HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171102PAC to PIIC 4-15.pdfRECEIVED ROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER 2Oll NOV -2 PM 4:37 A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP ID AHO PUBLIC 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 UT ILITIES COMMISSION Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 November 2,2017 Ronald L.Williams,ISB No.3034 802 W.Bannock Street,Suite 900 Boise,ID 83702 ron@williamsbradbury.com(C) RE:ID PAC-E-17-07 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request (4-15) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responsesto PIIC 2nd Set Data Requests 4-15. Provided on the enclosed CD are Confidential Response PIIC 15 and Confidential Attachments PIIC 6-1,6-3,7 and 13. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, J.Ted Weston Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.:Brad Mullins/PIIC brmullins@mwanalytics.com (C) Jim Duke/PIIC jduke idahoan.com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui.edu (W) Val Steiner/PIICval.steiner@agrium.com (W) Brian C.Collins/Brubaker&Associates bcollins@consultbai.com (C)(W) James R.Smith/Monsanto jim.r.smith@monsanto.com (C)(W) Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker consultbai.com (C)(W) Katie Iverson/Monsantokiverson@consultbai.com (C) Eric Olsen/IIPA elo@achohawk.com (C) AnthonyYankel/IIPA tony@vankel.net(C) Randall C.Budge/Monsanto reb@racinelaw.net (C) Thomas J.Budge/Monsanto tjb@racinelaw.net (C)(W) Diane Hanian/IPUCdiane.holt@puc.idaho.gov (C) PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 4 PIlC Data Request 4 Please provide permission for Mr.Mullins to use confidential information that the Company has provided in Oregon Docket No.LC 67,or in the alternative,please provide copies of all data requests and work papers provided to Mr.Mullins in Oregon Docket No.LC 67. Response to PIIC Data Request 4 The Company objects to this request on the basis that it is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: Please refer to the Company s response to IPUC Data Request 2. Recordholder:Kaley McNay Sponsor:Not applicable PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PllC 2nd Set Data Request 5 PIIC Data Request 5 Please provide copies of each official forward price curve that the Company has issued since December 31,2016,including the official forward price curve issued on,or around,September 30,2017. Response to PIIC Data Request 5 Please refer to Attachment PllC 5,which provides the Company's official forward price curves (OFPC)issued: March 31,2017 April 26,2017 June 23,2017 (an abbreviated OFPC produced for the Oregon 2017 July Update Transition Adjustment Mechanism (TAM)) June 30,2017 September 29,2017 Recordholder:Connie Clonch Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 6 PIIC Data Request 6 Reference the Company's October 2,2017 Q2 Avoided Cost Compliance filing in Docket No.17-035-37 before the Utah Public Service Commission: (a)Please provide copies of the GRID model studies used to develop the reference filing. (b)Please provide fully functional net power cost templates,with all macros and links intact,that were used to calculate avoided costs in the referenced filing. (c)Please provide the Demand,Energy Charge,Fuel Price,Delivery Point,and Market Capacity GRID work papers files,in Excel format,with all formulas and links retained. (d)Please provide the Partial Displacement,Wind,and Wind Shaping work papers relied upon in the referenced filing. Response to PIIC Data Request 6 The Company objects to this request on the basis that it is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: In Docket No.17-035-37,the Company's 2017.Q2 Avoided Cost Input Changes Quarterly Compliance Filing for Schedule 38,submitted to the Public Service Commission of Utah on October 2,2017: (a)The Company is in the process of providing Bradley Mullins of MW Analytics,(consultant to the PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers (PIIC)) access to the Generation and Regulation Initiative Decision Tool (GRID)via the internet and access to the GRID project(s)/scenario(s)supporting the above-referenced studies. Access to GRID and its inputs are provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding and may only be disclosed to qualified persons as defined in that agreement. (b)Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 6-1 and Attachment PIIC 6-2. (c)Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 6-3. (d)Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 6-3. PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2""Set Data Request 6 Confidential information is provided subject to the nondisclosure agreements in place in this docket. