HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171016Attachment 55.pdfGATEWAY WEST TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT Pre-construction Items,including Notices to Proceed for Segments 1 --4 Applicable to the Shirley Basin to Aeolus to Jim Bridger Segments (Greyed rows are completed) October 6,2017 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) Master Plan of Most recent version See Construction Spread There are 17 Appendices (C -S) Development August 2013 POD.in the Master POD that may be (POD)reviewed and approved individually or in groups.(For Segments 1 -4)Finalized by Construction NOTE:Two Master POD are ROW Grant _Contractor anticipated,one for Segments 1 - Y 4 and the other for Segments 5 -Stipulationla 10. Since the company is proceeding with only portions of Segments 1 -4,a Master POD won't be developed,just the specific Constructiog Spreg PODs. Environmental Accepted in RODCompliancePOD,AppendixC Y (11/12/13)Management Plan 1 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) Reclamation Plan NLTI one year prior to Develop specific reclamation construction 4/1/18 monitoringrequirements, including seed mixes and .monitoringsites (POD,AppendixFrameworkPlaninD-Section 5 &7). POD -finalized byPOD,AppendixD Y Construction NLT 120 days prior to Finalize Plan (POD Appendix D, Contractor construction 12/1/18 Section 1.2). Plan reviewedby BLM Field Office Staffwith acceptance by Authorized Officer. Noxious Weed Plan NLT one year prior to Coordinate with BLM.to identify construction -4/1/18 weed species to target for preconstruction surveys and location reporting format. Conduct surveys.(POD, Appendix E,Section 4.2). ROW Grant -Framework Plan in Plan submitted for reviewbyStipulations10&11 Y POD -finalized by BLM Field Office Staffwith Construction acceptance by Authorized POD,AppendixE Contractor officer. NLT 120 days prior to construction 12/1/18 Determine if any preconstruction surveys required or planned -- see EPM REC-14. Pesticide Use Proposals reviewed and approved (EPM:REC-5) 1This tracking sheet was developed collaboratively with the Bureau of Land Management project manager.The No Later Than (NLT)dates listed represent Bureau of Land Management's initial recommended submittal dates.These dates will be refined as EPC work plans are submitted in December 2017 and a Compliance Inspection Contract is awarded the end of January 2018. 2 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) Stormwater NLT 120 days prior to Coordinated with approvals from Pollution Framework Plan in construction 12/1/18 WY DEQ (POD Appendix F, Prevention Plan POD -finalized by Section 2). POD,AppendixF Y Construction Plan reviewedby BLM FieldContractorOfficeStaffwithacceptanceby Authorized Officer. Spill Prevention,NLT 120 days prior to Designates locations for storage, Containment,and .construction 12/1/18 refueling,and lubrication of Countermeasures Framework Plan in equipment and materials (POD POD -finalized by Appendix G,Sections 1 &4).Plan POD,AppendixG Y Construction Contractor Plan reviewedby BLM Field Office Staffwith acceptance by Authorized Officer. Plant and Wildlife Framework Plan in NLT 120 days prior to Plan reviewedby BLM Field Conservation POD -finalized by construction 12/1/18 office Staffwith acceptance by Measures Plan POD,AppendixH Y Construction Authorized Officer. Contractor Wetland Delineation for denied Prior to construction,Right of entry needed for Delineations EPM:WET-2 N access parcels pending needed for 404 permit multiple parcels in Wyoming. ROE.Elmg. Stream,Wetland,NLT 120 days prior to Coordinate with USACE Well and Spring Framework Plan in construction 12/1/18 permitting (POD Appendix I, Protection Plan POD -finalized by Section 1). POD,AppendixI Y Construction Plan reviewedby BLM FieldContractorOfficeStaffwithacceptanceby Authorized Officer. 