HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180207PAC to Staff 19-20 - Redacted.pdfRECElVED ROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER 2018 FEB -7 AM ll:0 1 A DIVISION OF i¼QFICORP .,1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116OMMISSION February 7,2018 Ronald L.Williams,ISB No.3034 802 W.Bannock Street,Suite 900 Boise,ID 83702 ron williamsbradbury.com(C) RE:ID PAC-E-17-07 PIIC 4*Set Data Request (19-20) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to PIIC 4*Set Data Requests 19-20. Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD is ConfidentialResponsePIIC 19 and Confidential Attachments PIIC 19 --(1-2). Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, J.Ted Weston Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.:Brad Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com (C) Jim Duke/PIIC iduke@idahoan.com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIICval.steiner@agrium.com (W) Brian C.Collins/Brubaker&Associates bcollins@consultbai.com (C)(W) James R.Smith/Monsanto jim.r.smith@monsanto.com (C)(W) Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker@consultbai.com (C)(W) Katie Iverson/Monsanto kiverson@consultbai.com (C) Eric Olsen/IIPA elo@achohawk.com (C) AnthonyYankel/IIPA tony@vankel.net(C) Randall C.Budge/Monsanto rcb@racinelaw.net (C) Thomas J.Budge/Monsanto tib racinelaw.net (C)(W) Diane Hanian/IPUC diane.holt puc.idaho.cov (C) PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power February 7,2018 PIIC 4"'Set Data Request 19 PIIC Data Request 19 Reference the Jan 16th 2018 Supplemental Direct Testimony work paper of Mr. Link titled:"\Transmission Project\Gateway_IRP Data 21%US Tax (VL).xlsx": (a)Please explain why the formulas in this work paper have been replaced with a link to the following file:"Energy Gateway GM 2017 03 13 21%US Tax.xlsm." (b)Please provide a copy of Excel the file "Energy Gateway GM 2017 03 13 21% US Tax.xlsm,"identified in the referenced work paper. (c)Please explain why the annual revenue requirement computations for the Transmission Projects,which were included in the Transmission Project work papers accompanying the Company's Direct Testimony,have been excluded from the referenced work paper. (d)Please provide all of the revenue requirement computations,which were used in the referenced work paper to develop annual revenue requirements for the Transmission Projects.Please provide these computations in a manner substantially similar what was provided in Direct Testimony (e.g.the "Generic Model"in the file titled "Energy Gateway GM 2017 03 13 w Bonus.xlsm"). (c)In the revenue requirement computations provided in responseto sub-request "d."of this request,please identify each change that was made to the revenue requirement computations to incorporate the provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,relative to the work papers used in the Company's Direct Testimony. (f)In the revenue requirement computations provided in response to sub-request "d."of this request,please identify any other changes made that were unrelated to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,relative to the work papers used in the Company's Direct Testimony. Confidential Response to PIIC Data Request 19 (a)Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 19-1.The detailed calculations are performed in this spreadsheetand reported in "Gateway_IRP Data 21% US Tax (VL)".The latter spreadsheetwas provided with the confidential work papers supporting the supplemental direct testimony of Company witness, Rick T.Link,specifically in folder "Transmission Project".The spreadsheet contained in Confidential Attachment PIIC 19-1 should have been provided with the confidentialwork papers. PAC-E-17-07 |Rocky MountainPower February 7,2018 PIIC 4"'Set Data Request 19 (b)Please refer to ConfidentialAttachment PIIC 19-1. (c)Please refer to ConfidentialAttachment PIIC 19-1 and Confidential Attachment PIIC 19-2.The spreadsheets contained in Confidential Attachment PIIC 19-1 and Confidential Attachment PIIC 19-2 should have been provided with the confidential work papers. (d)Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 19-1 and Confidential Attachment PIIC 19-2. (e)The Tax Cut &Jobs Act reduced the federal tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent.This had the followingimpacts: Reduced the Company's effective tax rate from 37.951 percent to 24.587 percent. Increased the Company's discount rate from 6.57 percent to 6.91 percent. Bonus depreciation on post-2017 investments eliminated. Accumulated deferred income tax (ADIT)reduced due to the lower tax rate and loss of bonus depreciation. (f)Other changes that are unrelated to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: "Energy Gateway GM 2017 03 13 w Bonus.xlsm":No other changes, transmission models are now combined. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Mark Paul Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power February 7,2018 PIIC 4th Set Data Request 20 PIIC Data Request 20 Please provide the Excel financial models that were used to calculate the nominal and levelized revenue requirements for each of the Wind Projects identified in Table 1SD of the Supplemental Direct and Rebuttal Testimony of Rick T. Link.Please provide these work papers in a format substantially similar to the work papers included in the folder "/Wind Projects"in the Company's Direct Testimony (e.g."TB Flats I 250 RFPBM V13G_EPC_03312017-30YR-GW4_FINAL.xlsx"). Response to PIIC Data Request 20 Due to the ongoing nature of the 2017 Renewable Request for Proposals (2017R RFP),the financial models associated with the 2017R RFP that contain the derivation of inputs used in the system optimizer (SO)model and the planning and risk model (PaR)are considered commercially sensitive and highly confidential.The Company does not typicallypermit access to commercially sensitive 2017R RFP documentation until the RFP has been concluded.Please contact Ted Weston at (801)220-2963 or YvonneHogle at (801)220-4050 to make arrangements for review. Recordholder:Ron Scheirer Sponsor:Rick Link