HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171102PAC to Staff 57-58.pdfRECEIVED ROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER 2011NOV -2 PM12:I5 A DIVISION OF PAC1FICORP 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 IDAHO PUBLIC Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 UTILITtES COMMISSION November 2,20 17 Diane Hanian Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 diane.holt@puc.idaho.gov(C) RE:ID PAC-E-17-07 IPUC 46 Set Data Request (57-58) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responsesto IPUC 4th Set Data Requests 57-58. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, J.Ted Weston Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.:Ronald L.Williams/PIIC ron@williamsbradbury.com(C) Brad Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com (C) Jim Duke/PIIC jduke@idahoan.com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIICval.steiner@agrium.com (W) Brian C.Collins/Brubaker&Associates bcollins@consultbai.com (C)(W) James R.Smith/Monsanto jim.r.smith@monsanto.com (C)(W) Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker@consultbai.com (C)(W) Katie Iverson/Monsantokiverson@consultbai.com (C) Eric Olsen/IIPA elo@achohawk.com (C) Anthony Yankel/IIPA tonv@yankel.net(C) Randall C.Budge/Monsanto reb@racinelaw.net (C) Thomas J.Budge/Monsanto tib@racinelaw.net (C)(W) PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November2,2017 lPUC 4"'Set Data Request 57 IPUC Data Request 57 Please explainwhy the Company's models (System Optimizer and PaR)included the 300 MW of Wyoming wind in year 2021 in the Company's baseline scenario used for comparison of the Company's proposal to calculate the NPVRR(d). Please provide the specific driver(s)for including it into the baseline.For example,was it included to meet capacity deficits,RPS requirements in other states,etc.Please provide documentation,work papers,and/or model outputs that illustrates the Company's explanation. Response to IPUC Data Request 57 The System Optimizer model (SO model)includes a broad range of expansion resources,including proxy wind resources,that can be used to meet capacity requirements including a 13-percent planning reserve margin (PRM)and energy requirements serving all customer loads.that minimize the present value of revenue requirements (PVRR).The SO model produces a portfolio that simultaneously optimizes all of these factors over the entire study period,in this case from 2017 through 2036.The 300 megawatts (MW)of Wyoming wind in 2021 was selected as a least-cost option by the SO model,recognizing it is eligible for 100 percent of production tax credits (PTC)by being placed in service by December 31,2020.Each Planning and Risk (PaR)study inherits its portfolio from the corresponding SO portfolio. The Wyoming proxy wind resource was not selected to meet state-specific policy objectives,such as requirements to meet renewable portfolio standards (RPS).No state-specific RPS constraints were included in the study.The 300 MW wind resource in 2021 provides capacity through the end of the study term.The selection of the resource indicates that it was a lower-cost option for meeting both peak load requirements and energy requirements over that entire time frame relative to other alternatives.For instance,had the resource been added in 2022, the effective cost would be higher as it would not have been eligible for 100 percent PTCs.Since the model chose to add wind at the last possible time that maintained 100 percent PTC eligibility,it indicates that the value of the PTCs, along with the capacity and energy benefits the resource provided,outweighed the additional cost of acquiring it earlier than resources that would have been needed solely from a capacity standpoint.Because available front-office transactions (FOT)are sufficient to meet the Company's capacity requirements in the early years of the study,the capacity benefits of this resource are small during the first several years after being placed in service. The above explanation applies to all studies,including the baseline study (SENS- RPN-EEN-MM). PAC-E-l7-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 IPUC 40'Set Data Request 57 Recordholder:Dan Swan /Randy Baker Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 IPUC 4*Set Data Request 58 IPUC Data Request 58 Please explain why the Company did NOT use the 320 MW of PURPA wind referenced in Rick Links direct testimony (page 21)instead of the 300 MW of Wyoming wind in year 2021 in the Company's baseline scenario used for comparison of the Company's proposal to calculate the NPVRR(d).Between the 320 MW of PURPA wind,and the 300 MW of Wyoming wind discussed above, which would have priority?If the 320 MW of PURPA wind has priority and was used in the baseline instead of the 300 MW of Wyoming wind,please estimate the change to the NPVRR(d)for the medium natural gas,medium CO2 case.Please provide documentation,work papers,and/or model outputs that illustrates the Company's explanation. Response to IPUC Data Request 58 In cases without any Energy Gateway transmission,Wyoming wind resources behind the TOT 4A cut-plane were limited to 300 megawatts (MW).This limit was based on a review of interconnection studies for wind projects in the interconnection queue,which indicated that approximately240 MW of new wind could be interconnected.These studies indicate that once approximately240 MW of generation is interconnected behind the TOT 4A cutplane,no further interconnections are possible.Any additionalprojects would be lower in the interconnection queue and require incremental transmission investment.For planningpurposes,the Company used 300 MW as a simplifying assumption. This distinction is also made in the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).Please refer to Volume I of PacifiCorp's 2017 IRP,Chapter 4 (Transmission Planning), page 62. The 300 MW of Wyoming proxy wind resource in the 2017 IRP is a proxy in that it can ultimately represent any combination of power purchase agreements,new resources or resource purchases not to exceed 300 MW.As the 300 MW simplifying assumption already assumes the maximum possible interconnection (even above the assessed 240 MW approximate interconnection limit),the 320 MW capacity ascribed to the Boswell Springs qualifying facility (QF) projects would be considered outside the realm of possibility,and is therefore only included in the cases that also include the Transmission Projects.This QF resource is included as a proxy,just like the proxy benchmark resources, representing the potential cost and performance assumptions for wind resources that could come out of the 2017 Renewable Request for Proposals (2017R RFP). The project cannot be interconnected without additional investment in the transmission system,and therefore cannot be included in the simulation without new transmission.Ultimately,the winning bids from the 2017R RFP will be used in the Company's updated economic analysis,which will be filed in mid-January 2018. PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 IPUC 4"'Set Data Request 58 Recordholder:Dan Swan /Randy Baker Sponsor:Rick Link