HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180307PAC to Staff UT OCS Set 11 (1-3) 2.pdf1407 W.North Temple ROCKY MOUNTAIN Salt Lake City,UT 84116 POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP February 19,2018 Béla Vastag Office of Consumer Services 160 East 300 South Salt Lake City,Utah 84111 bvastag@u_tah.gov (C) RE:UT Docket No.17-035-40 OCS 1Ith Set Data Request (1-3) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to OCS l lth Set Data Requests 11.2. If you have any questions,please call me at (801)220-2823. Sincerely, Jana Saba Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.Erika Tedder/DPU deudatarequest@utah.govetedder@utah.gov(C) Dan Kohler/DPU dkoehler@daymarkea.com(C) Dan Peaco/DPU dpeaco@daymarkea.com (C)(W) Aliea Afnan/DPU aafnan@daymarkea.com (W) jbower@daymarkea.com (W) Philip Hayet/OCS phavet@jkenn.com (C) Gary A.Dodge/UAE adodge@hidlaw.com (C) PhillipRussell/UAE prussell@hjdlaw.com (C) Kevin Higgins/UAE khiggins@energvstrat.com (C) Neal Townsend/UAE ntownsend@energystrat.com(C)(W) Kate Bowman/UCE kate@utahcleanenerav.ore(C) Emma Rieves/UCE emma@utahcleanenergy.org(C)(W) Lisa Tormoen Hickey/Interwestlisahickey@newlawaroup.com (C) Mitch Longson/Interwest mlongson@mc2b.com (C) Nancy Kelly/WRAnkelly@westernresources.ore(C) Jennifer Gardner/WRA jennifer.gardner@westernresources.org(C) Penny Anderson/WRA penny.anderson@westernresources.org (W) Peter J.Mattheis/Nucor pjm@smxblaw.com (C) Eric J.Lacey/Nucor ejl@smxblaw.com (C)(W) William J.Evans/UIEC bevans@parsonsbehle.com Vicki M.Baldwin/UIEC vbaldwin@parsonsbehle.com(W) Chad C.Baker/UIEC ebaker@parsonsbehle.com (W) 17-035-40 /Rocky Mountain Power February 19,2018 OCS Data Request 11.2 OCS Data Request 11.2 At lines 18 and 19 of Mr.Link's January 16,2018 SupplementalDirect and Rebuttal Testimony,he stated "The final shortlist includes four new wind projects located in Wyoming from three different bidders."At lines 297 to 280 Mr.Link stated "The 2017R RFP final shortlist includes four new wind projects located in Wyoming from three different bidders". (a)When did the Company discover that the final shortlist projects described in Mr. Link's January 16 testimony may not be the actual final shortlist projects (i.e.that the interconnection studies may result in "changes to the final shortlist"-as stated in the Company's January 24 Response)? (b)Referring to part a.above,what were the circumstances that lead the Company to discover that the final shortlist projects as described in Mr.Link's January 16 testimony might not be the actual final shortlist projects? Response to OCS Data Request 11.2 (a)The Company assumes that reference to the "January 24 Response"is in reference to the Company's response to the motion to vacate the procedural schedule in this docket.Based on the foregoing assumption,the Company responds as follows: The Company has been aware that it would need to factor interconnection requirements into its evaluation of the 2017 Renewable Request for Proposal (2017R RFP)bids since the beginning of the RFP process.Indeed,the Company originally included a completed interconnection system impact study (SIS)report as one of the minimum bid-eligibilityrequirements.In response,however,to recommendations from the Utah independentevaluators (IE),as supported by other parties in the 2017R RFP approval process in Docket 17-035-23,the Company agreed to remove the requirement that a bidder have a completed SIS to be eligible to submit a proposal. While the removal of this requirementmeant that the Company could not fully evaluate the relative interconnection requirements of the bids early on in the process, it allowed a robust set of bidders to participate in the 2017R RFP without regard to their position in the interconnection queue-a queue that can significantlychange over time as,for example,generator interconnection customers change project details, request commercial operation date (COD)extensions or suspension,or even withdraw from the queue altogether. In addition,after PacifiCorp announced its plan to construct the Energy Gateway Aeolus-to-Bridger/AnticlineD.2 segment to come online by 2020,PacifiCorp's transmission function initiated an interconnection restudy process to ensure its interconnection studies reflected the most current long-term transmission plan assumptions.In accordance with PacifiCorp's open access transmission tariff (OATT),PacifiCorp's transmission function performed these restudies in serial queue 17-035-40 /Rocky Mountain Power February 19,2018 OCS Data Request 11.2 order to determine whether the acceleration of Energy Gateway segment D.2 would impact the cost or timing of interconnection of projects that had not yet executed interconnection agreements and that had previous studies dependingon Energy Gateway West in its entirety. On January 15,2018,the Company notified the Oregon and Utah IEs that PacifiCorp transmission's interconnection restudy process and resulting interconnection restudy reports could impact the Company's evaluation of the original final shortlist to the extent it affected a project's ability to secure an interconnection through PacifiCorp transmission's OATT interconnection process.On January 19,2018,the Company discussed this issue with the Oregon and Utah IEs,noting that the Company intended to continue its due-diligence assessment of specific bids by monitoring this issue,but that the implications of this restudy process would not be definitively known until PacifiCorp transmission completed the restudy process and posted the resulting study reports to the Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS).PacifiCorp transmission posted the restudy reports to OASIS on January 29,2018,as well as certain updated restudy reports on February 9,2018. The restudy reports impacted the Company's evaluation of the original final shortlist because they identified which projects in PacifiCorp transmission's generator interconnection queue could secure an interconnection with only Energy Gateway segment D.2 constructed,and which projects would need additional transmission projects (e.g.,all of Energy Gateway West,Energy Gateway South,etc)constructed justto interconnect. (b)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above.