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 7 PIIC Data Request 7 With respect to the official forward price curve issued on,or around, September 30,2017,please provide the following: (a)The hourly market price file input into the GRID model,including 30 years of prices. (b)Updated Fuel Price GRID work paper,including 30 years of prices. (c)Updated Energy Charge work paper,as used in the partial displacement deferred revenue requirement model,with Front Office Transactions and other contracts based on the reference price curve. (d)The GRID Market Price work paper based on the referenced curve. (e)Any other GRID work papers relied upon for calculating avoided costs that are sensitive to the forward price curve. Response to PIIC Data Request 7 The Company objects to this request on the basis that it is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and requiring development of a special study or information not maintained in the ordinary course of business.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: Referring to Docket No.17-035-37,the Company's 2017.Q2 Avoided Cost Input Changes Quarterly Compliance Filing for Schedule 38,submitted to the Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)on October 2,2017,then updated to reflect the September 29,2017 official forward price curve (1709 OFPC): (a)The Company is in the process of providing Bradley Mullins of MW Analytics,(consultant to the PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers (PIIC)) access to the Generation and Regulation Initiative Decision Tool (GRID)via the internet and access to the GRID project(s)/scenario(s)supporting the above-referenced studies. Access to GRID and its inputs are provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding and may only be disclosed to qualified persons as defined in that agreement. (b)Please refer to the Company's response to PIIC Data Request 6,specifically Confidential Attachment PIIC 6-3. PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 7 (c)Other than the GRID project for which access has been provided as noted in subpart (a)above,the Company has not prepared the requested supporting work papers. (d)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (c)above. (e)Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 7. (f)The Company has not prepared any subsequent analysis. (g)Please refer to the Company's 2017.Q2 Avoided Cost Input Changes Quarterly Compliance Filing for Schedule 38,submitted to the UPSC on October 2,2017 (Docket No.17-035-37).The filing can be accessed by utilizingthe following website link: https://psc.utah.gov/2017/06/22/docket-no-l7-035-37/ The only change between the October 2,2017 submittal to UPSC (and the subject of PIIC Data Request 6)and to the scenario provided in this response (PIIC Data Request 7)is the update to the 1709 OFPC. Confidential information is provided subject to the nondisclosure agreement in place in this docket. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 2.2017 PIIC 2""Set Data Request 8 PHC Data Request 8 If not reflected in the Company's Q2 Avoided Cost Compliance filing,please provide the GRID Retail Load file,in .csv format,corresponding to the most recent load forecast that Company has completed,including 30 years of load data. Response to PUC Data Request 8 The Company objects to this request on the basis that it is not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: The Company's 2017.Q2 Avoided Cost Input Changes Quarterly Compliance Filing for Schedule 38 (Docket No.17-035-37),filed with the Public Service Commission of Utah on October 2,2017,included the Company's most recent load forecast. Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 9 PIIC Data Request 9 Please provide the Company's best estimate of the impact of updating its analysis regarding the economics of its propose projects to be based on the September 30, 2017 official forward price curve,and provide work papers supporting the Company's estimate. Response to PIIC Data Request 9 The Company objects to this request on the basis that it is vague,speculative, requiring development of a special study or information not maintained in the ordinary course of business,and not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. PacifiCorp assumes the PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers'(PIIC)reference to "proposed projects"is to Energy Vision 2020 as defined in the Company's 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)-Energy Vision 2020 Update,filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)on July 28,2017.Based on this assumption,the Company responds as follows: The Company has not produced an updated economic analysis of Energy Vision 2020 isolating the impact of updating to the September 2017 official forward price curve (OFPC).The Company refreshed its economic analysis of its proposed wind repowering project,one element of Energy Vision 2020,with several modeling updates,including updated market price assumptions that are based on the September 2017 OFPC.This analysis was prepared in support of the Company's rebuttal testimony filed with the Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)on October 19,2017,in Docket No.17-035-39.In this filing,the updated economic analysis,which includes updated assumptions beyond the OFPC (i.e.,cost-and-performance updates for repowered wind facilities)shows that the present-value revenue requirement (PVRR)benefits of the wind repowering project have increased from $359 million as reported in the July 28, 2017 Update (Table 3.2)to $471 million assuming medium natural gas prices and medium carbon dioxide (CO2)prices through 2050. The Company has not