HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180307PAC to Staff WY WIEC Set 17 (1-9).pdf1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 February 28,2018 Abigail C.Briggerman,#7-5476 Holland &Hart LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Circle,Suite 500 Greenwood Village,CO 80111 acbriggerman@hollandhart.com(C) RE:Wyoming Docket 20000-520-EA-17 WIEC 17th Set Data Request (1-9) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to WIEC 17th Set Data Request 17.1- 17.7 and 17.9.The response to WIEC 17.8 will be provided separately.Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Attachments WIEC 17.1 and 17.2.Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions,please call me at (307)632-2677. Sincerely, Stacy Splittstoesser, Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.C.:Meridith Bell/WPSC meridith.bell@wyo.gov(C) Lori L.Brand/WPSC lori.brand@wyo.gov (W) John Burbridge/WPSC john.brubride@wyo.gov(W) Michelle Bohanan/WPSC Michelle.bohanan@wvo.gov (W) Kara Seveland/WPSC kara.seveland@wyo.gov(W) Morgan Fish/WPSC morgan.fish@wyo.gov (W) Dave Walker/WPSC dave.walker@wvo.ev (W) Perry McCollom/WPSC perry.mecollom@wyo.gov (W) Patti Penn/WIEC PPenn@hollanhart.com(W) Thor Nelson/WIEC tnelson@hollandhart.com (C)(W) Emanuel Cocian/WIEC etcocian@hollanhart.com (W) Adele Lee/WIEC ACLee@hollandhart.com (W) Nik Stoffel/WIEC NSStoffel@hollandhart.com (C)(W) Christopher Leger/OCA christopher.leger@wvo.gov (C) Crystal J.McDonough/NLRAcrystal@medonoughlawlle.com (C) Callie Capraro/NLRA callie@medonoughlawlle.com Lisa Tormoen Hickey/Interwestlisahickey@newlawgroup.com (C) Brandon L.Jensen/RMSC brandon@buddfaln.com(C) Roxane Perruso/TOTCO Roxane.nerruso@tac-denver.com Jane M.France/TOTCO ifrance@spkm.org (C) Constance E.Brooks/Anadarko connie@cebrooks.com(C) Danielle Bettencourt/Anadarko danielle@cebrooks.com(C)(W) Paul Kapp/Anadarko pkapp@spkm.ore (C) Lisa Christian/TOTCO Lisa.Christian@tac-denver.com (C) J.Kenneth Barbe/Southland kbarbe@wsmtlaw.com (C) 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 28,2018 WIEC Data Request 17.1 WIEC Data Request 17.1 For each wind project selected as part of the Company's Final Short List please provide: (a)A copy of the interconnection request,including any amendments to the interconnection request; (b)All feasibility studies; (c)All system impact studies; (d)All facilities studies. If the Company updates the Final Short List,please update your response. Response to WIEC Data Request 17.1 Please refer to Confidential Attachment WIEC 17.1 Note that the interconnection studies for the Ekola Flats project do not reflect updated assumptions regarding PaciflCorp's long-term transmission plan (i.e.,the acceleration of segment D.2 of Energy Gateway West).Given the timing of the interconnection agreement negotiation,PacifiCorp transmission and the interconnection customer decided to reflect the updated long-term transmission plan assumptions in the interconnection customer's interconnection agreement rather than to issue a revised interconnection study. Please refer to Confidential Attachment WIEC 17.1 for a copy of the Ekola Flats interconnection agreement. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Respondent:Kris Bremer Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 28,2018 WIEC Data Request 17.2 WIEC Data Request 17.2 Please refer to the Company's Response to WIEC 12.1,and Confidential Attachment 12.1.For each wind project identified for purposes of runningthe IE Sensitivity (at Tab "Bid Portfolio Comparison"),please provide: (a)A copy of the interconnection request,includingany amendments to the interconnection request; (b)All feasibility studies; (c)All system impact studies; (d)All facilities studies. Response to WIEC Data Request 17.2 Please refer to the Company's response to WIEC Data Request 17.1 and Confidential Attachment WIEC 17.2 For the McFadden Ridge II and Como Bluff projects,no studies have been conducted. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Respondent:Kris Bremer Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 28,2018 WIEC Data Request 17.3 WIEC Data Request 17.3 When will the IndependentEvaluator issue its report on the Final Short List project portfolio?Please provide your answer with respect to the currentlyexisting Final Short List (i.e.,the projects presented in the Company's January 16,2017 SupplementalDirect Testimony)and any updated version of the Final Short List project portfolio.Please provide copies of such reports once issued. Response to WIEC Data Request 17.3 The Utah IndependentEvaluator (IE)issued draft comments on the final short list (FSL) on January 15,2018 and a Final Short List report was issued on February 15,2018, which is included in highly confidential exhibit RMP_(RTL-5SS)filed with the Public Service Commission on February 16,2018. The Oregon IE released a final report on February 16,2018,which is included in highly confidential re lacement exhibit RMP (RTL-8SS)filed with the Public ServiceP Commission on February 23,2018. Due to the ongoing nature of the 2017 Renewable Request for Proposals (2017R RFP), the IE documentation associated with the 2017R RFP is considered commercially sensitive and highly confidential and the Company requests special handling.The Company does not typically permit access to commercially sensitive 2017R RFP documentation until the RFP has been concluded.Please contact Stacy Splittstoesser at (307)632-2677 or Yvonne Hogle at (801)220-4050 to make arrangements for review. Respondent:Bruce Griswold Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 28,2018 WIEC Data Request 17.4 WIEC Data Request 17.4 Please refer to the Company's Response to WIEC 12.1.Has the IndependentEvaluator requested the Company run a sensitivity on any other or additional project portfolios?If so,please provide copies of those sensitivities,and copies of any correspondence or presentations by the Company on those sensitivities. Response to WIEC Data Request 17.4 Due to the ongoing nature of the 2017 Renewable Request for Proposals (2017R RFP), the IE