3 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) Paleontological NLT 6 months prior to Conduct preconstruction surveys Resources Plan construction 10/1/18 in Class 3,4,and 5 Areas to establish construction monitoringFrameworkPlaninlocations(POD Appendix J,POD,AppendixJ Y POD -finalized by Section 5 and EPM PALEO-5). EPM:PALEO-5 Construction Contractor Plan reviewedby regional Paleontologist in Wyoming State Office with acceptance by Authorized Officer. Agriculture Accepted in ROD Protection Plan POD,AppendixK Y (11/12/13) Traffic and NLT 9 months prior to Finalize project network,assign Transportation Plan construction 7/1/18 road disturbance types,and document preconstruction road Framework Plan in conditions.Coordinate with state POD -finalized by and county highway departments POD,AppendixL Y (POD,Appendix L,Sections 1,5Constructionand8).Contractor Plan reviewedby BLM Field Office Staffwith acceptance by Authorized Officer. Blasting Plan Framework Plan in NLT 120 days prior to POD,Appendix M,Section 1 POD -finalized by construction 12/1/18 POD,AppendixM Y Plan reviewedby BLM FieldConstructionOfficeStaffwithacceptancebyContractorAuthorizedOfficer. Erosion,Dust Framework Plan in NLT 120 days prior to POD,Appendix N,Section 1 Control and Air POD -finalized by construction 12/1/18 uali Pl POD,AppendixN Y Plan reviewedby BLM FieldQtyanConstructionOfficeStaffwithacceptancebyContractorAuthorizedOfficer. Fire Prevention and Framework Plan in NLT 120 days prior to POD,Appendix O,Section 1 SuppressionPlan POD,AppendixO Y POD -finalized by construction 12/1/18 4 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) Construction Plan reviewed by BLM Fire Contractor Personnel with acceptance by Authorized Officer. Hazardous Framework Plan in NLT 120 days prior to POD,Appendix P,Section 1 Materials POD -finalized by construction 12/1/18 Management Plan POD,AppendixP Y Plan reviewed by BLM FieldConstructionOfficeStaffwithacceptancebyContractorAuthorizedOfficer. Construction Framework Plan in NLT 120 days prior to POD,Appendix Q,Section 1 Emergency POD -finalized by construction 12/1/18 Preparedness and POD,AppendixQ Y Plan reviewed by BLM Field Response Plan Construction Office Staffwith acceptance byContractorAuthorizedOfficer. Operations,NLT 120 days prior to Maintenance and Complete except for construction 12/1/18POD,AppendixR YEmergency emergency contact list Response Plan Cultural Resources Accepted in ROD Additional Cultural NTP Protection Plan POD,AppendixS Y (11/12/13)requirements on page 10. Preconstruction Accepted in ROD InformationalAppendix Checklist POD,AppendixT N (11/12/13) Flagging,Fencing Framework Plan in NLT 120 days prior to POD,Appendix U,Section 1 and Signage Plan POD -finalized by construction 12/1/18 POD,AppendixU Y Plan reviewed by BLM FieldConstructionOfficeStaffwithacceptancebyContractorAuthorizedOfficer PacifiCorp's Transmission Accepted in RODPOD,AppendixV YConstruction (11/12/13) Standards PacifiCorp's and .Accepted m RODIdahoPower's POD,AppendixW Y (11/12/13)Vegetation 5 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) Management Program Legal Land POD,AppendixX N Accepted in ROD InformationalAppendix Descriptions (11/12/13) Other Information Accepted in ROD Placeholder AppendixPOD,AppendixY N (11/12/13) Environmental Accepted in RODPOD,AppendixZ YProtectionMeasures (11/12/13) Construction Number and location of First draft for BLM review Construction POD specific to the Spread PODs spreads determinedby January 2019. ROW Grant -construction contractor.Y Contents follow Draft BLMStipulation1bHandbookH-2801-1 and include items 10,13,16,17,18,33 and 34 from Appendix T of the POD. Preconstruction Survey plans and NTP for each species,approved Special Status protocols for each individually or in groups. Species Surveys species listed below are (Listed Below)currentlyunder reviewROWGrant--Y for the 2018 fieldStipulation1cseasonforapproval by each Bureau of Land Managementfield office. Bald Eagle FEIS 3.11-16,3.11-March --July Habitat in Segments 1 --10. 43 Y EPM:WILD-4 BurrowingOwl FEIS 3.11-16,3.11-Habitat in Segments 1 -10. 45 Y EPM:WILD-4 Ferruginous Hawk FEIS 3.11-16 Y Habitat in Segments 1 --10 6 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) EPM:WILD-4 Greater Sage-grouse FEIS 3.11-16 Y April -Mid-May (lek Habitat in Segments 1 -10. EPM:TESWL-5 surveys) Midget Faded Mid-June Habitat in Segment 3 betweenEPM:TESWL-13 Y MP 11-76Rattlesnake Migratory Birds Segments 1 -10.Only required if vegetative clearing is not EPM:WILD-9 Y completed before breeding season (generally April 15 through July 31) Mountain Plover FEIS 3.11-16,3.11-Habitat in Segments 1 -4,WY 47 Y only. Pygmy Rabbit FEIS 3.11-16,3.11-Y Habitat in Segments 2 -10. 48 Other Raptor Includes Golden Eagle,Prairie Species EPM:WILD-4 &8 Y Falcon,Red-tailed Hawk,and Swainson's Hawk White-tailed Prairie FEIS 3.11-17,3.11-Habitat in Segments 1 -4. Dog 49 Y EPM:TESWL-3 WyomingPocket FEIS 3.11-17,3.11-Y Habitat in Segments 2 -4. Gopher 50 Blowout Penstemon No suitable habitat in June Endangered species in Wyoming EPM:TESPL-1 Y project area per BA.only. FWS concur in BO. .NTP issued 8/27/15NoSurveyrequired Colorado Butterfly No suitable habitat in July --September Threatened species in Wyoming Plant project area per BA.only.EPM:TESPL-2 Y .FWS concur m BO.NTP issued 8/27/15NoSurveyrequired Rare Plant Survey EPM:TESPL-3 Y Survey for plants on BLM &FS special status species lists. 