completed a similar update for its proposed new wind and transmission projects,which are also elements of Energy Vision 2020. Based on the relatively minor changes between the September 2017 OFPC and the April 2017 OFPC,as shown in the figure below,the updated OFPC assumptions would not materially alter the present value of revenue requirements differential benefits of Energy Vision 2020. PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PllC 2nd Set Data Request 9 Nominal Henry Hub Natural Gas Prices ($/MMBtu) 58 $7 S6 $5 S4 a $3 $2 ---Med Gas (September OFPC)-41-Med Gas (April 2017 OFPC) Recordholder:Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07/Rocky Mountain Power November2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 10 PIIC Data Request 10 Reference the GRID studies provided to Mr.Mullins in response to ICNU Data Request 10 in Oregon Docket No.LC 67:Please identify how the results of those studies are incorporated into the economics of the Company's proposal as developed using the IRP work papers. Response to PIIC Data Request 10 The line loss,transmission system derate,and energy imbalance market (EIM) transfer benefit adjustments identified in the Company's response to ICNU Data Request 0010 (inserted below for other parties'reference)are incorporated into the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)results.These adjustments are made out of the model and input into the "SO Model Summary Report"on tab "New FOM Adjustments".Please refer to pages 220 and 221 of Volume I of the 2017 IRP, Chapter 8 (Modeling Results). The Company's 2017 IRP is publicly available and can be accessed by utilizing the followingwebsite link:http://www.pacificorp.com/es/irp.html For the economic analysis supporting the new wind and transmission projects proposed in this proceeding,the line loss,transmission derate,and EIM transfer benefits were incorporated into the System Optimizer model and the Planning and Risk model.Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Company witness Mr.Rick T. Link (pg.24 line 19 through pg.26 line 12). ICNU Data Request 0010 Please provide ICNU consultant,Brad Mullins,with access to all Generation and Regulation Initiative Decision Tools (GRID)model studies and analysis that the Company has performed with respect to new wind resources in the Company's 2017 Integrated Resource Plan,including: (a)The GRID project files; (b)The GRID model conversion wizard; (c)Any GRID input files in Excel format; (d)Any GRID model work papers,with the same level of detail as provided in Transition Adjustment Mechanism filing; (e)Any GRID model scenario files,fully intact,with all functioning macros; PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2"Set Data Request 10 (f)Any subsequent analysis performed using the GRID model scenarios;and A narrative description of all the major GRID molding assumptions,using a format similar to the quarterlyreport that the Company files in Utah, documenting its avoided cost pricing methodology. I Recordholder:Dan MacNeil Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 RIIC 2""Set Data Request l 1 PIIC Data Request 11 Reference the incremental wholesale transmission volumes and revenues that the Company has assumed in connection with completing the Aeolus to Bridger transmission segment: (a)Please identify the amount of the referenced incremental transmission revenues assumed in the Company's analysis. (b)Please provide work papers supporting the referenced incremental wholesale transmission volumes and revenues. (c)Please explain how the referenced transmission segment will allow the Company to make more wholesale wheeling transactions. (d)Does the Company have any existing requests for wholesale transmission service that it is unable to fulüll in the absence of the referenced transmission segment.If yes,please identify all such requests. Response to PIIC Data Request 11 The Company objects to this data request on the basis that it is unduly vague to the extent it fails to mention which document PacifiCorp Idaho Industrial Customers (PIIC)is referencing in its statement in its first sentence,starting with "the Company has assumed ...".The Company does not know whether Pf lC is referencing the testimony in the current case or some other document.Without waiving the objection,based on the assumption that Mr.Mullins copied this set of data requests from those data requests he issued in the Oregon docket as a representative of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities (ICNU), PacifiCorp assumes the PIIC reference to "wholesale transmission volumes and revenues"is to the Company's discussion of transmission-revenue credits related to the proposed Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline transmission line as discussed in the Company's 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)--Energy Vision 2020 Update filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)on July 28,2017 (pages 12-13).Based on this assumption,the Company responds as follows: (a)Please refer to Attachment E to the 2017 IRP -Energy Vision 2020 Update, specifically the rows "Incremental Transmission Revenue,"which are the same for each price-policy scenario. (b)Please