HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180208PAC to Staff PacifiCorp PRC WECC.xlsAttachment B (WR11) WECC RAS Database (WR8) Entity Information Macro1 Macro2 Macro3 Macro4 Macro5 Local Area Scheme Name Safety Net OPERATING PROCEDURE Original In Service Date Check TOTALS Type Number Date Group Major WECC RAS WAPS LAPS None Reporting Party Wide Area WECC RAS: Wide Area Protection, Local Area Protection and Safety Net Scheme Summary Updated: Design Objectives — Contingencies and system conditions for which the scheme was designed. Operation — The actions taken by the scheme in response to Disturbance conditions. Modeling — Information on detection logic or relay settings that control operation of the scheme. Recent Assessment Classification: WAPS, LAPS, or Safety Net Remedial Action Scheme Review and Assessment Plan Entity Name: Entity Acronym: Entity NCR: Contact Person's Name: Contact Person's Phone: Entity Does not own or operate a RAS Sorted by Most Recent Assessment Date and Scheme Reporting Party Entity owns RAS equipment but is not a Reporting Party Attachment B (WR11) - WECC RAS Periodic Assessment Summary Reporting Party (The Reporting Party for this entry will always be the same as the Reporting Party entry listed in the Reporting Party field of Attachment A.) RAS Name Group Conducting this RAS Assessment Assessment Date Review the scheme purpose and impact to ensure proper classification, is it (still) necessary, does it serve the intended purposes, and does it continue to meet current performance requirements. This RAS assessment included the following: Date when the technical studies were completed Does this RAS comply with NERC standards and WECC Criteria? Discuss any coordination problems found between this RAS and other protection and control systems during this (most recent) assessment. Provide a Corrective Action Plan if this RAS was found to be non-compliant or had coordination problems during this (most recent) assessment (should be NA for owner’s initial assessment). Study Years System Conditions Contingencies analyzed N-1 N-1-1 N-2 Extreme Entity participates in a RAS but is not a Reporting Party PRC-(012 through 014)-WECC-CRT-2.2 Regional Criterion PacifiCorp Jim Bridger Generator Tripping Scheme (RAS C & D), Populus West RAS 8 PACE-10 Scheme is for maintaining system stability and to eliminate line overloads for loss of any of the 345 kV lines west of Bridger sub, west of Populus and north of Threemile Knoll. Generation Shedding at various levels at Bridger plant, insert shunt capacitors at Goshen and Kinport (IPC) substations. Limit flow on Path 19. The Jim Bridger RAS monitors the status of critical system facilities, including: • Five transmission lines originating from Jim Bridger substation (3-345kV and 2- 230kV) • The Goshen – Kinport 345kV line • Four generating units at Jim Bridger Power Plant • Jim Bridger shunt capacitor banks • Series compensation of the 345kV lines The RAS control system will take action for any event that will cause system instability or performance violations by dropping generation at Jim Bridger Plant. Goshen RAS PCC-913 N-1-1 Outages (1) Goshen – Threemile Knoll 345 kV Line + Goshen – Kinport 345 kV line (2) Goshen – Kinport 345 kV line + Goshen – Threemile Knoll 345 kV line (3) Jim Bridger – Threemile Knoll 345 kV line + Goshen – Kinport 345 kV line (4) Goshen – Kinport 345 kV line + Jim Bridger – Threemile Knoll 345 kV line (5) Goshen 345/161 kV auto transformer # 1 + Goshen 345/161 kV auto transformer # 2 (6) Goshen 345/161 kV auto transformer # 2 + Goshen 345/161 kV auto transformer # 1 The scheme will trip breakers at Goshen (CB165, 170, 174, L41, 43, 44, 11, and 12), Rigby(CB163 and CB166) Sugarmill (CB168) and Cinder Butte (CB161)shedding load if (1) Flows Don- Pingree 138 kV line are over its emergency rating towards Goshen OR (2) Flows on Goshen - Blackfoot line are over 35 MW towards Goshen OR (3) Flows on Goshen - Antelope area over its emergency rating towards Goshen OR (4) Flows on Goshen-Fishcreek- Grace are over its emergency rating towards Goshen AND (1) FLows across the two 345/161 kV transformers at Goshen is less than 45 MW towards Goshen 161 confirming the loss of the 345 kV source. IF (1) Flows on Don- Pingree 138 kV line are over its emergency rating towards Goshen OR (2) Flows on Goshen - Blackfoot line are over 35 MW towards Goshen OR (3) Flows on Goshen - Antelope area over its emergency rating towards Goshen OR (4) Flows on Goshen-Fishcreek- Grace are over its emergency rating towards Goshen AND (1) FLows across the two 345/161 kV transformers at Goshen is less than 45 MW towards Goshen 161 confirming the loss of the 345 kV source. THEN trip breakers at Goshen (CB165, 170, 174, L41, 43, 44, 11, and 12), Rigby(CB163 and CB166) Sugarmill (CB168) and Cinder Butte (CB161) Meridian Area Load Tripping Scheme 19 Scheme is designed to prevent voltage collapse in southern Oregon during heavy load if both of the 500 kV lines into Meridian are out of service or if both of the 500/230 kV transformers at Meridian are out of service. The scheme is automatically armed when the southern Oregon load exceeds 1100 MW and will remain armed until the southern Oregon load level falls below 1000 MW. Upon loss of both the Dixonville-Meridian 500 kV and Klamath Falls Cogen-Meridian 500 kV lines, or both Meridian 500/230 kV transformers, the following loads will be automatically tripped: Grants Pass CB 2R6, 2R9, 2R143 – (Up to 120 MW) Sage Road CB 5R27, 5R28, 5R29, 5R209, 5R226 (Up to 40 MW of 12.5 kV load) TRC-35 Drops loads at Sage Road and Grants Pass to prevent under voltage and voltage collapse Path 18 Overload Mitigation Scheme TRC-37 Prevent overload of the Antelope to Goshen 161 kV line during heavy northbound flow conditions on Path 18. Insert shunt reactor at Mill Creek and trip Mill Creek to Amps 230 kV line. Scheme is armed if Path 18 northbound flow is greater than 187 MW AND Gosh-Antelope 161 kV flow + 0.68* Antelope Brady 230 kV flow is greater than 158 MW. Scheme operation occurs if Antelope-Brady 230 kV line opens in conjunction with arming conditions. Lake Side I Generation Tripping Scheme PCC-14 Scheme is designed to prevent overloading of 138 kV line between Timp and Hale Substation for the N-2 loss of both 138 kV lines north of Dynamo substation. Generation Shedding at various levels at Lake Side plant by opening breakers at Dynamo. The scheme is armed when the following conditions are met: 1. Lakeside 1 Plant total generation is above 240MW 2. Scheme placed in service by dispatcher OR local operator When the scheme is armed, and the Timp to Hale Line is overloaded (Power flow is above 343MW), a generation run back signal is sent to the plant. If after 14.5 minutes the timp to hale line is still overloaded, a TRIP signal is sent to the Plant. Dave Johnston 230/115 kV Transformer trip Scheme is for preventing overloads on the 115 kV system during outage of 230 kV lines terminated at DJ Open 230/115 kV transformer at DJ when 230 kV lines #1 and # 2 from DJ to Casper are out of service The scheme is manually armed under the following conditions: 1. Both Dave Johnston-Casper 230 kV paths are in service and potential for a credible N-2 outage is identified. 2. One of the following facilities is out of service: a. Dave Johnston-Casper 230 kV line b. Dave Johnston-Windstar 230 kV line #1 c. Windstar-Latigo 230 kV line d. Latigo-Casper 230 kV line When the scheme is armed, the second contingency outage (of a or the path through b, c, and d) will cause transformer T-3745 to trip. Yale Run-Back Scheme Yale RAS Lake Side 2 Generation Tripping Scheme PCC-114 Prevent overloads on the Spanish Fork – Timp 138 kV line overloads for critical N-2 outage on the 345 kV system south of Camp Williams. Generation runback or tripping at Lakeside 2 IF MW Flow on Spanish Fork - Lakeside 2 345kV line is ≤ 0, AND the Spanish Fork – Timp 138kV flow ≥ 252 MVA, THEN a generation runback signal will be sent to the Lakeside 2 plant. Generation runback = (Actual flow on Spanish Fork-Timp 138 kV line – 252) / 0.07. If (after an adjustable time ∆t), Spanish Fork-Timp 138 kV line flow is still > 252 MVA, the system will send a signal to trip the plant. North Umpqua Runback Scheme Upon detecting an overload condition at Toketee Switching Station, the North Upmpqua Hydro control system at the Toketee Control Center is signaled to reduce total output to within the capacity of the line. If after 120 seconds, the overload is not relieved, breaker 2U10 at Toketee Switching Station is tripped to split the system in two, droping up to 85 MW of generation. Loss of Dixonville to Soda Springs Line resulting in an overload of Dixonville to Toketee Switching Station line. Line relays on breaker 2U139 at Toketee Switching Station monitor for overload of the Dixonville to Toketee Switching Station line. An overload condition, based on seasonal rating, trigers a run back of up to 8 generating plants. If the run-back fails after 120 seconds, breaker 2U10 is tripped. The scheme is always armed. Standpipe RAS Prevents low voltage conditions near Badwater substation following loss of the Standpipe-Platte 230 kV line in conjunction with heavy TOT 4A flow conditions. Trip generation at Foote Creek amd High Plains. Scheme will arm for Standpipe-Platte 230 kV line flow above 380 MVA. Generator tripping will occur at the 34.5 kV feeder level at Rock River, Foote Creek and High Plains wind farms for loss of the Standpipe-Platte 230 kV line in conjunction with scheme arming flow conditions. Grace RAS N-1: Grace - Threemile