HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180329PAC to Staff UT Q706SIS.pdfPACIFICORP TRANSMISSION Large Generator Interconnection System Impact Study Report Completed for Invenergy Wind DevelopmentLLC ("Interconnection Customer") Q0706 Carbon County 1 Proposed Point of Interconnection PacifiCorp's proposed Aeolus substation at 230 kV July 28,2016 PAciFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERATING FACILITY.............................................l 2.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY ....................................................1 3.0 TYPE OF INTERCONNECTION SERVICE ...............................................1 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INTERCONNECTION..............................................l 4.1 Other Options Considered...............................................3 5.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS..........................................................3 5.1 Energy Resource (ER)Interconnection Service..............................................4 5.1.1 Requirements 5 5.1.2 Cost Estimate 11 5.1.3 Schedule 12 5.1.4 Maximum Amount of Power that can be deliveredinto NetworkLoad,with No Transmission Modifications(for informationalpurposes only)12 5.1.5 Additional Transmission ModificationsRequired to Deliver 100%of the Power into Network Load (for informationalpurposes only)13 5.2 NetworkResource (NR)Interconnection Service.............................................13 5.2.1 Requirements 13 5.2.2 Cost Estimate 13 5.2.3 Schedule 14 6.0 PARTICIPATION BY AFFECTED SYSTEMS..............................................14 7.0 APPENDICES ..........................................................14 7.1 Appendix 1:HigherPriority Requests .............................................15 7.2 Appendix 2:Property Requirements..............................................16 7.3 Appendix 3:Study Results................................................18 Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page i July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERATING FACILITY InvenergyWind Development LLC ("InterconnectionCustomer")proposed interconnecting 250 MW of new generation to PacifiCorp's ("Transmission Provider")proposed Aeolus substation at 230 kV located in Carbon County,Wyoming.The Carbon County 1 project ("Project")will consist of 125 GE 2.0-116 turbines for a total output of 250 MW.The requested commercial operation date is November 1,2018. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project "Q0706." 2.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The interconnection system impact study shall evaluate the impact of the proposed interconnection on the reliability of the transmission system.The interconnection system impact study will consider Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii)below, an identified network upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection)that,on the date the interconnection system impact study is commenced: (i)are directlyinterconnected to the transmission system; (ii)are interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the interconnection request; (iii)have a pending higher queued interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system;and (iv)have no Queue Position but have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The interconnection system impact study will consist of a short circuit analysis,a stability analysis,and a power flow analysis.The interconnection system impact study will state the assumptions upon which it is based;state the results of the analyses;and provide the requirements or potential impediments to providing the requested interconnection service, includingpreliminaryindication of the cost and length of time that would be necessary to correct any problems identified in those analyses and implement the interconnection.The interconnection system impact study will provide a list of facilities that are required as a result of the Interconnection Request and a non-binding good faith estimate of the cost responsibility and a non-binding good faith estimated time to construct. 3.0 TYPE OF INTERCONNECTION SERVICE The Interconnection Customer has elected to have the interconnection studied as an Energy Resource (ER)and a Network Resource (NR).The Interconnection Customer will select NR or ER prior to the Facilities Study. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 1 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PAciFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INTERCONNECTION The Interconnection Customer's proposed Generating Facility is to be interconnected through a new 230 kV bay at the proposed Aeolus substation.The Interconnection Customer will construct a seven-to eight-mile 230 kV transmission line into the Aeolus substation from their 230 kV collector substation.Based on the data provided by the Interconnection Customer,the Project consists of two 230 -34.5 kV transformers with the rating of 84/112/140 MVA each.Each one of the 230 -34.5 kV transformers is connected to two separate 34.5 collector systems.The first collector system has sixty-two (62)2.0 MW GE turbines connected to it totaling 124 MW and the second collector system has sixty-three (63)2.0 MW GE turbines connected to it totaling 126 MW.The total maximum output of the Project shall not exceed 250 MW. Figure 1 below is a one-line diagram that illustrates the interconnection of the proposed Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider's system. 7-8 mile 230 kV line to the Collector Substation Customer owned,operated &protected breaker outside Aeolus Substation 230 kV to Aeolus 500 500/230 kV Windstar kV Sub 230 kV to Future QO706 I 230 kV 230 kV to Aeolus 500 500/230 kV Shirley Basin I kV Sub Aeolus 500 500/230 kV 230 kV Aeolus 230 kV i svc Fut re 230 kV I Substation 230kVto Freezeout Figure 1:Simplified System One Line Diagram Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 2 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report 4.1 Other Options Considered The followingalternative options were considered as potential Points of Interconnection ("POI")for this Project:None. 5.0 STUDYASSUMPTIONS All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this study and are listed in Appendix 1.If any of these requests are withdrawn,the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request,and the Results and conclusions could significantlychange. For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue:To the extent practical,all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests will be modeled in this study. o Generation Interconnection Queue:Interconnection Facilities associated with higher queue interconnection requests will be modeled in this study. The Interconnection Customer's request for energy or network resource interconnection service in and of itself does not convey transmission service.Only a Network Customer may make a request to designate a generatingresource as a Network Resource.Because the queue of higher priority transmission service requests may be different when a Network Customer requests network resource designation for this Generating Facility,the available capacity or transmission modifications,if any,necessary to provide Network Resource interconnection service may be significantlydifferent.Therefore,the Interconnection Customer should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. Under normal conditions,the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of Generating Facilities.Therefore,the need for transmission modifications,if any,which are required to provide Network Resource interconnection service will be evaluatedon the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e.,no displacement of other resources in the same area). This study assumes the Project will be integrated into the Transmission Provider's system at the proposed Aeolus 230 kV substation. The Interconnection Customer will construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the Project unless specifically identified by the Transmission Provider. Generatortripping will be required for certain outages. All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum Western Electricity Coordinating Council ("WECC"),North American Electric Reliability Corporation ("NERC"),and the Transmission Provider's performance and design standards. The most current transmission facility ratings were used for the analysis. All existing and proposed Remedial Action Schemes (RAS)are assumed to be in service for this study. A synchronous condenser at Standpipe substation is planned to be in service in June 2016 and is assumed to be in service for the study. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 3 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report The Energy Gateway West (2024)and Energy Gateway South (2024)projects are assumed to be in service;the Dave Johnston to Amasa (future)to Heward (future)to Aeolus (future)230 kV line is assumed to be rebuilt as part of the Gateway projects.Note that these dates are inconsistent with the Q0706 Project's planned in-service date.A RAS that will drop up to 600 MW of generation for the followingoutages is assumed to be in-service: o Aeolus -Anticline 500 kV line o Anticline -Populus 500 kV line o Aeolus -Clover 500 kV line o Clover 500/345 kV auto transformer All system improvements associated with the prior queued projects are assumed to be in- service before Q0706. Based on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's proposed revisions to the Pro Forma Large Generator Interconnection Agreement (Docket No RM16-1-000),the followingpower factor requirement was assumed for the Project: "9.6.1 Power Factor Design Criteria.Interconnection Customer shall design the Large Generating Facility to maintain a composite power delivery at continuous rated power output at the POI at a power factor within the range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging,unless Transmission Provider has established different requirements that apply to all generators in the Control Area on a comparable basis.Non-synchronous generators shall only be required to maintain the above power factor when their output is above 10 percent of the Generating Facility Capacity." The 2.0 MW GE wind turbines for Q0706 were assumed to have a +/-0.9 power factor at turbine terminals. Network generators in southern Utah were re-dispatched in order to interconnect and accommodate Q0706 as a network resource. Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy the Project if any of the above mentioned assumptions are changed or if any of the required mitigations are not in service at the time of mterconnection. This report is based on information available at the time of the study.It is the Interconnection Customer's responsibility to check the Transmission Provider's web site regularly for Transmission System updates at http://www.pacificorp.com/tran.html 5.1 Energy Resource (ER)Interconnection Service Energy Resource Interconnection Service allows the Interconnection Customer to connect its Generating Facility to the Transmission Provider's Transmission System and to be eligible to deliver electric output using firm or non-firm transmission capacity on an as-available basis. Energy Resource Interconnection Service in and of itself does not convey transmission service. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 4 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report 5.1.1 Requirements Generating Facility Modifications Transmission Provider will require the facility to operate in voltage control mode with the ability to deliver power output to the POI within the range of +/-0.95 power factor.(Please see Standard Large Generator Interconnection Agreement,article 9.6.1 and 9.6.2 in OATT.)Any additional reactive compensation must be designed such that the discrete switching of the reactive device,if required,does not cause step voltage changes greater than ±3%at any load serving bus on the Transmission Provider's system. As required by NERC standard VAR-001-la,the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the POI.In general,Generating Facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the POI,or other designated point as deemed appropriate by Transmission Provider,between 1.00 per unit to 1.04 per unit.The Transmission Provider may also specify a voltage and/or reactive power bandwidth as needed to coordinate with upstream voltage control devices such as on-load tap changers.At the Transmission Provider's discretion,these values might be adjusted depending on operating conditions. At low output levels,the Project needs to ensure that it maintains the power factor within ±0.95 at the POI and minimize the reactive power flow towards the transmission system to prevent high voltages.Transmission Provider has experienced high voltages in the Wyoming area when the transmission system is lightly loaded with low wind conditions in the area.With low wind conditions the wind farms tend to supply reactive power into the transmission system,increasing the voltage. Generating Facilities capable of operating with a voltage droop are required to do so. Voltage droop control enables proportionate reactive power sharing among Generating Facilities.Studies will be required to coordinate voltage droop settings if there are other facilities in the area.It will be the Interconnection Customer's responsibility to ensure that a voltage coordination study is performed,in coordination with Transmission Provider,and implemented with appropriate coordination settings prior to unit testing. For areas with multipleGenerating Facilities,additional studies may be required to determine whether or not critical interactions,including but not limited to control systems,exist.These studies,to be coordinated with Transmission Provider,will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer.If the need for a master controller is identified,the cost and all related installation requirements will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 5 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report Phasor MeasurementUnits (PMUs)will be required at any Generating Facilities with an individual or aggregate nameplate capacity of 75 MVA or greater. All generators must meet the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC)and WECC low voltage ride-through requirements as specified in the interconnection agreement. As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases,a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to backfeed.The list of approved generator models is continuallyupdated and is available on the http://www.WECC.bizwebsite. Transmission System Modifications Assuming the partial bay and two breakers at Aeolus are constructed and in- service as shown in Figure 1,the followingimprovements are necessary at Aeolus substation: o Completion of the partial bay o One new 230 kV breaker and associated switches to interconnect the Project to the ring-bus Additionally,a 230 kV circuit breaker adjacent to the Aeolus substation will be required to provide protection on the Interconnect Customer's 230 kV line. Aeolus Substation * '230kV Q0706 Substation 84/112/140 MVA 84/112/140 MVA230-34.5 kV 230-34.5 kVZ=9%Z=9% 4.5 V 4.5 V Collector Circuits Collector Circuits Figure 2:Simplified System One Line Diagram for the Collector Substation Transmission/Distribution Line Modifications The Transmission Provider will review the Interconnection Customer's design of the proposed new transmission line connection to the Aeolus substation structure for general conformance with Transmission Provider's construction standards. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 6 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades -Short Circuit The increase in the fault duty on the system as a result of the addition of the Generating Facility with 125 GE 2.0-116 2 MW wind turbine generators fed through 125 2,222 kVA 34.5 kV -690 V transformers with 5.75%impedance then fed through two 230 -34.5kV 83/112/140 MVA step-up transformers with 9% impedance will not push the fault duty above the interruptingrating of any of the existing fault interrupting equipment. Protection Requirements The Interconnection Customer's tie line substation (a single 230kV circuit breaker and associated equipment)will be adjacent to Aeolus substation with a common fence between the two facilities.With this configuration the ground mats of the two substations will be tied together.The line between the tie line substation and Aeolus substation will be a short section of bus and will be protected with redundant bus differential relay systems.The bus differential relays will be located in Aeolus substation.The Interconnection Customer will need to provide the output from two sets of current transformers to be fed into the bus differential relays with a maximum current transformer ratio matching the maximum CT ratio of the breakers at Aeolus substation.If a fault is detected,both the 230 kV breakers in Aeolus substation and the 230 kV breaker in the Interconnection Customer's tie line substation will be tripped. The detection and clearing of faults on the tie line between the tie line and the collector substations will be the responsibility of the Interconnection Customer. Facilities must be installed to detect and isolate the line if it is faulted in five cycles or less. A relay at Aeolus substation will monitor the voltage magnitude and frequency.If the magnitude or frequency of the voltage is outside of normal range of operation a signal will be sent over the communication system to the collector substation.At the collector substation this signal is to trip open all of the 34.5 kV feeder breakers to disconnect the wind turbine generators.By tripping the 34.5 kV breakers instead of the 230 kV breakers the station service to the wind electric plant is maintained to facilitate the restoration of the generation.This relay will also have phase and ground directional overcurrent elements set to operate for faults in the line between Shirley Basin substation and the Interconnection Customer's collector substation and serve as a back-up to the main protection installed by the Interconnection Customer as indicated in the previous paragraph. Data (RTU)Requirements In addition to the need for operational data and control at Aeolus substation,data for the operation of the power system will be needed from the collector substation.This data can be acquired by installingRTUs at the collector substation. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 7 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report Listed below is the data that will be acquired from the collector substation and at Aeolus substation. From Aeolus substation: Analows: Net Generationreal power Net Generator reactive power Interchangeenergy register From Tie Substation Adjacent to Aeolus Status: 230 kV breaker From the Q0706 collector substation: Analows: Transformer #1 real power Transformer #1 reactive power Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-1 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-1 Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-2 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-2 Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-3 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-3 Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-4 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-4 Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-5 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker Tl-5 Transformer #2 real power Transformer #2 reactive power Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-1 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-1 Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-2 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-2 Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-3 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-3 Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-4 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-4 Real power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-5 Reactive power flow through 34.5 kV line feeder breaker T2-5 A phase 230 kV transmission voltage Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 8 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report B phase 230 kV transmission voltage C phase 230 kV transmission voltage Average Wind speed Average Plant Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) Average Plant Temperature (Celsius) Status: 230 kV breaker Tl 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker Tl-1 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker Tl-2 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker Tl-3 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker Tl-4 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker Tl-5 230 kV breaker T2 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker T2-1 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker T2-2 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker T2-3 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker T2-4 34.5 kV collector circuit breaker T2-5 Substation Requirements Aeolus Substation Complete construction of one transformer bay to terminate the tie line in.Three (3) feet of panel space will be required in the 230 kV control house.The following equipment will be installed: (1)-230 kV circuit breaker (3)-230 kV CCVT (2)-230 kV group operated breaker disconnect switch (1)-230 kV group operated line disconnect switch,with ground blade,with motor operator (3)-144 kV MCOV surge arrester Tie Line Substation The Interconnection Customer will construct a separate fenced area directly adjacent to Aeolus substation to house their 230 kV circuit breaker.The two yards will share a common ground grid.Conduit will be installed between the two yards.A CDEGS grounding analysis will be required by the Interconnection Customer. Q0706 Collector Substation The Interconnection Customer will provide a separate graded,grounded and fenced area along the perimeter of the Interconnection Customer's Generating Facility for the Transmission Provider to install a control house for any required metering, Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 9 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PAciFICORP TRANSMISSION System impact Study Report protection,or communication equipment.This area will share a fence and ground grid with the Generating Facility and have separate,unencumbered access for the Transmission Provider.AC station service power for the control house will be supplied by the Interconnection Customer.A CDEGS grounding analysis will be required by the Interconnection Customer.230 kV metering units will be installed. Conduit will be installed as required. Communication Requirements OPGW optical fiber cable is to be installed between Aeolus substation and the collector substation on the new transmission line with nodes and channel banks at both ends.This fiber is to be installed by the Interconnection Customer and upon acceptance will be owned and maintained by Transmission Provider.Channels will be crossed at Aeolus substation to the back bone communication system.The new substation batteries will be sized to carry the communication equipment with DC to DC converters.At the collector location a router will be installed on the substation network to interface the meters and substation equipment. Metering Requirements InterchangeMetering Point of Interconnect will be Aeolus substation,the interchange metering will be designed bidirectional and rated for the total net generation of the project including metering the retail load (per tariff)delivered to the Interconnection Customer.The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering, includingthe instrument transformers,metering panels,junction box and secondary metering wire.The primary metering transformers shall be combination CT/VT extended range for high accuracy metering with ratios to be determined during the design phase of the project. The metering design package will include two revenue qualitymeters,test switch, with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block.One meter will be designated a primary SCADA meter and a second meter will be used designated as backup with metering DNP data delivered to the alternate control center.The metering data will include bidirectional KWH KVARH,revenue quantities includinginstantaneous PF,MW,MVAR,MVA,includingper phase voltage and amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Collector Q0706 Metering Revenue metering is required for each of the two Interconnection Customer power transformers and will be located on the high side of each of the step-up transformers. The primary metering transformers shall be combination CT/VT extended range for Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 10 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report high accuracy metering with ratios to be determined during the design phase of the project. The Transmission Provider will design and procure the collector revenue metering panels.The panels shall be located inside the collector control house.The collector substation metering panel shall include two revenue quality meters,test switches,and all SCADA metering data terminated at a metering interposition block. An Ethernet phone line is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. Station Service/Construction Power Prior to construction,Interconnection Customer must arrange construction power with the Transmission Provider.The Project is within the Transmission Provider's service territory and both station service and temporary construction power metering shall conform to the Six State Electric Service Requirements manual. Please note that prior to back feed,Interconnection Customer must arrange distribution voltage retail meter service for electricity consumed by the Project and arrange back up station service for power that will be drawn from the transmission or distribution line when the Project is not generating.Interconnection Customer must call the PCCC Solution Center 1-800-640-2212 to arrange this service.Approval for back feed is contingent upon obtaining station service. 5.1.2 Cost Estimate The followingestimate represents only scopes of work that will be performed by the Transmission Provider.Costs for any work being performed by the Interconnection Customer are not included. Energy Resource Interconnection -Direct AssignmentFacilities Q0706 collector substation -Add RTU $467,000 Q0706 collector substation -Add metering $450,000 Aeolus substation -Add metering $239,000 Sub-total Direct AssignmentCosts $1,156,000 Interconnection -Network Upgrade Costs Aeolus substation -Add 230 kV line position $1,642,000 Tie line substation -Add relay settings and grounding $64,000 Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 11 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report Sub-total Network Upgrade Costs $1,706,000 Total Cost -ER Interconnection Service -Interconnection Only $2,862,000 *Any distribution line modifications identified in this report will require a field visit analysis in order to obtain a more thorough understanding of the specific requirements. The estimate provided above for this work could change substantially based on the results of this analysis.Until this field analysis is performed the Transmission Provider must develop the project schedule using conservative assumptions.The Interconnection Customer may request that the Transmission Provider perform this field analysis,at the Interconnection Customer's expense,prior to the execution of an Interconnection Agreement in order to obtain more cost and schedule certainty. Note:Costs for any excavation,duct installation and easements shall be borne by the Interconnection Customer and are not included in this estimate.This estimate is as accurate as possibly given the level of detailed study that has been completed to date and approximates the costs incurred by Transmission Provider to interconnect this Generator Facility to Transmission Provider's electrical distribution or transmission system.A more detailed estimate will be calculated during the Facilities Study.The Interconnection Customer will be responsible for all actual costs,regardless of the estimated costs communicated to or approvedby the Interconnection Customer. 