refer to Attachment PIIC 0011,which provides the derivation of the range of percentages that served as the basis for the Company assuming transmission revenue credits tied to 12 percent of transmission revenue requirement.The calculation of revenue credits based the 12 percent assumption is provided in the confidential work papers supporting the 2017 PAC-E-17-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 11 IRP -Energy Vision 2020 Update,specifically folder "Transmission Projects",file "Energy Gateway GM 2017 03 13 w Bonus.xlsm",tab "Gateway". (c)The Company has not assumed the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline line will allow the Company to make more wholesale wheeling transactions nor does the Company anticipate that the proposed line will increase wheeling transactions. (d)No.the Company does not have any pending third-party requests for wholesale transmission service that rely on the new transmission segment. There are,however,third-party requests for interconnection service that cannot be accommodated without significant investments in the transmission system,including the proposed Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline transmission line. Recordholder:Shay LaBray /Randy Baker Sponsor:Rick Vail PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2""Set Data Request 12 PHC Data Request 12 Reference the integrationcosts assumed with respect to the Company's new wind proposal: (a)Please identify the integration costs that the Company assumed in its analysis on a $/MWh basis. (b)Please provide work papers supporting the integrationcost assumptions used in the Company's analysis. (c)Please identify the $/MWh cost of inter-hour wind integration included in the Company's July update in Docket UE 323,the 2018 Transition Adjustment Mechanism Filing,before the Oregon Public UtilityCommission. (d)Please identify the $/MWh cost of intra-hour wind integration included in the Company's July update in Docket UE 323,the 2018 Transition Adjustment Mechanism Filing,before the Oregon Public UtilityCommission. Response to PHC Data Request 12 The Company objects to this request on the basis that it is vague to the extent it fails to identify which document it references when it says "reference the integrationcosts assumed with respect to the Company's new wind proposal." Without waiving the objection and assuming Mr.Mullins copied this set of data requests from the set that he issued on behalfof the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities (ICNU)in the Oregon Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)docket which are nearly identical to this set,the Company assumes Mr.Mullins is referring to the integration costs assumed in the 2017 IRP and states as follows: (a)The wind integration cost is $0.57 per megawatt-hour ($/MWh),as reported in Volume II of PacifiCorp's 2017 IRP,Chapter F (Flexible Resource Study), page 133,Table F.22 (2017 FRS Flexible Resource Costs as Compared to 2014 WIS Costs,$/MWh). (b)Please refer to the public data disks that accompanied the 2017 JRP, specifically:Data Disk l_PUBLIC\Chapters Appendix -Public.zip\Chapters Appendix\Appendix F -Flexible Reserve Study\,file "2017 Flexible Reserve Study Results.xlsx",which provide the supporting work papers. (c)In Oregon Docket UE 323 (2018 Transition Adjustment Mechanism (TAM)), the inter-hourwind integrationcost is $0.75/MWh,based on Volume II of PacifiCorp's 2015 IRP,Chapter H (Wind Integration Study),page 100,Table H.3 (Wind IntegrationCost,$/MWh),then adjusted for inflation rate. PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2""Set Data Request 12 (d)The Company is not able to explicitlycalculate intra-hour wind integration cost.The Generation and Regulation Initiative Decision Tool (GRID)reflects perfectly optimized costs for an hourly period assuming load net of wind and solar generation remains unchanged at a single level for the whole hour.The GRID result does not include these additional within-hour costs because it does not include the within-hour variation in requirements or the constrained set of resources available to accommodate those changes. Recordholder:Dan Swan /Teresa Tang Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 13 PIIC Data Request 13 Has the Company performed any analysis to quantify the potential impacts of tax reform on the economics of its resource proposal?If yes,please provide all work papers supporting its analysis.If no,please explain why the Company believes that it is not necessary to consider such impacts. Response to PIIC Data Request 13 The Company performed a tax-policy sensitivity that is summarized in the rebuttal testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,in Utah Docket No.17-035-39.The sensitivity study assumes the current federal tax corporate income tax rate is reduced from 35 percent to 25 percent.Assuming a marginal state income tax rate of 4.54 percent less a federal deductibility benefit of 1.135 percent,the assumed net state tax rate is 3.405 percent.Based on these inputs,the effective combined federal and state income tax rate assumed for this sensitivity is 28.405 percent. The table below summarizes the results of the sensitivity