HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171218PAC to Staff Attachment-5 Utah.pdfWECC WECC Reliability Coordination Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process Rev.1.0 By Reliability Coordinator Western Electricity Coordinating Council November 26,2013 WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL -RELIABILITY COORDINATION 7600 NE 410 STREET SUITE 201 VANCOUVER WASHINGTON 98662-6772 4850 HAHNS PEAK DRIVE SUITE 120 LOVELAND COLORADO 80538-6001 Table of Contents Applicability.....................................................................................................................4 Effective Date..................................................................................................................4 Definitions and Terms .....................................................................................................4 Future Revisions .............................................................................................................4 Impacted Entity/TOP.......................................................................................................5 A.RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process Document .................................................5 B.AdequateCoordination of Seasonal Studies,Plans,Processes and Procedures......6 AdequateCoordination ..............................................................................................6 Seasonal Checklist Forms .........................................................................................8 C.Purpose of Seasonal Operating Studies ....................................................................8 D.Scope of Seasonal Operating Studies .....................................................................10 E.Base Case Development.........................................................................................10 F.Study Outline ...........................................................................................................11 G.Peer Review of Seasonal Studies............................................................................11 Peer Review and ApprovalCriteria ..........................................................................11 ApprovalProcess.....................................................................................................12 Resolution of OutstandingReliability Issues ............................................................12 H.Role of TOPs in the Seasonal SOL Coordination Process ......................................12 I.Role of Subregional OperationsPlanning Study Groups .........................................13 J.Role of the WECC RC in Seasonal SOL Coordination ............................................15 K.Role of the WECC RE in Seasonal SOL Coordination.............................................16 L.Pathllnterface/BES Facility Selection/Deselection Criteria ......................................16 Selection Criteria:..............16 Deselecting Criteria:..............17 Classification:PUBLIC Page 2 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 M.Credible Contingencies............................................................................................17 N.Facility Outages.......................................................................................................17 O.CommunicatingSOLs/IROLs...................................................................................17 P.Timelines for Seasonal Operating Studies,Plans,Processes and Procedures .......18 Q.Controlled Copy .......................................................................................................18 R.Contact Information..................................................................................................18 Version History..............................................................................................................19 Appendix'I':Definitions and Terms...............................................................................20 Appendix'll':Seasonal Operating Study Outline...........................................................21 Appendix'lll':Seasonal Operating Study Checklist Form .............................................25 Appendix'IV':Seasonal Operating Procedures Checklist Form....................................26 Appendix'V':Seasonal Coordination Timelines............................................................28 Appendix'Vl':Seasonal SOL/IROL Table .....................................................................30 Appendix'VII':SOL Communication Table ...................................................................31 Classification:PUBLIC Page 3 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Applicability Transmission Operators (TOP) WECC Reliability Coordinator (RC) WECC Reliability Entity (RE) Unless specified,the requirements in this document apply to seasonal pathlinterface- centric studies and also to seasonal operating studies where multipleTOPs are impacted. This Seasonal SOL Coordination Process is an extension of the WECC RC System Operating Limits Methodologyfor the OperationsHorizon and is therefore a component of TOPs'responsibilities to establish SOLs. Effective Date This revision of the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process shall be fully effective beginning with coordination of seasonal studies for the summer 2014 operating season. Definitions and Terms The capitalized terms used in this WECC Reliability Coordination Seasonal SOL Coordination Process shall have meanings set forth in AppendixI or,if not set forth therein,shall have meanings given them in the current version of the WECC Reliability Coordination System OperatingLimits Methodologyfor the OperationsHorizon. Future Revisions This document is a living document that will be revised as needed to address new and outstandingreliability issues,including the continued developmentof an RC Area-wide seasonal operations planning and assessment approach that is most