HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171109PAC to Staff 3rd Suppl WY-17 OCA 1-3.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIRCORP 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 October 23,2017 Christopher Leger,Counsel Wyoming Bar #6-3963 Wyoming Office of Consumer Advocate 2515 Warren Avenue,Suite 304 Cheyenne,WY 82002 christopher.leger@wvo.gov (C) RE:Wyoming Docket 20000-520-EA-17 OCA 5th Set Data Request (5.01-5.03) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to OCA 5th Set Data Requests 5.01- 5.03.Also provided is Attachment OCA 5.03. If you have any questions,please call me at (307)632-2677. Sincerely, Stacy Splittstoesser, Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.C.:Meridith Bell/WPSC In_eridjith._b_ell@wyon(C) Lori L.Brand/WPSC lorij;ggi_d@wyo (W) John Burbridge/WPSC (W) Michelle Bohanan/WPSC Michelle.bohanan@wvo.gov (W) Kara Seveland/WPSC kara.seveland@wyo.gov(W) Morgan Fish/WPSC mgh_@Æo_.gov (W) Dave Walker/WPSC d Mkg@wyogv (W) Perry McCollom/WPSC perry.mecollom@wyo.gov (W) Abigail C.Briggerman/WIEC acbriggerman@hollandhart.com(C) Patti Penn/WIEC Pfenn@hollanlaart.co.m(W) Bob Pomeroy/WIEC 12om_errofigholl idh_art.cama (W) Thor Nelson/WIEC tue[s_on@holla_ndnart._c_oaa (W) Emanuel Cocian/WIEC etcocian@hollanhart.com (W) Nik Stoffel/WIEC NSStoffel@hollandhart.corn (C)(W) Crystal J.McDonough/NLRA (C) Adele Lee/WIEC Blegkke art.conn (W) Lisa Tormoen Hickey/Interwestlisahickev@newlawaroup.com (C) 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power October 23,2017 OCA Data Request 5.01 OCA Data Request 5.01 Please describe where in the work papers one can find,in detail,the net benefit to customers that results from the new wind proposed by the Company in a stand alone capacity.This information should describe what would the benefit of the new wind be if the Company didn't have to build the transmission projects to interconnect the new wind.Please provide any additional supporting analysis related to the answer to this question. Response to OCA Data Request 5.01 To clarify,the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlinetransmission line is not being built because of the new wind projects.Rather,the transmission line would provide reliability benefits today and relieve existing transmission congestion.Currently,no new projects can interconnect in Eastern Wyoming.In this case,the economic analysis identifies a time- limited opportunity to construct the much-needed Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline transmission project in a manner that delivers all-in customer benefits when combined with the new wind projects.The new line enables interconnection of up to approximately 1,270 megawatts (MW)of new wind resources in the area.The transmission and wind projects are mutuallydependent upon one another-the wind projects rely on the transmission project for interconnection,and the transmission project is supported by the economic benefits associated with the new wind resources. Because it is not possible for the proposed wind projects to interconnect without the proposed transmission line,the requested analysis has not been performed. Respondent:Dan Swan Witness:Rick Vail 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power October 23,2017 OCA Data Request 5.02 OCA Data Request 5.02 Please provide a detailed analysis showing a scenario where all costs and benefits are held out of rates until the next general rate case.This scenario contemplates no revenue tracking mechanism in any form. Response to OCA Data Request 5.02 The Company has provided a detailed analysis of the costs and benefits of the Combined Projects in the filing of the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Jeffrey K.Larsen and the accompany Exhibit RMP (JKL-2)and Exhibit RMP_(JKL-3).These exhibits show the costs and benefits without regard to any general rate case that may occur.These exhibits also apply the ratemaking impact of the energy cost adjustment mechanism (ECAM)on the incremental net power costs under current precedent.Line 23 of both exhibits,"Revenue Requirement after ECAM Pass-through,"shows the net incremental revenue requirement costs and benefits of the Combined Projects after application of the ECAM but before applying the impacts of a general rate case or of the proposed RTM. Respondent:Steve McDougal Witness:Jeff Larsen 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power October 23,2017 OCA Data Request 5.03 OCA Data Request 5.03 Please provide a detailed analysis showing a with and without scenario on the proposed new transmission impedance.This analysis should show and isolate the new transmission's effect on line loss. Response to OCA Data Request 5.03 Please refer to Attachment OCA 5.03 which provides the line impedance calculations and related line loss analysis with and without the new D.2 segment.The followingprovides a description of the methodology and considerations utilized. Line Loss Calculation Overview The addition of a transmission line in parallel with an existing line(s)or path will reduce the impedance of the path,resulting in overall reduced energy line losses (megawatt- hours (MWh)).The impedance of parallel transmission lines is determined by calculating an equivalent resistance (R_equivalent)for the lines.Losses for any transmission line are determined according to the formula I2R (where "I"is the current flow and "R"is line resistance).Line losses before and after the addition of a new line are then compared, with the difference being the line savings attributed to the new line. EquivalentResistance of Parallel Lines Using the Siemens PSS/E power flow program and a range of power flows for the Wyoming area of study,line losses on various line segments were observed and recorded (Attachment OCA 5.03,Tab 1).Using this information,an equivalent resistance (R_equivalent)was calculated (see equations below)for the study area (Attachment WIEC 7.2,Tab 2).The calculation was repeated with the new Aeolus-Bridger/Anticline (D.2 Project)transmission segment.Additional information related to calculating equivalent resistance is provided for reference below. This analysis used hourlyhistorical (2015 and 2016)power flows for the three Wyoming 230 kilovolt (kV)lines that will be in parallel with the new D.2 Project were obtained. The 230 kV lines and measurement points (*)utilized are as follows (Attachment OCA 5.03,tab 3,columns A-D): (1)Standpipe*-Platte 230 kV (2)Spence*-Mustang 230 kV (3)Casper*-Riverton 230 kV Line Loss Calculation Utilizingthe formula indicated in equation "D"below (Line Losses =MW 2 R_equivalent),line losses for the existing 230 kV transmission system between eastern Wyoming and Bridger were calculated (Attachment OCA 5.03,tab 3,columns E,G and I).Line losses were then recalculated utilizing the same power flow with the new D.2 Project in-service (Attachment OCA 5.03,tab 3,columns F,H,and J).The difference 20000-520-EA-17 /Rocky Mountain Power October 23,20 17 OCA Data Request 5.03 between the two calculations for each segment are the line loss savings directly attributable to the new D.2 Project transmission line and total approximately 102 gigawatt-hours (GWh)each year,or 11.6 megawatt (MW)each hour of the year based on historical power flow levels (Attachment OCA 5.03,tab 4). Additional Re uivalent Information To calculate current (I),megavolt amperes (MVA)x 1,000 divided by (square root (3)x kV/1,000)is used. (a) I =MVA x 1,000 ÷ (93 x kV) Since the predominant flow on PacifiCorp's transmission lines is real power (MW)rather than reactive power,megavars (MVAr),the difference when calculating current is very small between MW and MVA.Thus MW flow can be substituted for MVA in the loss formula:Losses =I2R: With substitution the equationbecomes: (b) Losses=(MW x1000)'xR (§3 x kV) Respondents:Craig Quist /Robyn Kara Witness:Rick Vail