relative to an updated benchmark case,which reflects updated transmission,load forecast,price curve,and cost-and-performance assumptions.To assess the potential impact of a change in the federal corporate tax rate,the present-value revenue requirement differential (PVRR(d))results were calculated through 2036 based on the System Optimizer model (SO model)and the Planning and Risk (PaR)model results.The sensitivity results reflect updated medium natural gas and medium carbon dioxide (CO2)price- policy assumptions. Tax Policy Sensitivity (Benefit)/Cost of Wind Repowering ($million) BenchmarkModelSensitivityPVRR(d)PVRR(d)Change in PVRR(d) SO Model (545)($138)$93 PaR Stochastic Mean ($23)($1 15)$93 PaR Risk Adjusted ($24)($121)$97 Although the overall benefit of the wind repowering project is reduced by between $93 million to $97 million.the wind repowering project still produces net economic benefits for customers. Please refer to Confidential Attachment PIIC 13,which provides the SO and PaR study results related to this sensitivity. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective agreement in this proceeding. PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2""Set Data Request 13 Recordholder:Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 14 PIIC Data Request 14 Please identify the amount of incremental operations and maintenance expense that the Company has assumed with respect to the new transmission segment,and provide work papers supporting the assumed amounts. Response to PIIC Data Request 14 The Company assumes incremental operations and maintenance (O&M)expense for the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticline transmission line of $1 million per year in 2017 dollars.The Company does not have supporting work papers as this estimate is based on management judgment.Maintenance activities include: Line safety inspections Line detail inspections Corrective line maintenance Tower inspections Substation inspections Substation equipment maintenance:relay testing,breaker inspections Corrective substation maintenance Recordholder:Mark Paul Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 15 PIIC Data Request 15 Reference the capital cost of the proposed Aeolus to Bridger transmission segment: (a)Please identify the total amount of capital cost that the Company has assumed with respect to the referenced transmission segment. (b)Please provide an explanation of how the Company derived its capital cost estimate. (c)Please provide work papers supporting its capital cost estimate,including itemization of each identified component of the estimated capital costs. (d)Please identify any contingency that the Company has included in its estimate. (e)Please identify any risks that the Company has considered which might cause the actual capital costs associated with building the referenced transmission segment to exceed the estimates the Company used in its analysis. Confidential Response to PIIC Data Request 15 (a)ofr 500/345 kilovolt (kV)transmission line. (b)The Company developed the estimate using quantity models from the preliminary transmission-line design with historical unit pricing from previous projects (adjusted for inflation as necessary).Substation estimates were derived from models of substation components and equipment based on conceptual one-line diagrams.Construction costs were estimated using historical unit prices and major equipment prices were evaluated by requesting budgetary quotes from manufacturers. (c)The cost studies for the project contain commercially sensitive information and are considered highly conndential.The Company requests special handling. Public disclosure of this information before completion of the competitive bidding process in 2018 could negatively impact the responses from bidders with potential for the company to not secure the most cost-efficient proposal.Please contact Ted Weston at (801)220-2963 to make arrangements for review. (d)The Company has presented the transmission cost estimate with a plus or minus 15 percent accuracy given the early nature of the estimate and pending fmalization of the scope and approach.The estimate values used historical pricing from previous projects (adjusted for inflation as necessary),and the historical pricing units were from engineer,procure and construct (EPC)contracts and PAC-E-17-07/Rocky Mountain Power November 2,2017 PIIC 2nd Set Data Request 15 contained contractor contingencies representing such risks as soils,production rates,weather,environmental constraints.In addition,the Company prepared a risk evaluation to determine potential cost and schedule risks;the values determined from this process identified that the risk profile was within the overall accuracy of the project cost estimate. (e)The risk/uncertainty assessments correlate closely to the cost study data and therefore could also impact the competitive bidding process if made public at this time.The Company considers this information commercially sensitive and highly confidential.The Company requests special handling.Please contact Ted Weston at (801)220-2963 to make arrangements for review. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Todd Jensen Sponsor:Rick Vail