HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171130PAC to Staff 4th Suppl WY WIEC Set 10 (1-4).pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVlSION OF PAOFICORP 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,IJtah 84116 November 9,2017 Abigail C.Briggerman,#7-5476 Holland &Hart LLP 6380 South Fiddlers Green Circle,Suite 500 Greenwood Village,CO 80111 acbriggerman@hollandhart.com(C) RE:Wyoming Docket 20000-520-EA-17 WIEC 10th Set Data Request (1-4) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to WIEC 10'"Set Data Requests 10.1- 10.4.Also provided is Attachment WIEC 10.3-1.Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD is Confidential Attachment WIEC 10.3-2.Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding.If you have any questions, please call me at (307)632-2677.Si5ncerely, Stacy Splittstoesser, Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.C.:Meridith Bell/WPSC meridith.bell@wyo.gov(C) Lori L.Brand/WPSC lori.brand@wvo.gov (W) John Burbridge/WPSC john.brubride@wyo.cov(W) Michelle Bohanan/WPSC Michelle.bohanan@wyo.gov (W) Kara Seveland/WPSC kara.seveland@wyo.gov(W) Morgan Fish/WPSC morgan.fish@wyo.gov (W) Dave Walker/WPSC dave.walker@wyo.gv (W) Perry McCollom/WPSC perry.mecollom@wyo.gov (W) Patti Penn/WIEC PPenn@hollanhart.com(W) Bob Pomeroy/WIEC roomerov@hollandhart.com (W) Thor Nelson/WIEC tnelson@hollandhart.com (W) Emanuel Cocian/WIEC etcocian@hollanhart.com (W) Adele Lee/WIEC ACLee@hollandhart.com (W) Nik Stoffel/WIEC NSStoffel@hollandhart.com (C)(W) Christopher Leger/OCA christopher.leger@wyo.gov (C) Crystal J.McDonough/NLRAcrystal@medonoughlawlle.com (C) Lisa Tormoen Hickey/Interwestlisahickey@newlawgroup.com (C) 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power November 9,2017 WIEC Data Request 10.1 WIEC Data Request 10.1 Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Mr.Vail at pages 38 and 39.Please provide an update to the current status of all permits necessary from the State of Wyoming and other local governmental entities for the proposed Transmission Projects. Response to WIEC Data Request 10.1 On November 13,2017,a formal jurisdictionalmeeting with the Wyoming Industrial Siting Division is scheduled.A pre-application meeting is scheduled with Carbon County November 30,2017 to discuss requirements for the conditional use permit application.Other permits from the state of Wyoming,such as a storm water construction permit or temporary dewatering permits may be required before construction.These types of permits are typically not obtaineduntil justbefore the Company starts construction. Respondent:Rod Fisher Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power November 9,2017 WIEC Data Request 10.2 WIEC Data Request 10.2 Please refer to RMP's response to WIEC Informal Data Request 1.1.Please provide a complete copy of the results for each of the studies identified in RMP's response to WIEC Informal Data Request 1.1 as those results become available. Response to WIEC Data Request 10.2 Please refer to WIEC 7.1 for the D.2 Project preliminary study report which has already been provided. The Company is currentlyediting the "Preliminary Transmission Assessment of Dave Johnston Plant Retirement Impact to New Wyoming Wind GenerationIntegration," which is an internal report (to be completed in mid-November)that will be referenced by the Electranix verification report to be completed by November 24,2017. Respondent:Craig Quist Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power November 9,2017 WIEC Data Request 10.3 WIEC Data Request 10.3 Assuming,hypothetically,that the 2021 Wyoming Wind Resource is deemed to be deferrable by a Wyoming wind QF,please calculate the 20-year avoided capacity and energy prices (2018-2037)that would result using the currently-approved Wyoming avoided cost method (includingthe approved Wyoming queuing approach).Please provide avoided cost pricing for each year as well as the 20-year levelized price.Please provide all work papers in executable format. Response to WIEC Data Request 10.3 Please refer to Attachment WIEC 10.3-1 and Confidential Attachment WIEC 10.3-2, which provide the requested calculations and work papers.For comparison purposes,the Company is providing two versions of avoided costs.The first version assumes that a Wyoming wind qualifyingfacility (QF)defers the 2021 Wyoming wind resource identified in the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)preferred portfolio.The second version assumes that the same Wyoming wind QF defers the 2031 Wyoming wind resource identified in the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective order in place in this docket. Respondent:Dan MacNeil Witness:Rick Link 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power November 9,2017 WIEC Data Request 10.4 WIEC Data Request 10.4 In Utah Docket No.17-035-39,RMP revised its calculation of project benefits.Does RMP intend to revise its calculation of project benefits in this Wyoming docket?If yes, please update Exhibit JKL-2 and Exhibit JKL-3 to reflect any revisions.Please provide the supporting work papers in Excel executable format. Response to WIEC Data Request 10.4 Please refer to the Company's response to WIEC Data Request 9.1 regarding the provision of revised calculations in this docket.The Company will also provide updates to Exhibit JKL-2 and Exhibit JKL-3 in its supplemental filing in January 2018. Respondent:Terrell Spackman Witness:Jeffrey Larsen