beneficial to Bulk Electric System (BES)reliability in the WECC RC Area. Classification:PUBLIC Page 4 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Impacted Entity/TOP In several locations in this document,the term 'impacted entity'or 'impacted TOP'is used to indicate the need to follow-up,coordinate and resolve any reliability issues uncovered by a study or analysis.Impacted entities/TOPs are also to be consulted in the developmentof plans,processes and procedures as part of ensuring acceptable system performance. The followingare some of the guidelinesTOPs could use to identify impacted entities: 1.Studies in one TOP Area identify violation of published criteria in another TOP Area. 2.Study results reveal simultaneous interaction resulting in a nomogram relationshipof conditions in one TOP Area versus those in another TOP Area. 3.One or more of the applicable Credible Contingencies studied in one TOP Area results in SOL exceedances in another TOP Area. 4.In the course of base case adjustmentsin preparation for a study,SOL exceedances are observed in another TOP Area. 5.Studies involve transmission paths or BES Facilities that are jointlyowned or operated by multipleTOPs. A.RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process Document This document is the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process referenced in the WECC RC SOL Methodologyfor the OperationsHorizon.TOPs,subregional study groups and the RC shall follow the processes stipulatedherein when coordinating and implementingseasonal operating studies and establishing seasonal SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs).The document establishes the scope,purpose and process for coordinating and implementingseasonal operating studies and developingplans,processes and procedures that support operation within the established seasonal SOLs. Classification:PUBLIC Page 5 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology The purpose of the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process is to facilitate reliable operation of the BES in the WECC RC Area by: 1.Providing a mechanism by which the RC and TOPs ensure that seasonal SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs)are established consistent with the RC SOL Methodologyfor the OperationsHorizon. 2.Ensuring that coordinated operating plans,processes and procedures are in place prior to the beginning of each operating season,and that relevant operating tools are developedand adequatetraining for System Operatorsand other operating personnel has been provided. 3.Promoting effective coordination of seasonal operations planning activities within the WECC RC Area. 4.Ensuring consistent study methodologieswhen performing seasonal assessments,establishingseasonal SOLs (and subset of SOLs that qualify as IROLs),and verifying acceptable performance for the projected seasonal system conditions. 5.Providing reporting requirements for communicating seasonal study results. 6.Instigating peer review of seasonal studies via the subregional study group forums. 7.Defining the specific role of various entities (TOPs,subregional study groups, RC,etc.)in the seasonal coordination process. B.Adequate Coordination of Seasonal Studies,Plans, Processes and Procedures Adequate Coordination For consistency in the WECC RC Area,the followinglist of actions shall define what 'adequatecoordination'of seasonal operating studies,plans,processes and procedures entails.A common understanding of this will facilitate reliable operation of the BES in the WECC RC Area. Classification:PUBLIC Page 6 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology 1.Impacted TOPs have been identified by the TOP(s)performing the seasonal operating studies.This applies to TOPs internal and external to the subregional study group. 2.Lead TOP(s)has been selected to perform the seasonal studies and/or develop operating plans,processes and procedures. 3.A study plan has been developedand concerns from impacted TOPs - including concerns from the subregional operating study groups -have been addressed. 4.Operating studies have been shared among all impacted TOPs and impacted study groups,and the technical study results agreed upon. 5.Transmission path or BES interactions have been recognized by the impacted TOPs.(Coordination of seasonal operating studies,plans,processes and procedures is not lirnited to WECC pathsonly.) 6.Entities with operating responsibilitiesof the identified interactive transmission paths or BES Facilities have agreed on their specific roles and responsibilities in preventing and mitigating SOL or IROL exceedances (e.g.,clear and practical instructions for unloading an overloaded system Facility or transmission pathlinterfacehave been established). 7.Complimentaryprocedures,that supportoperation within the established SOLs and IROLs have been coordinated among the impacted TOPs and these complementaryprocedures have been agreed upon by impacted TOPs. 8.Operating plans,processes and procedures have been developedconsistent with this WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process and other applicable WECC RC Instructions. 9.Where applicable,scheduling methodology(ies)and curtailment plans are in place to preventand mitigate exceedance of established seasonal SOL and IROL. 1 These are specific TOP procedures that include detailed actions that TOP Operators must take to mitigate the identified reliability condition in coordination with other TOPs. Classification:PUBLIC Page 7 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology 10.If operating plans,processes and procedures involve operating within a nomogram due to simultaneous interactions,the plans,processes and procedures must address the specific actions and roles to be taken by immediatelyinvolved TOPs and Balancing Authorities. 