HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180307PAC to Staff UT Q542SIS.pdfPAciFICORP Large Generator Interconnection System Impact Study Report Completed for LGIQ#Q0542 Proposed Interconnection To the Existing 230 kV Frannie -Yellowtail Transmission Line August 19,2014 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERATING FACILITY ..............................................1 2.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY.....................................................l 3.0 TYPE OF INTERCONNECTION SERVICE ................................................2 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INTERCONNECTION................................................2 4.1 Other Options Considered (NERC Requirement)................................................2 5.0 STUDY ASSUMPTIONS..................................................................2 5.1 Energy Resource (ER)Interconnection Service.................................................5 5.1.1 Study Results 5 5.1.2 Requirements 10 5.1.1 Cost Estimate 18 5.1.2 Schedule 19 5.1.3 Maximum Amount of Power that can be deliveredinto NetworkLoad,with No Transmission Modifications(for informationalpurposes only).19 5.1.4 Additional Transmission ModificationsRequired to Deliver 100%of the Power into Network Load (for informationalpurposes only)20 5.2 NetworkResource (NR)Interconnection Service...............................................21 5.2.1 Study Results 21 5.2.2 NetworkResource Requirements 23 5.2.3 NetworkResource Cost Estimate 27 5.2.4 Schedule 28 6.0 PARTICIPATION BY AFFECTED SYSTEMS...............................................28 7.0 APPENDIX 1:PROPERTY REQUIREMENTS................................................29 8.0 APPENDIX 2:COMBINED QUEUE...............................................31 Page i August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE GENERATING FACILITY ("Interconnection Customer")proposed interconnecting 240 MWs of new generation to PacifiCorp's ("Transmission Provider")Frannie -Yellowtail 230 kV transmission line approximately 2.75 miles north of the Frannie substation located in Park County,Montana.The project ("Project")will consist of 120 Gamesa 2.0 Gll4 wind turbine generators for a total output of 240 MWs.The requested commercial operation date is approximately December 1, 2015. Interconnection Customer will NOT operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Transmission Provider has assigned the project "Q0542." 2.0 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The interconnection system impact study shall evaluate the impact of the proposed interconnection on the reliability of the transmission system.The interconnection system impact study will consider Base Case as well as all generating facilities (and with respect to (iii)below, an identified network upgrades associated with such higher queued interconnection)that,on the date the interconnection system impact study is commenced: (i)are directlyinterconnected to the transmission system; (ii)are interconnected to Affected Systems and may have an impact on the interconnection request; (iii)have a pending higher queued interconnection request to interconnect to the transmission system;and (iv)have no Queue Position but have executed an LGIA or requested that an unexecuted LGIA be filed with FERC. The interconnection system impact study will consist of a short circuit analysis,a stability analysis,and a power flow analysis.The interconnection system impact study will state the assumptions upon which it is based;state the results of the analyses;and provide the requirements or potential impediments to providing the requested interconnection service, includingpreliminaryindication of the cost and length of time that would be necessary to correct any problems identified in those analyses and implement the interconnection.The interconnection system impact study will provide a list of facilities that are required as a result of the Interconnection Request and a non-binding good faith estimate of the cost responsibility and a non-binding good faith estimated time to construct. Page 1 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report 3.0 TYPE OF INTERCONNECTION SERVICE The Interconnection Customer has selected Network Resource (NR)interconnection service,but has also elected to have the interconnection studied as an Energy Resource (ER).The Interconnection Customer will select NR or ER prior to the facilities study. 4.0 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED INTERCONNECTION To interconnect the Q0542 Project to the 230 kV Frannie -Yellowtail transmission line will require the construction of a new 230 kV three breaker ring bus switching substation including control house and the installation of metering,protection and control and communications equipment.Transmission system upgrades will also be required at Frannie substation,Yellowtail substation,Cedar Mountain substation,Oregon Basin substation,McCulloughPeak microwave station,Cody Service Center,Casper Service Center,Portland Control Center and Salt Lake Control Center. 4.1 Other Options Considered (NERC Requirement) The Interconnection Customer could have chosen to interconnect directly to the Frannie substation but,chose to have the Q0542 Project tap the existing 230 kV Frannie -Yellowtail transmission line approximately 2.75 miles North of the Frannie substation. 5.0 STUDYASSUMPTIONS All active higher priority transmission service and/or generator interconnection requests will be considered in this study and are listed in Appendix 1.If any of these requests are withdrawn,the Transmission Provider reserves the right to re-evaluate this request,and the results and conclusions could significantlychange. For study purposes there are two separate queues: o Transmission Service Queue:to the extent practical,all network upgrades that are required to accommodate active transmission service requests and are expected to be in-service on or after the Interconnection Customer's requested in-service date for the Project will be modeled in this study. o Generation Interconnection Queue:when relevant,interconnection facilities associated with higher queue interconnection requests will be modeled in this study.However,no generation will be simulated from any higher queued project unless a commitment has been made to obtain transmission service. Page 2 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report The Interconnection Customer's request for energy or network resource interconnection service in and of itself does not convey transmission service.Only a Network Customer can make a request to designate a generating resource as a network resource.Since the queue of higher priority transmission services requests may be different when and if a Network Customer's requests network resource designation for this generation facility, the available capacity or transmission modifications,if any,necessary to provide network resource interconnection service may be significantly different.Therefore,the Interconnection Customer should regard the results of this study as informational rather than final. Under normal conditions,the Transmission Provider does not dispatch or otherwise directly control or regulate the output of generation facilities.Therefore,the need for transmission modifications,if any,which are required to provide network resource interconnection service will be evaluated on the basis of 100 percent deliverability (i.e., no displacement of other resources in the same area).However,a network customer can elect to designate more generating resources in an area than can be accommodated by existing or planned transmission capacity.The network customer would then be required to dispatch the resources so as to limit total generation so as not to exceed the network customer's transmission rights. This study assumes the project will be integrated into the Transmission Provider's system to the existing Frannie -Yellowtail 230kV line at or near a point approximately 2.75 miles north of Frannie substation located in Park County,Wyoming. This study assumes that the Railroad -Silver Creek 138kV line planned for December 2015 is in-service. This study assumes that Q0542 is in-service in summer 2016.The 2016 heavy and light load conditions are applied to this study. PacifiCorp standards require post contingency voltage limits of 0.9 per unit and 1.1 per unit. The Interconnection Customer will construct and own any facilities required between the Point of Change of Ownership and the project. Generatortripping may be required for certain outages. All facilities will meet or exceed the minimum WECC,NERC,and the Transmission Provider's performance and design standards. Page 3 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report This report is based on information available at the time of the study.It is the Interconnection Customer's responsibility to check the Transmission Provider's web site regularlyfor transmission system updates at http://www.pacificorp.com/tran.html If wind turbines are connected electricallynear series capacitors,then specialized studies to consider SSR (Sub-Synchronous Resonance)and Sub-Synchronous Control Interactions (SSCI)may be required.If N-1 or N-2 contingencies result in a radial path of the turbines into the series capacitors,then studies are essential -for other non-radial configurations,the studies are necessary at the discretion of the Transmission Provider.Such studies must demonstrate that the wind turbine controls do not contribute negative damping to the system,and that the mechanical modes of resonance in the turbine do not interact with system series capacitors.If such interactions occur,it is the responsibility of the wind developer to provide remedies,and to provide adequate protection to ensure the sub-synchronous interactions are detected and the wind turbines tripped. The Latham/Platte 230kV line upgrades from a DUTT relaying scheme to a POTT relaying scheme using mirrored bits,associated with the TOT4 project,have been completed. The 230kV bus configuration modifications at Latham substation associated with the TOT4A project have been completed. Page 4 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report 5.1 Energy Resource (ER)Interconnection Service Energy resource interconnection service allows the Interconnection Customer to connect its generating facility to the Transmission Provider's transmission system and to be eligible to deliver electric output using firm or non-firm transmission capacity on an as available basis. Consistent with the Transmission Provider's Open Access Transmission Tariff,the facility will be studied such that deliverability will be determined to the Transmission Provider's aggregate network loads assuming some portion of existing network resources are displaced by the output of the Interconnection Customer's large generating facility.Energy resource interconnection service in and of itself does not convey transmission service. 