Knoll # 2 138 kV line N-1-1: Grace - Threemile Knoll # 138 kV line + Threemile Knoll 345/138 kV auto transformer N-1-1: Grace - Threemile Knoll # 2 138 kV line + Threemile Knoll - Monsanto #2 138 kV line If current on Grace - Soda 138 kV line exceeds a predetermined value for more than 2 seconds then the Grace RAS Action 1: Trips Breaker CB106 at Grace Action 2: Sends transfer trip signal to breaker CB122 at Soda. If the flows on Grace - Soda 138 kV line (CB106) exceeds 576 amps or 138 MVA then the issue a trip to CB106 and send a transfer trip to CB 122 at Soda that will trip Soda generation if online. Amasa RAS TOT4A The Amasa LAPS is designed to prevent thermal overloads on the 230 kV lines west of Plate substation following the N-1 loss of DJ to Amasa 230 kV line in conjunction with heavy output from wind generation facilities in south-central Wyoming. The scheme trips the wind generation connected at Amasa (Pioneer Wind). When the scheme detects the 230 kV line from Amasa to Dave Johnston is open it will drop the Pioneer Wind generation located at the Root Creek 230 kV substation. When the LAPS detects the 230 kV line from Dave Johnston to Amasa is open it will open the remaining breakers at the Amasa substation, and send a transfer trip signal to the Root Creek 230 kV sub to ensure the Pioneer Wind generation is disconnected. Prevent post-contingency thermal overload on the transmission elements located in the Southwest Utah area by tripping new solar generation in the area. Three Peaks 345/138 kV transformer loss Sigurd - Parowan - West Cedar 230 kV line loss Sigurd - Tushar 138 kV line loss Trip breakers at Three Peaks Substation (Stevensville Collector) Trip breakers at Pintura (Granite Mountain West) Relay logics determine status of breakers at Sigurd, Tushar, Parowan, West Cedar and Three Peaks. Generation at Granite Mountain West is above 24 MW. Removal Year N-1-1 Yes Simultaneous heavy transfer conditions on TOT4A and TOT4B in conjunction with wind generation heavy generation in south-central Wyoming PAC NCR05304 Naughton RAS Pintura RAS Trip up to 610 MW of the southwest Wyoming generation in order of: 1. Mountain wind – tripping up to 140 MW 2. Hinshaw wind – tripping up to 140 MW 3. Naughton coal generation #2 – tripping up to 225 MW (OR Naughton coal generation #3 – tripping up to 330 MW) To prevent generation over-tripping, the following equation will be applied: • Total MW of generation tripping = 1.04 x flow of new Evanston West – 810 MW A line overload condition on either the Longview line, the Lewis River line or the Battleground 115kV line with the Yale plant providing generation to the Merwin switching station in conjunction with out of service of two of three lines. The scheme automatically sends a run-back signal via Ethernet Modbus TCP/IP to the Yale plant in the event of a sustained overload of either the Longview line, the Lewis River line or the Battleground 115kV line. This signal automatically reduces Yale plant generator output until the overload condition is eliminated. The scheme provides analog line current values to the Yale plant control system for suitable ramp rate and control response determination. If the scheme fails to eliminate the overload condition within 60 seconds of run-back signal initiation, the scheme will trip the Lake line breakers at the Merwin switching station, isolating the Yale plant from the Merwin switching station. N/A Seongtae Kim N-2 Heavy and light load levels in conjunction with stressed flow on the PacifiCorp internal Evanston West Path (Naughton – Treasureton 230kV, Naughton – Ben Lomond 230kV, Birch Creek – Ben Lomond 230kV & Railroad – Croydon 138kV lines) Naughton RAS is designed to prevent overloads on 230 kV and 138 kV transmission system following credible N-2 loss of the Naughton – Ben Lomond 230kV and Birch Creek – Ben Lomond 230kV lines in conjunction with heavy stressed on new Evanston West path (≥ 800 MW): Naughton – Treasureton 230kV, Naughton – Ben Lomond 230kV, Birch Creek – Ben Lomond 230kV & Railroad – Croydon 138kV lines. The Naughton RAS is listed as a Local Area Protection Scheme. This designation is appropriate due to the level of generation tripping (< 1000 MW). There is no load loss exposure for failure to operate or for inadvertent operation of the scheme. Impacts of failure of the scheme to operate are limited to thermal overloads on the local 230kV and 138kV transmission systems. Study results indicate that the Naughton RAS is still necessary to mitigate post-contingency thermal overloads on the local 230kV and 138kV transmission systems. The scheme is effective, and no performance violations are seen following scheme action. Yale Run-back Scheme (801) 220-2954 The Yale Runback Scheme is upgraded to mitigate overload conditions on