HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180307PAC to Staff UT OCS Set 14 (1-6).pdf1407 W.North Temple ROCKY MOUNTAIN Salt Lake City,UT 84116 POWER A DIVISiON OF PACIFICORP March 1,2018 Béla Vastag Office of Consumer Services 160 East 300 South Salt Lake City,Utah 84111 bvastag@utahgov (C) RE:UT Docket No.17-035-40 OCS 14th Set Data Request (1-6) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to OCS 14th Set Data Requests 14.1- 14.6.Also provided is Confidential Response OCS 14.5.Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah Rule 746-1-602 and 746-1-603. If you have any questions,please call me at (801)220-2823. Sincerely, Jana Saba Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.Erika Tedder/DPU dpudatarequest@utah.govetedder@utah.gov(C) Dan Kohler/DPU dkoehler@daymarkea.com(C) Dan Peaco/DPU doeaco@daymarkea.com (C)(W) Aliea Afnan/DPU aafnan@daymarkea.com (W) ibower@daymarkea.com (W) Philip Hayet/OCS phavet@ikenn.com (C) Gary A.Dodge/UAE gdodge@hjdlaw.com (C) PhillipRussell/UAE prussell@hjdlaw.com (C) Kevin Higgins/UAE khiggins@eneravstrat.com (C) Neal Townsend/UAE ntownsend@eneravstrat.com(C)(W) Kate Bowman/UCE kate@utahcleanenergy.org(C) Emma Rieves/UCE emma@utahcleanenergy.ora(C)(W) Lisa Tormoen Hickey/Interwestlisahickey@newlawaroup.com (C) Mitch Longson/Interwest mloneson@mc2b.com (C) Nancy Kelly/WRAnkelly@westernresources.org(C) Jennifer Gardner/WRA jennifer.gardner@westernresources.org(C) Penny Anderson/WRA pennv.anderson@westernresources.org (W) Peter J.Mattheis/Nucor pim@smxblaw.com (C) Eric J.Lacey/Nucor ejl@smxblaw.com (C)(W) William J.Evans/UIEC bevans@parsonsbehle.com Vicki M.Baldwin/UIEC vbaldwin@parsonsbehle.com(W) Chad C.Baker/UIEC cbaker@parsonsbehle.com (W) 17-035-40 /Rocky Mountain Power March 1,2018 OCS Data Request 14.1 OCS Data Request 14.1 Refer to Exhibit RMP (JRS-2SS). (a)Does the Company agree that if the Company files a base rate case using a test year of 2021,under its proposal,the higher "Net Rate Base"amount on page 2,line 4 would be incorporated in the revenue requirements,all else being equal,and customers would not receive the benefits of the reduced rate base amount for each year thereafteruntil a future rate case that uses a test year of 2022 or later due to the projects no longer being included in the proposed RTM once incorporated in base rates (with the exception of the PTC impacts)? (b)Considering page 1,Table 1,shows the highest revenue requirement impact for 2021, which then declines each subsequent year,would the Company consider leaving the projects in the proposed RTM mechanism after the next base rate case?If no, explain,in detail,why not. Response to OCS Data Request 14.1 (a)Yes (b)No.The resource tracking mechanism (RTM)is intendedto be a short-term mechanism to properly match the Combined Projects costs and benefits in the interim period between project in-service and inclusion in rates through a general rate case. The inclusion of the Combined Projects in base rates is consistent with other rate base items that are not trued up on an annual basis after rate cases. 17-035-40/Rocky Mountain Power March 1,2018 OCS Data Request 14.2 OCS Data Request 14.2 Refer to the SupplementalDirect Testimony of Joelle R.Steward in Docket No.17-035- 39,at page 4,figure 1.Also please refer to Exhibit RMP_(JRS-2SS)at page 1,Table 1 in this proceeding.Since the Company is proposing an RTM in both dockets,please provide a revised version of the "Estimated Revenue Requirement Cost (Benefit)"for each year,2019 through 2023,that includes both the "Combined Projects"at issue in this docket and the Repowering projects at issue in Docket No.17-035-39. Response to OCS Data Request 14.2 Please refer to the submitted work paper files "17-035-39 RMP WP-Steward-Exhibits 2SD-4SD 2-1-18"tab "Savings Summary",and "17-035-40 RMP WPs-Steward 2-16-18" tab "JRS-2SS Page 1",for an electronic spreadsheet version of the referred to "Estimated Revenue Requirement Cost (Benefit)".These spreadsheets provide the information needed to produce the requested revised version of the "Estimated Revenue Requirement Cost (Benefit)"table. 17-035-40 /Rocky Mountain Power March 1,2018 OCS Data Request 14.3 OCS Data Request 14.3 Refer to Exhibit RMP_(JRS-2SS),page 2,in this docket and Exhibit RMP_(JRS-2SD) in Docket No.17-035-39,both of which present "Example Annual RTM Deferral Calculation -Revenue Requirement."Please provide a revised version of Exhibit RMP (JRS-2SS)that incorporates the impacts of both the Combined Projects at issue in this case AND the Repowering Projects at issue in Docket No.17-035-39. Response to OCS Data Request 14.3 Please refer to the submitted work paper files "17-035-39 RMP WP-Steward-Exhibits 2SD-4SD 2-1-18"tab "JRS-2SD",and "17-035-40 RMP WPs-Steward 2-16-18"tab "JRS-2SS Page 2",for an electronic spreadsheet version of the referred to "Example Annual RTM Deferral".These spreadsheets provide the information needed to produce the requested revised version of "Exhibit RMP_(JRS-2SS)". 