5.1.1 Study Results The PSS/E version 33.5 program was used to evaluate the steady state performance of the system for contingencies described in Table 1.The 2014 Heavy Summer WECC case was modified for the study.The study area was limited to the Big Horn area in Wyoming since the Point of Interconnection (POI)is located on the Frannie -Yellowtail 230 kV line. Page 5 August 19,2014 Q0542 Y PAciFICORP System Impact Study Report BIG HORN AREA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM 2012-2016 SE AREA PLANNING ENGINEERING Page 6 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report The case was tuned to meet the maximum path flow on the Yellowtail South path.The Yellowtail South path is jointly owned between PacifiCorp (PAC)and Western Area Power Administration (WAPA).The path limit is 625 MW,with ownership split 400 MW for PacifiCorp (230 kV lines)and 225 MW for WAPA (115 kV lines).The Yellowtail South path consists of the followinglines: Yellowtail (PAC)-Frannie 230 kV (owned by PAC)* Yellowtail (PAC)-Sheridan 230 kV (owned by PAC) Yellowtail (WAPA)-Lovell 115 kV #1 line (owned by WAPA) Yellowtail (WAPA)-Lovell 115 kV #2 line (owned by WAPA) *Post Q0542,the metering point for the Yellowtail -Frannie 230 kV line would move from Yellowtail to the new Q0542 Point of Interconnection so that the power flow from this Project is captured in the path flow. Page 7 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Table 1 N-1 Outages PAC owned facilities #Contingency 1 Yellowtail (PAC)-Point of Interconnection 230kV line 2 Point of Interconnection -Frannie -Garland -Oregon Basin 230kV line 3 Oregon Basin -Grass Creek -Thermopolis (PAC)230kV line 4 Thermopolis (PAC)-Riverton 230kV line 5 Riverton -Casper230kV line 6 Yellowtail (PAC)-Sheridan230kV line 7 Sheridan-Buffalo 230kV line 8 Buffalo -Kaycee -Midwest -Claim Jumper 230kV line 9 Buffalo -Carr Draw 230kV line 10 Carr Draw -Casper 230kV line 11 Yellowtail (PAC)-Rim Rock 161kV line 12 Thermopolis (PAC)-Kirby Creek -Hilltop 115kV line 13 Thermopolis (PAC)-Thermopolis (WAPA)ll5kV #1 line 14 Thermopolis (PAC)-Thermopolis (WAPA)ll5kV #2 line 15 Riverton 230/ll5kV transformer 16 Thermopolis 230/161kV transformer 17 Thermopolis 230/ll5kV #2 transformer WAPA owned facilities #Contingency 1 Yellowtail (PAC)-Yellowtail (WAPA)230kV line 2 Yellowtail (WAPA)-Crossover 230kV line 2 Thermopolis (PAC)-Bad Water 230kV line 3 Bad Water -Buffalo Head -Spence 230kV line 4 Spence -Casper 230kV line 5 Lovell -Nahne Jensen -Basin -Worland -Hilltop &Thermopolis (WAPA)115kV line 6 Lovell -Big George -Meeteesee -Carter Mountain -Thermopolis (WAPA)115kV line 7 Yellowtail 60MW hydro generator#1 8 Yellowtail 60MW hydro generator#2 9 Yellowtail 60MW hydro generator#3 10 Yellowtail 60MW hydro generator#4 Page 8 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report NorthWestern Energy owned facilities #Contingency 1 Yellowtail (PAC)-Billings 230kV line Tri-State owned facilities #Contingency 1 Thermopolis 230/ll5kV #1 transformer Customer owned facilities #Contingency 1 Point of Interconnection -Collection Site 230kV line 2 New 240MW wind generator Table 1:List of Contingencies Prior to adding Q0542,no thermal overload and voltage issues are observed under N-0 conditions.After adding Q0542,no thermal overload and voltage issues are observed under N-0 conditions. There are known system conditions followingcontingencies that exist prior to the addition of the Q0542 project which are provided here for documentation purposes.The following contingencies cause the overload on Worland Tap -Basin -Nahne Jensen 115kV WAPA line: N-1 outage of the Yellowtail (PAC)-Yellowtail (WAPA)230kV line,or N-1 outage of Yellowtail -Frannie -Garland -Oregon Basin 230kV line. To mitigate this issue,tripping the section of Worland Tap -Basin 115kV line or Basin -Nahne Jensen 115kV line is required.WAPA indicates that within five years there are plans to reconductor the Worland Tap -Basin -Nahne Jensen 115kV line with 477ACSS (Aluminum Conductor Steel Supported)which has a limit of 800 amps (159 MVA).The tripping scheme will no longer be required if this new reconductor project is completed. The followingcontingency causes low voltage issues in WAPA 115kV system: N-1 outage of the Yellowtail (PAC)-Yellowtail (WAPA)230kV line Tripping the Meeteesee Tap -Big George l15kV WAPA line alleviates this low voltage issue. No new voltage violations or thermal overloads are identified in the study for N-1 contingencies with Q0542 in-service other than the existing issues identified.However,coordination with WAPA is still required to operate the new generation facility properly under certain N-1 conditions described above or for other outage conditions that may occur from time to time. Page 9 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report 5.1.2 Requirements GeneratingFacility Modifications The Generation and Interconnection facilities owned by the Interconnection Customer are required to operate under automatic voltage control with the voltage sensed electrically at the Point of Interconnection.The generating and interconnecting facility should have sufficient reactive capacity to enable the delivery of 100 percent of the plant output to the Point of Interconnection at unity power factor measured at 1.0 per unit voltage under steady state conditions. Generators capable of operating under voltage control with a voltage droop are required to do so. Studies will be required to coordinate the voltage droop setting with other facilities in the area. As required by NERC standard VAR-001-la,the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule for the Point of Interconnection.When voltage droop controls are not available,the generation and interconnection facilities should be operated so as to maintain the voltage at the Point of Interconnection between 1.01 pu to 1.04 pu.At the Transmission Provider's discretion, these values might be adjusted depending on the operating conditions.Within this voltage range, the generating and interconnecting facilities should operate so as to minimize the reactive interchange between the generation/interconnection facilities and the Transmission Provider's system (operation fixed at unity power factor at the Point of Interconnection).If the voltage is outside the upper or lower range,the voltage control scheme should operate so as to utilize the reactive capabilities of the generating and interconnecting facilities to maintain the voltage to a value within the control band.The voltage control settings of the generation and interconnection facilities must be coordinated with the Transmission Provider prior to energization (or interconnection).The reactive compensation must be designed such that the reactive switching(if required by the Interconnection Customer)does not cause step voltage changes greater than +/-3%on the Transmission Provider's system. As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases,a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required prior to interconnection.The list of approved generator models is continuallyupdated and is available on the http://www.WECC.bizwebsite. The Transmission Provider was unable to obtain a working generator model from the Interconnection Customer. Page 10 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Transmission Modifications The Point of Interconnection substation is to be looped in to the Frannie -Yellowtail 230kV Transmission line approximately 2.75 miles north of the Frannie substation located in Park County,Wyoming.This new switching substation will split the line into two new sections: Q0542-Yellowtailon the northern end and Frannie -Q0542 on the southern end. The Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation will be located one span away from the existing transmission line between structures 8/123 and 1/124.A loop in of the Point of Interconnection substation off the transmission line toward Frannie will require removing H-frame structures 8/123 and 1/124 and replacing them with two new 3-pole TI451 structures and 2 new 3-pole TI452 structures.All structures will be guyed wood poles. Frannie Yellowtail . ~2.75 mi.,i Page 11 August 19,2014 Q0542 Y PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Collector Circuits 34.5 kV Q0542 Substation i - 230-34.5 kV 156/208/260 MVA 8.0%Z @ 156 MVA 9.51 Miles Change of ownership -Q0542 POI Substation Point of Interconnection 230 kV 2 75 Miles Frannie Substation Garland Substation Oregon Basin Substation Figure 1:System One Line Diagram Page 12 August 19,2014 Q0542 PAC R CO RP System impact Study Report Existing Circuit Breaker Upgrades -Short Circuit The increase in the fault duty on the system as a result of the addition of the generation facility with the 120 -2.35 MVA generators fed through 1 -156/208/260 MVA step up transformer with 8%impedance will not push the fault duty above the interruptingrate of any of the existing fault interruptingequipment. Protection Requirements As indicated in the one line diagram shown in Figure 1,the proposed Point of Interconnection 2.75 miles north of Frannie substation in the Yellowtail -Oregon Basin 230 kV line will require the construction of a new Point of Interconnection substation with three 230 kV breakers.There will be a 9.51 mile line from the Point of Interconnection substation to the Generation Interconnection Customer's collector substation.The line between Yellowtail and Oregon Basin substations is protection with line relays using power line carrier for communication.Since in this part