sensitivities associated with the 2017R RFP are considered commercially sensitive and highly confidential and the Company requests special handling.The Company does not typically permit access to commercially sensitive 2017R RFP documentation until the RFP has been concluded.Please contact Stacy Splittstoesser at (307)632-2677 or Yvonne Hogle at (801)220-4050 to make arrangements for review. Respondent:Bruce Griswold Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 28,2018 WIEC Data Request 17.5 WIEC Data Request 17.5 Please describe the circumstances under which a project may advance in or "jump"the interconnection queue.Are there any costs to the project developer to advance in or "jump"the queue?In your response,please refer to all tariff provisions discussing queue advancement or "jumping." Response to WIEC Data Request 17.5 PacifiCorp's open access transmission tariff (OATT)allows an interconnection customer to request the advancement of the construction of interconnection-service network upgrades under two scenarios:(1)when the network upgrades are the obligation of a different interconnection customer;and (2)when the network upgrades are part of the transmission provider's long-term expansion plan.Depending on the circumstances,the requesting interconnection customer may be responsible for expediting costs or the advanced network upgrade costs,subject to refund or transmission credits.See PacifiCorp's OATT,sections 47.2.2 and 47.2.3,which mirror the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's pro forma OATT,sections 12.2.2 and 12.2.3. Respondent:Kristopher Bremer Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 28,2018 WIEC Data Request 17.6 WIEC Data Request 17.6 Please refer to the Company's Response to WIEC 12.1,and Confidential Attachment 12.1.Please refer specifically to page 19 of the presentation.Please identify all projects in the interconnection queue that have signed interconnection agreements to interconnect to Segment D.2 based on a 2024 or later Segment D.2 in service date.Please indicate whether the Company will re-study these projects,and if not,please explain why not. Response to WIEC Data Request 17.6 There are no projects with an executed interconnection agreement that require only Segment D.2 to be completed to allow interconnection and that have a scheduled in- service date of Segment D.2 in 2024 or later. Respondent:Kris Bremer Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 28,2018 WIEC Data Request 17.7 WIEC Data Request 17.7 Please refer to the Supplemental Direct Testimony of Mr.Rick Link at page 7,lines 5-14. (a)Please identify the referenced qualifying facilities,includingthe project interconnection queue numbers. (b)Are there any other qualifying facilities that have identified a point of interconnection on Segment D.2 that are higher in the queue than those wind facilities identified in the Final Short List?If so,please identify the project interconnection queue numbers, indicate the capacity of each project (MW),and explain how the Company has accounted for the transmission capacity necessary to bring such qualifyingfacilities online. (c)Are there any other qualifyingfacilities that have identified a point of interconnection on Segment D.2 that have signed interconnection agreements,but that have not yet come online?If so,please identify the project interconnection queue numbers, indicate the capacity of each project (MW),and explain how the Company has accounted for the transmission capacity necessary to bring such qualifying facilities online. Response to WIEC Data Request 17.7 (a)Mud Springs Project LLC,Horse Thief Project LLC,and Pryor Caves Project LLC. The project interconnection queue numbers are Q0542A,Q0542B,and Q0542C. (b)Yes.Project interconnection queue numbers Q0409A,Q0409B,Q0409C,and Q409D.Each project associated with the identified queue numbers is 80 megawatts (MW).The system impact studies (SIS)for these qualifyingfacility (QF)projects require elements of Energy Gateway beyond justthe Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline Segment D.2.Consequently,the Company does not need to reserve interconnection capacity enabled by the Aeolus-to-Bridger/AnticlineSegment D.2 line for these specific QF projects. (c)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (b)above. Respondent:Bruce Griswold Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 28,2018 WIEC Data Request 17.9 WIEC Data Request 17.9 For purposes of the requests below,please hypothetically assume selection of the McFadden Ridge II project (110 MW)is replaced with the selection of the Ekola Flats benchmark project (250 MW). (a)Please provide the Company's best dollar estimate of how such a change would impact the estimated network upgrade costs identified in Confidential Table 1 on page 4 of Rick Vail's SupplementalDirect testimony of January 2018.Please provide this information for each item listed in Confidential Table 1. (b)Please provide a detailed description of the changes to the network upgrades that the Company believes would be necessary in order to accommodate Ekola Flats in place of McFadden Ridge II. (c)Please provide a detailed description of all of the additional power system analysis studies that would need to be completed by the Company,or on the Company's behalf,in order to accommodate replacing the selection of McFadden Ridge II with the selection of Ekola Flats.In responding to this request,please also identify the expected completion date of each additional study that needs to be completed.To the extent these studies have already been completed,please provide a complete copy of them. If the Company updates its Final Short List with a project other than the Ekola Flats benchmark project,please update this response to reflect the new Final Short List projects. Response to WIEC Data Request 17.9 The Company did replace the McFadden Ridge II project with the Ekola Flats benchmark project.Please see the Company's Second Supplemental filing dated February 16,2018, as corrected February 23,2018. Respondent:Kris Bremer Witness:Rick Vail