HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030421_446.pdfDECISION MEMORANDUM TO:COMMISSIONER KJELLANDER COMMISSIONER SMITH CO MMISSI 0 NER HANSEN COMMISSION SECRETARY LEGAL WORKING FILE FROM:DOUG COOLEY DATE:APRIL 17, 2003 RE:PETITION OF IAT COMMUNICATIONS FOR DESIGNATION AS ELI GIBLE TELECO MMUNI CA TI 0 NS CARRIER. GNR- T -03- BACKGROUND On February 3 2003 , the Commission received a Petition from rAT Communications Inc., d.a. Clear Talk seeking designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) in connection with its wireless telecommunication offerings to consumers within its authorized service areas. Clear Talk states that it provides service in areas currently served by one or more of the following ETCs in southeast Idaho: Albion Telephone Company, Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Citizens Telecommunications, Fremont Telecom, Project Mutual Telephone Cooperative, and Qwest Corporation. DISCUSSION Clear Talk's Petition states that it currently offers each of the services required by Order No. 27715 such as voice-grade access to the public switched network, emergency services interexchange service, operator services, directory assistance and the functional equivalent of dual-tone signaling using its existing network and contracts with other carriers as necessary. The Company further states that it will advertise the price and availability of these services pursuant to Idaho Code 9 62-610D and that these offerings will promote competition and customer choice. DECISION MEMORANDUM APRIL 17 , 2003 RECOMMENDATION Designating multiple ETCs in an area, including wireless carriers, and the associated universal service support has received significant national attention and remains under consideration at the Federal Coinmunications Commission. I Staff understands that, prior to designation as an ETC, this Commission will consider public interest factors and the potential impacts on universal service support. Because this issue is of interest to several parties and is the first Petition for ETC status from a wireless carrier in Idaho, Staff recommends that this case be processed by Modified Procedure and that a twenty-eight day comment period be established. COMMISSION DECISION Does the Commission wish to proceed by Modified Procedure and establish a twenty- eight day comment period on the question of Clear Talk's Petition for ETC status? i:udmemos/clear talk dm 1 Public Notice - Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service Seeks Comment on Certain o/the Commission Rules Relating to High-Cost Universal Service Support and the ETC Designation Process. CC Docket No. 96-45. ReI. February 7 2003. DECISION MEMORANDUM APRIL 17, 2003