HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180307PAC to Staff WY WIEC Set 14 (1-38).pdfROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 February 9,2018 Abigail C.Briggerman,#7-5476 Holland &Hart LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Circle,Suite 500 GreenwoodVillage,CO 80111 acbriggerman@hollandhart.com (C) RE:Wyoming Docket 20000-520-EA-17 WIEC 14th Set Data Request (1-38) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to WIEC 14th Set Data Requests 14.1- 14.13,14.16,14.20,14.26-14.27,14.30-14.34,and 14.36-14.38.Also provided are Attachments WIEC 14.37 and 14.38.Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Responses WIEC 14.27 and 14.30 and Confidential Attachments WIEC 14.26,14.27,14.30 -(1-2),14.34, and 14.36.Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions,please call me at (307)632-2677. Sincerely, Stacy Splittstoesser, Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.C.:Meridith Bell/WPSC meridith.bell@wyo.gov(C) Lori L.Brand/WPSC lori.brand@wyo.gov (W) John Burbridge/WPSC john.brubride@wyo.gov (W) Michelle Bohanan/WPSC Michelle.bohanan@wyo.gov (W) Kara Seveland/WPSC kara.seveland@wyo.gov(W) Morgan Fish/WPSC morgan.fish@wyo.gov (W) Dave Walker/WPSC dave.walker@wvo.gv (W) Perry McCollom/WPSC perry.mccollom@wyo.gov(W) Patti Penn/WIEC PPenn@hollanhart.com(W) Thor Nelson/WIEC tnelson@hollandhart.com (C)(W) Emanuel Cocian/WIEC etcocian@hollanhart.com (W) Adele Lee/WIEC ACLee@hollandhart.com (W) Nik Stoffel/WIEC NSStoffel@hollandhart.com (C)(W) Christopher Leger/OCA christopher.leger@wvo.gov (C) 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.1 WIEC Data Request 14.1 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 8,line 21 through page 9,line 3. (a)Is it PacifiCorp's position that it would not be reasonable for customers to benefit from any new zero-fuel-cost generation on the Company's system before that new zero-fuel-cost generationis included in rates?Please explain your answer in detail. (b)Please provide any analyses or studies prepared by or on behalf of PacifiCorp to quantifythe financial impact to the Company if the RTM is rejected and there is no rate recovery for the Combined Project until after the Company's next general rate case. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.1 (a)No.The Company's position is that a matching of costs with benefits is reasonable and appropriate.The Company's proposal for the RTM in this case is to provide the ability to match costs with benefits in a comparable time period and avoid the need to multiplerate cases over a short period of time.The referenced testimony on page 8 recognizes that there are potentiallyother ways to track and recover costs and benefits.However,the Company does not agree benefits from these investments should flow through the ECAM without recognition and recovery and/or deferral of the costs incurred that creates those benefits. (b)Please refer to Exhibit RMP_(JRS-2SD)Page 2 of 2,line 23 labeled "Rev Reqt after ECAM Pass-through".These amounts reflect the Company's projection of the net financial impact to the Company if the RTM is rejected and there is no rate recovery for the Combined Projects. Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.2 WIEC Data Request 14.2 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 9,lines 13-16.Please identify where "a meaningful opportunityto review the proposed ratemaking treatment for large capital investments before they are made"is addressed in the stipulation in the Company's 2010 rate case and the decision approving that stipulation. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.2 Please refer to Docket 20000-384-ER-10,Stipulation and Agreement,sub-section "Major Plant Investments,"beginning at paragraph 13.Additionally,see the Stipulation Testimony of Kevin C.Higgins in that proceeding,page 8 -10,in which he describes the process in the Stipulation,specifically as "essentially the same analysis the Commission would traditionally consider on an after-the-fact basis in a rate case,but with a fuller picture of the costs and benefits of the entire project"(page 10,lines 1-3). Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.3 WIEC Data Request 14.3 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 10,lines 7-10.Why are mechanisms like the RTM typically implemented for costs that are variable and out of the Company's control?Please explain your answer in detail. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.3 The referenced testimony is explaining why it is reasonable for PTCs to be recovered on an on-going basis through the RTM,similar to net power costs.An on-going mechanism allows the recovery of specific costs and benefits at the level they are incurred on a timely basis.If costs and benefits for elements that are variable and outside of the Company's control,such as weather conditions that influence wind production and the corresponding amount of PTCs,are fixed in rates at a specific level,variations of under- collection or over-collection may result.A mechanism such as the ECAM or RTM for PTCs on an on-going basis,provides an appropriate and timely ratemaking treatment without the need for more frequent and time-consuming general rate proceedings, especially when specific cost and benefit items can be discretely identified and measured between rate cases. Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.4 WIEC Data Request 14.4 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page l 1,lines 2-10. (a)Does Ms.Steward agree that capping or reducing the recoverable costs for the Combined Projects would increase the likelihood of customers actuallyexperiencing benefits from the Combined Projects?Please explain your answer in detail. (b)Does Ms.Steward agree that capping or reducing the recoverable costs for the Combined Projects would increase the amount of benefits from the Combined Projects actuallyexperiencedby customers?Please explain your answer in detail. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.4 (a)No.Capping or reducing recoverable costs could result in an arbitrary transfer of excessive project benefits to customers to the detriment of the Company for what would be considered just and reasonable expenditures. (b)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above. Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.5 WIEC Data Request 14.5 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page l1,lines l1-19.Please explain the impact to shareholders if the Company meets its resource needs through new Company-owned resources rather than through front office transactions. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.5 Shareholders that invest in Company-owned resources do so with the anticipation that they will earn a fair return on their investment based on the authorized rate of return as ordered by the Public Service Commission.The economic analysis in the 2017 IRP and in this proceeding shows that the Combined Projects are the least-cost,least-risk resource decisions to serve customers. Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.6 WIEC Data Request 14.6 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 12,lines 1-5. (a)Please define "discretionary"as used by Ms.Steward. (b)Please provide an example of a resource acquisition that meets Ms.Steward's definition of discretionary. (c)Please admit that PacifiCorp can meet its near-term resource needs with front office transactions.If your answer is anything other than an unqualifiedadmission,please explain in detail. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.6 (a)"Discretionary,"as used in Ms.Steward's testimony,describes Mr.Phillip'sclaims that the Combined Projects are discretionary or unneeded investments. (b)A "discretionary"resource,in line with the Company's response in subpart (a)above, would be a purchase of energythat is not warranted or needed to provide a balanced, long-term,least-cost,least risk portfolio of resources. (c)The Company could meet its "near-term"resource needs with higher-cost,higher-risk front office transactions (FOT),however,the Company must also plan and strive for a portfolio of resources that is a balance of least-cost and least-risk such as that provided through acquisition of the Combined Projects.The economic analysis in this proceeding shows that the Combined Projects are least-cost,least-risk path available to serve customers by meeting both near-term and long-term needs,even after taking into account the availability of FOT. Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward and Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.7 WIEC Data Request 14.7 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 12,lines 8-9. (a)Please define "typical utility investments"as used by Ms.Steward. (b)Please explain how the investment in the Combined Projects is different than a typical utility investment. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.7 (a)Typical utility investments encompass all acquisitions of assets,goods and services, procured for the purpose of providing safe and reliable electrical service for customers. (b)As noted in testimony,the Combined Projects are the same as typical utility investments because they do not impose a greater risk on customers and are not discretionary.Theyare different because of the magnitude,and because benefits will flow to customers through the ECAM without customers paying the costs if the RTM is not implemented. Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.8 WIEC Data Request 14.8 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 12,lines 10-11.What is the current "standard for what benefits must be achieved"in order for the Commission to find a proposed investment predicated on customer benefits is reasonable and in the public interest?Please explain your answer in detail. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.8 A reasonable "standard for what benefits must be achieved"would find that if the Company has used due diligence in fulfilling its obligation to provide safe and reliable electrical service at a reasonable cost while taking into account available information known at the time that decisions are made.Also,that the Company has planned for current and future service in a way that pursues a balance of least-cost,least-risk resources for the benefit of its customers,and that the company can reasonably expect that the Commission would allow recovery of reasonable and prudent costs and not arbitrarilypenalize or handicap the Company's ability to earn its authorized rate of return.As indicated in Ms.Steward's rebuttal testimony,Mr.Phillips'proposal of taking all the benefits of the Combined Projects,while capping and disallowing the costs the Company would be allowed to recover would certainly be without regard to a "standard for what benefits must be achieved." Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.9 WIEC Data Request 14.9 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 14,lines 13-16.Please explain how the Commission can find that customers "will benefit"as a result of the Combined Projects if the benefits are variable and outside of the Company's control? Response to WIEC Data Request 14.9 Customer benefit is typically measured as the present value revenue requirement differential (PVRR(d))between the proposed project and other reasonable,viable alternatives.Such analysis of major resource alternatives is considered in the Company's Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)and has also been addressed by Mr.Link in his testimony regarding the benefit analysis of the Combined Projects. Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.10 WIEC Data Request 14.10 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 15,lines 4-9. (a)Please identify the Commission decision where the Commission first determined that acquiring Cholla would provide net savings to customers. (b)Please explain how the benefits and costs associated with the Company's investment in Cholla were first recovered from customers. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.10 a.Please refer to the WyomingPublic Service Commission (WPSC)order from Docket 20000-ER-95-99 dated August 23,1996,approving a stipulation.The Commission order approving the stipulation refers to Cholla in section 9a paragraph 4 on page 11. The order states Cholla Unit 4 is activelysupplying the needs of PacifiCorp,was acquired at a price lower than the price of comparable generatingoptions,and generates savings in various amounts when measured against PacifiCorp's avoided costs stated in present value terms. b.The benefits and costs were first reflected in base rate through the general rate case stipulation identified in part (a). Respondent:Craig Larsen Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.11 WIEC Data Request 14.11 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 15,lines 4-9. (a)Please identify the Commission decision where the Commission first determined that acquiring Craig and Hayden would provide net savings to customers. (b)Please explain how the benefits and costs associated with the Company's investment in Craig and Hayden were first recovered from customers. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.11 a.Please refer to the WyomingPublic Service Commission (WPSC)order from Docket 20000-ER-95-99 dated August 23,1996,approving a stipulation.The Commission order approving the stipulation refers to Craig and Hayden in section 9a paragraph 4 on page 11.The order states Craig and Hayden are activelysupplying the needs of PacifiCorp,were acquired at a price lower than the price of comparable generating options,and generates savings in various amounts when measured against PacifiCorp's avoided costs stated in present value terms. b.The benefits and costs were first reflected in base rates through the general rate case stipulation identified in part (a). Respondent:Craig Larsen Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.12 WIEC Data Request 14.12 Referring to Joelle Steward's rebuttal testimony at page 15,lines 4-9. (a)Please identify the Commission decision where the Commission first determined that acquiring Chalis would provide net savings to customers. (b)Please explain how the benefits and costs associated with the Company's investment in Chalis were first recovered from customers. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.12 The Company assumes that the reference to "Chalis"is intended to reference the Company's Chehalis combine-cycle combustion turbine (CCCT)generationplant.Based on the foregoing assumption,the Company responds as follows: a)Please refer to the WyomingPublic Service Commission (WPSC)order Docket 20000-333-ER-08,Record 11824.The Chehalis plant was included in the Company's rate case filing.The rate case was resolved througha stipulation.Neither the stipulation nor the Commission order approving the stipulation specifically mention the Chehalis plant.The Chehalis plant has also been included in all subsequent rate cases. b)See response to part (a) Respondent:Craig Larsen Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.13 WIEC Data Request 14.13 Referring to Joelle Steward's supplemental direct testimony at page 1,lines 22-23 and Exhibit RMP (JRS-2SD). (a)Please explain how the Combined Projects are the least cost alternative to meet customers'needs in 2021. (b)Please explain how the Combined Projects are the least cost alternative to meet customers'needs in 2022. (c)Please explain how the Combined Projects are the least cost alternative to meet customers'needs in 2023. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.13 (a)The Combined Projects has been found to be the best least cost,least risk economic resource balance compared to other resource alternatives.Individual year's results are not necessarily an indication of the total net benefits that are achieved across a long- term planning cycle or the life of the resource. (b)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above. (c)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above. Respondent:Joelle Steward Witness:Joelle Steward and Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.16 WIEC Data Request 14.16 Referring to Rick Link's rebuttal testimony at page 10,line 21 through page l1,line 5. (a)Please identify the Commission decision(s)where the Commission approvedthe 1,698 MW of existing contracted and owned renewable resources included in rates today "because they were demonstrated to be least-cost,least-risk,displaced FOTs, and were acquired well before any thermal capacity or state renewable portfolio standard need". (b)Did PacifiCorp receive innovate or nontraditional ratemaking for the 1,698 MW of existing contracted and owned renewable resources?Please explain your answer in detail and identify any Commission decisions referred to or relied upon in responding to this request. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.16 (a)Please refer to the WyomingPublic Service Commission (WPSC)orders from the followingdockets: Docket 20000-469-ER-15,Record 14076 Docket 20000-446-ER-14,Record 13816 Docket 20000-405-ER-11,Record 13034 Docket 20000-384-ER-10,Record 12702 Docket 20000-352-ER-09,Record 12310 Docket 20000-333-ER-08,Record 11824 Docket 20000-277-ER-07,Record 11249 Docket 20000-230-ER-05,Record 10196 Docket 20000-ER-03-198,Record 8310 Docket 20000-ER-02-184,Record 7475 (b)No. Respondent:Craig Larsen Witness:Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.20 WIEC Data Request 14.20 Referring to Rick Link's rebuttal testimony at page 14,lines 17-23.Does Mr.Link agree that the Combined Projects will increase customer rates in the near term?Please explain why or why not. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.20 Customer rate impacts,beginning with the first full year of operation for the Combined Projects in 2021,will depend on the ratemaking mechanisms employed.First year impacts are expected to be less than 2 percent.Please refer to the supplemental direct testimony of Company witness,Joelle R.Steward,for the estimated annual rate impact. Respondent:Randy Baker Witness:Rick Link and Joelle Steward 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.26 WIEC Data Request 14.26 Referring to Rick Link's supplemental direct testimony at page 13,lines 16-17. (a)Please identify each of the network upgrades required for each of the shortlist projects to interconnect to the Company's transmission system. (b)Please identify the cost of each of the network upgrades required for each of the shortlist projects to interconnect to the Company's transmission system. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.26 (a)For each of the projects included in the 2017R Request for Proposals (2017R RFP) final shortlist (FSL),the followingnetwork upgrades have been identified: 1.Q707/708 (Shirley Basin) A new bay and three new breakers along with associated switches at the existing Shirley Basin 230 kilovolt (kV)substation. Two new line terminations at Shirley Basin substation,one to interconnect the interconnection project and the other to connect the new Shirley Basin - Aeolus 230 kV line required by the Project. Addition of two new breakers along with associated switches on the existing bay that connects Dunlap wind farm to Shirley Basin in order to convert the Shirley Basin 230 kV bus to full breaker and half configuration. Construction of a new approximately 16.5-mile Shirley Basin -Aeolus 230 kV line with 2-1557 ACSR (Potomac). 2.Q712 (Windstar) Two -230 kV (3,000 ampere)breakers and two line positions with associated switches at Windstar substation. Installation of high speed relaying to switch off the shunt capacitor banks at Riverton 230 kV are required for high voltage conditions. 3.Q863 (Foote Creek area) Construct a new three breaker 230 kV POI ring bus substation on the High Plains -Foote Creek 230 kV line,~2 miles southwest of High Plains substation. Rebuild the Aeolus -Freezeout -Standpipe 230 kV line (3 miles and 11.7 miles,respectively)on single tower 2-1272 ACSR/Phase (Bittern) 4.Q715 (UintaCounty) Construct a new three breaker 138 kV POI ring bus substation southwest of the WhitneyCanyon Tap (near structure 116),with associated switches and line terminations. 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.26 Reconductor approximately 13.7 miles of the Q0715 -Railroad 138 kV line with 1-1272 ACSR/phase (line has 1-795 ACSR/phase). Modify the existing Naughton RAS to integrate the Q0715 project. (Redundant communication to the project is required.) (b)Please refer to Confidential Attachment WIEC 14.26,which describes the cost of the network upgrades for each project. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective order issued in this proceeding. Respondents:Craig Quist /Todd Jensen Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.27 WIEC Data Request 14.27 Please refer to the SupplementalDirect Testimony of Mr.Rick T.Link at page 14,lines 19-21. (a)For each of the winningbids of the 2017R RFP,please indicate how that project has demonstrated site control. (b)For each of the winningbids of the 2017R RFP,please provide the referenced permitting timeline. (c)Could the collection of avian data lead to changes in the siting of the proposed projects or otherwise cause a delay in the development of the projects? (d)Do any of the winning bids of the 2017R RFP warrant an Eagle Take Permit?If so, please indicate where each project is in the process of obtaining such a permit. (e)Please provide all studies or analyses regarding the advisability of an Eagle Take Permit. (f)Have any avoidance,minimization,or mitigation measures been incorporated in to the project design to account for avian impacts? (g)Please provide all correspondence the Company has obtained between the winning bids to the 20 17R RFP and the Fish and Wildlife Service,or the WyomingGame and Fish Department. Confidential Response to WIEC Data Request 14.27 (a)Please refer to the confidential table below: (b)McFadden Ridge II -the permitting requirements are included in Confidential Exhibit RMP_(CAT3-17)of Mr.Teply's direct testimony,and further informed by the indicative ro ect schedule in Confidential Exhibit RMP (CAT3-6).P J 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.27 TB Flats I and II -the permitting requirements are included in Confidential Exhibit RMP_(CAT2-16)of Mr.Teply's direct testimony,and further informed by the indicative ro ect schedule in Confidential Exhibit RMP (CAT2-6).P J Cedar Springs -the permitting requirements are included in Confidential Exhibit RMP_(CAT-1SD-9)of Mr.Teply's supplemental direct testimony,and further informed b the indicative ro ect schedule in Confidential Exhibit RMP (CAT-y PJ 1SD-3 . Uinta -the permitting requirements are included in Confidential Exhibit CAT-4SD-4- H of Mr.Teply's supplemental direct testimony,and further informed by the indicative ro ect schedule in Confidential Exhibit RMP (CAT-4SD-6).P J A brief update to the timeline of the projects is also included in the timeline table on page 8-9 of Mr.Teply's supplemental direct testimony.The permits for these facilities are in progress and will be obtained if a CPCN is approvedby the Commission. (c)Results of avian data collection could affect the ultimate project wind turbine layout or project schedule,however bidders have built avian data collection into their proposed development schedule. (d)An eagle take permit is a voluntarypermit.Bidders have indicated they are in various stages of developing their eagle conservation plans and will be applying for an eagle take permit. (e)Due to the ongoing nature of the 2017R RFP,bid information,studies and analysis associated with the 2017R RFP are considered commercially sensitive and highly confidential.The Company does not