HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180329PAC to Staff WY AJB BLM NTP schedule.docxGATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT Pre-construction Items, including Notices to Proceed for Energy Vision 2020 Segment D2 of Gateway West (Shirley Basin to Aeolus to Jim Bridger Segments) (Greyed rows were accepted in the GWW ROD, November 2013) March 2018 ITEM Reference Notice to Proceed (Y/N) Status Timing Remarks/Comments Construction Plan of Development (POD) ROW Grant – Stipulation 1a Y All POD plans are currently being updated and reviewed by BLM in 3 sets. Group 1 – Group 2 –submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, expected completion May 2018. Group 3 – to be submitted October 1, 2018 for BLM review, expected completion date December 2018. Group 1 comments received and incorporated into updated versions Group 2 comments received from Rock Springs, still pending from Rawlins due March 14, 2018 Environmental Compliance Management Plan POD, Appendix C Y Accepted in ROD (11/12/13) BLM review complete Reclamation Plan POD, Appendix D Y Framework Plan in POD Group 3 – to be submitted October 1, 2018 for BLM review, expected completion date December 2018. Monitoring locations being identified Site-specific reclamation treatments to be identified by Construction Contractor and reviewed by CIC Noxious Weed Plan ROW Grant – Stipulations 10 & 11 POD, Appendix E Y Framework Plan in POD Group 3 – to be submitted October 1, 2018 for BLM review, expected completion date December 2018. Changed to Group 3 from Group 2 to include 2018 survey data. Mapping to be updated with 2019 survey data Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan POD, Appendix F Y Framework Plan in POD - detailed info to be submitted to WYDEQ by Construction Contractor Group 2 – to be submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 Contractor to file NOIs with WY DEQ Spill Prevention, Containment, and Countermeasures Plan POD, Appendix G Y Framework Plan in POD Group 2 – to be submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 Plant and Wildlife Conservation Measures Plan POD, Appendix H Y Framework Plan in POD Group 3 – to be submitted October 1, 2018 for BLM review, expected completion date December 2018. Mapping to be updated with 2019 survey data Stream, Wetland, Well and Spring Protection Plan POD, Appendix I Y Framework Plan in POD Group 3 – to be submitted October 1, 2018 for BLM review, expected completion date December 2018. Paleontological Resources Plan POD, Appendix J EPM: PALEO-5 Y Framework Plan in POD Group 3 – to be submitted October 1, 2018 for BLM review, expected completion date December 2018. Meeting with BLM on January 25, 20-18 to discuss plan preparation and bLMrveiew Agriculture Protection Plan POD, Appendix K Y Accepted in ROD (11/12/13) BLM review complete Traffic and Transportation Plan POD, Appendix L Y Framework Plan in POD Group 2 –submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 Blasting Plan POD, Appendix M Y Framework Plan in POD Group 2 –submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 Erosion, Dust Control and Air Quality Plan POD, Appendix N Y Framework Plan in POD Group 2 –submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 Fire Prevention and Suppression Plan POD, Appendix O Y Framework Plan in POD Group 2 –submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 Hazardous Materials Management Plan POD, Appendix P Y Framework Plan in POD Group 2 –submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 Construction Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan POD, Appendix Q Y Framework Plan in POD Group 2 –submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 Operations, Maintenance and Emergency Response Plan POD, Appendix R Y Complete except for emergency contact list Group 2 –submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 Cultural Resources Protection Plan POD, Appendix S Y Accepted in ROD (11/12/13) BLM review complete Flagging, Fencing and Signage Plan POD, Appendix U Y Framework Plan in POD Group 2 –submitted to BLM January 18, 2018 for review, BLM comments due March 14, 2018; expected completion May 2018. Submitted for BLM review January 18 as part of Group 2 PacifiCorp’s Transmission Construction Standards POD, Appendix V Y Accepted in ROD (11/12/13) BLM review complete PacifiCorp’s and Idaho Power’s Vegetation Management Program POD, Appendix W Y Accepted in ROD (11/12/13) N/A Environmental Protection Measures POD, Appendix Z Y Accepted in ROD (11/12/13) BLM review complete Preconstruction Special Status Species Surveys (Listed Below) ROW Grant - - Stipulation 1c Y Survey plans and protocols for each species listed below will besubmitted to BLM for review/approval in January 2018. NTP for each species, approved individually or in groups. Bald Eagle FEIS 3.11-16, 3.11-43 EPM: WILD-4 Y Summer 2018 2018 survey plan to be submitted for BLM review end of January 30, 2018 Mapping updated with annual surveys Burrowing Owl FEIS 3.11-16, 3.11-45 EPM: WILD-4 Y Summer 2018 2018 survey plan to be submitted for BLM review