of the Transmission Provider's service territory the communication options are limited we will plan to continue to use the power line carrier for the line relay communication media between the Point of Interconnection substation and Yellowtail substation,and between the Point of Interconnection substation and Oregon Basin substation.In each case we will continue to use one set of frequency shift transmitters and receivers using direct underreaching transfer trip line logic schemes.The line relays at Yellowtail and Oregon Basin have been replaced in recent years and with the development of new settings these relays will function with the relays that are planned for the Point of Interconnection substation.For the line between the Point of Interconnection substation and the collector substation a line current differential system will be used.The Transmission Provider will design and built a panel containing the line relays that will be compatible with the units being installed at the Point of Interconnection substation.The two line relay set will communication over an optical fiber cable that will need to be installed in conjunctionwith the 9.51 mile 230 kV tie line. At the Point of Interconnection substation a relay will be installed that will monitor the voltage magnitude and frequency.If the voltage,magnitude or frequency,is outside of the normal operation range this relay will send a trip signal to cause the Interconnection Customer's 34.5 kV line breakers at the collector substation to open. Data (RTU)Requirements The installation of a RTU is required at the Transmission Provider's Point of Interconnection substation.Additional data for the operation of the power system will be needed from Interconnection Customer's collector substation.RTU units will be installed at both locations to acquire the operational data and send the data back to the Transmission Provider's operational center.In addition to the control and indication of the 230 kV breakers in the Point of Interconnection substation the followingdata from the Point of Interconnection substation and the Interconnection Customer's collector substation will be monitored: Page 13 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACR CO RP System impact Study Report From the Point of Interconnection substation: Analogs: Net generation MW Net generation MVAr Energy register values 230 kV A phase voltage 230 kV B phase voltage 230 kV C phase voltage From the Interconnection Customer's collector substation: Analogs: Real power flow 34.5 kV line #1 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #1 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #2 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #2 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #3 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #3 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #4 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #4 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #5 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #5 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #6 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #6 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #7 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #7 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #8 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #8 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #9 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #9 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #10 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #10 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #11 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #11 Real power flow 34.5 kV line #12 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV line #12 Reactive power flow 34.5 kV from reactive device Total Wind Farm Generation (MW) Average Wind Farm Wind Speed (m/s) Average Wind Farm Atmospheric Pressure (Bar) Average Wind Farm Temperature (Celsius) Wind Direction Page 14 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACR CO RP System impact Study Report Status: 230 kV transformer breaker 34.5 kV transformer breaker 34.5 kV Line #1 breaker 34.5 kV Line #2 breaker 34.5 kV Line #3 breaker 34.5 kV Line #4 breaker 34.5 kV Line #5 breaker 34.5 kV Line #6 breaker 34.5 kV Line #7 breaker 34.5 kV Line #8 breaker 34.5 kV Line #9 breaker 34.5 kV Line #10 breaker 34.5 kV Line #11 breaker 34.5 kV Line #12 breaker 34.5 kV Reactive Device breaker Substation Requirements Oregon Basin substation No major substation modifications are required at Oregon Basin substation. Yellowtail substation No major substation modifications are required at Yellowtail substation. Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation The Point of Interconnection substation will be built as a three breaker ring bus with all necessary equipment such as:circuit breakers,CCVT's,lightning arresters,an SSVT,and group operated switches.Bus,bus support structures,and dead end towers will be installed as well as conduit,cable trench,and yard lights.The substation will be fenced and a ground grid installed. A control house will be installed to enclose all of the relay and communication equipment. Q0542 Customer substation Relay panels and a separate battery system will need to be installed in the Customer substation. This equipment will need to be installed in a separate lockable room within the Customer's control house,or a separate control building will need to be installed.With either option,only Transmission Provider personnel will have access to that area.Since PacifiCorp personnel will require access into the Customer substation,a Current Distribution,Electromagnetic Fields, Grounding and Soil Structure Analysis CDEGS analysis will be required to verify the grounding design safe step and touch potentials. Page 15 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Communication Requirements Communication requirements to physicallyconnect the Q0542 project will consist of: Install fiber on the existing 2.75 miles line between Frannie substation and Point of Interconnection substation. The Interconnection Customer will be required to install fiber on the new 9.51 mile line between the Point of Interconnection substation and the Q0542 collector substation. Upgrade the MAS radio between Frannie substation and McCullough Peak microwave station. Install a new microwave tower at Frannie substation. Upgrade the Fractional Tl radios from McCulloughPeak to Cedar Mountain microwave stations and Cody Service Center with larger Microwave. Install leased Tl line at Cody Service Center and interface with the microwave. Install multiplex,communication batteries and chargers at all the locations requiring upgrades. Install Fiber DMX nodes at Frannie,the Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation and the Q0542 collector substations. Install new RTUs at Point of Interconnection substation and the Q0542 collector substation. Install substation network at all sites. Power line carrier will be required on the 230 kV transmission line from Point of Interconnection substation to the Yellowtail substation and on the 230 kV transmission line from the Point of Interconnection substation to the Oregon Basin substation. Mirrored bit relaying will be used on the Q0542 Point of Interconnection to Q0542 collector substation line. Communications work will also be required at other locations to include Casper Service Center,Portland Control Center (PCC),and the Salt Lake Control Center (SCC). Page 16 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Metering Requirements InterchangeMetering At the Transmission Provider's Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation the interchange metering will be designed bidirectional and rated for the total net generation of the project including metering the retail load (per tariff)delivered to the customer.The Transmission Provider will specify and order all interconnection revenue metering,including the instrument transformers,metering panels,junction box and secondary metering wire.The primary metering transformers shall be combination CT/VT extended range for high accuracy metering with ratio's to be determined during the design phase of the project The metering instrument transformers are long lead items and should be given appropriate time to meet in-service expectations. The metering design package will include two revenue quality meters,test switch,with DNP real time digital data terminated at a metering interposition block.One meter will be designated a primary SCADA meter and a second meter will be used designated as backup with metering DNP data delivered to the alternate control center.The metering data will include bidirectional KWH KVARH,revenue quantities includinginstantaneous PF,MW,MVAR includingper phase voltage and amps data. An Ethernet connection is required for retail sales and generation accounting via the MV-90 translation system. The Transmission Provider recommends the Interconnection Customer install meter by-pass switches to reduce operational disruption.If the Interconnection Customer elects not to install metering bypass switches,the Interconnection Customer's generator will need to be taken off line for metering testing,repair and service. Page 17 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report 5.1.1 Cost Estimate Q0542 Collector substation -Engineering,procurement and installation $300,000 of protection and control and communications equipment. Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation -Engineering,procurement $425,000 and construction of a substation take-off structure and associated installation of the Interconnection Customer's last span of conductor. Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation -Engineering,procurement $250,000 and installation of metering and communications equipment. Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation to Frannie substation -$390,000 Engineering,procurement and installation of approximately 2.75 miles of fiber optic cable. Sub-total Direct AssignmentCosts $1,365,000 Interconnection -Network Upgrade Costs Q0542 Point of Interconnection substation -Engineering,procurement $9,000,000 and construction of the 230 kV three breaker ring bus point of interconnection switching substation. 