11.Where disagreementsarise and cannot be reconciled by the beginning of the season,the impacted TOPs have defaulted to interim conservative operating limits-or other agreed upon limits-and applicableplans,processes and procedures for use while awaiting dispute resolution.The WECC RC will ensure that an appropriate SOL is selected for use in the upcoming operating season.If the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the disagreeing parties,that shall be taken up in the WECC dispute resolution process. Seasonal Checklist Forms To facilitate coordination of operating studies and associated operating procedures,TOPs are required to completethe followingchecklist forms: 1.Seasonal Operating Study Checklist (see AppendixIII): a.Must be completedfor seasonal operating studies where multipleTOPs are impacted. b.Must be completedby the TOP responsible for performing the seasonal studies and shall be attached to the study report. 2.Seasonal Operating Procedures Checklist Form (see AppendixIV): a.Must be completedand attached to the operating procedure for each transmission path listed in NERC Standard TOP-007-WECC-1. b.Must also be completedand attached to seasonal operating procedures that supportoperation within the established SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs)that impact multipleTOPs. C.Purpose of Seasonal Operating Studies Generally,seasonal SOL studies define permissible operating boundaries -SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs)for all elements in service -for the expectedsystem conditions.Seasonal studies also predict and evaluate expected Classification:PUBLIC Page 8 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology system conditions in a given season;i.e.,system topologiesand resource and demand patterns;so as to verify acceptable performance and establish SOLs for the projected conditions. Seasonal operating studies in the WECC RC Area serve the followingpurposes: 1.Verify that the system can be operated reliably given the projected system conditions. 2.Verify acceptable BES performance for the projected system conditions. 3.Establish seasonal SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs)for the expectedsystem conditions. 4.Uncover IROLs for the expectedsystem conditions. 5.Establish seasonal book-ends (upper limits)of SOLs for use in the season,« conservative seasonal SOLs that can be used as defaults if further studies are not performed in shorter horizons,as necessary. 6.Developmitigation actions and developrelevant plans,processes and procedures for preventing and mitigating SOL exceedances. 7.Identify operationalissues that could be encountered given expectedsystem conditions and any expectedlong-term outagesin the season. 8.Identify system weakness ahead of time and take proactive mitigation actions in preparation for the season. 9.Determine interactions and impacts of contingencies (Single Contingencies, Credible MultipleContingencies,and applicable RegionallyCritical Multiple Contingencies)and power transfers on BES reliability. 10.Determine interactions and impacts of operations in one TOP Area on other TOPs. 11.Demonstrate compliance with applicable NERC ReliabilityStandards. Classification:PUBLIC Page 9 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology D.Scope of Seasonal Operating Studies The scope of seasonal operating studies performed as part of the RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process includes the following: 1.SOL studies for WECC Major Paths identified in the NERC ReliabilityStandard TOP-007 WECC-1 Table. 2.SOL studies for other WECC Paths that are not listed in TOP-007 WECC-1 Table that subregional study groups and the RC identify as critical for the WECC Interconnection.This may be based on known or potentialimpact on other paths/interfaces,historical performance,system disturbances,system analysis,Real-time monitoring,etc. 3.Non-path centric studies for verifying acceptable BES performance and establishingnon-path SOLs in a TOP Area,as necessary (e.g.,for load areas/pockets).These non-path centric studies are within the scope of the RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process when more than one TOP is impacted. 4.Other studies as identified and coordinated by TOPs,subregional study groups, and the RC;e.g.,seasonal reliability assessment for multipleTOP Areas or the entire RC Area. E.Base Case Development Developmentand approvalof operating base cases (in both PSLF2 and PSS/E3 formats)4 USed for seasonal studies is coordinated by the WECC Regional Entity. Since TOPs must use the approved operating base cases as starting power system conditions,it is importantthat these base cases (power flow and dynamics) are published by the WECC RE in time to implementseasonal studies per the Seasonal Coordination Timelines in AppendixV. 2 Positive Sequence Load Flow/GE PSLF Software. 3 Power System Simulator for Engineering. 4 Or other recognized formats as determined by the WECC RE. Classification:PUBLIC Page 10 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Depending on the studies being undertaken,TOPs shall coordinate with impacted entities to adjustthe approved operating base cases and reflect the specific conditions being studied.Coordinated base cases must be completedin a timely manner. If there is a delay in the publication of an approved operating base case,the WECC RC and the subregional study group chairs shall convene and determine an appropriate course of action. F.Study Outline For consistency and to aid in the review of adequacy of seasonal operating studies,TOPs shall follow the seasonal operating study outline provided in Appendix II when implementingstudy reports. G.Peer Review of Seasonal Studies The WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process requires peer review and approvalof seasonal operations planning studies by TOP representativesin the subregional study groups to ensure reliability issues are adequatelyaddressed. Peer Review and Approval Criteria Approvalshall be granted when peer review is deemed successful by reviewing TOP representativesaccording to the following: 1.The SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs)established by the study are consistent with the WECC RC SOL Methodologyfor the OperationsHorizon. 