HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171218PAC to Staff Attachment WY Set 1(1-14).pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP December 8,2017 Roxane Perruso Lisa Christian Vice President and General Counsel The Overland Trail Cattle Company LLC 555 Seventeenth Street,Suite 2400 Denver,Colorado 80202 Roxane.perruso@tac-denver.com Lisa.Christian@tac-denver.com (C) Jane M.France,WSB #7-4828 Sundahl,Powers,Kapp &Martin,LLC 1725 Carey Avenue P.O.Box 328 Cheyenne,Wyorning 82003 ifrance@spkm.ore (C) RE:Wyoming Docket 20000-520-EA-17 TOTCO 13'Set Data Request (1-14) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Response to TOTCO 16'Set Data Request 1.1- 1.14.Also provided is Attachment TOTCO 1.1. S Stacy Splittstoesser, Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.C.:Meridith Bell/WPSC meridith.bell@woo.gov (C) Lori L.Brand/WPSC lori.brand@wvo.cov(W) John Burbridge/WPSC john.brubride@wyo.gov(W) Michelle Bohanan/WPSC Michelle.bohanan@wyo.gov (W) Kara Seveland/WPSC kara.seveland@wyo.gov(W) Morgan Fish/WPSC morgan.fish@wyo.gov (W) Dave Walker/WPSC dave.walker@wyo.gv (W) Perry McCollom/WPSC perry.mccollom@wyo.gov(W) Abigail C.Briggerman/WIEC acbriggerman@hollandhart.com Patti Penn/WIEC (W) Bob Porneroy/WIEC rltomeroyl@giagagrkema(W) Thor Nelson/WIEC toekson hollapínlartcom(W) Emanuel Cocian/WIEC (W) Nik Stoffel/WIEC (W) Christopher Leger/OCA cluistapher.leggggwyo gov (C) Crystal J.McDonough/NLRAgygal@rnc<dlo gl<awlle com (C) Brandon L.Jensen/RMSC brandon@by dfaln co (C) Lisa Tormoen Hickey/Interwest (C) Constance E.Brooks/Anadarko _conrnk@cebrpolsg.cgra Danielle Bettencourt/Anadarko danießeggebiges.com Paul Kapp/Anadarko pim92@spignarg (C) J.Kenneth Barbe/Southland kbarbe@ivsnilarcom Lisa Christian/TOTCO (C) 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.1 TOTCO Data Request 1.1 Please state the width of and identitythe location of the proposed Transmission Right-of- Way across the Subject Lands. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.1 The proposed transmission right-of-way(ROW)width is 250 feet.A map showing the transmission line across the subject lands is provided as Attachment TOTCO 1.1 Respondent:Todd Jensen Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.2 TOTCO Data Request 1.2 Please identifywhat facilities and their location,whether such facilities will be temporary or permanent,in addition to the proposed Transmission Line that Rocky Mountain Power intends to locate on the Subject Lands.For example,this includes but is not limited to access roads,substations,laydown yards and communication sites. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.2 Objection.The information TOTCO seeks is not likelyto lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.Acquisition of all rights-of-wayis not required before commission approval of the CPCN.The Company recognizes W.S.§37-2-205 empowers the Commission to condition the initiation of construction of a project approvedpursuant to a CPCN on final acquisition of rights-of-way,therefore the information sought by TOTCO is not admissible or relevant in this proceeding.See Tri-CountyTel.Ass'n v.Wyoming Public Serv.Comm'n.,910 P.2d 1359,1361 (Wyo.1996).Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: Please refer to the Company's response to TOTCO Data Request 1.1;specifically Attachment TOTCO 1.1.There are no laydown,substation or communication sites on the subject lands. Respondent:Todd Jensen Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.3 TOTCO Data Request 1.3 Please identify all natural gas,oil,or water pipelines,fiber optics,and other utility infrastructure that are either located within or will intersect the proposed Transmission Right-of-Wayacross the Subject Lands. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.3 Objection.See the Company's response to data request 1.2.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: As part of the ongoing final engineering design process,Rocky Mountain Power (RMP) is ready to engage with The Overland Trail Cattle Company (TOTCO)to identify in detail and review the location of facilities such as those described.RMP's plan is to review the project and its potential impacts and to explore micro-siting opportunities to reduce impacts and avoid conflicts with existing facilities. Respondent:Todd Jensen Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.4 TOTCO Data Request 1.4 With respect to all infrastructure identified in response to InterrogatoryNo.3,and with respect to fencing on the Subject Lands please describe the measures that Rocky Mountain Power will undertake to mitigate the effect of electromagnetic corrosion or effects of induced currents. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.4 Objection.See the Company's response to data request 1.2.Without waivingthis objection,the Company responds as follows: As part of the ongoing final engineeringdesign process,the Company will engage with The Overland Trail Cattle Company (TOTCO)to review facilities such as those described in TOTCO Data Request 1.3 (such as pipelines,utilities).For such facilities, AlternatingCurrent Interference,includingcorrosion potential,will be studied to determine any impacts the transmission line may cause.Site-and condition-specific protective mitigations will be designed and installed where indicated.Mitigations may include facility grounding,line micro-siting adjustments,operator protection,corrosion protection,or other appropriate solutions. With respect to fences on the property,the project is designed to meet all National Electric Safety Code (NESC)requirements,includingclearances to avoid induced current on metallic objects,this also includes grounding of all transmission structures.Upon energization of the project,the Company can perform measurements on fences for any induced currents that may occur.If present,the Company will appropriately ground the fence against the current. Respondent:Todd Jensen Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.5 TOTCO Data Request 1.5 Rocky Mountain Power's Application states that it needs a certificate of public convenience and necessity as soon as possible in order to take advantage of expiring production tax credits. (a)How would failure to qualify for any level of production tax credit affect the economic viabilityof the wind energy and Transmission Project addressed in the Application and the need and necessity for them. (b)Explain the economic consequences to the proposed wind farm and Transmission Project and the need and necessity for the projects if the production tax credit is modified as currentlyprovided in H.R.1 passed by the House on November 16.2017. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.5 The Company objects to this request because it is speculative.Without waiving the objection,the Company states as follows: (a)Please refer to the Company's response to Anadarko DR l.12(a)and 1.12(b). (b)The Company has not performed the study.The Company will provide updated economic analysis based on the best available information in its January,2018 supplemental filing. Respondent:Yvonne R.Hogle Witness:TBD 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.6 TOTCO Data Request 1.6 Explain how Rocky Mountain Power has and will coordinate with TOTCO to avoid interfering with the Chokecherry and Sierra Madre Wind Energy Project,which relies on a wind developmenteasement granted by TOTCO to Power Company of WyomingLLC. Specifically,address how Rocky Mountain Power will avoid interfering with the operations center,1101thern access road,and rail facility,as generally depicted on Exhibit A. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.6 Objection.See the Company's response to data request 1.2.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: The Company has engaged in numerous coordination discussions and meetings with The Overland Trail Cattle Company (TOTCO)and the Power Company of Wyomingfor almost a decade.In addition,in 2012,the U.S.Bureau of Land Managementrequired TOTCO and PacifiCorp to conduct joint engineering to co-locate both companies' transmission projects.The Company will address and finalize precise routing during right-of-waynegotiations. Respondent:Rod Fisher Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.7 TOTCO Data Request 1.7 Explain how Rocky Mountain Power has and will coordinate with TOTCO to avoid interfering with agreements between TOTCO and with TransWest Express LLC regarding the siting of the TransWest Express Transmission Project on the Subject Lands. Specifically,address how Rocky Mountain Power will avoid interfering with the siting of the terminal for the TransWest Express Transmission Project on TOTCO's private lands, as generally depicted on Exhibit A. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.7 Objection.See the Company's response to data request 1.2.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: Please refer to the Company's response to TOTCO Data Request 1.6. Respondent:Rod Fisher Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.8 TOTCO Data Request 1.8 Explain whether and how Rocky Mountain Power will work with TOTCO and TransWest Express LLC to: (a)Minimize the number of access roads needed on TOTCO's private lands for both transmission projects. (b)Utilize existing ranch roads to the maximum extent possible. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.8 Objection.See the Company's response to data request 1.2.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: The Company will engage with The Overland Trail Cattle Company (TOTCO)and TransWest Express LLC (TWE)and work on a final access road plan that respects the conditions of the Energy Gateway West Record of Decision (ROD),plan of development, landowner requests,and construction efficiencies for the projects while minimizing the construction of new access roads.The Company prefers using suitable existing roads instead of constructing new roads. Respondent:Todd Jensen Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.9 TOTCO Data Request 1.9 Identify when Rocky Mountain Power is planning on constructing the Energy Gateway South Project,and address how Rocky Mountain Power will coordinate the multiple transmission lines that include the Energy GatewayWest and TransWest Express Transmission Project. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.9 Objection.See the Company's response to data request 1.2.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: The Energy Gateway South Project is currentlyscheduled for completion in 2024.The transmission lines associated with Energy GatewayWest and the TransWest Express Transmission Project have been coordinatedthrough the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)processes for project coordination,path rating,and progress reporting.The Company is an active participant in WECC and was the project sponsor of path-rating studies for all Energy Gateway technical studies and is an active member of the TransWest Express (TWE)project-review group.Independentof the coordination efforts at the WECC level,TWE has initiated the transmission interconnection process and signed a transmission interconnection study agreement with the Company.The study process includes technical studies that will fully evaluate interconnecting TWE's project with the Company's Gateway South and West projects and one existing 230 kilovolt transmission line in Wyoming. Respondent:Craig Quist Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.10 TOTCO Data Request 1.10 Identify when Rocky Mountain Power will commence the permitting process for the Energy GatewayWest project before the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality Industrial Siting Council. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.10 The Company initiated the permitting process with a formal jurisdictionalmeeting and letter of determination in October 2012.The Company anticipates submitting an application to the Wyoming Industrial Siting Division (ISD)in Q2 2018. Respondent:Rod Fisher Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.11 TOTCO Data Request 1.11 Explain how Rocky Mountain Power will coordinate with TOTCO to prevent interfering with TOTCO's grazing leases on Bureau of Land Managementland and grazing on TOTCO's private lands. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.11 The Company and its contractors will work with landowners and leaseholders on an individual basis to implement measures for the protection or relocation of livestock during construction,including the use of temporary fencing and gates,if necessary. Grazing will not interfere with the operation and maintenance of the proposed power line and can safely occur within the proposed right-of-way. Respondent:Todd Jensen Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.12 TOTCO Data Request 1.12 One of the alternative portfolios for the combined wind and Transmission Projects analyzed in the IRP was front office market transactions.Explain how these combined projects that need to be executed on an expedited basis to realize net economic benefits represents the "least-risk resources relative to front office market transactions that would presumably utilize the existing transmission system and not require new transmission across the Subject Lands. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.12 The wind and transmission projects produce a lower risk-adjusted present value of revenue requirements (PVRR)than portfolios relyingmore heavilyon front-office transactions (FOTs)through the near-to mid-term.While FOTs are subject to available market depth and price risks,the wind and transmission resources provide a hedge against market and fuel volatilities,reducing risk.Further,with federal production tax credits (PTCs),the proposed new wind and transmission assets reduce nominal revenue requirement relative to a portfolio without the new wind and transmission within three to five years of being placed in service.The new resources also lower carbon dioxide (CO2 emissions and produce PTCs,lowering net costs. Respondent:Dan Swan/Randy Baker Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.13 TOTCO Data Request 1.13 Produce all leases and agreements Rocky Mountain Power has entered into with the State of Wyomingwith respect to developmentof Rocky Mountain Power's transmission lines on state lands within the last 3 years,includingthose executed with respect to the Energy GatewayWest project described in the subject application. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.13 Objection.See the Company's response to data request 1.2. Respondent:Yvonne Hogle Witness:TBD 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power December 8,2017 TOTCO Data Request 1.14 TOTCO Data Request 1.14 Produce a copy of the Right-of-WayGrant from the Bureau of Land Managementfor the Energy Gateway West transmission project. Response to TOTCO Data Request 1.14 Objection.See the Company's response to data request 1.2. Respondent:Yvonne R.Hogle Witness:TBD