5.1.3 Schedule The requirement for the Transmission Provider's Energy Gateway projects to be complete prior to interconnection of the Interconnection Customer's Project does not support the Interconnection Customer's requested commercial operation date of November 1,2018. If the Energy Gateway projects were complete,the Transmission Provider estimates it would require approximately 18 months to design,procure and construct the facilities described in the Energy Resource sections of this report followingthe execution of an Interconnection Agreement.The schedule will be further developed and optimized during the Facilities Study. 5.1.4 Maximum Amount of Power that can be delivered into Network Load,with No Transmission Modifications (for informational purposes only) Zero (0)MW can be delivered on a firm basis to the Transmission Provider's network loads without system improvements. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 12 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report 5.1.5 Additional Transmission Modifications Required to Deliver 100%of the Power into Network Load (for informational purposes only) In order to deliver 100%of the power into Network Load,the followingtransmission modifications are necessary: The Energy Gatewayprojects must be in service A RAS to drop up to 600 MW of generation in Wyoming for the Gateway outages (this project may be included) The system improvements associated with prior queued projects must be in service Allocation of 250 MW of Gateway capacity to serve network loads by this Project A new partial bay at the proposed Aeolus substation with a new 230 kV breaker and associated switches 5.2 Network Resource (NR)Interconnection Service Network Resource Interconnection Service allows the Interconnection Customer to integrate its Generating Facility with the Transmission Provider's Transmission System in a manner comparable to that in which the Transmission Provider integrates its generating facilities to serve native load customers.The transmission system is studied under a variety of severely stressed conditions in order to determine the transmission modifications which are necessary in order to deliver the aggregate generation in the area of the POI to the Transmission Provider's aggregate load.Network Resource Interconnection Service in and of itself does not convey transmission service. 5.2.1 Requirements Generating Facility Modifications See Section Transmission System Modifications In order to deliver 100%of the Q0706 power output to Network Load,the following transmission modifications are necessary: The Energy Gatewayprojects must be in service A RAS to drop up to 600 MW of generationin Wyomingfor the Gateway outages (this project may be included) The system improvements associated with the prior queued projects must in service Allocation of 250 MW of Gateway capacity to serve network loads by this Project A new partial bay at the proposed Aeolus substation with a new 230 kV breaker and associated switches 5.2.2 Cost Estimate No additional estimated costs assuming all Energy Resource requirements are complete and all upgrades identified in section are complete. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 13 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PAciFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report 5.2.3 Schedule Please note that the requirement for the Transmission Provider's Energy Gateway projects to be complete prior to interconnection of the Interconnection Customer's Project does not support the Interconnection Customer's requested commercial operation date of November 1,2018. 6.0 PARTICIPATION BY AFFECTED SYSTEMS No Affected Systems were identified. 7.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1:Higher Priority Requests Appendix 2:Property Requirements Appendix 3:Study Results Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 14 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PAciFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report 7.1 Appendix1:HigherPriority Requests All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this study and are identified below.If any of these requests are withdrawn,the Transmission Provider reserves the right to restudy this request,as the results and conclusions containedwithin this study could significantlychange. Transmission/GenerationInterconnection Queue Requests considered: Q0199 (200 MW) Q0200 (100 MW) Q0201 (100 MW) Q0267 (88 MW) Q0290 (252 MW) Q0306/335 (80 MW) Q0375 (230 MW) Q0409 (320 MW) Q0542 (240 MW) Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 15 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report 7.2 Appendix2:Property Requirements Property Requirementsfor Point of Interconnection Substation Requirementsfor rights of way easements Rights of way easements will be acquired by the Interconnection Customer in the Transmission Provider's name for the construction,reconstruction,operation,maintenance,repair,replacement and removal of Transmission Provider's Interconnection Facilities that will be owned and operated by Transmission Provider.Interconnection Customer will acquire all necessary permits for the project and will obtain rights of way easements for the project on Transmission Provider's easement form. Real Property Requirementsfor Point of Interconnection Substation Real property for a POI substation will be acquired by an Interconnection Customer to accommodate the Interconnection Customer's project.The real property must be acceptable to Transmission Provider.Interconnection Customer will acquire fee ownership for interconnection substation unless Transmission Provider determines that other than fee ownership is acceptable; however,the form and instrument of such rights will be at Transmission Provider's sole discretion.Any land rights that Interconnection Customer is planning to retain as part of a fee property conveyance will be identified in advance to Transmission Provider and are subject to the Transmission Provider's approval. The Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevantjurisdictionsfor the planned use includingbut not limited to conditional use permits,Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity,California Environmental QualityAct,as well as all construction permits for the project. Interconnection Customer will not be reimbursed through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. As a minimum,real property must be environmentally,physically,and operationally acceptable to Transmission Provider.The real property shall be a permitted or permittable use in all zoning districts.The Interconnection Customer shall provide Transmission Provider with a title report and shall transfer property without any material defects of title or other encumbrances that are not acceptable to Transmission Provider.Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances,encroachments,and roads. Examples of potentiallyunacceptable environmental,physical,or operational conditions could include but are not limited to: 1.Environmental:known contamination of site;evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous,hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency;violation of building,health,safety,environmental,fire, land use,zoning or other such regulation;violation of ordinances or statutes of Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 16 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PAciFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property;underground or above ground storage tanks in area;known remediation sites on property;ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities;asbestos;lead-based paint,etc.A phase I environmental study is required for land being acquired in fee by the Transmission Provider unless waived by Transmission Provider. 2.Physical:inadequate site drainage;proximity to flood zone;erosion issues; wetland overlays;threatened and endangered species;archeological or culturally sensitive areas;inadequate sub-surface elements,etc.Transmission Provider may require Interconnection Customer to procure various studies and surveys as determined necessary by Transmission Provider. Operational:inadequate access for Transmission Provider's equipment and vehicles;existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation;ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements;ongoing homeowner's or other requirements or restrictions (e.g.,Covenants,Codes and Restrictions,deed restrictions,etc.)on property which are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 17 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PAciFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report 7.3 Appendix3:Study Results Power Flow Study Results A Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)approved 2017 Heavy Summer case was used to perform the power flow studies using PSS/e version 33.5.Power flow studies were performed on both peak and off-peak load cases.The off-peak load case was chosen for study to demonstrate the stress on the higher kV transmission system under light load conditions. The study was performed assuming the Energy Gateway Project is in-service.The local 345 kV, 230 kV,and 115 kV transmission system outages were considered during the study. Result for Aeolus POI: N-0 Results:Assuming Energy Gateway is in service,no N-0 thermal or voltage issues were observed in the studies.Injection of approximately 9.4 MVAr into the transmission system was observed if the collector system was connected with no generation from the Project.Figure 2 shows the MVArs being injected into the system.The Project should be able to control the voltage at the POI within the required voltage range provided by the Transmission Operator. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 18 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PAciFICORP TRANSMISSION System Impact Study Report Q0706 -250 MW Interconnection at Aeolus O -E 3 -6 9 Aeolus South (1700 inV)=1040 1 MW -319 -1225 5 ÆOA Aeolus West [2570 MW =1288.0 MW 1 x 6 I 05 Bridger/Antichne West (4100 MW)3042 4 MW 235 2 TOT4A Post Gateway(2175 MW)=1024 4 MW N-1 Results:Assuming Energy Gateway is in-service,no N-1 thermal or voltage issues were observed in the studies. N-2 Results:Assuming Energy Gateway is in-service,no N-2 thermal or voltage issues were observed in the studies. N-1-1 Results The Customer may be required to curtail generation dependingon operating conditions for an N- 1-1 outage of any two out of three 500/230 kV auto transformers at Aeolus.Depending on real time operating conditions,other N-1-1 outage may also require the curtailment of this Project output. Invenergy Wind Development LLC Page 19 July 28,2016 Carbon County 1,Q0706 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Large Generator Interconnection System Impact Study Report Stability Study Completed for Invenergy Wind DevelopmentLLC ("Interconnection Customer") Q0706 Carbon County 1 Proposed Interconnection PacifiCorp's proposed Aeolus substation at 230 kV July 28,2016 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERlCAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Table of Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................4 GeneratorFacility Modifications......................................................................................4 Description of Project ................................................................................5 Study Assumptions ..................................................................................................................6 Transient Analysis .............................................................................................................7 Conclusions................................................................................................................10 Appendices..............................................................................................................................11 Appendix A:Transient Stability Plots ...................................................................................12 3 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Executive Summary InvenergyWind Development LLC ("InterconnectionCustomer")proposed interconnecting 250 MW of new generation to PacifiCorp's ("Transmission Provider")proposed Aeolus substation at 230 kV located in Carbon County,Wyoming.The Carbon County 1 project ("Project")will consist of 125 GE 2.0-116 turbines for a total output of 250 MW.The requested commercial operation date is November 1,2018. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Transmission Provider has assigned the Project "Q0706." Transient stability analysis was simulated for various local area disturbances in the 500 kV,345 kV and 230 kV transmission network with 2018 system conditions modeled.Results identified that with the GE 2.0-116 turbine generator model provided by the Interconnection Customer,the wind farm will ride through ALL simulated local area contingencies. Generator Facility Modifications The Generating Facility must provide dynamic reactive power to the system in support of both voltage scheduling and contingency events that require transient voltage support,and must be able to provide reactive capability over the full range of real power output. If the Generating Facility is not capable of providing positive reactive support (i.e.,supplying reactive power to the system)immediately followingthe removal of a fault or other transient low voltage perturbations,the facility must be required to add dynamic voltage support equipment. These additional dynamic reactive devices shall have correct protection settings such that the devices will remain on line and active during and immediately followinga fault event. Generators shall be equipped with automatic voltage-control equipment and normally operated with the voltage regulation control mode enabled unless written authorization from the Grid Operator is given to operate in another control mode (e.g.constant power factor control).The control mode of the generating units shall be accurately represented in operating studies.The generators shall be capable of operating continuouslyat their maximum power output at its rated field current within +/-5%of its rated terminal voltage. Note,project modeling is based on data provided by the Interconnection Customer and/or the Interconnection Customer's equipment suppliers.As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases,a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required 180 days prior to backfeed.The list of approved generator models is continuallyupdated and is available on the http://www.WECC.bizwebsite. 4 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Description of Project The Interconnection Customer has proposed interconnecting a wind farm in Carbon County, Wyoming,to the Transmission Provider's proposed Aeolus 230 kV substation.The Interconnection Customer will build a four mile long 230 kV transmission line from the collector substation to the Point of Interconnection.The Project includes two three-winding 230/34.5/13.8 kV,84/112/140 MVA (ONAN/ONAF/ONAFrating)collector transformers with 9%impedance based on the self-cooled MVA rating.The X/R ratio is 40 as provided by the Interconnection Customer.A preliminary electrical single line diagram depicting the Project's interconnection at the new substation is shown in Figure 1. It is proposed to interconnect 125 GE 2.0-116 wind turbine generators (WTG).Power from each WTG inverter will be stepped up to 34.5 kV through a 690 V:34.5 kV (WYE:DELTA),2.3 MVA pad-mounted transformer.As per the one-line diagram submitted by the Project,each pad mounted transformer has the impedance rating of 5.75%.A 34.5 kV collection system will bring the combined power output to the collector substation where the power will be further increased to 230 kV through a 230/34.5 kV transformer. Shirley Basin Change of 4 Miles 230 kV Ownership Q0706 -,Substation Seven Mile Hill 84/112/140 MVA 84/112/140 MVAPointof230-34.5 kV 230 -34.5 kVInterconnectionZ=9 %Z =9 % Collector Circuits Collector CircuitsFreezeout Substation Standpipe , QO409 Figure 1.Preliminary Single Line Diagram 5 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Study Assumptions The PSS/E version 33.7 program was used to evaluate system stability for each of the faults described in Table 1.In addition,the followingassumptions were used in performing this study. Study Period:The 2015 WECC approved Heavy Summer case modified to represent the 2018 system conditions both during peak and off-peak was used to for this analysis. Study Area:The study area was limited to the Project and the surrounding 500 kV and 230 kV transmission system in Wyoming. The followingstudy assumptions were made while performing this analysis: A synchronous condenser at Standpipe substation is planned to be in service in June 2016 and is assumed to be in service for the study. The Energy Gateway West (2024)and Energy Gateway South (2024)projects are assumed to be in service;the Dave Johnston to Amasa (future)to Heward (future)to Aeolus (future)230 kV line is assumed to be rebuilt as part of the Gateway projects.Note that these dates are inconsistent with the Q0706 Project planned in-service date. A RAS that will drop up to 600 MW of generation for the followingoutages is assumed to be in-service: o Aeolus -Anticline 500 kV line o Anticline -Populus 500 kV line o Aeolus -Clover 500 kV line o Clover 500/345 kV auto transformer All system improvements associated with the prior queued projects are in service before Q0706. Contingencies:The study simulated disturbances tabulated in Table 1. Table 1.Transient StabilityAnalysis Contingencies No.ContingencyDescription 1 Three-phase fault at Aeolus 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus 500/230 auto transformer #1 (4 cycles). 2 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Anticline 500 kV circuit (4 cycles)and loss of 600 MW of generation as part of the RAS. 3 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Clover 500 kV circuit (4 cycles)and loss of 600 MW of generation as part of the RAS. 4 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Freezeout 230 kV circuit (5 cycles). 5 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Q0199 Collector 230 kV circuit (5 cycles)and loss of 400 MW of generation(Q0199,Q0200,Q0201) 6 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY 6 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Q0706 Collector 230 kV circuit (5 cycles)and loss of 250 MW of generation(Q0706) 7 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Shirley Basin 230 kV circuit (5 cycles). 