HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170918PAC to Staff 13 16 24 34-47.pdfROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 September 18,2017 Diane Hanian Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 RE:ID PAC-E-17-07 IPUC 16 Set Data Request (1-47) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 1st Set Data Requests 1.1- 1.47 Data Requests IPUC 13,16,24,29 and 34-47.Provided on the enclosed CD are Confidential Attachments IPUC 14,37,39,40-1 and 41-1.Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, J.Ted Weston Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.:Diane Hanian/IPUC diane.holt@puc.idaho.gov (C) Ronald L.Williams/PIIC ron@williamsbradbury.com Jim Duke/PIIC jduke@idahoan.com (W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk@byui.edu(W) Val Steiner/PIIC val.steiner@agrium.com (W) Brian C.Collins/Brubaker &Associates bmm (C)(W) James R.Smith/Monsanto s (C)(W) Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker consultbai.com (C)(W) Katie Iverson/Monsanto (C) Eric Olsen/IIPA elo@achohawk.com (C) AnthonyYankel/IIPA tonv@vankel.net (C) Randall C.Budge/Monsanto reb@racinelaw.net(C) Thomas J.Budge/Monsantogb@racinelaw.n_et (C)(W) PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 1st Set Data Request 13 IPUC Data Request 13 In order for customers to realize the full net benefits of the project as proposed by the Company,the Company will need to execute its plan on schedule and under proposed cost estimates.Below are three potential conditions that would put ratepayer net benefits at risk.For each circumstance below,please describe how the Company would ensure customers are compensated for lost benefits or increased costs that are the Company's responsibility. (a)Reduction in PTC Benefits related to non-attainment of IRS Safe Harbor requirements (not meeting requirements necessary for 100%of PTC); (b)Reduction in PTC,NPC,and wholesale wheeling revenue benefits related to late schedule completion; (c)Cost overruns due to construction,capital infrastructure cost,cost to establish right-of-way,permitting,etc. Response to IPUC Data Request 13 The Company's approach to the Combined Projects is to mitigate risk and ensure that appropriate off-ramps exist in the project review,approval,and implementation processes before significant capital outlays or commitments are made in case the necessary approvals are not received,project economic benefits erode,or the associated benefits are placed at risk.With timely regulatory reviews and approvals,and successful transmission rights-of-wayacquisition,the Company fully expects it will successfully meet the requirements necessary to ensure eligibilityfor 100%of the production tax credits (PTCs)and receive net power costs (NPC)and wholesale wheeling revenue benefits available throughthe Combined Projects.While some risks may materialize during implementation of the Combined Projects,the Company also anticipates other benefits may become available (for example,savings on project costs),resulting in the forecasted net benefits being achieved.It is the net benefit projections in aggregate that support the prudence of the Combined Projects.The Company's projections of costs and benefits for the Combined Projects are reasonable and achievable and,as stated on page four in the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,"will produce customer benefits that significantlyoutweigh costs."The three categories identified in the request are components of the overall net benefit calculation.To the extent that a material risk is realized during the implementation of the projects that reduces the net benefits of the Combined Projects,the Company has proposed a regulatory adjustment mechanism that would capture that difference.The Company's approach to management of the material risks would be subject to prudence review because the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)will ultimatelyhave the opportunity to review the PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 13 construction costs and implementation of the Combined Projects and make a determination on the prudence of the actual costs incurred. Recordholder:Chad Teply Sponsor:Chad Teply PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16*Set Data Request 16 IPUC Data Request 16 Please list and quantifythe potential for schedule delay related to: (a)Jurisdictional approval (b)Permitting (c)Procurement (d)Construction Response to IPUC Data Request 16 The Company structures and manages its major construction projects on a firm, date-certain,fixed-price,turnkeycontract basis.The Company has managed multiple major projects that required the work be completed by a date certain or where the work was tied into an existing system within a short planned-outage window or closely coordinatedwith delivery of transmission system network upgrades.Examples of these projects include: a.Dunlap wind farm b.High Plains wind farm c.McFadden Ridge I wind farm d.Populus-to-Terminal 345kV transmission line e.Sigurd-to-Red-Butte transmission line f.Mona-to-Oquirrhtransmission line g.Lake Side 2 Combined Cycle natural gas facility h.Jim Bridger Units 3 &4 Selective Catalytic Reduction systems i.Naughton 1 &2 Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems j.Hunter 1 &2 and Huntington1 &2 Pulse Jet Fabric Filters k.Wyodak Pulse Jet Fabric Filter 1.Dave Johnston Units 3 &4 Pulse Jet Fabric Filters &Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems (a)Near-term critical path milestones associated with jurisdictional approvals include