typically permit access to commercially sensitive 2017R RFP documentationuntil the RFP has been concluded.Please contact Stacy Splittstoesser at (307)632-2677 or Yvonne Hogle at (801)220-4050 to make arrangements for review. (f)Projects are currentlyin various stages of assessing avian impacts includingdata collection,initiation of discussions with the appropriate agencies,and development of mitigation plans.Bidders did not submit a formal mitigation plan document as part of their bid package. (g)Due to the ongoing nature of the 2017R RFP,bid information,studies and analysis associated with the 2017R RFP are considered commercially sensitive and highly confidential.The Company does not typically permit access to commercially sensitive 2017R RFP documentationuntil the RFP has been concluded.Please contact Stacy Splittstoesser at (307)632-2677 or Yvonne Hogle at (801)220-4050 to make arrangements for review. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective order issued in this proceeding. 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.27 Respondent:Bruce Griswold Witness:Rick Link and Chad Teply 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.30 WIEC Data Request 14.30 Referring to Rick Link's supplemental direct testimony at page 27,Table 2-SD. (a)What portion of the benefits identified in Table 2-SD are associated with the transmission facilities? (b)What portion of the benefits identified in Table 2-SD are associated with PTCs? (c)What portion of the benefits identified in Table 2-SD are associated with avoided FOTs? Confidential Response to WIEC Data Request 14.30 (a)Three of the bids in the final short list,totaling 1,009 megawatts (MW),are located behind the TOT 4A transmission constraint.These three bids are enabled by the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlineline.The remaining 161 MW bid (Uinta)is not dependent on the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlinetransmission line. Because the benefits of the 1,009 MW of new wind behind the TOT 4A constraint are enabled by the Aeolus-to-Bridger transmission line,the Company has not independently analyzed the benefits of this transmission line without this new wind. Nonetheless,the Company has evaluatedhow the present value of revenue requirements differential (PVRR(d))is impacted if the Uinta project were removed from the final shortlist.With medium natural gas and medium carbon dioxide (CO2) price assumptions,removing Uinta decreases customer net benefits by approximately .Please refer to Confidential Attachment WIEC 14.30-1. (b)Please refer to the Confidential Supplementalwork paper "Table 2-SD,Table 3-SD, Figure 5 FSL Results Summary File.xlsx",specifically the "PaR -RFP WFSL Studies"worksheet,row 103.The net present value (NPV)of production tax credits is $687 million in all price-policy scenarios. (c)Please refer to Confidential Attachment WIEC 14.30-2,which calculates the avoided front office transactions (FOT)costs in three price-policyscenarios:Low Gas No CO2,Medium Gas No CO2,and Medium Gas Medium CO2. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective order issued in this proceeding. Respondent:Randy Baker Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.31 WIEC Data Request 14.31 Please refer to the Company's Response to WIEC 11-1. (a)Please provide copies of all drafts of the EPC contracts for the Combined Projects. (b)Does the Company anticipate that any of the terms of the draft EPC contracts could change prior to execution?If so,please explain your answer. (c)When does the Company anticipate executing each of the EPC contracts? (d)Please provide copies of all EPC contracts upon execution.This is an ongoing request. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.31 (a)As reported in the Company's response to WIEC Data Request 11.1,no engineer, procure,construct (EPC)contracts for the Combined Projects have been executed at this time.The Company is currentlyfinalizing its 2017 Renewable Request for Proposals (2017R RFP)final shortlist interconnection re-study work and assessment of transmission system dynamics impacts of particular wind turbine generator (WTG) equipment associated with individual shortlisted projects.When available,the Company will supplement this data request response to provide pro-forma /draft EPC contracts,as applicable to the selected benchmark wind projects,following completion of the activities described above.For non-benchmark new wind projects included in the 2017R RFP final shortlist,the pro-forma build transfer agreement (BTA)and power purchase agreement (PPA)are publicly available on PacifiCorp's website and can be accessed by utilizingthe website link provided below: http://www.pacificorp.com/sup/rfps/2017- rfp/2017R RFP Doc and Appendices.html (b)As with negotiations of any definitive agreement,it is likelythat the language of individual terms and conditions incorporated as part of the pro-forma contract and exhibits will change prior to execution;however,the Company does not anticipate material deviations from the pro-forma wind benchmark EPC contract concepts and risk mitigation measures addressed by competitive market respondents during the Company's competitive solicitations for wind benchmark EPC contractors.The Company is currentlyengaged with shortlisted wind benchmark EPC contractors in negotiation of final EPC terms and conditions,should those projects ultimately be selected followingcompletion of the activities described in the Company's response to subpart (a)above. Similarly,the Company is currentlyinitiating discussions with shortlisted non- benchmark BTA counterparties to facilitate detailed negotiation of final BTA terms and conditions.The Company does not anticipate material deviations from the pro- forma BTA concepts and risk mitigation measures addressed by competitive market respondents during the Company's 2017R RFP competitive solicitation for wind 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.31 build transfer projects. (c)The Company currentlyanticipates executing the EPC contracts for any benchmark projects selected to the 2017R RFP final shortlist in alignment with receipt of regulatory approvals for those projects;currentlytargeting May 31,2018. The Company also currentlyanticipates executing the BTA for any build transfer projects selected to the 2017R RFP final shortlist in alignment with receipt of regulatory approvals for those projects;currentlytargeting May 31,2018. Notwithstandingthe above,pursuant to the 2017R RFP process,the Company will engage in detailed negotiations of definitive EPC and BTA with the intent of having executable agreements negotiated by April 16,2018. (d)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c)above.The Company will supplement the response to subpart (d)as additional information becomes available. Respondent:Richard Goff Witness:Chad Teplyand Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.32 WIEC Data Request 14.32 Please refer to the SupplementalDirect Testimony of Mr.Rick.A.Vail at page 6,line 15 through page 7,line 2.Assume the Company needs to initiate condemnationproceedings against landowners in order to obtain the necessary rights of way to place the Combined Projects into service by December 31,2020.Please indicate when those proceedings will be initiated and how long it will take to receive a final decision permitting the Company to acquire the rights of way. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.32 In the event negotiations fail with a landowner the Company would need to initiate condemnationproceedings to meet the construction schedule,the landowner would be notified of the Company's intent in mid to late summer of 2018 to provide sufficient time for the necessary steps required to complete the legal proceedings.Timing for a final decision from the courts is dependent on several factors and can take several months. Respondent:Shawn Graff Witness:Rod Fisher 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.33 WIEC Data Request 14.33 Please refer to the SupplementalDirect Testimony of Mr.Rick A.Vail at page 6,lines 2- 7. (a)Please detail how the additional network upgrades have changed the Company's timeline and process for finalizing the EPC contracts. (b)Please describe the purpose and scope of the Line Service Agreements.Please also describe the relationship between the Line Service Agreements and EPC contracts. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.33 (a)The additional network upgrades have not changed the Company's timeline or process for finalizing the engineer procure and construct (EPC)contracts.The scope of these upgrades is not included in the EPC contracts. (b)Line service agreements are contracts where agreed terms and conditions have been negotiated between the Company and a range of qualified contractors in a previously competed request for proposal (RFP)event for procurement and construction services.Project engineering work is performed by either PacifiCorp engineering resources or a contracted Owners Engineer.The purpose of such line service agreements is to have a suite of available qualified contractors available to expedite projects typically less than $50 million in value,thus reducing the time to establish contracts to execute projects while preserving the competitive bidding element of the procurement process.Currently,Rocky Mountain Power has 12 such contractors available in Wyoming.Qualified line service agreement contractors are invited to submit a competitivelysourced fixed price bid