8 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by breaker failure at Aeolus and delayed clearing (15 cycles)of the Aeolus -Shirley Basin 230 kV circuit (15 cycles). 9 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus SVC (5 cycles). 10 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Windstar 230 kV circuit (5 cycles). 11 Three-phase fault at the Anticline 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Anticline -Populus 500 kV circuit (4 cycles)and loss of 600 MW of generation as part of the RAS. 12 Three-phase fault at the Anticline 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Anticline 500/345 kV PST (4 cycles). 13 Three-phase fault at the Bridger 345 kV bus followed by simultaneous loss of the Bridger - Populus #1 and Bridger -Populus #2 345 kV lines (4 cycles)and loss of two Bridger units as part of RAS. 14 Three-phase fault at the Bridger 345 kV bus followed by simultaneous loss of the Bridger - Populus #1 and Bridger -Threemile Knoll 345 kV lines (4 cycles)and loss of two Bridger unit as part of RAS. 15 Three-phase fault at the Dave Johnston 230 kV bus followed by the loss of Dave Johnston - Amasa 230 kV circuit (5 cycles)and loss of Q0306 as part of the RAS for this outage. 7 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Other Assumptions: Data provided for the collector system 230/34.5/13.8 kV transformer was 84/112/140 MVA (ONAN/ONAF/ONAF)with 9.0%impedance on 84 MVA base. Transient stability simulations were performed out to 10 seconds in order to determine system damping. The 2.0 MW GE wind turbines for Q0706 were assumed to have a +/-0.9 power factor at turbine terminals. The GE 2.0 MW turbine is required to have voltage ride-through protection capability as per PRC-024;therefore,the turbine is designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults.Figure 2 illustrates the voltage ride-through capability as per PRC-024. Table 2 shows the voltage ride through capability modeled for the GE wind turbines for this Project.The voltage protection model is based on the data provided by the Interconnection Customer. Table 2:V iltage Ride throughParameters modeled for this Project HighVoltage Ride Low Voltage Ride ThroughDuration ThroughDuration Voltage (pu)Time (sec)Voltage (pu)Time (sec) 1.3 0.01 0.2 1.0 1.2 0.1 0.4 1.7 1.175 0.2 0.6 2.2 1.15 0.5 0.75 3.0 1.1 1.0 0.85 10 0.9 600 8 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Voltage Ride-Through Time Duration Curve .1.30 |1.25 1.101.05 1.00 --No Trip Zone 0.95 0.850.80 20.75 Ë 1 ||| 0.70 = 0.55 a.0.50 - 0.45 o0.40 C)0.35 m0.30 2 0.25 O0.20 > 0.15 - 0.10 00.05 0. |0.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Time (sec) ---High Voltage Duration -Low Voltage Duration Figure 2.Voltage Ride-through Capability Curve based on PRC-024 9 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Transient Analysis The Generating Facility is required to ride through all 3-phase faults with normal clearing or single line-to-ground faults with delayed clearing for any event that doesn't disconnect the Generating Facility. Transient stability results identified that with the model provided,the ALL wind turbines will ride through all simulated local area disturbances.A summary of contingency performance is provided in the followingtable. The PSS/E version 33.7 program was used to evaluate the transient stability performance of the system for each of the contingencies described in Table 3.The 2015 Heavy Summer WECC case (15hslap.sav)modified to 2018 system conditions was used for this analysis.The study area was limited to local area in Wyoming and Gateway contingencies that extend out of Wyoming.Both peak and off-peak cases were considered for this analysis.Senior queue generator projects that are senior to this Project were also modeled in the study. Table 3.Transient StabilityResults -Carbon County 1. Off-Peak No.ContingencyDescription peak Case Case Stable Stable (Yes/ (Yes/No) No) 1 Three-phase fault at Aeolus 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus 500/230 auto transformer #1 (4 cycles).Yes Yes 2 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Anticline 500 kV circuit (4 cycles)and loss of Yes Yes 600 MW of generation as part of the RAS. 3 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Clover 500 kV circuit (4 cycles)and loss of 600 Yes Yes MW of generation as part of the RAS. 4 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Freezeout 230 kV circuit (5 cycles).Yes Yes 5 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Q0199 Collector 230 kV circuit (5 cycles)and Yes Yes loss of 400 MW of generation(Q0199,Q0200,Q0201) 6 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Q0706 Collector 230 kV circuit (5 cycles)and Yes Yes loss of 250 MW of generation(Q0706) 7 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY 7 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Shirley Basin 230 kV circuit (5 cycles).Yes Yes 8 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by breaker failure at Aeolus and delayed clearing (15 cycles)of the Aeolus -Yes Yes Shirley Basin 230 kV circuit (15 cycles). 9 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus SVC (5 cycles).Yes Yes 10 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Windstar 230 kV circuit (5 cycles).Yes Yes 11 Three-phase fault at the Anticline 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Anticline -Populus 500 kV circuit (4 cycles)and loss of Yes Yes 600 MW of generation as part of the RAS. 12 Three-phase fault at the Anticline 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Anticline 500/345 kV PST (4 cycles).Yes Yes 13 Three-phase fault at the Bridger 345 kV bus followed by simultaneous loss of the Bridger -Populus #1 and Bridger -Populus #2 345 kV Yes Yes lines (4 cycles)and loss of two Bridger unit as part of RAS. 14 Three-phase fault at the Bridger 345 kV bus followed by simultaneous loss of the Bridger -Populus #1 and Bridger -Threemile Knoll 345 Yes Yes kV lines (4 cycles)and loss of two Bridger unit as part of RAS. 15 Three-phase fault at the Dave Johnston 230 kV bus followed by the loss of Dave Johnston -Amasa 230 kV circuit (5 cycles)and loss of Yes Yes Q0306 as part of the RAS for this outage. Transient stability plots are provided in AppendixA. Transient stability results identified that with the model provided,all the wind turbines will ride through all simulated local area disturbances. The transient analysis showed high transient over voltage at the generator terminal (1.19 pu), Q706 collector bus (1.15 pu),Q0706 230 kV bus (1.11 pu)for the loss of the Aeolus -Shirley Basin 230 kV line.Similar high voltages were also observed for other simulated contingencies as well.The transient high voltage last for a very short period of time.Figure 4 below shows the voltage at the POI,at the Project collector bus and Project's machine terminal for the loss of Aeolus to Shirley Basin 230 kV line.The simulation was run for 10 seconds but to observe the high voltage,the plot is only from 0.0 sec to 2.5 sec. 8 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY lllllllll -F¯F¯F¯T* I o I I :2 2So 1.e o.scono .aë·O L 5000 2.0000 2.5000 c 0.25004 0.75000 L.2500 1.7500 2.2500 THU,JUN 30 2016 16:08TIME(SECONDSI VOLTAGE 00706 While this may be a model problem,the Interconnection Customer should ensure that Project's equipment is capable of handling the high voltage transient during the outages.If the Interconnection Customer is unable to handle such high voltage without tripping the Project, other mitigation should be implemented to mitigate the high voltage.If this is a model issue,the Customer must submit a corrected model. The wind turbines are connected electricallynear transmission lines that have series capacitors, hence studies to consider sub-synchronous control interactions (SSCI)are highly recommended.If such interactions occur,it is the responsibility of the Project to provide remedies and adequate protection to ensure the sub-synchronous interactions are mitigated. Transmission Provider requires written confirmation that the interconnection customer has considered this issue and taken action as necessary. 9 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Conclusions The followingconclusions have been reached through this analysis: Based on simulation results,the addition of 125 GE 2.0-116 wind turbine generators interconnecting to the proposed Aeolus 230 kV substation does not result in transient instability and all wind turbines will ride through all simulated local area contingencies. High voltage at the POI,collector bus and the machine terminal bus were observed for the outage of Aeolus -Shirley Basin 230 kV line as well as other simulated contingencies.While this may be a model issue,the Interconnection Customer will need to confirm that the equipment used by the Interconnection Customer is capable of handling that voltage level or ensure other mitigation is performed to mitigate the high voltage. Simulation results are based on data provided by the Interconnection Customer as well as other model data available at the time of the study.The results can be used to help determine whether or not the Project facilities will meet the performance criteria including ride-through requirements which will be defined in the Interconnection Agreement,and,in some cases,may indicate that additional equipment is required in order to meet these requirements.However, ultimately it is the Interconnection Customer's responsibility to meet these requirements during actual operation on a daily basis and failure to do so can result in loss of interconnection privileges.Therefore,the results of these simulations should be regarded as informational rather than definitive,and do not relieve the Interconnection Customer of any performance responsibilities. Finally,if the assumptions utilized in this study significantly change,the Transmission Provider reserves the right to perform a re-study.Significant changes include,but are not limited to, development of new models which may impact performance as well as changes to the base case assumptions for planned future but as yet uncommitted transmission line and generation facilities. 