securing the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) from the Wyoming Public Service Commission (WPSC)and the permit for the transmission Projects from the Wyoming Industrial Siting Council (ISC). The Company's critical-path schedule for the Transmission Projects included in the initial filing assumes a March 30,2018,receipt date for the CPCN and a December 31,2018,receipt date for the ISC permit.As a result of subsequent scheduling conferences in the various states and hearingtimelines,the company anticipates that it will have commission decisions on or about April 6,2018.Timely receipt of the CPCN is intended to allow rights-of-way PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 16 acquisition for the 500-kV transmission infrastructure to be completed by March 31,2019.Compression of any of these critical-path activities could place the planned 500-kV transmission infrastructure construction start of April 1,2019,at risk of delay;however,the Company has not quantified this risk and is mitigating risk and ensuring that appropriateoff-ramps exist in the project review,approval,and implementation processes before significant capital outlays or commitments are made. (b)See response to subpart (a)above.In addition,the Transmission Projects' current critical-path schedule assumes completion of the federal Record of Decision (ROD)requirements for cultural studies and mitigation plans by December 31,2018,again with potential day-for-day delay consequences, although not currentlyexpected to be critical-path activities.The Company is engaged with all agencies in finalizing all of the Notice to Proceed requirements in the Energy Gateway West ROD and has an agreed schedule for completing all of the items with the agencies.Field work is on schedule in 2017 and for all permits to be acquired to meet the schedule submitted with the CPCN application.The most critical item is Section 106 National Historic Properties Act compliance,sufficient field work for the Cultural Report is on schedule to be completed in 2017.For the 230 kilovolt (kV)network upgrades a strategy and schedule has been agreed to with the agency and field work already began. (c)Due to timing of the Company's efforts to support its approval filings, stakeholder reviews,and request for proposals process,procurement of major equipment and negotiation of major engineer-procure-constructcontracts are not expected to become critical-path activities.These procurement efforts are already underway. (d)Balance-of-Plant construction contractors and equipment suppliers will be held to key construction and delivery milestones and development of compressed schedule mitigation plans,if required.Construction contract completion dates will be established and backstopped with guarantees.As with any critical-path workstream,unrecoverable delays would be expected to place the respective project in-service date schedule at risk for a day-for-day delay. Recordholder:Chad Teply,Todd Jensen,Stuart Smith Sponsor:Chad Teply and Rick Vail PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16 Set Data Request 24 IPUC Data Request 24 Has the Company considered and quantified other locations for siting wind that would not require building additional transmission lines?If so,please provide the analysis and the results.If not,why not? Response to IPUC Data Request 24 To clarify,the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlinetransmission line is not being built because of the new wind projects.Rather,the transmission line is necessary today to relieve existing transmission congestion.Currently,no new projects can interconnect in Eastern Wyoming.In this case,the economic analysis identifies a time-limited opportunity to construct the much- needed Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlinetransmission project in a manner that delivers all-in customer benefits when combined with the new wind projects.The new line enables interconnection of up to approximately 1,270 megawatts (MW)of new wind resources in the area.The transmission and wind projects are mutuallydependent upon one another-the wind projects rely on the transmission project for interconnection,and the transmission project is supported by the economic benefits associated with the new wind resources.While there may be opportunities to acquire new renewable resources that can be delivered into other parts of PacifiCorp's transmission system,the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)did not identify these opportunities as part of PacifiCorp's least-cost,least-risk plan.All of the resource portfolios produced during the initial stages of the portfolio developmentphase of the 2017 IRP contained new Wyoming wind resources in 2021,which for modeling purposes,was used as a proxy on- line date for production tax credit (PTC)eligible wind resources in commercial operation by the end of 2020. Please refer to the Company's responses to IPUC Data Request 25 and IPUC Data Request 45. Recordholder:Chad Teply Sponsor:Chad Teply and Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 29 IPUC Data Request 29 Please explain how the Company determined the amount of wheeling revenue benefit.Please provide work papers showing the calculated amount with all formulae intact. Response to IPUC Data Request 29 PacifiCorp assumes that 12 percent of the new transmission cost will be recovered from network transmission customers that use PacifiCorp's network transmission system to serve non-PacifiCorp retail load.The process around determining the 12-percent estimate was based