2.Peer review has taken place,the established study plan has been followed and the technical study report is judged satisfactory by the reviewing TOP representative(s). 3.Peer review of seasonal operating studies and the established seasonal SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs)by the subregional study group(s)is consistent with the requirements for adequatecoordination of studies stipulated in the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process. 4.All legitimatereliability issues raised in the study review process have been satisfactorily resolved by the impacted TOPs. Classification:PUBLIC Page 11 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Approval Process Each subregional study group shall developa formal study approvalprocess that provides TOP representativesthe opportunity to voice outstandinglegitimate reliability issues.This approvalprocess is intended to ensure that reliability issues impacting more than one TOP have been adequatelyaddressed and that proper coordination has taken place.Approvalof a seasonal study report and established SOLs by the TOPs and the subregional study groups is not intended to guarantee that the BES will demonstrate Real-time reliability when operating within the SOLllROL levels established in the study report. Resolution of Outstanding ReliabilityIssues Satisfactory resolution of outstandinglegitimatereliability issues is in the interest of BES reliability in the WECC RC Area.Where reliability concernslissues are raised, the subregion shall initiate a process to satisfactorily address each legitimate reliability issue. If attemptsto reach unanimity remain unachievable,the subregion shall document each of the minority positions and formallybring these to the attention of the WECC RC to help facilitate resolution.Each dissenting TOP shall provide proof of detriment to BES reliability. H.Role of TOPs in the Seasonal SOL Coordination Process TOPs shall have the followingroles and responsibilities: 1.Appointa TOP representativeto the subregional operations planning study group(s)for the subregion(s)in which the TOP Area resides. 2.Establish SOLs (including the subset of SOLs that qualify as IROLs)consistent with the WECC RC SOL Methodologyfor the OperationsHorizon. 3.Coordinate and implementseasonal operations studies (path and non-path centric)consistent with this WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process. 4.Developseasonal operating study plans and submit to the subregional study group in which the TOP Area resides for peer review,comments,and approval prior to performing the studies. Classification:PUBLIC Page 12 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology 5.Timelyupdate and publish the list of Credible Contingencies for its TOP Area for use in seasonal analysis. 6.Peer review and approve seasonal studies as appropriate.Ensure all reliability concerns from TOPs internal and external to the subregion are addressed before the new operating season starts. 7.Post the approved seasonal operating study reports and detailed results togetherwith the seasonal study checklist to the secure portion of the WECCRC.ORG site,in time to developthe required seasonal operating plans, processes and procedures.The posted results are those that have been reviewed and approved by subregional study groups. 8.Completeand attach the seasonal SOL checklist to the seasonal operating procedure document. 9.Make study cases used to establish identified SOLs/IROLs available when requested by the RC or other TOPs. I.Role of Subregional Operations Planning Study Groups There are four WECC subregions in the WECC RC Area:Northwest/Canada, Rocky Mountain,Arizona/New Mexico/Nevada,and California/Mexico. Four subregional study groups are recognized by the WECC RC as being responsible for coordinating studies within each subregion.These study groups are: 1.The Northwest OperationalPlanning Study Group (NOPSG)representing the Northwest/Canada subregion; 2.The Rocky Mountain Subregional Study Group (RMSG)representing the Rocky Mountain subregion; 3.The Southwest Area Subregional Group (SASG)representing the ArizonalNew Mexico/Nevada subregion;and 4.The OperationsStudy Subcommittee (OSS)representing the California/Mexico subregion. Classification:PUBLIC Page 13 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Membership of the subregional study groups is open to all TOPs in each subregion.To facilitate effective coordination of operations planning studies in a subregion,it is the responsibility of TOPs to actively participate in subregional study groups in their respective subregions. In addition,subregional study group chairs will serve as liaison representativesfor their subregional study groups in each of the other subregional study groups.The WECC RC participates in each subregional study group. The roles and responsibilities of subregional study groups include the following: 1.Elect a Chair who is expected to: a.Coordinate and facilitate study review meetingsand approvalof study plans, reports and related SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs). b.Serve as the liaison for the subregion when interacting with the RC and other subregions. c.Tabulate and submit seasonal SOL table(s)for the subregion to the WECC RC per AppendixVI. 2.Review and coordinate developmentand approvalof seasonal study plans and schedules for the subregion to ensure timelycompletionof seasonal operating studies. 3.Review and coordinate seasonal SOL studies and other seasonal operations planning studies according to the RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process. 4.Where system interactions outside the subregion are known to exist or are identified,coordinate and communicate study results with impacted subregions. 5.Address reliability concerns and issues raised by TOPs internal and external to the subgroup. 6.Identify paths or systemsin the subregion that need to be studied and the system conditions under which they should be studied.Provide pertinent information to the WECC RC and other subregions. 