10 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERlCAN ENERGY HOLOlNGS COMPANY Appendices 11 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Appendix A:Transient Stability Plots Plotted Quantities in every plot in the Appendix Sr.No.Trace Color Plotted Quantity 1 Black Q0706 Phase A MW 2 Blue Q0706 Phase A MVAR 3 Red Q0706 Terminal Voltage (pu) 4 Pink Dave Johnston Unit #4 Terminal Voltage (pu) 5 Cyan Aeolus 230 kV Voltage (pu) 6 Green Jim Bridger 345 kV Voltage (pu) Figure ContingencyDescription 1 Three-phase fault at Aeolus 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus 500/230 auto transformer #1 (4 cycles). 2 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Anticline 500 kV circuit (4 cycles)and loss of 600 MW of generation as part of the RAS. 3 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Clover 500 kV circuit (4 cycles)and loss of 600 MW of generation as part of the RAS. 4 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Freezeout 230 kV circuit (5 cycles). 5 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followedby loss of the Aeolus -Q0199 Collector 230 kV circuit (5 cycles)and loss of 400 MW of generation (Q0199,Q0200,Q0201) 6 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followedby loss of the Aeolus -Q0706 Collector 230 kV circuit (5 cycles)and loss of 250 MW of generation (Q0706) 7 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Shirley Basin 230 kV circuit (5 cycles). 8 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by breaker failure at Aeolus and delayed clearing (15 cycles)of the Aeolus -Shirley Basin 230 kV circuit (15 cycles). 9 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus SVC (5 cycles). 10 Three-phase fault at the Aeolus 230 kV bus followed by loss of the Aeolus -Windstar 230 kV circuit (5 cycles). 11 Three-phase fault at the Anticline 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Anticline -Populus 500 kV circuit (4 cycles)and loss of 600 MW of generationas part of the RAS. 12 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY 12 Three-phase fault at the Anticline 500 kV bus followed by loss of the Anticline 500/345 kV PST (4 cycles). 13 Three-phase fault at the Bridger 345 kV bus followed by simultaneous loss of the Bridger - Populus #1 and Bridger -Populus #2 345 kV lines (4 cycles)and loss of two Bridger units as part of RAS. 14 Three-phase fault at the Bridger 345 kV bus followed by simultaneous loss of the Bridger - Populus #1 and Bridger -Threemile Knoll 345 kV lines (4 cycles)and loss of two Bridger unit as part of RAS. 15 Three-phase fault at the Dave Johnston 230 kV bus followed by the loss of Dave Johnston - Amasa 230 kV circuit (5 cycles)and loss of Q0306 as part of the RAS for this outage. 13 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Off-peak Case Plots 14 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 U) s1ENENs PowERTscamoLoozEsINTERNATIonAva FILE:...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AE500230.out CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]]1.5000 +¯------+o.soooo CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 *-----------0.50000 CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.690011] 1.5000 ----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.690011] 2.5000 0.0 I I o o I I IIII|1|||: Figure 1 15 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTEH AELECTRICITY ECOORI NATA E DE lCV[BER5,2014 TEcHNoLoo1Es F ..\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEANT500.out r-I CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------*o.soooo O CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 *----------o.soooo CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 -1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 oo I I I IIllll.Ill i Figure 2 16 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WIŒTEHEAELECTRICITYCOORDINA ANE DE MBER 5,2014 TEcHuoLoeTEs ersa-zo-...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HSLL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AECL500.out H I CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 ------*o.Soooo Ro O CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN O .6900]] 1.5000 +-----------e o.soooo c' CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1]|g1.5000 *¯----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]l] 2.5000 0.0 oo ooo o Figure 3 17 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTEHR AELECTRICITY COORDINATA E DE lCVIBER5,2014 cHuoLoo1Es I ...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS_LL_Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEFZ230 .out CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------+o.soooo O CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.sooo *-----------0.50000 CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 +----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.690011] 2.5000 0.0 IIIIIIll I Figure 4 18 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 *O szEMENs PowER  TscHuoroozes oINTERNArroNAna FILE:17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEQ0199POI230.out CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------*o.soooo CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]]1.5000 +-----------e o.soooo CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.690011] 1.5000 ----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.690011]2.5000 0.0 I I I I Ilil.lilll Figure 5 19 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 s1EmNs PowERreemosoozesINTERNATIoNAn FILE:17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEQO706POI230.out CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------0.50000 CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 +----------o.soooo CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 | °o H o | | | | | |oo | | | | | |llllil.lilll Figure 6 20 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 s1EMENs PowERTscswoLoozesINTERNATIoNAn2 FILE:...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AESB230.out o CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------+o.soooo CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN 0.6900]] i.sooo +-----------e o.soooo CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 odo ooo Figure 7 21 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 LO s1EMENs PowERTEcHNonoozesINTERNATIonAna FILE:17HS LL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph AESB230DL15CYC.out I o CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 ------*o.soooo ICHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN O.6900]] 1.5000 *¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯o.50ooo CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 *¯----1.000 O CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 o o I Eo | |lilll.lilli Figure 8 22 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 s1EMENs PowERTEcHuoLoozEsINTERNATIoNAna FILE:...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AESVC230.out o CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] i.sooo +------+o.soooo CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN O .6900]]i.sooo +-----------+o.soooo CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN O.6900]1] i.sooo ----1.ooo CHNL#222:(POWR 99721[QO706A GEN O.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 | °o I o o I I IlillLillll Figure 9 23 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 |O s1EMENs PowER " racHuotooIss oINTERNAT1oNAna FILE:...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEWS230 .out CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------+o.soooo CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN O.6900]] 1.5000 *-----------o.soooo CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[Q0706A GEN O.6900]1] 1.5000 *¯----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[Q0706A GEN O.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I I H I I I IIIII|1||| Figure 10 24 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 FILE:...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS LL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph ANTPOP500.out I CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.sooo +-------+o.soooo CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] i.sooo +-----------o.soooo ' CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] i.sooo ----1.ooo CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I oO I IIIIIi II Figure 11 25 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 L s1EMENs PowER " recHuomoezas oINTERNATIONAna FILE:...