17-035-40 /Rocky Mountain Power March 1,2018 OCS Data Request 14.4 OCS Data Request 14.4 Refer to Exhibit RMP (JRS-3SS)in this docket and Exhibit RMP (JRS-3SD)in Docket No.17-035-39,both of which present "Example Monthly RTM Deferral Calculation -Revenue Requirement."Please provide a revised version of Exhibit RMP_(JRS-3SS)that incorporates the impacts of both the Repowering projects at issue in Docket No.17-035-39 AND the Combined Projects at issue in this docket. Response to OCS Data Request 14.4 Please refer to the submitted work paper files "17-035-39 RMP WP-Steward-Exhibits 2SD-4SD 2-1-18"tab "JRS-3SD",and "17-035-40 RMP WPs-Steward 2-16-18"tab "JRS-3SS",for an electronic spreadsheet version of the referred to "Example Monthly RTM Deferral".These spreadsheets provide the information needed to produce the requested revised version of "Exhibit RMP (JRS-3SS)". 17-035-40 /Rocky Mountain Power March 1,2018 OCS Data Request 14.5 OCS Data Request 14.5 Refer to Exhibit RMP_(JRS-2SS),page 2.The exhibit shows the SG and GPS allocation factors to Utah as remaining unchanged from 2020 to 2023. (a)Please provide the current actual SG and GPS allocation factors as of the present date. (b)Please provide the Company's current best estimate of the allocation factors that will be used for each of the line items on this exhibit for each year,2020 through 2023. While the Multi-State Process is still underway,please provide any internal Company budgets or estimates regarding the Utah jurisdiction allocation factors that will be used during the period 2020 through 2023. Response to OCS Data Request 14.5 (a)The below factors are from Docket 17-035-15 page 10.2,Results of Operations-June 2017: SG:43.3823 percent GPS:43.0165 percent (b)The factors used for the resource tracking mechanism (RTM)wouldbe the approved factors from the most recently approved rate case,Docket 13-035-184,and would continue to be used until the Company's next general rate case.At which time the RTM would only use the then approved SG factor since the RTM will only involve the continuing treatment of Production Tax Credits (PTC).The Company proposal before the Multi-State Process broad review work group is to fix the SG factor based on three years historical (2015-2017)and three years forecast (2018-2020).Below are the forecasted SG factors for each year 2020 through 2023 that were presented to the Multi-State Process (MSP)Broad Review Work Group (BRWG)on March 22,2017: [BEGIN CONFIDENTIAL [END CONFIDENTIAL Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)Rule 746-1-602 and 746-1-603. 17-035-40 /Rocky Mountain Power March 1,2018 OCS Data Request 14.6 OCS Data Request 14.6 Refer to page 2 of Exhibits RMP_(JRS-2SD)and RMP (JRS-2SS). (a)Please explain,in detail,why the annual amount of Operation &Maintenance Expense on line 8 increases by over $2.5 million annual for 2021 and 2022 and over $3 million annual for 2023 in the 2nd supplemental filing as compared to the supplemental filing. (b)Please explain,in detail,why the annual Operation &Maintenance Expense on line 8 is now increasing every year between 2020 through 2023 in the 211d supplemental filing when the costs were projected to decline between 2022 and 2023 in the supplemental filing. Response to OCS Data Request 14.6 (a)The final shortlist at the time of the Company's supplemental and rebuttal testimony filing included McFadden Ridge II.The final shortlist in the Company's second supplemental testimony filing included Ekola Flats,instead.Because Ekola Flats is larger than McFadden Ridge II,the operation and maintenance (O&M)expense dollars for Ekola Flats is larger,resulting in a larger aggregate total in the Company's second supplemental testimony filing. (b)Since the 2017 Renewable Request for Proposals (2017R RFP)bids included O&M expense for the first three years,assets were modeled with a common dollars per kilowatt ($/kW)assumption for O&M after the third year.The dollars per megawatt- hour ($/MWh)O&M cost in the McFadden Ridge II bid was higher than the $/MWh O&M cost in the Ekola Flats bid.The resulting transition from the bid to the common assumption for McFadden Ridge II O&M was a large decrease,while the transition for Ekola Flats O&M was a small decrease that was masked in the aggregate total by increases for the other three projects.