the Combined Projects produce a change in annual revenue requirement that is more favorable relative to the solar PPA bids in some years,and in other years,this trend is reversed.The present value of revenue requirements differential (PVRR(d))calculated off of the nominal revenue requirement results through 2050 for the Combined Projects is $167 million.The PVRR(d)for the solar PPA bids calculated off of the nominal revenue requirement results through 2050 is $424 million.When analyzed together,the PVRR(d) calculated off of the nominal revenue requirement results through 2050 is $435 million. The solar sensitivitystudies summarized in the second supplemental direct testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,were performed before the bid-evaluation and selection process for the 2017S RFP was completed. As summarized in Mr.Link's supplemental rebuttal testimony,this bid-evaluation and selection process has now been completed.Based on valuation risks that are unique to solar resources that are not factored into the solar sensitivities summarized in Mr.Link's second supplemental direct testimony,continued availability of investment tax credits (ITC)for solar resources,and anticipated price reductions for solar projects,the Company has not selected any of the solar PPA bids that were offered into the 2017S RFP to the final shortlist. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.10 WIEC Data Request 22.10 Admit that the results of the nominal revenue requirements analysis performed in conjunctionwith Mr.Link's second supplemental direct testimony demonstrate that the Solar PPA option without the Combined Projects provides greater ratepayerbenefits through 2050 in the low gas,zero CO2 scenario compared to the Combined Projects only, or the combination of the Combined Projects with the Solar PPA.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualifiedadmission please explain your response in detail and include the PVRR(d)resulting from the nominal revenue for each of the three alternativesunder the low gas,zeroCO2 case through 2050. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.10 Please refer to the Company's response to WIEC Data Request 22.9. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.11 WIEC Data Request 22.11 Admit that the results of the nominal revenue requirements analysis performed in conjunctionwith Mr.Link's March 14,2018 supplementalrebuttal testimony demonstrate that the Solar PPA option without the Combined Projects provides greater ratepayer benefits through 2036 in the medium gas,medium CO2 scenario compared to the Combined Projects only.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualified admission please explain your response in detail and include the PVRR(d)resulting from the nominal revenue for both alternatives under the medium gas, medium CO2 case through 2036. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.11 The Company denies that the nominal revenue requirement analysis demonstrates that the solar power purchase agreements (PPA)associated with bids submitted into the 2017 Solar Request for Proposals (2017S RFP)provide greater customer benefits through 2036 when compared to the Combined Projects through 2036. The comparative results of these sensitivitystudies vary by year.For instance,the Combined Projects produce a change in annual revenue requirement that is more favorable relative to the solar PPA bids in some years,and in other years,this trend is reversed.Further,any present value of revenue requirements differential (PVRR(d)) calculated off of the nominal revenue requirement results through 2036 is not appropriate because it does not capture any potential benefits from capital investments beyond 2036. Finally,the solar sensitivitystudies summarized in the second supplemental direct testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,were performed before the bid-evaluation and selection process for the 2017S RFP was completed. As summarized in Mr.Link's supplemental rebuttal testimony,this bid-evaluation and selection process has now been completed.Based on valuation risks that are unique to solar resources that are not fully factored into the solar sensitivities summarized in Mr. Link's supplemental rebuttal testimony,continued availabilityof investment tax credits (ITC)for solar resources,and anticipated price reductions for solar projects,the Company has not selected any of the solar PPA bids that were offered into the 2017S RFP to the final shortlist. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.12 WIEC Data Request 22.12 Admit that the results of the nominal revenue requirements analysis performed in conjunctionwith Mr.Link's March 14,2018 supplementalrebuttal testimony demonstrate that the Solar PPA option without the Combined Projects provides greater ratepayer benefits through 2050 in the medium gas,medium CO2 scenario compared to the Combined Projects only.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualified admission please explain your response in detail and include the PVRR(d)resulting from the nominal revenue for both alternatives under the medium gas, medium CO2 case through 2050. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.12 The Company denies that the nominal revenue requirement analysis demonstrates that the solar power purchase agreements (PPA)associated with bids submitted into the 2017 Solar Request for Proposals (2017S RFP)provide greater customer benefits through 2050 when compared to the Combined Projects through 2050. The comparative results of these sensitivitystudies vary by year.For instance,the Combined Projects produce a change in annual revenue requirement that is more favorable relative to the solar PPA bids in some years,and in other years,this trend is reversed.The present value of revenue requirements differential (PVRR(d))calculated off of the nominal revenue requirement results through 2050 for the Combined Projects, when calculated using nominal carbon dioxide (CO2)price assumptions and when accounting for potential price-profile risks is $127 million.The PVRR(d)for the solar PPA bids,when calculated using nominal CO2 priCC RSsumptions and when accounting for price-profile and capacity-contribution risks calculated off of the nominal revenue requirement results through 2050 is $149 million. Based on valuation risks that are unique to solar resources that are not factored into the solar sensitivities summarized in Mr.Link's second supplemental direct testimony, continued availability of investment tax credits (ITC)for solar resources,and anticipated price reductions for solar projects,the Company has not selected any of the solar PPA bids that were offered into the 2017S RFP to the final shortlist. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.14 WIEC Data Request 22.14 Please provide the PVRR(d)for all nine price policy scenarios resulting from the nominal revenue requirements analysis though 2036 for the Combined Projects. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.14 The WyomingIndustrial Energy Consumers (WIEC)is in possession of the information required to perform this calculation on its own.Please refer to the confidential work papers supporting the second supplemental direct testimony of Company witness,Rick T. Link,specifically the work paper "EV2020 Second Supp Results Summary File -VOM adjusted".The worksheet "PaR -RFP FSLW Studies"includes the annual change in nominal revenue requirement associated with the Combined Projects for all nine price- policy scenarios over the 2017 through 2050 timeframe (rows 121,242,362,etc.). Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.17 WIEC Data Request 22.17 At Page 2 of Mr.Link's March 14,2018 supplementalrebuttal testimony,Mr.Link states that "During the evaluation of bids in the 2017S RFP,PacifiCorp analyzed valuation risks that are unique to the procurement of solar resources and determined that solar resource costs are likely to continue to fall.Given these solar resource-valuation risks,expected cost declines,and availability of the 30-percent investment tax credit (ITC)for solar projects coming online as late as 2021,PacifiCorp does not need to act now and has decided not to select any of the solar power-purchase agreement (PPA)bids to the 2017S RFP final shortlist." Please provide the company's expectation of future solar prices for each year through 2021. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.17 The Company has not established a definitive projection of solar prices at this time.The referenced statement in the supplemental rebuttal testimony of Company witness,Rick T. Link,is based on trends in solar pricing and a recent market environment characterized b uncertainties in tariff and tax-reform risks (see Confidential Exhibit RMP (RTL- 2SR,page 25). Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.18 WIEC Data Request 22.18 Has the Company explored the economics of pursuing a solar PPA option (without the combined projects)based on its expected lower future solar pricing?If yes,please provide a full and detailed discussion of the analysis and all results and supporting work papers.If not,please explain in detail why not. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.18 No.The Company has chosen not to pursue solar power purchase agreement (PPA)bids at this time for a number of reasons,as stated in the second supplemental rebuttal testimony of Company witness,Rick.T.Link (Link Sup.Rebuttal,page 2 lines 17-page 3,line 1,page 30-page 31,line 19,and Confidential Exhibit RMP_(RTL-2SR),page 26).PacifiCorp has not analyzed sensitivities specific to future solar pricing because there are other valuation risks that can be considered in the 2019 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)with full stakeholderengagement. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.19 WIEC Data Request 22.19 Admit that the Company is still a summer peaking utility and that Solar provides greater accredited capacity toward meeting PacifiCorp's summer peak than does wind.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualifiedadmission please explain your response in detail Response to WIEC Data Request 22.19 For planning purposes,PacifiCorp's coincident peak (CP)is expected to occur in the summer.Based on assumed capacity contribution values developed for the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP),it is assumed that solar resources have a greater capacity contribution value than wind resources.However,the capacity contribution value is not entirelydriven by peak load.Rather,capacity contribution reflects the availability of resources at times when the loss of load probability (LOLP)is highest. As noted in the supplemental rebuttal testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,as highly correlated solar resources are added to the system,the energy output from solar resources is more likelyto shift the timing of loss of load events,which would reduce the capacity contribution value of solar resources (Link Sup.Rebuttal,page 36,lines 6-page 38,line 5).This same effect is not expected for wind resources (Link Sup.Rebuttal,page 41,line l l-page 42,line 2). Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.20 WIEC Data Request 22.20 Admit that Table 1.2 &1.3 of the Company's 2017 IRP shows that the Company will remain significantlyabove its planning reserve margin through 2026 for both its summer and winter peak and that these calculations include load growth,and coal retirement but exclude any new incremental generation resources.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualified admission please explain your response in detail Response to WIEC Data Request 22.20 PacifiCorp denies that the referenced tables in the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) show the Company will remain significantlyabove its planning reserve margin (PRM) through 2026.As labeled in the referenced tables,the capacity position shown includes available front office transactions (FOT).These capacity and energy resources are uncommitted and can be displaced by other lower-cost resource alternatives.This was ultimatelythe case in the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio,which included 1,100 megawatts (MW)of Wyomingwind at the end of 2020 and significantlyfewer FOTs than the amount of available FOTs shown in the referenced tables.Eliminatingthe uncommitted available FOTs from these tables shows that the capacity contribution from existing resources (i.e.,10,493 MW for 2017 in Table 1.2)is less than what is required (i.e., 11,020 MW of Obligation +13 percent Planning Reserves for 2017)throughoutthe first 10 years of the planning horizon.Consequently,PacifiCorp has an immediate need to procure capacity and energy resources as demonstrated in the 2017 IRP. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.21 WIEC Data Request 22.21 Admit,that from a capacity need basis,the Company does not need to pursue the Combined Projects immediately to meet a capacity need but rather the timing of the project is driven by the availabilityof PTCs.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualifiedadmission please explain your response in detail. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.21 The Company denies that it does not need to pursue the Combined Projects immediately. As identified in the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)and confirmed by on-going analysis throughout this proceeding,without the Combined Projects,the Company would need to procure other resource alternatives to meet its load and reserve obligations and that these other alternatives are higher cost and higher risk than the Combined Projects. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.24 WIEC Data Request 22.24 Admit that Table 5.13 in the Company's 2017 IRP shows that the Company uses a 59.7% capacity contribution for single axis tracking solar pv.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualified admission please explain your response in detail. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.24 Yes.Please refer to the supplemental rebuttal testimony of Company witness,Rick T. Link (Link,Sup.Rebuttal,page 36,line 12-16). Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.25 WIEC Data Request 22.25 Admit that the Company updated its Capacity Contribution for Solar in its 2017 IRP based on hours having the highest loss of load probability study.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualifiedadmission please explain your response in detail. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.25 The Company developed its capacity contribution value for solar resources in the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)using the capacity factor approximation method,which relies on hourly loss of load probability(LOLP)calculated from stochastic Planning and Risk (PaR)model simulations.The analysis developed for the 2017 IRP is summarized in Appendix N,Volume II,of the 2017 IRP,which is publicly available and can be accessed by utilizingthe followingwebsite link: http://www.pacificorp.com/es/irp.html Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.26 WIEC Data Request 22.26 Admit that the Company used the Solar Capacity Contribution listed in Table 5.13 in its 2017 IRP for each of the years included in its IRP analysis.If the response to this request is anything other than a simple,unqualified admission please explain your response in detail. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.26 This is correct.The same capacity contribution value was applied to all years in the 20- year planning period. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.27 WIEC Data Request 22.27 Referring to Rick Link's March 14,2018 supplemental rebuttal testimony at page 9,lines 10-14.Was the Oregon IE referring to a levelized analysis or nominal analysis of the costs and benefits of a PPA portfolio as compared to the Combined Projects? Response to WIEC Data Request 22.27 Given the Oregon independentevaluator's (IE)reference to analysis through 2050,and the fact that the Company did not perform levelized analysis over this time frame,it is the Company's position that the quoted statement refers to nominal analysis of a 2017 Renewable Request for Proposals (2017R RFP)bid portfolio containing power purchase agreement (PPA)bids with a 2017R RFP bid portfolio that contained the original final shortlist of 2017R RFP bids identified in the Company's second supplemental direct testimony in this docket. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.28 WIEC Data Request 22.28 Referring to Rick Link's March 14,2018 supplemental rebuttal testimony at page 10, lines 6-10.Was the Utah IE referring to a levelized analysis or nominal analysis of the costs and benefits of a PPA portfolio as compared to the Combined Projects? Response to WIEC Data Request 22.28 Given the Utah independentevaluator's (IE)reference to a 30-year analysis,and the fact that the Company did not perform levelized analysis over this time frame,it is the Company's position that the quoted statement refers to nominal analysis of a 2017 Renewable Request for Proposals (2017R RFP)bid portfolio containing power purchase agreement (PPA)bids with a 2017R RFP bid portfolio that contained the original final shortlist of 2017R RFP bids identified in the Company's second supplemental direct testimony in this docket. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.29 WIEC Data Request 22.29 Referring to Rick Link's March 14,2018 supplemental rebuttal testimony at page 11,line 24 through page 12,line 3.Please explain in detail how an inflation-adjusted real- levelized analysis of capital costs is consistent with how the capital costs are treated in ratemaking. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.29 The referenced testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,explains that net present value (NPV)benefits of utility-ownedresources versus power purchase agreement (PPA) alternatives corresponds to how productiontax credit benefits pass through to customers. This statement stands on its own. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.30 WIEC Data Request 22.30 Referring to Rick Link's March 14,2018 supplemental rebuttal testimony at pages 22-24. Please explain how the terminal value benefit associated with the Combined Projects will be allocated to Wyoming in 2050. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.30 Terminal value benefits represent the potential avoided cost for not having to procure certain elements of a wind project that have longer useful lives (i.e.,transmission facilities and developmentrights).These benefits would flow through to Wyomingby not having to incur incremental costs for these elements of a wind facility that are not retained via a traditional power purchase agreement (PPA)structure. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.36 WIEC Data Request 22.36 Referring to Rick Link's March 14,2018 supplemental rebuttal testimony at page 51, lines 17-21. (a)What is the "higher-cost"resource that the Combined Projects are deferring in the 2028 timeframe? (b)Please identify all of the generation resources will be allocatedto Wyoming ratepayers in 2028. (c)Based on the generationresources that will be allocated to Wyomingin 2028,please identify whether Wyomingwill have a resource need in 2028. Response to WIEC Data Request 22.36 (a)Displacement of higher cost resources varies among price-policy scenarios,and can be determined by comparing differences in the resources in the portfolios with and without the Combined Projects for any given price-policyscenario.Resources that are in the resource portfolio without the Combined Projects and not included in the resource portfolio with the Combined Projects,for any given year,are displaced or deferred. The WyomingIndustrial Energy Consumers (WIEC)is in possession of the information required to assess changes in the resource portfolio due to the Combined Projects.For instance,please refer to the confidential work papers provided with the second supplemental testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,specifically the files included in the folder "SO Summary Reports".The "Portfolio"worksheet in each of these files summarizes the resource portfolio selected by the System Optimizer model (SO model)for any given simulation.Those files with the term "Base"in the file name contain the resource portfolios without the Combined Projects.Those files with the term "FSLW"contains the resource portfolios with the Combined Projects. For each of these files,the two characters in the file name that followingthe term "Base"or "FSLW"designate the natural gas price assumptions (L =low,M = medium,and H =high)and the carbon dioxide (CO2)price assumptions (N =zero,M =medium,and H =high). Note:none of the new resources in the portfolios developed from the SO model are committed.Consequently,the resources in each of these portfolios may or may not be procured,and therefore may or may not be allocated to Wyomingcustomers in 2028. Actual resource procurement for 2028 will be informed by future integrated resource plans (IRP)and subsequent competitive bidding processes,as applicable. (b)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above. 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.36 (c)Each resource portfolio developedusing the SO model meets projected load obligations inclusive of a planning reserve margin (PRM). Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power March 20,2018 WIEC Data Request 22.38 WIEC Data Request 22.38 Referring to Joelle Steward's March 14,2018 supplemental rebuttal testimony at page 5, lines 22-23.Please define "the nature of the resource decision at issue in this case." Response to WIEC Data Request 22.38 The Company's 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)identified new wind and transmission as an element of its least-cost,least-risk plan.The extensive economic analysis produced by the Company in this proceeding affirms that these resources,now known as the Combined Projects,are lower cost and lower risk than other resource alternatives.Consequently,it is the Company's position that the WyomingPublic Service Commission (WPSC)should approve prudentlyincurred costs to deliver this element of PacifiCorp's least-cost,least-risk resource plan. Respondent:Rick Link Witness:Joelle Steward