HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180307PAC to Staff UT mbell.pdfBEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WYOMING IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR )Docket No.20000-520-EA-17 CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE )(Record No.14781) AND NECESSITY AND NONTRADITIONAL ) RATEMAKING FOR WIND AND ) TRANSMISSION FACILITIES ) SCHEDULING ORDER (Issued August 24,2017) This matter is before the Wyoming Public Service Commission (Commission)upon its own motion,to establish a procedural schedule for the proceedings in the above-docketedmatter. The Commission,having reviewed its files in this matter,the parties'positons and comments at the scheduling conference,and being otherwise fully advised in the premises,FINDS AND CONCLUDES: 1.A duly noticed scheduling conference was held on August 17,2017.Participating in person were Lori Brand,John Burbridge,Marcy Norby,Michelle Bohanan,Morgan Fish,and Randy Phetteplace,on behalf of the Commission Staff (Staff);Stacy Splittstoesser,Wyoming Regulatory Affairs Manager,and Jeff Larsen,Vice President -Regulation,appeared in person,and Katherine McDowell,Counsel,appeared by telephoneon behalf of Rocky Mountain Power (RMP);Abigail C. Briggerman,Counsel,appeared in person on behalf of Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers (WIEC).Crystal McDonough,Counsel,appeared by telephoneon behalf of Northern Laramie Range Alliance (NLRA).Ivan Williams and Chris Leger,Counsel,and Denise Parrish,Deputy Administrator,appeared in person on behalf of the Office of Consumer Advocate (OCA).Lisa Tormoen Hickey,Counsel,appeared by telephoneon behalf of the Interwest Energy Alliance. 2.The followingprocedural schedule,agreed upon by the parties at the scheduling conference,is accordingly set (all times are Mountain Time)-the changes have been bolded,italicized and underlined: Technical Conference September 25,2017 at 1:00 p.m. Deadline for Intervenors to issue discovery on Applicant October 30,2017 testimony.All responses are due within 10 calendar days of receipt Deadline for Intervenors to file direct testimony.November 20,2017 by 3:00 p.m. Deadline for Applicant to file rebuttal testimony.December 18,2017,by 3:00 p.m. Deadline for Applicant to file supplemental testimony January 16,2018 by 3:00 p.m. Technical Conference January 17,2018 9:00 a.m. Deadline to issue all discovery on testimony filed to January 26,2018,by 3:00 p.m. date.All responses are due within 5 business days of receipt.(See paragraph 4) Deadline for Intervenors to file supplemental response February 5,2018 by 3:00 p.m. testimony -1 -Docket No.20000-520-EA-17 Deadline for all parties to exchange exhibits.February 6,2018 by 3:00 p.m. Deadline for parties to file any pre-hearing reports,pre-February 7,2018,by 3:00 p.m. hearing motions,any objections to pre-filed testimony and exhibits. Deadline to file exhibits,and exhibit index.(see paragraphs 3 and 5) Deadline for Applicant to file supplemental rebuttal February 12,2018,by 3:00 p.m. testimony and supplementalexhibits Pre-hearing Conference (see paragraph 5)February 14,2018,at 10:00 a.m. Exhibit Conference February 22,2018,at 8:30 a.m. Public Hearing 5 days February 22,2018,at 9:00 a.m. 3.All pre-filed direct,rebuttal and cross-answer testimony,exhibits,exhibit indexes,and pre-hearing documents are to be filed electronically on the Commission's Docket Management System (DMS)website at http://dms.wyo.govand served on all parties on or before the deadline dates.Such filings and all attachments shall be uploaded in "searchable .pdf"format.If you are not clear on this process,contact the Commission's IT staff for assistance at 307-777-7427.All pre-filed, rebuttal and cross-answer testimony shall be sworn and notarized.Exhibit indexes shall set forth the proper numbering of exhibits,consistent with the party's presentation of witnesses.The exhibit indexes shall refer to numbered,labeled and bates stamped exhibits the party intends to offer into the record,includingall pre-filed testimonies and exhibits that will be adopted by testifyingwitnesses. On February 12,2018,by 3 p.m.,the parties shall file 7 bound copies of their exhibits,exhibit index, together with an electronic version,as follows: a)Individuallytabbed,consecutively bates stamped,and bound in a three ring binder (whichshall not exceed 4 inches in width); b)All bates stamping will be located at the bottom,right hand corner of each document; c)If more than one binder is required,each binder shall be separately identified as Vol. I,Vol.II,etc.,and shall show which exhibits are included therein; d)All binders shall include a binder cover sheet and spine label (if the binder includes confidential material please print the cover sheet,label,and all confidential materials on yellow paper); e)See the followingexamples for formatting exhibit tabs: Applicant Company Applicant Company Applicant Company Exhibit 1 -Map Vol.I,Exhibit 1 Vol.II,Exhibit 12 f)In the event the parties reach a stipulation and agreement,the stipulation shall be marked as Joint Exhibit A with stipulation testimony of the parties to follow as Joint Exhibits B,C, D,etc. The Applicants shall