230 kV Frannie -Yellowtail transmission line -Engineering,$330,000 procurement and construction to loop in/out the 230 kV Frannie - Yellowtail transmission line. Frannie substation -Engineering,procurement and installation of $305,000 communication upgrades includingMAS radio and microwave upgrades. McCullough Peak microwave station -Engineering,procurement and $365,000 installation of communication and protection and control upgrades includingupgrading the MAS and Fractional Tl radio equipment. Cedar Mountain substation -Engineering,procurement and installation $305,000 of communication upgrades includingupgrading the Fractional Tl radio equipment. Cody Service Center -Engineering,procurement and installation of $320,000 communication upgrades including upgrading the Fractional Tl radio equipment,installinga Tl line and updating the microwave interface. Page 18 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Yellowtail substation -Engineering,procurement and installation of $90,000 protection and control upgrades. Oregon Basin substation -Engineering,procurement and installation of $95,000 protection and control upgrades. Casper Service Center,Portland Control Center and Salt Lake Control $45,000 Center -Engineering,procurement and installation of communication upgrades. Sub-total Network Upgrade Costs $10,855,000 Total Cost -ER Interconnection Service -Interconnection Only $12,220,000 5.1.2 Schedule At this time,it is estimated that the upgrades required to place this project in service could be completed within 24 months of a signed interconnection agreement.Further details regarding the schedule will be available through the Facilities Study when a more detailed estimate has been prepared.The two items will be necessary before any construction starts: 1.Obtain the necessary permits and rights of way to construct the facilities necessary to interconnect the Q0542 project (Interconnection Customer's responsibility) 2.Execute a Large Generation Interconnection Agreement. Please note the time required to execute the scope of work coupled with the anticipated date the Interconnection Agreement will be signed,results in a timeframe that does not support the Interconnection Customer's requested in-service date of December 1,2015. 5.1.3 Maximum Amount of Power that can be delivered into Network Load,with No Transmission Modifications (for informational purposes only). Zero megawatts can be delivered to network load with no transmission modifications. Page 19 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report 5.1.4 Additional Transmission Modifications Required to Deliver 100%of the Power into Network Load (for informational purposes only) In order to deliver 100%of the Project output to network load,all of the improvements identified in the Energy Resource Section of this report would be required,as well as the following improvements (see Figures 2 and 3): A new 150-mile 230 kV line from Shirley Basin substation to the Bitter Creek substation with connections to the Standpipe and Latham substations.The line termination at Point of Rocks to Bridger will be removed as the line will be extended and terminate at the Bitter Creek substation,creating the Bridger -Bitter Creek line which is part of the 150 mile line mentioned above. The line from Bridger to Point of Rocks will be removed and extended to terminate at Bitter Creek Addition of a new bay at Shirley Basin substation with one 230kV circuit breaker to add the new line termination.The substation will still operate as a ring bus. A new cross bay at Standpipe substation with three new 230 kV circuit breakers and two new line terminations Expansion of the Latham substation with new cross bays,two new 230 kV circuit breakers and two new line terminations A new four-breaker ring bus substation,adjacent to the existing Bitter Creek substation and construction of four line terminations. Accelerate the reconfiguration of the Bridger substation (see Figure 3) A new 50-mile 230 kV line from White Horse to Jonah Gas new substations A new 230 kV three-breakersubstation at White Horse A new 230 kV three-breakersubstation at Jonah Gas Two (2)new 230 kV phase shifting transformers at Craven Creek substation Page 20 August 19,2014 Q0542 PAC R CO RP System impact Study Report 5.2 Network Resource (NR)Interconnection Service Network Resource interconnection service allows the Interconnection Customer to integrate its large generating facility with the Transmission Provider's transmission system in a manner comparable to that in which the Transmission Provider integrates its generating facilities to serve native load customers.The transmission system is studied under a variety of severely stressed conditions in order to determine the transmission modifications.If any,which are necessary in order to deliver the aggregate generation in the area of the Point of Interconnection to the Transmission Provider's aggregate load,and assumes that some portion of existing network resources are displaced by the output of the Interconnection Customer's large generating facility. Network resource interconnection service in and of itself does not convey transmission service. 5.2.1 Study Results Wyoming has more generation than load,and as such,surplus energy must be exported to network loads in other states.Projects are planned to construct additional transmission lines (the Energy Gateway projects)from Wyoming to points in Idaho,Oregon,Utah,and the Desert Southwest to accommodate additional exports from Wyoming;however these projects will not be in-service in time for the proposed interconnection.An overview of these plans can be found at the Northern Tier Transmission Group website (http://www.nttg.biz/site/)or at the Informal Message section of Transmission Provider's OASIS website (http://www.oasis.pacificorp.com/OASIS/PPW/). In order to deliver 100 percent of the Project output to network loads prior to the completion of the Aeolus to Populus segment of Energy Gateway,additional system improvements are required for the Q0542 project.There are several transmission constraints in Wyoming that need to be alleviated in order to accommodate the 240 MW Q0542 output (see Figure 2): (1)TOT 4A.TOT 4A is defined as the sum of the flows on the following230kV lines: Riverton -Wyopo,Spence -Mustang and Miners -Platte.This path is fully committed at this time. (2)Rock Springs /Firehole West.This path is defined as the sum of the flows on the Rock Springs -Raven 230 kV and the Firehole -Mansface 230 kV lines.This path is fully committed at this time. To accommodate the Project output,a new approximately 150-mile long 230 kV line from Shirley Basin to Bitter Creek substation,will be necessary in order to increase the constrained TOT 4A transmission path.Additional studies will be required to determine the new TOT 4A path rating after the addition of the new line and it will have to go through the WECC Three Phase Facility Rating process. Page 21 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Additionally,a new approximately 50-mile long 230 kV line from a new substation (White Horse)on the Atlantic City -Rock Springs 230 kV line,to a new substation near Jonah Gas is required.A 230 kV phase shifting transformer at Craven Creek is required for flowabilityas the Monument West path is also phase shifted. A portion (128 MW)of the 240 MW project output could be scheduled on the Bridger West system.The Bridger West (three 345 kV lines)path capacity is 2400 MW and current obligations total 2208 MW.The remaining 192 MW of capacity is shared between Idaho Power,64 MW (one-third)and PacifiCorp,128 MW (two-thirds).The remainder will be scheduled on the improved Rock Springs/Firehole West path (White Horse -Jonah). The new proposed projects are in Figures 2 and 3. I Riverton I Pinedale I Wyopo Paradise ColumbiaGenevaSteel SpenceI Atlantic I Chimney Butte CityIdaho TOT4AJonah850MW el Field White BairoilToThreeMileKnolllChappLabargeHorseToPopulusCreekMustang Great 115 kVTreasureton_ ._.._.Divide Bridger WestKeerer/ge Exxon 2400 Miners Naughto Blacks e Jim Brid Platte Standpi Lim Fork go 'Rock Echo ,BasinMonmn Blue rings Springs .-Bar LathamBenreekISouthimFireholefntBitterLomondMonumentWesronÔapstaceRocksCreek 475 MW Little MtnIRailroadRockprings-Wyoming Evain2s80onMWestL._._._._._._._.Eirebo 640._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._. Flam ng Gorge --------ForeignUtah--------ownedColorado<230 kV230kV 345kV Proposed 230kV Figure 2:Central &Southwest WyomingTransmission System Page 22 August 19,2014 Q0542 Y PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report 5.2.2 Network Resource Requirements GeneratingFacility Modifications See Section Network Resource Transmission Modifications Transmission modifications required include the following(refer to Figures 2 and 3): Construct a new 150-mile 230 kV transmission line from Shirley Basin to the Bitter Creek substation. Construct a new 50-mile 230 kV transmission line from White Horse to the Jonah Gas substation. ProposedBridger Changes 230 kV line xfmr #1 &3 ----Future 230kV Remove o DJ xfmr #2 o yO o 230 kV DifficultyMustang 230 k 230 kV Bitter Rock Creek Spangs ShirleyBasinOy/Dunlap Bridger Freezeou / Bitter 6 miles 45 miles Creek / POR 13 le U to 44 5 miles Ecl Lathaan 34 4 mil n es S ipe to Difficultv New Bitter Creek230 kV Substation Pro O Du ap to Latham to Shirley Basin ()To Jim Bridger To POR o Bar X Spr 10 O To Monell Freezeout Standpipe To Standpipe ProposedLatham Expansion Figure 3 -New 230 kV Line from Shirley Basin to Bitter Creek substation and Other Improvements Page 23 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACR CO RP System impact Study Report Network Resource Protection and Control Requirements To support the Transmission line upgrades required for the NR part of the project the following protective relaying will be required along with communication links to support the line relaying: Shirley Basin -Standpipe Standpipe -Latham Latham -Platte Latham #1 Bitter Creek Latham #2 Basin -Bitter Creek Bitter Creek -Point of Rocks Bitter Creek-Jim Bridger White Horse -Jonah Gas Rock Springs -White Horse White Horse -Atlantic City All of the transmission lines will be built