7.Absent a consensus regarding SOL and presented study results,document the majority and minority positions. Classification:PUBLIC Page 14 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology 8.Ensure seasonal operating studies are completedin time for coordinating required operating plans,processes and procedures that supportoperation with established SOLs/IROLs. 9.Identify sub-100-kV Facilities that the TOPs in the subregion must model and monitor as part of the seasonal studies. 10.Provide technical study supportand coordination as requested by the TOPs and WECC RC in support of the developmentoperating procedures. 11.Establish a process for periodic review of the required seasonal studies.For example,if a path has an established critical season,only that season needs to be studied until such time that a periodic review has verified that the critical season is no longer valid. J.Role of the WECC RC in Seasonal SOL Coordination The roles and responsibilities of the RC in the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process include the following: 1.Ensure seasonal SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs)are established consistent with the WECC RC SOL Methodologyfor the OperationsHorizon. 2.Ensure that seasonal SOL studies and associated plans,processes and procedures are coordinated consistent with this WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process. 3.Developand maintain the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process. 4.Ensure consistency in seasonal SOL studies used for establishingSOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs)in the WECC RC Area. 5.Organize and facilitate meetingswith subregionalstudy group chairs to discuss and resolve any outstandingreliability issues related to established seasonal SOLs and IROLs prior to each operating season. 6.Facilitate dispute resolution for legitimatereliability issues related to seasonal SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs).It is not the responsibility of the RC to resolve contractual or commercial issues that may exist between TOPs. Classification:PUBLIC Page 15 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology K.Role of the WECC RE in Seasonal SOL Coordination The roles and responsibilities of the WECC RE in the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process include the following: 1.Coordinate and ensure that approved seasonal operating base cases are prepared,approved and made available to TOPs in a timelymanner in the PSLF and PSS/E formats.See timelines in Appendix V. 2.Address base case issues raised by TOPs and the RC;e.g.,any delays in base development. L.Pathlinterface/BES Facility Selection/Deselection Criteria Selection Criteria: Any path/interface/Facility(ies)that meets any of the followingcriteria qualifies to be selected for study under the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process: 1.Transmission paths applicable to the NERC Standard TOP-007-WECC-1 in the most current Table titled "MajorWECC Transfer Paths in the Bulk Electric System"provided at: http://www.wecc.biz/Standards/Approved%20Standards/Supportinq%20Tables/Table%20Maior %20Paths%204-28-08.pdf. 2.Transmission path/Interface/Facility(ies)other than those in (1)above that impact multipleTOPs. 3.A change in definition of the pathlinterfacepreviously studied in the seasonal process. 4.Studies in the Near-Term Transmission Planning Horizon or other analysis have identified system interactions that point to the need to further analyze the pathlinterface/FacilitySOLs in the seasonal study process. 5.Pathlinterface/Facility(ies)identified by subregional study group(s)or the WECC RC,at their discretion,to study under the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process. Classification:PUBLIC Page 16 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits I-Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Deselecting Criteria: A pathlinterface/BESthat meets any of the followingcriteria qualifies to be deselected from being studied under the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process followingapprovalby the subregional study group(s)and the RC: 1.The TOP(s)has demonstrated that the pathlinterface/Facility(ies)no longer impacts other paths/interfaces/Facility(ies),or any impacts defined are confined to a local area within the single TOP Area. 2.The TOP(s)has shown that the pathlinterface/Facility(ies)is insensitive to seasonal variations in load or generation patterns. 3.Impacted TOP(s)agree that there is no need for a seasonal study and the subregional study group concurs.The rationale for this decision is documented. M.Credible Contingencies See SOL Methodologyfor instruction on selection of Credible Contingencies. TOP(s)shall include the list of Credible Contingencies selected for analysis in the seasonal study plan. N.Facility Outages Major/critical planned Facility outagesthat meet the followingcriteria must be studied as out of service in the seasonal study: 1.The Facility outage spans the entire season being studied,or 2.The Facility is planned to be out of service during the critical conditions selected for seasonal study.For example,if peak load conditions are being studied and the Facility is planned to be out of service during that period,that Facility must be taken out of service in the adjustedstudy case. O.Communicating SOLs/IROLs For the identified seasonallycoordinated SOLs (including SOLs that qualify as IROLs)TOPs shall completethe SOL Communication Form in AppendixVII and attach the form as an appendixto the seasonal study report.This form provides Classification:PUBLIC Page 17 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology relevant information for the established SOLs and shall be reviewed as part of the seasonal study report. P.Timelines for Seasonal Operating Studies,Plans, Processes and Procedures To ensure adequatelycoordinated seasonal operating studies,plans,processes