include their "Application"filed on June 30,2017,as Exhibit 1.All Sections attached to the Application shall be numbered by the Applicants as separate exhibits.Each party -2 -Docket No.20000-520-EA-17 shall provide an additional copy of its exhibit index and binder(s)containing all exhibits to the Court Reporterwhen the HearingOfficer accepts the exhibits into the record at the exhibit conference on February 22,2018,at 8:30 a.m. For purposes of exhibit labeling,the followingnumbering system shall be used: Party Numbers Applicant 1-99 Commission (Not a Party)101-199 OCA 201-299 WIEC 301-399 NLRA 401-499 Interwest Energy Alliance 501-599 Joint Party Exhibits A-Z 4.All discovery shall be completed prior to the date of the pre-hearing conference.To the extent possible,parties should resolve discovery disputes among themselves.Failing in this,the parties shall bring disputed discovery matters immediately to the attention of the Commission as pleadings with any documentation reflecting the dispute.The moving party in any such discovery dispute must certifythat it has in good faith conferred or attempted to confer with the party not making the disclosure in an effort to secure the disclosure without Commission action.The Commission waives any restriction on the number of discovery requests,but the parties retain the right to object if abuse of this waiver occurs.The parties are directed to be prepared to address the themes and topics mentioned in the public comments and customer complaints,if any,in pre-filed testimony and/or the public comment or full evidentiary hearings. 5.Prior to the Pre-Hearing Conference scheduled on February 14,2018 at 10:00 a.m., the parties shall confer regarding stipulations to uncontroverted facts and the use of joint exhibits to avoid unnecessary duplication.At the Pre-Hearing Conference,each party,shall have thoroughly reviewed all proposed exhibits of the other parties and be prepared to acknowledge the specific exhibits to which they intend to object to and the specific exhibits to which they will stipulate to admission.By February 7,2018,each party shall file with the Commission the followingdescribed pre-hearing report documents.The parties shall segregate the required information into separate documents:All parties file two business days prior. a)A current summary of the contention of the party entitled "(Party name) UpdatedSummary ofContentions." b)A summary of remaining issues of fact and law for determination by the Commission. c)For each witness who will testifyto matters not included in pre-filed testimony, a brief summary of the witness's proposed testimony which specifies the issue(s)to which the testimony will be directed together with an estimation of the length of time it will take to present the party's case. -3 -Docket No.20000-520-EA-17 d)A single,stipulated (by all parties)current summary of the uncontrovertedand stipulated facts entitled,"Stipulated Summary of Uncontroverted Facts."This item is to be filed jointly by all the parties rather than individually. e)Its respective exhibit schedule setting forth the proper numbering of their exhibits,consistent with their presentation of their witnesses.The exhibit schedules shall refer to numbered and labeled exhibits the party intends to offer into the record,including all pre-filed testimonies and exhibits that will be adopted by testifyingwitnesses.Each party shall provide a copy of its respective exhibit schedules and a package containing all exhibits to be submitted to the Court Reporter when the Hearing Officer accepts the exhibits into the record at the Exhibit Conference on February 22,2018. 6.No late-filed documents will be accepted for filing by the Commission without an accompanying motion for good cause shown by the party missing any deadline set forth in paragraph 2 above. 7.Parties not able to attend the Pre-Hearing Conference in person may participate by phone by dialing the Commission's conference call phone number at 1-877-735-7186.Parties appearing by telephone are asked to contact Meridith Bell prior to the Pre-Hearing Conference at (307)777-5718 or meridith.bell@wyo.govto advise the Commission that they will be participating by phone or in person. 8.Any party that wishes to cease participation in this proceeding shall file a Petition for Leave to Withdraw,which shall include a statement or explanation describing the effect,if any,on the public interest and the orderly and efficient conduct of the proceeding of such party's withdrawal. Parties shall be permitted to withdraw only upon a showing that no material detriment to the public interest or the orderly and efficient conduct of the proceeding is likely to result therefrom. 9.The public hearing regarding the above captioned matter will commence February 22, 2018,at 9:00 a.m.,at the Commission's offices located at 2515 Warren Avenue,Suite 300,in Cheyenne,Wyoming. 10.This Order is effective immediately. MADE and ENTERED at Cheyenne,Wyoming,on August 24,2017. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: a. SEAl =R L.BRAND,Assistant Secretary Wyommg Public Service Commission ..2515 Warren Avenue,Suite 300 Cheyenne,WY 82002 -4 -Docket No.20000-520-EA-17