with optical fiber cable in the shield wire position. This communication media will be used by the line relay in most locations.For each of the transmission lines,permissive overreaching transfer trip scheme will be used except for the short line between the Bitter Creek and the Bridger substations which will use line current differential and the White Horse to Atlantic City transmission line which will continue to use power line carner. Relaying will be needed for the new phase shifting transformers in the Craven Creek substation. Network Resource Substation Re uirements Shirley Basin substation At Shirley Basin substation a new bay will be added with one 230 kV circuit breaker to add the new line termination.The substation will still operate as a ring bus.Other major equipment installed include:CCVT's,group operated switches,and lightningarresters. Standpipe substation Standpipe substation will need to be expanded to the south/west which includes additional fence, ground grid,and grading.A new bay will be installed with three 230 kV circuit breakers to terminate the two new line positions in the breaker and a half configuration.Other major equipment include:CCVT's group operated switches,and lightningarresters. Latham substation At Latham substation two new 230 kV circuit breakers will be installed to terminate the two new line positions.Other major equipment include:CCVT's,group operated switches,and lightning arresters. Page 24 August 19,2014 Q0542 PAC R CO RP System impact Study Report Echo Springs substation Relaying on the existing 230kV line from Latham to Point of Rocks will be mirrored bits.Two wave traps will be removed. Bitter Creek substation Bitter Creek substation will be completely expanded.A new substation will be constructed directly adjacent to the existing substation.The new substation will be a four breaker ring bus with four 230kV,3000A breakers and four line terminations.Other major equipment include: CCVT's,group operated switches,lightning arresters,and a new control building.It is assumed a distribution line can be built to provide station service.The fence will enclose both old and new yards and the new ground grid will be tied with the existing ground grid.The 230kV Monell line will remain in its existing position. Point of Rocks substation The existing 230kV position to Jim Bridger substation will be removed.Two 230 kV switches will be removed. Jim Brideer substation As part of the Jim Bridger reconfiguration,two 230kV bays will be installed with five 230kV, 3000A circuit breakers.Other major equipment required include:group operated switches, CCVT's,and lightning arresters.Additional AC and DC load centers will be required.One 230kV breaker and one 230kV switch will be removed.The 230kV line terminations will be moved within the substation. Jonah Field substation A new substation will be constructed near the Jonah Gas facility.This substation will be a three breaker ring bus with three 230kV circuit breakers.Other major equipment required include: CCVT's,group operated switches,a control building,and lightning arresters.It is assumed a distribution line is in close proximity and can be expanded to serve the station service of the substation.Fencing,grading,ground grid,conduit,cable trench,and yard lighting will be required. White Horse substation A new substation will be constructed in between Atlantic City substation and Rock Springs substation.This substation will be a three breaker ring bus with three 230kV circuit breakers. Other major equipment required include:CCVT's (one with a line tuner and carrier accessories), a wavetrap,an SSVT,group operated switches,a control building,and lightning arresters. Fencing,grading,ground grid,conduit,cable trench,and yard lighting will be required. Atlantic City substation No major substation modifications are required at Atlantic City substation. Page 25 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Rock Springs substation One 230kV wavetrap will be removed (old Atlantic City line). Craven Creek substation Two 230kV phase shifting transformers will be installed (one for redundancy).Three 230kV circuit breakers will be installed.Other major equipment include:lightning arresters and group operated switches;three CCVT's will be relocated within the substation.The installation of the transformers will require expanding the substation which includes fencing,grading,and new ground grid. Network Resource Communication Requirements Communication Requirements to deliver the Q0542 Projects generation to the Transmission Provider's Network Load include: Install OPGW fiber optic cable on the new 150 mile line from Shirley Basin to Bitter Creek and on to Jim Bridger substation. Fiber nodes and multiplexwill need to be installed at Platte,Latham,Echo,Bar X,Bitter Creek and Point of Rocks. Mirrored bits line protection will be over the OPGW fiber installed on the new lines. Install a new RTU at Bitter Creek substation Install 48 volt battery and chargers at Echo,BarX,and Bitter Creek substations. Install OPGW fiber optic cable on the new line from Jonah Field to the new White Horse substation. Install a new RTU at the White Horse substation Install fiber node and multiplexat the White Horse substation. Communications work will also be required at other locations to include Casper Service Center,Portland Control Center (PCC),and the Salt Lake Control Center (SCC). Page 26 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report 5.2.3 Network Resource Cost Estimate Interconnection -ER Only $12,220,000 NR Interconnection Shirley Basin substation -Bitter Creek substation -Engineering,$88,500,000 procurement and construction of a new 150 mile 230 kV transmission line. White Horse substation -Jonah Gas substation -Engineering,$26,500,000 procurement and construction of a new 150 mile 230 kV transmission line. Shirley Basin substation -Engineering,procurement and construction of $3,300,000 a new bay and 230 kV circuit breaker includingCCVT's,group operated switches,and lightning arresters. Standpipe substation -Engineering,procurement and construction to $6,700,000 expand substation,add a bay and three 230 kV circuit breakers including CCVT's group operated switches,and lightning arresters. Latham substation -Engineering,procurement and construction to add $2,750,000 two new 230 kV circuit breakers including CCVT's,group operated switches,and lightning arresters. Echo Springs substation -Engineering,procurement and installation of $2,650,000 mirrored bits relaying and removal of two wave traps. Bitter Creek substation -Engineering,procurement and construction of a $17,700,000 new four breaker ring bus substation including CCVT's,group operated switches,lightning arresters,and a new control building. Point of Rocks substation -Engineering and removal of the 230 kV line $285,000 position to the Jim Bridger substation and the removal of two switches. Jim Bridger substation -Engineering,procurement and construction of $8,850,000 two new bays and five new 230 kV circuit breakers,new AC and DC load centers and the installation of group operated switches,CCVT's, and lightning arresters. Jonah Field substation -Engineering,procurement and construction of a 15,500,000 230 kV three breaker ring bus including CCVT's,group operated switches,a control building,and lightningarresters. Page 27 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report White Horse substation -Engineering,procurement and construction of a 12,600,000 new 230 kV three breaker ring bus substation including CCVT's (one with a line tuner and carrier accessories),a wavetrap,an SSVT,group operated switches,a control building,and lightning arresters. Atlantic City substation -Engineering and labor to upgrade the $80,000 protection and control equipment at the Atlantic City substation. Rock Springs substation -Engineering and labor to remove one 230 kV $43,000 wavetrap. Craven Creek substation -Engineering,procurement and construction to $44,400,000 expand the substation and install two 230 kV phase shifting transformers and three 230 kV circuit breakers including group operated switches,a control building,lightningarresters and relocation of three CCVT's. Total Cost -NR Interconnection Service -Interconnection Only $242,078,000 5.2.4 Schedule The Transmission Provider estimates it will require approximately 7 to 10 years to design and build both the Energy Resource and Network Resource facilities described in this report after the completion of both items below. l .Obtain the necessary permits and rights of way to construct the facilities necessary to interconnect the Q0542 project (Interconnection Customer's responsibility) 2.Execute a Large Generation Interconnection Agreement. Please note the time required to execute the scope of work coupled with the anticipated date the Interconnection Agreement will be signed,results in a timeframe that does not support the Interconnection Customer's requested in-service date of December 1,2015. 