and procedures are in place,and the relevant training and direction is provided to the System Operators and other support personnel prior to the beginning of the new season,TOPs in the WECC RC Area shall meet the specific timelines stipulatedin AppendixV.TOPs and subregional study groups shall take these timelines into consideration when coordinating subregional study group activities. Q.Controlled Copy Only the online electronic copy of the RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process posted on the WECCRC.ORG site is controlled.Printed copies may be out of date. R.Contact Information For information about this WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process,or if you have any questions,please contact rcsolhelp@wecc.biz.Alternatively,contact the followingWECC RC operationsengineering staff: Jaison Tsikirai (primary contact)at (360)713-9048 or itsikirai@wecc.biz Vic Howell (alternatecontact)at (970)776-5573 or vhowell@wecc.biz Classification:PUBLIC Page 18 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Version History Version Date Action By Change Tracking 1.0 11/26/2013 Issued for Jaison Tsikirai Original process document implementation Classification:PUBLIC Page 19 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Appendix T:Definitions and Terms Defined Term.Defined terms and definitions,if any,to be added here. Classification:PUBLIC Page 20 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Appendix 'II':Seasonal Operating Study Outline [Name of Study] Seasonal Operating Study Report For [Identified Season] Performed By: [Name of Entity Providing Report] [Subgroup /Region] [Date] Classification:PUBLIC Page 21 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology [Study Name] [Season] System Operating Limit Study Report Table of Contents Table of contents -needed for large studies to facilitate review Executive Summary 1)Summary of System Operating Limits established. 2)Identification of the limiting or critical conditions,elements,and Contingencies,etc. 3)Load/GenerationImpacts identified. 4)Nomograms to be used,if any. 5)Additional study highlights,etc. Study Scope/Description 6)What is being studied? 7)Geographical overview diagrams,etc. 8)Path/interface or system description (if applicable).Indicate location of metering points for paths/interfaces. 9)Include study scope;i.e.,whether this is a full/comprehensive study,and when SOL Limit was last studied. 10)Indicate what the critical season is for the Path/System being studied. Study Case Description and Adjustments 1)Starting approved WECC Base Case(s)used. 2)Identified changes to Base Cases (include a summary discussion of adjustments made to the starting base case,(e.g.,Load,Generation,and Topology). 3)How System was stressed (include a brief description of major actions taken to stress the starting case to arrive at the studied system conditions). 4)Identification of planned facilities out of service that were studied. Classification:PUBLIC Page 22 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology 5)Table of Pertinent Data (Generation,Load,Path Flows,etc.)for each base case.(This allows for quick assessment of conditions that were studied.) 6)Other Pertinent Study Assumptions Used (e.g.,shunt capacitors were modeled as shunt devices not as synchronous condensers). RAS /SPS Studied 1)Identification of RAS/SPS actions employed in the study (include brief description of RAS and key actions studied). 2)Mention whether the RAS is expected to be unavailable. Study Criteria 1)Include a description of study criteria used in this particular study (e.g.,voltage limits, steady state (post-transient)voltage stability limits,transient stability limits,Facility Ratings). 2)Identify any exceptions used in the study (e.g.,post transient voltage deviation of -16% acceptable at Bus XY following a Credible Multiple Facility Contingency). Post-Disturbance Steady State Study Assessment 1)List of Contingencies simulated (e.g.,SCs and credible MCs applied,e.g.,N-1,N-2, Breaker Failure,RAS Actions). 2)Summary Table of Steady State Study Results (include the most limiting thermal and voltage limits identified and associated Contingencies). Reactive Margin Assessment 1)Identified Cases at 5.0%(SCs)and 2.5%(MCs)of SOL Limit (PVs and VQ.s,etc.). 2)Summary Table of Results (Contingencies,Margin,etc.). Transient StabilityAssessment 1)List of Contingencies applied in the study (SCs,Credible MCs,etc.). 2)Switching Sequences and case data should be available upon request. 3)Any other study assumptions made. Classification:PUBLIC Page 23 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Interactions with Other Paths/Systems 1)Describe identified path/interface interactions,if any,and describe the nature of impact. 2)Include other systems significantlyimpacted,if any,and describe the nature of impact. 3)Information in this section will later serve to identify the TOPs that need to work together when coordinating developmentof plans,processes and procedures that support operation within established limits. Conclusions 1)Summary of significant study findings and proposed seasonal SOLs/IROLs. 2)Include identification of the limiting and critical conditions,elements,and Contingencies,etc. SOL Communication Form(s) 1)Complete and attach SOL communication form referenced in AppendixVII of the WECC RC Seasonal SOL Coordination Process. Appendices 1)Power Flow Plot Diagrams. 2)Stability Plots (Bus Voltages,Rotor Angles,Frequency,etc.). 3)Other Supporting Documentation. 4)Number each Appendixfor ease of review. Classification:PUBLIC Page 24 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Appendix 'III':Seasonal Operating Study Checklist Form Must be completed by the TOP responsiblefor performing studies and submitted with the study report.Applies to operating studies where multiple TOPs are impacted. Seasonal OperatingStudy checklist Form -Version 01 Enter season for which this study was carried out e.g.,Summer 2014 ITEM Description Yes/No 1 Path Number or System Description e.g.,P800 2 Subregion(s)that reviewed the study California/Mexico 3 Path/Facility Rating,if any (may not be equal to SOL)4000 MW East /3000 MW West 4 TOP(s)performingstudies TSX 5 Impacted Path(s)/Systems Path 766,Path 575,Path 367 Impacted TOPs (work with same entities when developing6 TSX,XYZ,WXY,VWX,PQRplans,processes and procedures) Was the study plan approvedby the impacted TOPs and the subregional study group(s)prior to7 Yesimplementingthestudies? 