the remaining 115 kV transmission line between Longview and Merwin, between Battleground and Merwin, or between Lewis River and Merwin following the N-1-1 loss of any two of the three lines. The Yale Runback scheme is listed as a LAPS. This designation is appropriate due to the level of generation tripping (<1000 MW) and load loss exposure (<300 MW). Impacts are limited to thermal overloads on the local 115 kV transmission system for failure of the scheme to operate. The scheme is compliant with TPL-001-WECC-RBP-2.1 requirements. There are no system impacts beyond partial and temporary loss of local generation for inadvertent operation of the scheme. Study results indicate that the Yale Runback LAPS is still necessary to mitigate thermal overloads on the Merwin to Cherry Grove, Merwin to Cardwell, and Merwin to Lewis River (Cowlitz PUD) 115 kV transmission lines following the loss of any two 115 kV transmission lines. The scheme is effective for all seasonal load and generation conditions and is always armed. 2016 and beyond 2017 - 2019 PacifiCorp Area/Transmission Planning Overcurrent condition setpoints are adjusted automatically to summer line limits and winter line limits based on calendar date. A delay of 2 seconds from overload condition initiation to run-back signal initiation exists to avoid triggering a run-back during a momentary line fault or other transient overload condition. RAS operates by: 1. ≥ 800 MW flow on new Evanston West path (Naughton - Treasureton 230kV, Naughton - Ben Lomond 230kV, Birch Creek - Ben Lomond 230kV & Railroad - Croydon 138kV lines) AND 2. Outages of Naughton – Ben Lomond 230 kV line & Birch Creek – Ben Lomond 230 kV line RAS is designed to prevent overload on the 138 kV and 230 kV system during high MW flows on Evanston West (Naughton - Treasureton 230kV, Naughton - Ben Lomond 230kV, Birch Creek - Ben Lomond 230kV & Railroad - Croydon 138kV lines) and N-2 outages of Naughton – Ben Lomond 230 kV & Birch Creek – Ben Lomond 230 kV lines. ?11?/?15?/?2017 2017.00 ?12?/?5?/?2017 2015.00 Page of 2.00 12.00 0.00 14.00 2009.00 ?12?/?1?/?2014 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2017.00 ?7?/?1?/?2016 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2006.00 ?12?/?1?/?2014 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2007.00 ?12?/?1?/?2014 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2008.00 ?11?/?1?/?2017 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2009.00 ?12?/?1?/?2014 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2010.00 ?12?/?1?/?2014 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2013.00 ?12?/?1?/?2017 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2014.00 ?12?/?1?/?2014 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2014.00 ?12?/?1?/?2014 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2014.00 ?6?/?9?/?2015 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2016.00 ?3?/?20?/?2016 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2016.00 ?4?/?13?/?2016 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 2016.00 ?10?/?27?/?2016 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 Provide the name by which the owner refers to the scheme. If the RAS is commonly known by more than one name, the official name should be the primary entry, but other names may be entered in parentheses. If the scheme is part of the Major WECC RAS List, indicate the item number from that list. Otherwise, enter NA. This column should contain basic design information such as purpose of the scheme. i.e. Path Rating, arming conditions and the contingencies for which the scheme is designed to operate. This column should identify the action taken by the RAS when it operates. This column should identify how the events that trigger the RAS action are detected, e.g. line loss detection for critical contingency lines. If there is a written operating procedure for this scheme, provide the identifying procedure number or title. If no operating procedure is available, enter NONE or NA. When did the scheme originally go into service? If specific records are not available, a best estimate such as “early 1980’s” is acceptable. Classification identifies the scale of the scheme and intensity of RASRS review. WAPS = Wide Area Protection Scheme Safety Net = scheme mitigates TPL-004-0, Category D extreme events LAPS = Local Area Protection Scheme Identify the group (typically the facility owner or reporting party) that performed the most recent assessment that evaluated scheme operation, coordination and effectiveness. Enter the date of the most recent assessment performed (mm/yyyy) that evaluated scheme operation, coordination and effectiveness. Identify the party responsible to report to WECC for this scheme. Reporting Classification In Service Date Major