6.0 PARTICIPATION BY AFFECTED SYSTEMS Transmission Provider has identified the followingaffected systems:Western Area Power Administration.A copy of all reports will be shared the each affected system. Page 28 August 19,2014 Q0542 PAC R CO RP System impact Study Report 7.0 APPENDIX 1:PROPERTYREQUIREMENTS Property Requirementsfor Point of Interconnection Substation The followingapplies to property acquired by an Interconnection Customer on which a Point of Interconnection substation will be built to accommodate the Interconnection Customer's project. The property will ultimatelybe assigned to PacifiCorp,the Transmission Provider. Property must be environmentally,physically and operationally acceptable to the Transmission Provider without any material defects of title (or as deemed acceptable to the Transmission Provider)and without unacceptable encumbrances.The property shall be a permitted or permittable use in all zoning districts.Property lines shall be surveyed and show all encumbrances,roads (private or public);easements (prescriptive or express) etc. Examples of potentiallyunacceptable environmental,physical,or operational conditions: .Environmentallyunacceptable conditions could include but are not limited to known contamination of site;evidence of environmental contamination by any dangerous,hazardous or toxic materials as defined by any governmental agency; property is in violation of building,health,safety,environmental,fire,land use, zoning or other such regulation,ordinances,or statues of any governmental entities having jurisdiction over the property;underground or above ground storage tanks;known remediation sites on property;ongoing mitigation activities or monitoring activities;asbestos;lead-based paint,etc.At a minimum,a phase I environmental study is required for company land being acquired in fee. Evidence will be required 60 days prior to the start of construction. .Physicallyunacceptable conditions could include but are not limited to inadequate drainage;in flood zone;erosion issues;wetland overlays;threatened and endangered species;archeological or culturally sensitive areas;inadequate sub- surface elements,etc.Geotechnical studies are required by the Transmission Provider. Operationally unacceptable conditions could include but are not limited to inadequate access for company equipment;existing structures on land that require removal prior to building of substation;ongoing maintenance for landscaping or extensive landscape requirements;ongoing homeowner's or CC&R's that are not acceptable to the Transmission Provider. Property should be acquired by fee ownership.If fee acquisition is not possible,then the term shall be perpetual and the use exclusive and provide the Transmission Provider with all property rights it deems necessary (perpetual easement).All contracts are subject to the Transmission Provider's approval prior to execution. Page 29 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report The Interconnection Customer is required to identify any and all land rights to the subject property,which are to be retained by the Interconnection Customer prior to conveying property.All retained land rights are subject to the Transmission Provider's approval. If the Interconnection Customer is building facilities to be owned by the Transmission Provider,then the Interconnection Customer must obtain all permits required by all relevant jurisdictions for the use including but not limited to conditional use permits, Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity,California Environmental QualityAct, etc.,as well as all construction permits for the project Interconnection Customer will not reimburse through network upgrades for more than the market value of the property. Property must be assignable to company and without litigation,suit,liens,condemnation actions,foreclosures actions,etc. Page 30 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report 8.0 APPENDIX 2:COMBINED QUEUE Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) SF Phosphates 2 01/19/01 East N/A Substation,230 02/01/02 11 kV West Valley 3 01/23/01 East N/A Substation,138 09/01/01 200 kV Foote Creek 7 03/07/01 East N/A Substation,08/01/01 50 34.5 kV Monument 8 03/08/01 East N/A Switching 10/01/04 110 Station,230 kV Rowley 9 04/01/01 East N/A Substation,138 06/15/01 80 kV Gatsby 11 07/20/01 East N/A Substation,138 09/01/02 120 kV Longhollow 12 08/27/01 East N/A Switching 12/26/03 146 Station,138 kV Northwest 18 10/21/02 East N/A Substation,46 10/06/04 25 kV 20 04/30/03 East GEN Mona 345kV 03/22/06 280 21 04/30/03 East GEN Mona 345kV 03/22/06 245 29a 09/18/03 East GEN Goshen 161kV 02/12/06 64.5 29b 09/18/03 East GEN Goshen 161kV 10/20/10 129 Page 31 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Timp -Tri-City 535-S4406/03/04 East ER 07/29/07Line,138kV 567-W Terminal Sub 52 03/28/05 East GEN Distribution 07/20/06 3.2 Circuit,12.47kV North of 250-S5908/24/05 East NR Antelope Mine 06/01/11 285-WSub,230kV Blundell 11-S6612/05/05 East NR Geothermal 10/19/07 15-WSub Spanish Fork - 73 03/27/06 East GEN Santaquin,07/31/08 18.9 46Kv PACE31033926804/12/06 East NT PACE 04/15/06 141(Resource) Mona 78 04/25/06 East NR Substation,04/25/06 59 345Kv Uinta Long9006/22/06 East ER 05/15/08 60Hollow,138kV Tooele 93 09/19/06 East GEN Substation,47-03/01/08 1 kV NR Uinta Long9610/09/06 East 07/02/08 79.5w/ER Hollow,138kV Timp-Tri-City 79-S10711/14/06 East NR 08/18/08line,138kV 49-W Page 32 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) 2700 East 111 12/08/06 East NA 11600 South,08/09/07 0.511 Sandy,UT Miners-NR11701/18/07 East Difficulty Line,12/09/08 99w/ER 230kV Miners-NR11801/18/07 East Difficulty Line,12/09/08 19.5w/ER 230kV NR Foote Creek119a01/29/07 East 09/30/09 127.5w/ER Sub.230kV Existing point of 120 02/08/07 East NA service in 10/04/07 0.65 Laramie,WY 126 03/05/07 East NR Near Glenrock 01/02/09 237Mine230kV Oquirrh-Lark12903/30/07 East N/A '04/01/09 4.846-kV 138 05/22/07 East N/A Green River 12 circuit,12.5kV 05/22/09 0.575 University 139 05/25/07 East N/A Substation,10/09/09 7.6 46kV PacifiCorp's 24.9-kV Circuit, 150 07/13/07 East N/A QRY15,out of 6/18/2009 1 Quarry Substation Page 33 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Dave Johnston-NR15308/08/07 East Yellowcake 10/28/10 200.5w/ER Line,230-kV Goshen-Ucon15408/10/07 East N/A 04/30/12 19.8Line,69-kV 14.4-kV Circuit 161 09/04/07 East N/A out of Pinedale 1/22/2009 0.05 Substation 3474 N.3rd16510/12/07 East N/A 3/11/2008 0.03Street PacifiCorp's 69- kV,Sand Hills 171 11/08/07 East N/A Line between 12/25/2009 19.5 Casper &Platte Junction Craven CreekNE17512/07/07 East to Chappel 11/30/12 150w/ER Creek 230 kV PAC's 230 kVNR19101/25/08 East Jim Bridger -08/01/14 500w/ER Aeolus PacifiCorp's 199 02/20/08 East NR proposed 230-12/01/14 200kVAeolus Substation Page 34 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) PacifiCorp's 200 02/20/08 East NR proposed 230-12/01/14 100kVAeolus Substation PacifiCorp's 201 02/20/08 East NR proposed 230-12/31/15 100kVAeolus Substation Shirley-Basin Substation on 203 02/26/08 East ERR the PacifiCorp's 09/30/10 111 230-kV Miners- Difficulty Line Bernice #22 circuit out of21304/22/08 West N/A 8/4/2009 0.3Bernice Substation Pinedale Circuit21404/24/08 East N/A 02/18/09 1.96#23 Latigo Substation NR between22005/12/08 East 11/20/09 100.5w/ER Casper and Windstar 230- kV line 316-PACE94749309205/23/08 East NT PACE 6/1/2012 S(Resource)562-W PacifiCorp'sNR224a05/27/08 East 345 kV Mona 05/15/15 320w/ER substation Page 35 August 19,2714 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) PacifiCorp'sNR224b05/27/08 East 345 kV Mona 05/15/15 230w/ER substation Customer's 252 11/25/08 East N/A existing 46-kV 3/1/2009 0.23 system 1600 West B Avenue,Utah 253 11/26/08 East N/A Industrial 2/20/2009 0.05 Depot,Tooele, Utah 3.2 miles NE of NR PacifiCorp's 05/20/12 151.825512/23/08 West w/ER Goshen Substation 256 01/14/09 West NA HPS 12 Circuit 04/15/09 1.696 PacifiCorp's 345-kV Jim 18.3-NR267-A 04/13/09 East Bridger Power 6/12/10 Sw/ER Plant,Point of 22-W Rocks,WY PacifiCorp's 345-kV Jim 18.3-NR267-B 04/13/09 East Bridger Power 5/5/13 Sw/ER Plant,Point of 22-W Rocks,WY Page 36 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) PacifiCorp's 345-kV Jim 18.3-NR267-C 04/13/09 East Bridger Power 5/22/11 Sw/ER Plant,Point of 22-W Rocks,WY PacifiCorp's 345-kV Jim 18.3-NR267-D 04/13/09 East Bridger Power 5/27/12 Sw/ER Plant,Point of 22-W Rocks,WY PacifiCorp's 270-A 04/30/09 East ER Huntington 11/21/10 16.2PowerPlant, Huntington,UT PacifiCorp's 270-B 04/30/09 East ER Huntington 4/30/15 16.2PowerPlant, Huntington,UT PacifiCorp's Hunter Power271-A 04/30/09 East ER 4/13/10 17.0Plant, Castledale,UT PacifiCorp's Hunter Power271-B 04/30/09 East ER 4/30/15 17.0Plant, Castledale,UT PacifiCorp's Hunter Power271-C 04/30/09 East ER 4/30/16 8.7Plant, Castledale,UT Page 37 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) PacifCorp's proposed new NR substation on27205/14/09 East 9/30/10 12.0w/ER the 230-kV Miners- Difficulty Line 1145 563529 06/26/09 East NT PACEW PACEW 4/1/10 25.0 PacifiCorp's 138/46-kV28208/07/09 East N/A 9/25/09 0.0360Lampo Substation 17 miles south 290-A 09/22/09 East NRIER SE of Rock 6/30/12 100.8 Springs,WY 17 miles south 290-B 09/22/09 East NRIER SE of Rock 12/31/12 100.8 Springs,WY 17 miles south 290-C 09/22/09 East NRIER SE of Rock 6/30/13 50.4 Springs,WY PacifiCorp's 291 09/25/09 East NRIER Emery to 12/31/11 100.0SpanishFork 345 kV line 53-S116758102510/05/09 East NT PACE PACE (Load)3/1/11 94-W 32-S116958360810/14/09 East NT GSHN GSHN (Load)1/1/13 64-W Page 38 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) 1170 583614 10/14/09 East NT PACE PACE (Load)9/1/10 21 PacifiCorp's proposed new substation 707-S30110/27/09 East NRIER adjacent to the 6/1/14 670-WLakeSide Power Gen Facility PacifiCorp's Amassa 306-A 11/13/09 East NRIER Substation,1/31/11 48.3 (DJ-Difficulty 230-kV) PacifiCorp's 34.5-kV31012/21/09 East N/A 10/31/10 20.0Parowan Substation Three Peaks 311 12/22/09 East N/A Substation 10/31/10 20.0 Substation PacifiCorp's 138 kV switch 132 located 3/4 25-S31312/22/09 East NR 12/31/12mileNofthe 65-W generation facility site PacifiCorp's 34.5-kV West31412/31/09 East NR 12/31/10 20.0Cedar Substation 1190 603498 02/15/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)7/1/10 12.0 Page 39 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) PacifiCorp's 230-kV323-A 03/03/10 East NRIER 5/31/11 21.6Sunbeam Substation PacifiCorp's 230-kV323-B 03/03/10 East NRIER 11/30/11 21.6Sunbeam Substation Parowan - Rocky 324 03/08/10 East N/A Mountain 8/10/12 40.0 Power Substation 1202 614127 04/09/10 East NT WYOEAST WYODAK (Load)11/17/10 35.0 PacifiCorp's 24.9-kV circuit, 332 04/29/10 East N/A SML21,out of 6/1/11 2.8 South Milford Substation 1209 617716 05/03/10 East NT GSHN GSHN (Load)1/1/13 39.0 1210 618363 05/03/10 East PTP PACE MDWP 6/1/11 3.0 WYOCENTRAL121461894005/14/10 East NT WYOCENTRAL 10/1/10 10.0(Load) PacifiCorp's 24.9 kV circuit, 333 05/17/10 East N/A SML21,out of 10/1/11 2.8 South Milford Substation 1215 620282 05/19/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)6/30/11 17.0 1216 621679 05/27/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)7/1/10 15.0 Page 40 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) PacifiCorp's Amassa 335 06/01/10 East NRIER Substation,3/1/12 49.5 (DJ-Difficulty 230-kV) PacifiCorp's Goshen34106/10/10 East NR/ER 11/1/12 120.0Substationat 161 kV 1223 625986 06/17/10 East NT WYOEAST WYOEAST (Load)1/1/11 2.0 1224 626003 06/17/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)10/1/10 