8 Were technical studies coordinated with the impacted TOPs?Yes 9 Are base case adjustments adequately documented in the study report?Yes Does the study report include all sections in the Seasonal Operating Study outline?10 YesIf'No',briefly explain why the standard outline was not followed in this instance: 11 Identified Path/Facility SOL 3850 MW East|2500 MW West State nature of limitation (transient stability,voltage,steady state voltage12 Thermalstability,thermal limited,or other) 13 Have the limiting/critical elements and contingencies been identified in the study report?Yes 14 If so,briefly state,e.g.,Limited by post-contingency 30-minute emergency rating of the Abcd -Efgh 138-kV line for loss of 'wxyz'line 15 Identified Path/Facility SOL that qualifies as an IROL 5500 MW East 16 State nature of limitation (transient stability,voltage,steady state voltage Steady state voltage stability,thermal limited,or other)stability 17 If so,briefly state,e.g.,Voltage collapse following credible double line loss of Line #3 and Line#4;>1200 MW impacted in TOP areas TSX,XYZ and WXY 18 Has an operating nomogram been defined in the study?If yes,briefly describe No 19 Are the power flow plots,stability plots and other supporting documents included in appendix?Yes Study Contacts Full Name:E-mail Address:Contact Phone Primary Contact:Firstname Lastname flastname@top.com YYY-YYY-YYYY Secondary Contact:Firstname Lastname zlastname@top.com XXX-XXX-XXXX Classification:PUBLIC Page 25 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Appendix 'IV':Seasonal Operating Procedures Checklist Form Must be completed by the TOP and attached to operating proceduresfor each TOP-007-WECC-1 Path and for procedures that support operation within SOLs/lROLs where multiple TOPs are impacted. Seasonal SOL/IROL Checklist Form -Version 01 Enter season e.g.,Summer 2014 Date co upleted and posted on WECCRC.ORG MM/DD/YYYY ITEM Description Yes/No 1 Path Number or System e.g.,P800 2 ProcedureNumber XYZ-235 3 ProcedureName ControllingFlow Across Path 800 4 Path or System Operator (designatedoperator)TSX 5 Impacted Path(s)/Systems Path 766,Path 575,Path 367 6 Impacted TOPs XYZ,WXY,VWX,PQR 7 Path/Interface/Load Area SOL 3850 MW East /2500 MW West 8 Were technical studies coordinated with the impacted TOPs?Yes 9 Are the technical studies correctly representedin this Operating Procedure?For Yesexample,are the mitigation actions based on operating studies? 10 Is this SOL different from last submission for this season? 11 If 'Yes',briefly describe why the SOL changed: 12 Path SOL that qualifies as an IROL None 13 Is this IROL different from last submission for this season?N/A 14 If 'Yes',briefly describe why the IROL changed: Is the SOL/IROL transient stability limited?If so,include a brief description of the most limiting/critical conditions below as described in the Operating Procedure. 15 Limiting/critical elements and contingencies:e.g.,frequency dip below the acceptable Yes 59.6 Hz for more than 6 cycles at Abajo 69-kV bus for double line loss of the 'wxyz'and 'abcd'lines. Is the SOL/IROL thermally limited?(If so,include a brief description of the most 16 limiting/critical conditions below as described in the operating procedure)YesLimiting/critical elements and contingencies:(for example,limited by post-contingency 30-minute emergencyrating of the Abcd -Efgh 138-kV line for loss of 'wxyz'line) Classification:PUBLIC Page 26 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Seasonal SOL/IROL Checklist Form -Version 01 Is the SOL/IROL steady state voltage stability /reactive limited?If so,include a brief description of the most limiting conditions and contingencies below as described in the 17 Operating Procedure.No Limiting/critical elements and contingencies: Is the SOL voltage limited?If so,include a brief description of the most limiting 18 conditions and contingencies below as describedin the Operating Procedure·No Limiting/critical elements and contingencies: 19 Are the SOL /IROL mitigation timeframes stated in the procedure?Yes 20 Have these mitigation timeframes been coordinated with impacted TOPs?Yes 21 Is this procedure different from the one last submitted for the same season?No 22 If 'Yes',briefly describe below what changed: Was this Operating Procedurecoordinated with impacted TOPs and BAs?Refer to 23 'Adequate Coordination ...'section:Yes 24 Has an operating nomogram been defined in the operating studies?Yes 25 If 'Yes',is this nomogram included in the Operating Procedure?Yes 26 If 'Yes',have the relevant custom functions,equationsand tools been developed to Yesmonitorthisnomogram? If 'Yes',have step-by-stepmitigation actions with clear roles for each impacted 27 BA/TOP been defined to ensure operation within the SOLs or IROLs defined by the Yes nomogram limits? 28 Have outage limits or an outage study methodology been coordinated with impacted Yesparties? 29 If the outage limits have been determined,are they included in the procedure?Yes 30 If a specific outagestudy methodology has been agreedbetween the impacted TOPs,is YesreferencetothismethodologyincludedintheOperatingProcedure? 31 Has your operating staff been provided training on this Operating Procedure?Yes 32 If no,will the required training be completed before the start of the operating season? 