for a qualifyingproject.For Energy Vision 2020 the line service agreement contractors will be invited to submit bids for the network upgrades scope of work including;138 kilovolt (kV)transmission upgrades,230 kV transmission upgrades and 230 kV substation construction packages.There is no direct relationship between the line service agreements and EPC contracts. Respondent:Todd Jensen /Stuart Smith Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.34 WIEC Data Request 14.34 Please refer to the SupplementalDirect Testimony of Mr.Rick A.Vail at page 6,lines 8- 14.Please list and describe all additional studies and technical analyses that the Company has not finalized.Please also include the expected date of completion of the same studies and analyses,and provide copies upon completion.This is an ongoing request. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.34 Please refer to Confidential Attachment WIEC 14.34,which contains a summary of technical studies that are necessary to support the D.2 Project.Some of the steps within the document reflect a hand-off of technical information or recommendations between PacifiCorp and consultants,while other steps reflects the completion of technical efforts that result in the issuance of a study report. To date,the followingtechnical reports have been completed and are provided in Confidential Attachment WIEC 14.34: Aeolus West Transmission Path Transfer Capability Assessment,October 2017 Transmission Assessment of Dave Johnston Plant Retirement Impacts to New WyomingWind Generation Integration,November 2017 Gateway West D.2 Project SSR/SSCI Study by General Electric Energy Consulting Group,October 24,2017. Upon completion,other reports will be made available. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective order issued in this proceeding. Respondent:Craig Quist Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.36 WIEC Data Request 14.36 Please refer to the Rebuttal Testimony of Mr.Chad A.Teplyat page 15,lines 19-24.Please provide a copy of the referenced agreement.If no agreement exists,please describe in detail the agreement with Commission Staff. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.36 The agreement between the Company and Commission staff is described in an internal Company compliance document and is also outlined in the confidential rebuttal testimony and exhibits of Mark Tallman in Docket 20000-405-ER-11.These documents are provided in Confidential Attachment WIEC 14.36. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective order issued in this proceeding. Respondent:Stacy Splittstoesser Witness:Chad Teply 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.37 WIEC Data Request 14.37 Please refer to the Rebuttal Testimony of Mr.Chad A.Teply at page 16,line 1.Please provide the actual capacity factor for each project listed on a year by year basis,starting from the year of the project's COD. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.37 The chart of wind project net capacity factors (NCF)at page 16,line 1 in the rebuttal testimony of Company witness,Chad A.Teply,refers to the average annual NCF of the wind projects beginning in year 2010,the year the most recent project was completed, through 2016,the latest complete year of data available when the testimony was prepared.Please refer to Attachment WIEC 14.37,which provides actual annual capacity factors for the followingCompany owned wind resources from commercial operation date (COD)year through calendar year 2017: Dunlap High Plains McFadden Ridge Seven Mile Hill I Seven Mile Hill II Note:the Seven Mile Hill I and Seven Mile Hill II wind projects went into commercial operation on December 31,2008.The NCF data for the Seven Mile Hill projects begins January 1,2009. Respondent:Devin Hutchinson and Ken Clark Witness:Chad Teply 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power February 9,2018 WIEC Data Request 14.38 WIEC Data Request 14.38 Referring to Rick Link's supplemental direct testimony at page 35,line 14 through page 36,line 13. (a)Please provide a rate impact analysis of the portfolio containing the solar PPAs without the Combined Projects consistent with that provided in Table 1 of Exhibit JRS-2SD. (b)Please provide a rate impact analysis of the portfolio containing the Combined Projects with the solar PPAs consistent with that provided in Table 1 of Exhibit JRS- 2SD. Response to WIEC Data Request 14.38 (a)Please refer to Attachment WIEC 14.38 for a comparison of solar power purchase agreements (PPA)without Combined Projects,solar PPAs with Combined Projects, and the Combined Projects for years 2020 through 2030. (b)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above. Respondent:Terrell Spackman Witness:Joelle Steward and Rick Link