2.0 1225 626275 06/17/10 East NT WYOEAST WYOEAST (Load)12/10/10 9 1229 626453 06/23/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)7/1/11 150.0 1230 626791 06/23/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)2/24/11 30.0 1231 626864 06/23/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)11/1/10 6.0 1236 630525 07/15/10 East NT WYOEAST WYOEAST (Load)6/1/11 15.0 1237 634125 08/03/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)10/1/10 8.0 PacifiCorp's 24.9-kV Circuit, 348 08/09/10 East N/A QRY15,out of 4/30/11 0.22 Quarry Substation 1238 635532 08/09/10 East NT WYOEAST WYOEAST (Load)7/31/13 67.0 1241 637972 08/20/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)7/1/13 21.0 1248 645170 09/22/10 East PTP PACE MDWP 1/1/12 3.0 1251 645781 09/29/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)10/1/11 4.0 1252 645790 09/29/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)12/1/10 8.0 PACE125664800810/08/10 East NT PACE 5/1/14 660.0(Resource) 1258 648377 10/12/10 East NT PACE PACE (Load)5/1/13 13.0 1263 656398 11/09/10 East NT DJ WYOEAST (Load)12/1/10 1.0 Page 41 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) PacifiCorp's 24.9-kV Southfork 363 12/13/10 East N/A Circuit,4H27,TBD 0.1 out of South Cody Substation PacifiCorp's 34.5-kV N Rawlins36512/20/10 East N/A .5/1/2011 0.11Curcult,9H440, out of Platte Substation PacifiCorp's proposed Sigurd-Red 169-S36712/27/10 East N/A 1/1/2014Butte345-kV 172-W transmission line 375 03/04/11 East NR/ER SDibatioyn 10/1/2014 351 1305 686836 03/18/11 East NT PACE PACE (Load)4/1/2011 6.00 Pinto38403/30/11 East NR/ER Substation 12/31/2012 60 1312 692513 04/04/11 East NT PACE PACE (Load)7.00 1317 702580 05/11/11 East NT PACE PACE (Load)04/01/12 70 1326 709355 06/07/11 East PTP PACE PACE 1/1/2015 20 Circuit OQU18, Oquirrh #18 396 08/04/11 East N/A feeder,out of 12/1/2011 0.585 Oquirrh substation Page 42 August 19,2014 Q0542 Y PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) 1361 741886 10/12/11 East NT WYOCENTRAL 1/1/2012WYOCENTRAL(Load)37 403 10/25/11 East NR/ER Su start on 7/1/2014 525 1376 752491 11/29/11 East NT PACE PACE (Load)1/1/2013 5 Rock Springs- 407 01/17/12 East NR/ER Naughton Line,12/31/2012 79.8 230kV Windstar- 409 01/26/12 East NR/ER Aeolus line,9/30/2014 320 230kV 1405 769663 02/27/12 East NT PACE PACE (Load)5/1/2012 89 1407 770827 03/07/12 East NT WYON WYON (Load)5/1/2012 4 24.9-kV circuit, 415 03/12/12 East N/A SML21,out of 12/1/2012 10 South Milford Carbide 420 03/26/12 East NR/ER substation,10/1/2014 200 69kV 1412 775561 03/28/12 East NT GSHN GSHN (Load)10/1/2013 3 1497 785040 05/23/12 East NT WYOEAST PACE 11/01/13 25 425 06/01/12 East N/A Chappel Creek substation 7/30/2016 156.2 Moab-Pinto42606/26/12 East NR/ER 8/31/2014 80Line,Pole #365 1520 804038 08/15/12 East NT PACE PACE 8/15/2012 2 1521 804043 08/15/12 East NT WYOCENTRAL WYOCENTRAL 10/15/2012 1 1523 805002 08/23/12 East NT PACE PACE 12/1/2012 46 1524 805181 08/23/12 East NT WYOCENTRAL WYOCENTRAL 11/1/2012 5 Page 43 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report S.tartDate POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCustOASISControlTypeofLocationofQUEUERequestPOD(TSR)Requested MVVAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Customer's 432 08/27/12 East N/A existing 138kV 5/1/2013 6.3 substation 1530 806472 08/30/12 East NT TRONA TRONA 11/1/2012 8 1531 806486 08/30/12 East NT TFU3NA TFU3NA 1/1/2015 29 1532 806494 08/30/12 East NT PAX3E PAJ3E 1/1/2012 2 1533 806544 08/30/12 East NT PAX3E PAJ3E 1/1/2012 4 1534 806561 08/30/12 East NT PAX3E PAJ3E 1/1/2013 6 1535 806585 08/30/12 East NT PAX3E PAX3E 12/1/2012 8 1536 807115 08/31/12 East NT PAX3E PAJ3E (Load)9/1/2013 5 809252;09/14/12 East NT BCLE ANDK(Load)8/1/2016 501540809367 809254;09/14/12 East NT BCLE /UNDK(Load)8/1/2016 1001541809362 809337;09/14/12 East NT BCLE ANDK(Load)1/1/2013 201542809374 809340;09/14/12 East NT BCLE ANDK(Load)1/1/2015 241543809375 809347;09/14/12 East NT BCLE /UNDK(Load)2/1/2015 31544809376 809353;09/14/12 East NT BCLE ANDK(Load)1/1/2016 31545809378 809355;09/14/12 East NT BCLE ANDK(Load)9/1/2016 31546809380 809357;09/14/12 East NT BCLE /UNDK(Load)1/1/2017 111547809382 809397 ;09/14/12 East NT BCLE ANDK(Load)1/1/2013 301548809398 CircuitP'RS13, 437 09/17/12 East N/A Preston#13,4/17/2014 0.5outofPreston substation Page44 August19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Customer's electric system 438 09/18/12 East N/A from Tooele 4/1/2013 1.75 Depot substation Customer's electric system 439 09/18/12 East N/A from Tooele 4/1/2013 1.56 Depot substation RIGBY- REXBURG44210/11/12 East N/A TAP TO 9/30/2014 5.6 WEBSTER 1578 77610461 12/06/12 East NT Sunbeam BRDY 3/1/2013 45 450 12/21/12 East N/A Pavant 3/15/2014 50substation Circuit CLM11, 451 01/02/13 East N/A Coleman #11, out of Coleman 12/13/2013 3 substation 1591 77717778 01/02/13 East PTP PACE 4C 1/1/2014 66 1592 77717792 01/02/13 East PTP PACE 4C 1/1/2014 100 Circuit CLF11, CLIFTON #11 DAYTON &453 01/07/13 East N/A BANIDA,out of 12/31/2013 1.6 Clifton substation Page 45 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Circuit WCD28, West Cedar 454 01/10/13 East N/A #28,out of 6/30/2014 3 West Cedar substation Circuit WCD28, West Cedar 455 01/10/13 East N/A #28,out of 6/30/2014 3 West Cedar substation Circuit BKl12, Brooklawn #12, 456 01/10/13 East N/A out of 6/30/2014 2.1 Brooklawn substation Circuit BKl11, Brooklawn #11, 457 01/10/13 East N/A out of 6/30/2014 2.1 Brooklawn substation 1599 77699698 01/16/13 East NT GSHN GSHN 11/1/2013 1 Circuit SML12, South Milford 459 01/18/13 East N/A #12,out of 6/30/2014 3 South Milford substation Pavant-Gonder 460 01/18/13 East NR/ER Transmission 12/31/2014 160 Line 1603 77786388 01/23/13 East NT PACE MDGT 01/01/15 24 Page 46 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) 1605 77762035 01/25/13 East NT NEWPOINT NEWPOINT 01/01/16 84 1607 77762000 01/30/13 East NT NEWPOINT NEWPOINT 01/01/16 164 Circuit ENO12, Enoch#12,out46302/11/13 East N/A 6/30/2014 3ofEnoch substation Circuit WCD28, West Cedar# 464 02/11/13 East N/A 28,out of West 6/30/2014 3 Cedar substation 465 02/11/13 East NR/ER su sbaat on 12/31/2015 50.4 Circuit WCD28, West Cedar 471 02/28/13 East N/A #28,out of 6/30/2014 3 West Cedar substation Circuit WCD28, West Cedar 472 02/28/13 East N/A #28,out of 6/30/2014 3 West Cedar substation Circuit WCD28, West Cedar 473 02/28/13 East N/A #28,out of 6/30/2014 3 West Cedar substation Page 47 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Circuit ENV12, Enterprise #12, 475 03/08/13 East N/A out of 12/31/2013 3Enterprise Valley substation Circuit PRV25, Parowan Valley#25,out48803/19/13 East N/A 12/31/2013 3ofParowan Valley substation Circuit ENO12, Enoch#12,out48903/19/13 East N/A of Enoch 12/31/2013 3 substation Circuit BKl12, Brooklawn #12, 491 03/19/13 East N/A out of 12/31/2013 3 Brooklawn substation Circuit SML12, South Milford 492 03/19/13 East N/A #12,out of 12/31/2013 3 South Milford substation Page 48 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Circuit SML11, South Milford 493 03/19/13 East N/A #11,out of 12/31/2013 3 South Milford substation 1722 78169628 04/30/13 East PTP TRONA REDB 5/1/2014 30 1723 78170277 04/30/13 East PTP TRONA MPAC 5/1/2014 30 Circuit RKW11, Porter Rockwell 500 06/12/13 East N/A #11,out of 9/1/2013 2.589 Porter Rockwell substation 1747 78351080 06/18/13 East NT PINTO PACE 11/30/2015 80 Circuit MLF12, 502 06/27/13 East N/A Milfor 2rd 10/15/2015 2.97 substation Circuit SML21, South Milford 503 06/27/13 East N/A #21,out of 10/15/2015 2.97 South Milford substation Page 49 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Circuit SML12, South Milford 504 06/27/13 East N/A #12,out of 10/15/2015 2.97 South Milford substation Milford substation 72- 47kv 512 08/22/13 East N/A distribution 3/1/2015 3 circuit,pole number 173-28- 10#,059303 138kV bus at West Cedar substation (or)513 09/10/13 East NR/ER 138kV bus at 12/31/2015 80 Three Peaks substation Tap to the 138 kV Enterprise Valley -West51409/13/13 East NR/ER Cedar 12/1/2015 80 transmission line Sigurd to Red Butte No.2 515 09/13/13 East NRIER 345kV 12/1/2015 80 transmission line Page 50 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Sigurd to Red Butte No.2 516 09/13/13 East NR/ER 345kV 6/30/2015 3 transmission line 1766 78752066 09/26/13 East NT DJ WYOE 10/1/2014 50 1767 78752068 09/26/13 East NT DJ WYOE 10/1/2014 50 1768 78752070 09/26/13 East NT DJ WYOE 10/1/2014 50 1769 78752071 09/26/13 East NT DJ WYOE 10/1/2014 109 1770 78752072 09/26/13 East NT DJ WYOE 10/1/2014 109 1771 78752081 09/26/13 East NT Fourcorners DJ 10/1/2014 85 Tap to 34.5 kV MDD24 (Middleton 24)518 10/01/13 East N/A 6/30/2015 2.97circuitfeeding Dixie Deer substation Tap to 34.5 kV MDD24 (Middleton 24)519 10/01/13 East N/A 6/30/2015 3circuitfeeding Dixie Deer substation Tap to 34.5 kV MDD24 (Middleton 24)520 10/01/13 East N/A 6/30/2015 2.97circuitfeeding Dixie Deer substation Tap to 12.5 kV 521 10/01/13 East N/A DXD12 (Dixie 11/1/2015 3 Deer 12)circuit Page 51 August 19,2014 Q0542 Y PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) Santaquin- Nebo #2,tap to 523 10/08/13 East N/A Burgin (one of 11/1/2015 6 two 46kV lines in the area) Terminal -524 10/08/13 East N/A 11/1/2015 6Tooele46kV Parowan52510/09/13 East NR/ER 11/30/2016 40substation TAR11, Tamarisk 11 (to 526 10/16/13 East N/A the immediate 12/31/2014 3 north of substation) HUC13, 527 10/16/13 East N/A Huntington 13 12/31/2014 3(South of town, on Route10) HUC1252810/16/13 East N/A . '12/31/2014 3Huntington12 1778 78834184 10/18/13 East NT PACE PACE 12/1/2013 10 529 10/22/13 East N/A WCD 28 6/30/2015 3 530 10/22/13 East N/A WCD 28 6/30/2015 3 531 10/22/13 East N/A WCD 28 6/30/2015 3 1780 78849614 10/22/13 East NT WYOC WYOC 1/1/2014 21 1781 78865513 10/25/13 East NT WYOE WYOE 1/1/2014 20 532 11/07/13 East NR/ER Pavant 7/1/2016 50substation 1787 78984295 11/26/13 East NT WYOE WYOE 7/30/2014 7.5 Page 52 August 19,2014 Q0542 PACIFICORP System Impact Study Report Start Date POR (TSR)/(TSR)ICompletedCust.OASIS Control Type of Location ofQUEUERequest POD (TSR)Requested MWAREF.Area Request InterconnectionReceived Commercial(GI)Operation (GI) 138k/linetap 539 12/13/13 East NRIER on PacifiCorp's 3/31/2016 130.4WeccoRadial line Pinto substation at 