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph ANTPST.out I CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]]1.5000 +------+o.soooo O CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 *¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯0.50000 CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 *¯----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I I o ||o I UJ I Q -I -· o | | |||i i i Figure 12 26 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WIŒTEHR AELECTRICITY COORDINA A E ICE lCVIBER5,2014 TscHuotoo1ssINTERNAT10san LT) FILE:...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS LL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph BRGPOP12.out s-I I CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------+0.50000 O CHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 +----------o.soooo CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 H I IIII!LILIII ° Figure 13 27 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY E AELE R ITY COORI NA A E DE MBER 5,2014 TscHuoroozes OIsrERNATIONAlsy if) FILE:17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph BRGPOP1 BRGTMKl.out e-I I CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 ------*o.soooo MOCHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN 0 .6900]] 1.5000 *¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯o.soooo a CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 *¯----1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 IIII IIII° I °o I il I I I I I I I o Figure 14 28 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 |> °o FILE:...\LightLoadOutputFiles\17HS LL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph DJAMSA230 .out © s-I I CHNL#1004:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------+o.soooo ICHNL#1111:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 *¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯o.5oooo CHNL#334:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ¯¯¯-1.000 CHNL#222:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I I IIIIIILIII Figure 15 29 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY Peak Case Plots 30 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 U) FILE:...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AE500230.out CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] i.sooo ------*o.soooo CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] i.sooo +----------o.soooo CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] i.sooo ----1.ooo CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I Figure 16 31 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 *|> o FILE:...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEANT500.out H I CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] i.sooo +------*o.soooo O CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN 0.6900]] i.sooo +-----------e o.soooo CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] i.sooo +----1.ooo CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I oo | | Figure 17 32 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 SIEMENs PowERTECHNoLOGIES FILE:...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph AECL500.out s-I I CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.sooo +------+o.soooo O CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.sooo +-----------+o.soooo CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1]1.5000 ¯¯¯-1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I I o | |III LIII Figure 18 33 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 s1EMENs PowERTEcHNoLoo1Es C) IL ...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEFZ230.out r-I CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +¯------*o.soooo CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 *-----------e o.soooo e CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ----1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN O.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 | m il I IIIII;II ° Figure 19 34 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 FILE:17HS HL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEQOl99POI230 .out CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------*0.50000 CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]]i.sooo o.soooo CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ----1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 o | | | | | | | Figure 20 35 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 szEMENs PowERTscHuotoezas FILE:17HS HL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEQ0706POI230.out CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.sooo *------+o.soooo MOCHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 *-----------o.soooo e CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ¯¯¯-1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I I I I I I I oc | | IIII Illil ° Figure 21 36 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 srEMENs PowERTEcHuoLos1Es F ...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AESB230.out O CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 ------+o.soooo CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QC706A GEN 0.6900]]1.5000 +-----------o.5oooo CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ¯¯¯-1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I I I I I I I Figure 22 37 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 L s1EMENs PowERTscHuoLoozEsINTERNATIonAna FILE:17HS HL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AESB230DL15CYC.out Igo CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------+0.50000 $NbICHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 0.50000 ' CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ----1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900]1]2.5000 0.0 | °o I I Ililllisill Figure 23 38 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 FILE:...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph AESVC230.out CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 *------+0.50000 MOCHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 *¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯*o.soooo a CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1]|g1.5000 *----1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 | °a oO Figure 24 39 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 °O s1EMENs PowER '' Tscanocoozes oINTERNATIONAU3 FILE:...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph AEWS230.out CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +------+o.soooo CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [Q0706A GEN 0.6900]] i.5000 *-----------o.soooo ' CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 *¯----1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I I |o | |IIIII o Figure 25 40 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 °O sImmENs PowsR " recHuoroozes FILE:...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph ANTPOP500.out I CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 0.50000 CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QC706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 *-0.50000 CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 ----1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I I IlillLisill Figure 26 41 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 °L s1EMENs PowER '' TscHuotoozes oINTERNxrzowAna FILE:...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL QO706 AeolusPOI 3ph ANTPST.out CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] 1.5000 +¯------*o.soooo CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] 1.5000 +-----------e o.soooo CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 1.5000 *¯----1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 | °o I ll I I o | |IIII ILIII Figure 27 42 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL 2015 HEAVY SUMMER OPERATING CASE DECEMBER 5,2014 SIEMENs PoWERTECHNoLOGIESINTERNATIonAva FILE:...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph BRGPOP12.out s-I I CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] i.sooo +------+o.soooo CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] i.sooo +-----------e o.soooo CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1]i.sooo ----1.ooo CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN O.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 I I Figure 28 43 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY W TER AELECTRICITY COORIJINACA E DE lCVIBER5,2014 recHuoroozes oINTERNxr10NAna FILE:17HS HL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph BRGPOP1 BRGTMK1.out CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] i.sooo +------+0.50000 MOCHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN O.6900]] 1.sooo +-----------0.50000 e CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[Q0706A GEN 0.6900111 1.5000 +¯----1.000 CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1] 2.5000 0.0 | °o I oO I I I I I I I Figure 29 44 PACIFICORP A MIDAMERICAN ENERGY HOLDINGS COMPANY WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL2015HEAVYSUMMEROPERATINGCASEDECEMBER 5,2014 s1EMENs PowERTEcaroLoozEsINTERNATIoNAna FILE:...\HeavyLoadOutputFiles\17HS HL Q0706 AeolusPOI 3ph DJAMSA230.out N CHNL#1020:[VOLT 65445 [DAVEJON4 22.000]] i.sooo +------+o.soooo CHNL#1127:[VOLT 99721 [QO706A GEN 0.6900]] i.sooo +-----------e o.soooo CHNL#346:[VARS 99721[QO706A GEN 0.690011] i.sooo ----1.ooo CHNL#230:[POWR 99721[QO706A GEN 0.6900]1]2.5000 0.0 oo Figure 30 45