end of January 30, 2018 Mapping updated with annual surveys Ferruginous Hawk FEIS 3.11-16 EPM: WILD-4 Y Summer 2018 2018 survey plan to be submitted for BLM review end of January 30, 2018 Mapping updated with annual surveys Greater Sage-grouse FEIS 3.11-16 EPM: TESWL-5 Y April – Mid-May (lek surveys) 2018 survey plan to be submitted for BLM review end of January 30, 2018 Habitat in Segments 1 – 10. New request to BLM re: using recent WGFD data Midget Faded Rattlesnake EPM: TESWL-13 Y Spring 2017 No suitable habitat in project area. Draft NTP letter being prepared for BLM review, expected mid-March. Mapping updated with annual surveys Migratory Birds EPM: WILD-9 Y Summer 2018 2018 survey plan to be submitted for BLM review end of January 30, 2018 Mapping updated with annual surveys Mountain Plover FEIS 3.11-16, 3.11-47 Y Summer 2018 2018 survey plan to be submitted for BLM review end of January 30, 2018 Mapping updated with annual surveys Pygmy Rabbit FEIS 3.11-16, 3.11-48 Y Winter 2017 and Summer 2018 BLM approved survey plan.Surveys currently being conducted. Mapping updated with annual surveys Other Raptor Species EPM: WILD-4 & 8 Y Summer 2018 2018 survey plan to be submitted for BLM review end of January 30, 2018 Mapping updated with annual surveys White-tailed Prairie Dog FEIS 3.11-17, 3.11-49 EPM: TESWL-3 Y Summer 2018 2018 survey plan to be submitted for BLM review end of January 30, 2018 Mapping updated with annual surveys Wyoming Pocket Gopher FEIS 3.11-17, 3.11-50 Y Spring 2017 Surveys for suitable habitat in 2017 are complete. Draft NTP letter being prepared for BLM review, expected mid-March. Mapping updated with annual surveys Blowout Penstemon EPM: TESPL-1 Y No suitable habitat in project area per BA. FWS concur in BO. No Survey required June Endangered species in Wyoming only. NTP issued 8/27/15 Colorado Butterfly Plant EPM: TESPL-2 Y No suitable habitat in project area per BA. FWS concur in BO. No Survey required July -- September Threatened species in Wyoming only. NTP issued 8/27/15 Rare Plant Survey EPM: TESPL-3 Y Summer 2018 Mapping updated with annual surveys Ute Ladies’-tresses EPM: TESPL-7 Y Survey completed through 2014. No plants found. BLM accepted survey 6/10/14 and 2/23/15. August No additional survey required per email from FWS on 7/01/15. Wyoming Sage-grouse Mitigation Plan ROW Grant – Stipulation 1d Y HEA baseline under review by BLM -Baseline model approved by Oversight Committee (OC) -HEA impacts being modeled (currently) -Finalize HEA end of Q1/beginning Q2 2018 -PacifiCorp identify potential mitigation projects/opportunities/debits & credits Q2 2018 -Draft impacts results and mitigation plan review by OC – mid-May 2018 - Final mitigation plan approvalJuly 2018 - NTP Q3 2018 Migratory Bird Habitat Conservation Plan ROW Grant – Stipulation 1e Y NTP issued when fund administration finalized and funding provided. Chris Keefe (BLM) to coordinate with WyGF re: fund administration. Class III Inventory Report National Historic Preservation Act N 2nd Amended PA signature pages in BLM review Final Class III Report on track for submittal to BLM on 12/15/2017 (see below) Tribal consultation pending Class 3 submittal BLM review complete, comments being addressed, BLM final review late March/early April, PA parties review early to late April. Rawlins FO – Class III Report N On track for delivery December 2017 BLM comments being address Rock Springs FO – Class III Report N On track for delivery December 2017 BLM comments being address Umbrella Historic Properties Treatment Plan ROW Grant – Stipulation 1f POD Appendix S, Attach. S-2 Y Umbrella HPTP in SHPO Review BLM coordinating handling of NAGPRA, etc. with WY SHPO for finalization Complete Segment HPTP – Shirley Basin – Aeolus – Jim Bridger ROW Grant – Stipulation 1g Y Will be developed after approval of Class III report for this segment. May 2018 Pending Class 3 report review/approval Platte River Recovery Agreement ROW Grant – Stipulation 1h Y Water needs determined by construction contractor Review of water use proposed by the contractor (Fall 2018 LNTP). Not to exceed (96 acre-feet/year:31.3 M gallons) Letter being prepared confirming only municipal sources will be used Payment made to FWS on amount of water withdrawn from basin. NTP issued when FWS confirms payment received. Nonew net depletion letter received from State Engineer 4/18/2013 Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program Endangered Species Act N Water needs determined by construction contractor Determine needed action when water source and amount known. Fall 2018 after LNTP Proponents intend to obtain water from sources with existing consultation. If obtained from non-consultation sources, consultation and a payment to FWS is required Construction/ Reclamation Bond ROW Grant – Stipulation 1k, Term and Condition #8 Y BLM requests bond NLT 6 months prior to construction. Bond in place NLT 90 days prior to construction. Bond amount determined based on the Final Plans of Development and the Reclamation, Restoration and Revegetation Plan; following guidance in BLM Manual 2885.11E