138 kV through54112/23/13 East NRIER facilities 12/31/2015 138 constructed for Q0384 1794 79099043 12/23/13 East NT PACE PACE 3/31/2014 1 1796 79132251 01/03/14 East NT PACE PACE 1/1/2014 25 1797 79164408 01/09/14 East NT PACE PACE 2/1/2014 200 230 kV Frannie -Yellowtail line 542 01/23/14 East NR/ER approximately 3 12/1/2015 240milesNorthof the Frannie substation Page 53 August 19,2014 Q0542 PAciFICORP Transient Stability Analysis Report Completed for LGIQ#Q0542 Proposed Interconnection To the Existing 230 kV Frannie -Yellowtail Transmission Line August 22,2014 PAciFICORP Table of Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................2 1.Description of Project..............................................................................................................3 2.Study Assumptions..................................................................................................4 3.Transient Analysis .........................................................................................................6 4.Conclusions..............................................................................................................................7 1 PAciFICORP Executive Summary ("Interconnection Customer")proposed interconnecting 240 MW of new generation to PacifiCorp's ("Transmission Provider")Frannie -Yellowtail transmission line approximately 2.75 miles north of the Frannie Substation located in Carbon County,Montana.The project ("Project")will consist of 120 Gamesa 2.0 Gll4 wind turbines generators for a total output of 240 MWs.The requested commercial operation date is approximately December 1,2015. Interconnection Customer will [NOT]operate this generator as a Qualified Facility as defined by the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA). The Transmission Provider has assigned the project "Q0542." The Transmission Provider was not able to complete the transient stability analysis portion of the System Impact Study due to technical issues with the model provided by the Interconnection Customer.Until a working model is provided by the Customer and the Transmission Provider is able to verify and analyze the dynamic behavior and the voltage ride through capabilities of the turbines used by the Interconnection Customer,the study will remain incomplete and the results will be deemed unacceptable. The Project is required to operate in the voltage control mode maintaining the voltage at the POI based on voltage schedule provided by the Transmission Provider. 2 PAciFICORP 1.Description of Project The Interconnection Customer has proposed interconnecting a wind farm in Carbon County, Montana,to PacifiCorp existing Frannie -Yellowtail 230 kV line approximately 2.75 miles north of Frannie Substation.A preliminaryelectrical single line diagram depicting the Project's interconnection at the point of interconnection (POI)substation is shown in Figure 1. It is proposed to interconnect 120 Gamesa 2.0 Gll4 wind turbines generators.Power from each turbine will be stepped up to 34.5 kV from 0.69 kV.A 34.5 kV collection system will bring the combined power output to the collector substation where the power will be further increased to 230 kV through a 230/34.5 kV transformer. New 230 kV Point of Interconnection for Q 542 230 kV line to Yellowtail 230 kV line to 230 kV line toFrannie Figure 1.Preliminary Single Line Diagram 3 PAciFICORP 2.Study Assumptions The PSS/E version 33.5 program was used to evaluate system stability.In addition,the followingassumptions were used in performing this study. Study Period:The 2014 Heavy Summer WECC transmission power flow and dynamics data updated was used for this analysis. Study Area:The study area was limited to the Project and the surrounding 230 kV and 115kV transmission system in Wyoming. The existing commitments on the TOT4A/4B Paths were modeled in the study.Also generators that are senior in the LGI queue and have TSR requests were modeled in the study. Other Assumptions: Transient stability simulations are performed out to 10 seconds in order to assess system damping. The Gamesa 2.0 MW Gl14 wind turbine is required to have voltage ride-through protection capability;therefore,the wind turbine is designed to stay connected to the grid in the case of severe faults.As shown in Figure 2 the wind turbines are required to have the voltage ride through capabilities described in NERC standard PRC-024. The Customer must ensure that the Gamesa 2.0 Gll4 wind turbines have voltage ride through capability that conforms to the voltage ride-through time duration curve shown in Figure 2 of this report. 4 PAciFICORP Voltage Ride-Through Time Duration Curve 1.30 .1.25 m =1.20mm.1.15 1.0Š1.00 No Trip Zone I 0.850.80 C 0.75 Ë0.70 = 0.60 o0.55 o.0.50 - 0.45 O0.40 CD0.35 g0.30 - 0.25 O 0.20 >0.150.10 O0.05 0.0.00 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Time (sec) ---High Voltage Duration -Low Voltage Duratlon Figure 2.Voltage Ride-through Capability During normal voltage conditions,the voltage control scheme should operate to minimize the reactive exchange between the Interconnection Customer's Project and Transmission Provider system or as directed by the system operator.As per NERC standard VAR-001- la,the Transmission Provider will provide a voltage schedule at the Point of Interconnection. As the Transmission Provider cannot submit a user written model to WECC for inclusion in base cases,a standard model from the WECC Approved Dynamic Model Library is required prior to interconnection.The list of approved generator models is continually updated and is available on the http://www.WECC.bizwebsite. 5 PAciFICORP 3.Transient Analysis The Project facility is required to ride through all 3-phase faults with normal clearing or single line-to-ground faults with delayed clearing for any event that doesn't disconnect the facility. The PSS/E version 33 program was used to evaluate the transient stability performance of the wind turbines and system for different contingencies.The 2014 Heavy Summer WECC case (14hslap.sav)was used for this analysis.Due to technical issues with the Gamesa user-written dynamic model provided by the Interconnection Customer,the Transmission Provider was not able to perform any transient stability analysis.The Transmission Provider has discussed the model issues with the wind turbine manufacturer several times;however these discussions have not resulted in the resolution of the technical issues seen by the Transmission Provider. The Transmission Provider before running any contingency in transient stability simulations, performs a steady state (no-contingency)run after implementing the dynamic model of the Project.This ensures that the model provided by the Customer is working accurately and the transmission system initializes without any technical issues.Ideally,as this is a no contingency run,this should result in straight lines if the MW and MVAr output of the Project or any other generator on the transmission system is plotted.This is called the "flat run"meaning a simulation of the steady state system for 10-20 seconds would produce flat lines.When the Transmission Provider ran the flat run after interconnecting the Project,the MW and MVAr output for the Project was not a straight line as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3:No-contingency run after interconnecting Q0542 6 PAciFICORP These issues were resolved based on changes suggested by the manufacturer.After the flat run issues were resolved,the Transmission Provider encountered several issues with the voltage controller model of the turbine that resulted in tripping of the Gamesa wind turbine units due to high voltage shortly following fault clearing.While this is believed to be a model issue,the voltage ride through capability could not be confirmed. Due to these unresolved model issues,the Transmission Provider was not able to complete a full transient stability analysis including the voltage ride-through capability for the Project and determine whether interconnecting the Project to the Yellowtail -Frannie line is feasible without any reliability issues.Hence,the Transmission Provider will not be able to interconnect the Project until a working model is provided. 4.Conclusions The followingconclusions have been reached through this analysis: Transmission Provider was unable to perform transient stability analysis for the Project due to technical issues with the dynamic model provided by the Customer.The Transmission Provider has worked with the wind turbine manufacturer to resolve the model issue but has not arrived at a successful resolution as of this writing.The Transmission Provider was not able to perform detailed transient stability analysis to determine the voltage ride through capabilities of the Project and also was not able to analyze the reliability impacts of the Project interconnecting to Yellowtail -Frannie 230 kV line.Hence,the Transmission Provider cannot allow the Project to interconnect at the POI until a working model is provided and detailed transient stability analysis is performed. Simulation results are based on data provided by the Interconnection Customer as well as other model data available at the time of the study.The results can be used to help determine whether or not the Project facilities will meet the performance criteria including ride-through requirements which are identified in the Interconnection Agreement,and,in some cases,may indicate that additional equipment is required in order to meet these requirements.However, ultimately it is the Interconnection Customer's responsibility to meet these requirements during actual operation on a daily basis and failure to do so can result in loss of interconnection privileges.Therefore,the results of these simulations should be regarded as informational rather than definitive,and do not relieve the Interconnection Customer of any performance responsibilities. Finally,if the assumptions utilized in this study significantly change,PacifiCorp reserves the right to perform a re-study.Significant changes include,but are not limited to,development of new models which may impact performance as well as changes to the base case assumptions for planned future but as yet uncommitted transmission line and generation facilities. 7