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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180329PAC to Staff UT OCS Set 15 (1-20) (4).pdf1407 W.North Temple
ROCKY MOUNTAIN Salt Lake City,UT 84116
March 13,2018
Béla Vastag
Office of Consumer Services
160 East 300 South
Salt Lake City,Utah 84111
bv_astag@u_tall.go_v (C)
RE:UT Docket No.17-035-40
OCS 15th Set Data Request (1-20)
Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Response to OCS 15th Set Data Request 15.14.
Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD is Confidential Attachment OCS 15.14.Confidential
information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)Rule 746-1-602
and 746-1-603.
If you have any questions,please call me at (801)220-2823.
Jana Saba
C.c.Erika Tedder/DPU
Dan Kohler/DPU
Dan Peaco/DPU (C)(W)
Aliea Afnan/DPU (W)
Philip Hayet/OCS (C)
Gary A.Dodge/UAE (C)
Phillip Russell/UAE (C)
Kevin Higgins/UAE (C)
Neal Townsend/UAE
Kate Bowman/UCE
Emma Rieves/UCE
Lisa Tormoen Hickey/ (C)
Mitch Longson/Interwest (C)
Nancy Kelly/
Jennifer Gardner/WRA
Penny Anderson/WRA (W)
Peter J.Mattheis/Nucor (C)
Eric J.Lacey/Nucor (C)(W)
William J.Evans/UIEC
Vicki M.Baldwin/UIEC
Chad C.Baker/UIEC (W)
17-035-40 /Rocky Mountain Power
March 13,2018
OCS Data Request 15.14
OCS Data Request 15.14
Refer to RAV-5SS concerning Q0706.
(a)It appears that this project requires Energy GatewayWest and Energy Gateway South
to be in service before this project can be in service (See RAV-5SS,page 4 of 18).If
that is the case,how can Carbon County 2 (TB Flats -Q0707)require that Q0706,be
in-service before it (See RAV-3SS at pg 17 of 40)?
(b)Similarly,how can Carbon County 3 (Q0708)(see RAV-3SS page 37 of 40)require
that Q0706 be in service before it?Same question for Cedar Springs (Q0712 -See
RAV-4SS at pg.18 of 23)?
(c)See RAV-5SS,page 12 of 18.Please explain the significance to the study that Mr.
Link performed,and the costs that PacifiCorp customers will have to pay for the
Total Cost of $2.76 million.
(d)See RAV-5SS,page 14 of 18.Please explain the significance of the March 28,2025
completion date for this project given that these costs may have been included in the
economic analysis,and other projects are dependent on this project.
(e)See RAV-5SS,page 16 of 18.What is the significance of all of these projects,and
why were these projects required for Q0706,and why weren't these same projects
required to be in-service before Q0707 and Q0708?
Response to OCS Data Request 15.14
(a)The referenced interconnection study for the Ekola Flats project did not reflect
updated assumptions regarding PacifiCorp's long-term transmission plan (i.e.,the
acceleration of segment D.2 of Energy Gateway West).Given the timing of the
interconnection agreement negotiation,PacifiCorp transmission and the
interconnection customer decided to reflect the updated long-term transmission plan
assumptions in the interconnection customer's interconnection agreement rather than
to issue a revised interconnection study.Please refer to Confidential Attachment OCS
15.14 for a copy of the Ekola Flats interconnection agreement,which lists an updated
commercial operation date of November 1,2020.
(b)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above.
(c)Direct assigned interconnection costs are the responsibility of the bidder (the
interconnection customer)and are included in the initial capital cost of the firm price
proposals for each wind facility.The economic analysis summarized in the testimony
of Company witness,Rick T.Link reflects the firm price proposals from the bidder.
17-035-40 /Rocky Mountain Power
March 13,2018
OCS Data Request 15.14
(d)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above.
(e)Several changes have occurred in PacifiCorp's generation interconnection queue
since this study was produced on March 3,2017.Projects Q0199,Q0200,Q0201,
Q0267 and Q0375 were all withdrawn from the queue and,therefore,not considered
in lower-prioritystudies.Projects Q0306/Q0335 went into service and,therefore,are
no longer listed in reports as a higher-priorityrequest,but rather considered along
with all other operating generators in lower-priority studies.Finally,when updating
the assumptions for the Q0707 and Q0708 system impact studies to reflect the new
staging of Energy Gateway West Segment D.2 Aeolus-Bridger/Anticlineto be in-
service by December 2020,PacifiCorp considered all higher-queuedinterconnection
requests and projects with executed LGIAs,but some projects with in-service dates
after 2020,like Q0290 and Q0409,were deemed not impacted by the updated
projected in-service date of Segment D.2.
Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah
(UPSC)Rules 746-1-602 and 746-1-603.