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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180329PAC to Staff WY LM Olson Notice of Option.pdfWhen recorded return to: Rocky Mountain Power Attn:John Delavigne 5660 Katella Avenue,Suite 100 Cypress,CA 90630 Project Name:Energy Vision 2020 Tract Number:0078 WO#:10063157 RW#:2017R0059 NOTICE OF OPTION Notice is hereby given that L.M.Olson,Inc.("Grantor")has granted an option to Rocky Mountain Power,an unincorporated division of PacifiCorp,an Oregon corporation,its successors and assigns,("Grantee")to acquire a perpetual easement and right of way for a transmission line and other facilities and access rights over and across Grantor's real property located in Carbon,State of Wyoming,more particularly described in Exhibit "A",attached hereto and made a part hereof.The option expires June 30,2019 with one renewable term. DATEDthis &dayof 44,,-291-7. GRANTOR: L.M.OLSON,INC. Page 1 of 3 REPRESENTATIVEACKNOWLEDGEMENT Stateof (Öy\x(\ SSCountyofÚÔ This instrument was acknowledged before me on this (4 day of ' O UK , Year Name of Representative Title of Representative Name of Entity on behalf of whom instrument was executed Kelly Wrisley -Notary Public -County of State of §.e iCarbonWyomingiotPubheJ My Commission Expires 8-23-2021 [Seal]'''''"**************My commission expires:Ñ3 Page 2 of 3 Exhibit A (Grantor's land) APN:2185-24-2-00-012-00 Township21 North,Range 85 West of the 6th P.M.,Carbon County,Wyoming Section 36:A parcel of land North of Interstate I-80 right of way in the North portion of the SW ¼NW ¼of Section Page 3 of 3