7 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) okseCcrheek EPM:TESPL-6 Y No survey required for May --June Candidate species in Idaho only Segments 1 -4.(Alternative7K). Slickspot EPM:TESPL-4 Y No survey required for April --May Habitat in Segments 8 &9. Peppergrass Segments 1 -4.Multi-year (3)survey required. Ute Ladies'-tresses Survey completed August No additional survey required per through 2014.No email from FWS on 7/01/15. EPM:TESPL-7 Y plants found. BLM accepted survey 6/10/14 and 2/23/15. Wyoming Sage-9/6/17 Agency meeting Working with agencies to grouse Mitigation and field trip to discuss Run HEA model by end of establish oversight committee to Plan HEA approach and Q4 2017 administer mitigation projects Agency review Ql 2018 and funding by Ql 2018.On ROW Grant - schedule·Finalize HEA Q2 2018 track. Y IdentifypotentialStipulation1dmitigation projects/opportunities Q2 2018 Final approval/NTPQ3 2018 Migratory Bird v.BLM accepted Plan Funding will be provided NTP issued when funding Habitat ROW Grant -12/19/14 with March 2019.provided.YConservationPlanStipulation1e exception to finalize fund administration 8 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) Class III Inventory Amended PA signed Final Class III Report on Class III reviewproceeds as Reports by FO 2/17/16,dictates Class track for submittal to follows: Bureau of Land 1.Initial reviewby BonniIIIReportformatfor .Management on 12/15/17 Bruce or ISOWyommgwhichwillprovidebasis2.Draft Report to each FO for developing specific 3.Returned to AECom for 2nd Amended PA out Historic Properties corrections for signature 10/4/17 to Treatment Plans.4.Second reviewby FO 5.Returned to AECom forNationalHistoricNaddressthecurrentcorrectionsPreservationActsegmentphasing·6.Final Reviewand acceptance by FO BLM/Native American 7.NativeAmerican consultation to be consultation 8.Review by SHPOinitiatedFall20179.Returned to SWCA for(Step 7)-corrections 10.Final Acceptance Draft Class III Report submitted 3/13/201 / Rawlins FO -Class FinalizingClass III December 2017 III Report N report Rock Springs FO -FinalizingClass III December 2017 Class III Report N report 9 Notice to ITEM Reference Proceed Status Timing Remarks/Comments (Y/N) Project-wide v.1 submitted 12/18/12 Umbrella HPTP revised Trails included in Segment Plans. Historic Properties v.2 submitted 9/12/13 submittal due 02/x/2018 Concurring parties review .complete.Accepted by WYTreatmentPlaninPOD.Plan Acceptance May BLM.Finahzed after ConcurringROWGrant-v.3 submitted 2018 Parties review.Only BLM andStipulation1fY8/15/2015 SHPO need accept. POD AppendixS,v.4 submitted 02/02/16 BLM coordinating Attach.S-2 handling of NAGPRA,etc.Site-specific treatment plans -with WY SHPO for determined by Class III reportFOreviewcompleted.finalization review(ROW Grant Stipulation lg). Work Element Will be developedat May 2018 Segment Plan coverages based on HPTP -Shirley ROW Grant -completion of Class III this phase of the overallGateway Basin -Aeolus -Stipulation1g report for this segment.West project. Jim Bridger Platte River Water needs Reviewof water use Payment made to FWS on Recovery determined by proposed by the contractor amount of water withdrawnfromROWGrant-(Fall 2018 LNTP).Not to basin.NTP issued with FWSAgreementYconstructioncontractorStipulation1hexceed(96 acre-confirms payment received.NO feet/year:31.3 M gallons)new net depletion letter received from State Engineer 4/18/2013 Upper Colorado Water needs Determine needed action Proponents intend to obtain water River Endangered .determined by when water source and fromsources with existingEndangeredSpeciesamountknown.consultation.If obtamed fromFishRecoveryNconstructioncontractor.Act Fall 2018 after LNTP non-consultation sources,Program consultation and a payment to FWS is required Construction/BLM requests bond NLT 6 Bond amount determined based Reclamation Bond ROW Grant -months prior to on the Final Plans of Stipulation1k,construction.Bond in Development and the .Y place NLT 90 days prior to Reclamation,Restoration andTermandCondition.construction.Revegetation Plan;followmg guidance in BLM Manual 2885.11E 10 11