33 Specify applicable sections in the Operating Procedurewhere coordinated mitigation 6.0actionscanbefound;e.g.,section 8.9. TOP Representativeand Primary Contact for this procedure (in case there is need for additional information). Full Name:E-mail Address:Contact Phone Primary Contact:Firstname Lastname flastname@top.com yyy-yyy-yyyy SecondaryContact:Firstname Lastname zlastname@top.com xxx-xxx-xxxx Classification:PUBLIC Page 27 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Appendix 'V':Seasonal Coordination Timelines Must be followed by TOPs where the established seasonalSOLs and IROLs impact multiple TOPs or for those transmission paths that are listed in NERC Standard TOP-007-WECC-1. The following specific timelines shall apply for each WECC operating season: Summer Season: December 161.............WECC RE publishes approved WECC Summer Operating Base Case(s) (heavy load,light load cases,and powerflow and dynamics)in both PSLF and PSS/E formats for use in the seasonal studies. February 16*...............TOPs post the approved summer study plans and Credible Multiple Contingencies to be studied onto the secure portion of WECCRC.ORG site. February 15th.............Subregions complete coordinated subregional base cases,if needed.This is a suggested target date.TOPs in the subregion(s)may agree on a different target date,as appropriate. April 2nd .....................TOPs post the approved seasonal operating study reports and detailed results to the secure portion of the WECCRC.ORG site. May 161......................TOPs post the final versions of the coordinated operating plans,processes and procedures onto the secure portion of WECCRC.ORG site. June 16*.....................Summer operating season begins. Winter Season: April 2nd .....................WECC RE publishes approved WECC Winter Operating Base Case(s) (heavy load,light load cases,and powerflow and dynamics)in both PSLF and PSS/E formats for use in the seasonal studies. May 161......................TOPs post the approved winter study plans and Credible Multiple Contingencies to be studied onto the secure portion of WECCRC.ORG site. May 15th ....................Subregions complete coordinated subregional base cases,if needed.This is a suggested target date.TOPs in the subregion(s)may agree on a different target date,as appropriate. September 161............TOPs post the approved seasonal operating study reports and detailed results to the secure portion of the WECCRC.ORG site. Classification:PUBLIC Page 28 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology October 16t ................TOPs post the final versions of the coordinated operating plans,processes and procedures onto the secure portion of WECCRC.ORG site. November 16t.............Winter operating season begins. Soring Season: August 1"*..................WECC RE publishes approved WECC Spring Operating Base Case(s) (heavy load,light load cases,and powerflow and dynamics)in both PSLF and PSS/E formats for use in the seasonal studies. October 16t ................TOPs post the approved spring study plans and Credible Multiple Contingencies to be studied onto the secure portion of WECCRC.ORG site. October 15th ..............Subregions complete coordinated subregional base cases,if needed.This is a suggested target date.TOPs in the subregion(s)may agree on a different target date,as appropriate. February 161...............TOPs post the approved seasonal operating study reports and detailed results to the secure portion of the WECCRC.ORG site. March 161...................TOPs post the final versions of the coordinated operating plans,processes and procedures onto the secure portion of WECCRC.ORG site. April 161......................Spring operating season begins. Classification:PUBLIC Page 29 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Appendix 'VI':Seasonal SOLIIROL Table Must be completed by each subregional operational planning study group for paths/interfaces/Facilities where seasonalSOLs/lROLs have been established. Name of the Subregion (e.g.,Arizona/New Mexico/Nevada) Name of WECC Path Path Limiting Condition 2014 2013-14 2013 2013 Path/System/Facility Number,if Rating,for current Spring SOL Winter SOL Summer Spring any MW season:(MW)(MW)SOL (MW)SOL (Transient stability;(MW) Voltage; Steady state voltage stability; Thermal; Other (specify)) TOT-29B 500 2750 E-W Thermal 2750 E-W 2620 E-W 2380 E-W 2750 E-W 2100 W-E Voltage1 1965 W-E 1647 E-W 1040 E-W 1725 W-E CITY-1 IMPORT 5000 Steady State 5000 5000 4500 4930 LIMIT Voltage Stability NOTES: 1.TOT-29B is voltage limited in the W>E direction Classification:PUBLIC Page 30 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology Appendix 'VII':SOL Communication Table Table must be completed and be attached to the season study report. Item Description Remarks 1 Path/Interface/Facility or Load Area Path 1000 2 Applicable SOL (state if an IROL)5680 MW For example:MVA,MW,MVAR,Amperes,Hz,kV) 3 Type of limitation represented by the SOL.Steady State Voltage: For example:Thermal Limit /Facility Rating;Voltage Limit (steady state);Limited by voltage at KOFATA 161-kV bus followingloss of the Voltage Stability/VAR Margin;Transient Stability (elaborate)limit),HULU-ZULU 345-kV line Path/Interface Rating 4 Limiting Contingency(ies),limiting conditions,and monitored Element(s)Limited by voltage at KOFATA 161 kV bus following loss of the associated with the SOL.HULU-ZULU 345-kV line. 5 Pertinent prior outage information such as facility or unit outages,if applicable).SVC at KOFATA is scheduled out of service during the entire season 6 Any applicable transient or voltage stability SOL mitigation time durations for N/A use in TOP operating procedures. 7 Anticipated time duration of the SOL's applicability Summer 2014. For example:a certain season,a period of weeks/days,a specific set of hours, time duration related to a certain Facility outage,or other measure as appropriate). 8 Indicate whether this SOL was coordinated with impacted TOPs Approved by NOPSG 9 Is the SOL nomogram related?Yes Classification:PUBLIC Page 31 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013 Version 1.0 Seasonal System Operating Limits Coordination Process WECC RC SOL Methodology This page intentionally left blank Classification:PUBLIC Page 32 of 32 Issue Date:November 26,2013