on historical analysis of the relative amount of revenue received from third parties compared to the total transmission revenue requirement for a given year.Transmission revenues are allocated to states based on overall allocation formula rather than assignment of transmission assets and respective revenues to specific states due to the nature of transmission service and the calculation of network service revenues,well as other drivers.Additional transmission assets placed in service,includingthe 230 kilovolt (kV)segments will increase the transmission revenue requirement,which will result in increases in third-partyrevenues collected.These revenues will be credited back to PacifiCorp's retail customers. Please refer to the confidential work papers that accompanied the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,specifically the confidential file located in the "Exhibits Figures Tables"folder "Gateway Results Direct Testimony".In the worksheet "Price-Policy Annual PaR"revenue credits are shown in rows 89,189,etc.The transmission revenue credit for the 230 kV transmission segments are applied in these rows by multiplyingthe gross revenue requirement by 12 percent.The gross revenue requirement calculations can be traced throughthe source files referenced in the formula.The calculation of the gross revenue requirement and associated 12-percent transmission revenue credit for the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlinesegment can be traced through the source files referenced in the formula. Recordholder:Rick Link Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16*Set Data Request 34 IPUC Data Request 34 Please provide the estimated NPVRR(d)for the project if there is a 1 year,2 year, or 3 year slip to the project's completion. Response to IPUC Data Request 34 The Company objects to this request as requiring developmentof a special study or information not maintained in the ordinary course of business.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: PacifiCorp has not performed the requested analysis. Recordholder:Randy Baker Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 35 IPUC Data Request 35 What is the breakeven point for continuing with the combined projects in relation to the Production Tax Credits?At what level of Production Tax Credits do the costs of the projects become untenable? Response to IPUC Data Request 35 The Company objects to this request as vague,ambiguous,and requiring developmentof a special study or information not maintained in the ordinary course of business.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: PacifiCorp has not developedthe requested breakevenanalysis;however,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)can estimate the level of production tax credits (PTCs)that would cause the Combined Projects to achieve break-even economics using data contained in the Direct Testimony of Company witness, Rick T.Link,specifically Link Exhibit No.25.This exhibit includes a line item "New Wind PTCs"for each price-policy scenario.The present value of revenue requirements differential (PVRR(d))for this line item can be multiplied by a percentage that offsets the PVRR(d)for the "Net (Benefit)/Cost"line item for any given price-policy scenario. For instance,in the medium natural gas and medium carbon dioxide (CO2)priCC- policy scenario,the PVRR(d)for "New Wind PTCs"is $795 million,which reflects the full value of PTCs.The PVRR(d)for the "Net (Benefit)/Cost"line item is $137 million.If the PVRR(d)for the "New Wind PTCs"line item is multipliedby approximately 83 percent,the "New Wind PTCs"line item would drop by approximately $137 million,thereby causing the PVRR(d)for the "Net (Benefit)/Cost"line item to be zero (i.e.,break-eveneconomics). Recordholder:Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 13'Set Data Request 36 IPUC Data Request 36 When did the Company first begin analyzing the Production Tax Credit after it was extended in the PATH Act of 2015?Specifically when did the Company begin pursuing eligibilityfor PTC for these projects? Response to IPUC Data Request 36 The Company began to review its options in May 2016,followingthe May 5, 2016 release of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)guidance clarifying the requirements related specifically to production-tax-credit (PTC)eligibilityand repowering.The guidance also provided for a four-year safe-harbor to satisfy the continuityrequirement of continuous physical construction.The Company began to consider various options for new wind resources in July2016,applying a five- percent safe-harbor test to qualify for PTCs.A procurement process to secure safe-harbor wind-turbine equipment for potential new wind projects was initiated in September 2016.The Company's ultimatelyselected safe-harbor wind turbine equipment was procured and title transferred to the Company for new wind projects by year-end 2016.The IRS guidance (Notice 2016-31)can be accessed using the followingwebsite link:https://www.irs.gov/irb/2016-23 IRB/ar07.html Recordholder:Chad Teply Sponsor:Chad Teply PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 1st Set Data Request 37 IPUC Data Request 37 Did the Company investigate claiming the Investment Tax Credit (ITC)in lieu of the PTC?Please provide any analysis the Company did as it pertains to the ITC. Response to IPUC Data Request 37 Generally,at the expected capacity factors of the new wind farms,the present value of the 10-year PTC stream is greater than the 30%ITC.In addition, normalization requirements associated with the ITC increases the present-value revenue requirement relative to a PTC alternative.No specific analysis by wind project was conducted.Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 37. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Jonathan Hale Sponsor:Chad Teply PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 38 IPUC Data Request 38 IRS Notice 2017-4 states in Section 3,"If a facility does not satisfy the Continuity Safe Harbor,whether the facility satisfies the Continuous Construction or Continuous Efforts Tests is determined by the relevant facts and Circumstances." If it is determined that the Five Percent Safe Harbor is not met,what information will the Company rely upon which will satisfy the Continuous Construction or Continuous Efforts Tests?Is the Company compiling and retaining this information at this time? Response to IPUC Data Request 38 The five percent safe harbor relates to the start of physical construction.The continuityof physical construction still has to be met regardless of whether the taxpayer utilizes the five percent safe harbor or some other evidence of the start of physical construction.If the five percent safe harbor is not met for any wind project ultimatelyevaluated for the final shortlist in the 2017 renewable request for proposals (2017R RFP)process,then the Company will need to complete its due diligence to determine whether the claim that physical construction began prior to January 1,2017,to secure the 100 percent production tax credits (PTC), and the Continuous Construction or Continuous Efforts Tests can be supported. That due diligence will not be able to be completed until bids are received in the 2017R RFP process.The Company's planned benchmark proposals have all been pursued based upon their ability to satisfy the safe harbor.Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 10 regardingthe continuitysafe harbor requirements of Internal Revenue Service (IRS)Notice 2016-31 and IRS Notice 2017-4 Section 3. Recordholder:Chad Teply and Jonathan Hale Sponsor:Chad Teply PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 136 Set Data Request 39 IPUC Data Request 39 Please provide System Optimizer and PaR files containing assumptions,inputs, outputs,and summary information for all scenarios and sensitivities used in PacifiCorp's economic analysis.For each scenario and sensitivity,provide a summary of the parameters changed for each run. Response to IPUC Data Request 39 Please refer to the confidential work papers supporting the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,specifically: System Optimizer model (SO model)inputs and outputs: (1)Folder "SO Model Inputs-Outputs". (2)Folder "Other Summary Reports"-provides information on the Aeolus- to-Bridger/Anticlinetransmission segment,Transmission Cost,Wind Project Operating Costs,and Wind Summary Data. (3)Folder "Transmission Projects"-provides information on the Aeolus-to- Bridger/Anticlinetransmission segment and network transmission costs for new wind. (4)Folder "Wind Projects"-provides information on new wind under the 30-year life and 40-year life sensitivities. SO model summary information: (1)Folder "Exhibits Figures Tables",the file "Gateway Results Direct Testimony"-provides the study results summary,tab "Testimony Tables". (2)Folder "SO Model Summary Reports"-provides the SO model portfolio summaries. Planning and Risk (PaR)model inputs and outputs: (1)Folder "PaR Inputs-Outputs". (2)Folder "Other Summary Reports"-provides information on the Aeolus- to-Bridger/Anticlinetransmission segment,Transmission Cost,Wind Project Operating Costs,and Wind Summary Data. PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16*Set Data Request 39 (3)Folder "Transmission Projects"-provides information on the Aeolus-to- Bridger/Anticlinetransmission segment and network transmission costs for new wind. (4)Folder "Wind Projects"-provides information on new wind under 30-year life and 40-year life sensitivities. PaR model summary information: (1)Folder "Exhibits Figures Tables",the file "Gateway Results Direct Testimony"-provides the PaR model study results summary,the tab "Testimony Tables". (2)Folder "PaR Summary Reports"-provides the PaR model stochastic summary reports. Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 39,which provides the parameters changed for each run. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 40 IPUC Data Request 40 Please provide a copy of the executed PPAs/interconnection agreements for the 320 MW of QF Projects mentioned in Mr.Link's direct testimony on page 21. Response to IPUC Data Request 40 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 40-1,which provides copies of the executed qualifying-facility (QF)power-purchase agreements (PPAs)that equate to the 320 megawatts (MW)referenced as "QF Projects"in the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link.The "QF Projects"are Boswell Springs I, LLC (80 MW),Boswell Springs II,LLC (80 MW),Boswell Springs III,LLC (80 MW),and Boswell Springs IV,LLC (80 MW)-collectively referenced herein as "Boswell Springs I-IV". These QF PPAs are subject to acceptance by the Wyoming Public Service Commission (WPSC),Docket 20000-515-EK-17.Althoughexecuted,the Company considers these QF PPAs preliminaryuntil the WPSC accepts them for filing. Please refer to Attachment IPUC 40-2,which provides the Large Generator Interconnection Agreements (LGIA)associated with Boswell Springs I-IV. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Bruce Griswold and Kristopher Bremer Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 41 IPUC Data Request 41 Please provide and explain the analysis including work papers that was performed to conclude the 36.5 MW reduction value is a reasonable assumption to show reliability benefits (Link,Di.25). Response to IPUC Data Request 41 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 41-1 and Attachment IPUC 41-2, which provide the historical outages that determined that the 146-megawatt (MW),24-hour outage every four days was equivalent to the outages that historicallyoccurred.The 36.5 MW outage per day is calculated by 146 MW divided by four days. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Robyn Kara /Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link and Rick Vail PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 42 IPUC Data Request 42 Please provide and explain the analysis including work papers that was performed to conclude the 11.6 aMW value is a reasonable assumption to show line-loss benefits (Link,Di.25). Response to IPUC Data Request 42 PacifiCorp modeled line losses by decreasing loads by 11.6 average megawatts (aMW)each hour of the year to ensure that amount of line losses would be captured.Please refer to Attachment IPUC 42,which provides a spreadsheet with the loss-savings calculations.The followingprovides a description of the methodology and considerations used. Overview of Line-Loss Calculation The addition of a transmission line in parallel with an existing line(s)or path will reduce the impedance of the path,resulting in overall reduced energy line losses (megawatt-hours).The impedance of parallel transmission lines is determinedby calculating an equivalent resistance (R_equivalent)for the lines.Losses for any transmission line are determined according to the formula I2R (where "I"is the current flow and "R"is line resistance).Line losses before and after the addition of a new line are then compared,with the difference being the line savings attributed to the new line. EquivalentResistance of Parallel Lines Using the Siemens PSS/E power flow program and a range of power flows for the Wyoming area of study,line losses on various line segments were observed and recorded (Attachment 1,Tab 1).Using this information,an equivalent resistance (R equivalent)was calculated (see equations below)for the study area (Attachment 1,Tab 2).The calculation was repeated with the new Aeolus-to- Bridger/Anticline(D.2 Project)transmission segment.Additional information related to calculating equivalent resistance is provided for reference below.This analysis used hourly historical (2015 and 2016)power flows for the three Wyoming 230-kilovolt (kV)lines that will be in parallel with the new D.2 Project. The 230 kV lines and measurement points (*)used are as follows (Attachment 1, Tab 3,column A through D): (1)Standpipe*-Platte 230 kV. (2)Spence*-Mustang 230 kV. (3)Casper*-Riverton 230 kV. Line-Loss Calculation Utilizingthe formula indicated in equation"D"below (Line Losses =MW 2 X R_equivalent),line losses for the existing 230 kV transmission system between eastern Wyoming and Bridger were calculated (Attachment 1,Tab 3,column E,G PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 13*Set Data Request 42 and I).Line losses were then recalculated using the same power flow with the new D.2 Project in-service (Attachment 1,Tab 3,column F,H,and J).The difference between the two calculations for each segment are the line-loss savings directlyattributable to the new D.2 Project transmission line,which total approximately 102 gigawatt-hours (GWh)each year,or 11.6 aMW each hour of the year based on historical power-flowlevels (Attachment 1,Tab 4). Additional R equivalentInformation To calculate current (I),megavolt amperes (MVA)x 1,000 divided by (square root (3)x kV/1000)is used. (A) I =MVA x 1000 ÷ (Ñ3 x kV) Since the predominant flow on PacifiCorp-s transmission lines is real power, megawatts (MW),rather than reactive power,megavars (MVAr),the difference when calculating current is very small between megawatts and MVA.Thus MW flow can be substituted for MVA in the line-loss formula:Losses =I2R: With substitution the equationbecomes: (B) Losses=(MW x1000)2 (§3 x kV) The equation can then be refined to: (C) 2 ¯ 2MWx1x1000 xR 3 kV Since the latter portion of the equation is a fixed constant,it can be simplified into a single term of "R_equivalent"or Req.Thus,line losses can be accurately calculated as: (D) Lines Losses =MW 2 x Req PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 1st Set Data Request 42 Recordholder:Dan Swan and Robyn Kara Sponsor:Rick Link and Rick Vail PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC lst Set Data Request 43 IPUC Data Request 43 Please provide additional detail on the 300 MW value chosen to model the EIM benefits (Link,Di 26).For example,but not limited to in your explanation: (a)Is this capacity currentlyalways available to transfer between the east and west sides of PacifiCorp's system? (b)Does this 300 MW value require the new transmission lines planned in the Energy Gateway Transmission ExpansionPlan? (c)Will the capacity be available during the most likely time when 300 MW of power is needed? Response to IPUC Data Request 43 (a)The expected additional east-to-west transmission capacity in the energy imbalance market (EIM),cited in the Direct Testimony of Company witness, Rick T.Link,is primarily related to the entrance of Idaho Power Company in April 2018. (b)No.As stated in Mr.Link's Direct Testimony,the ability to more efficiently use intra-hour transmission is not driven by the combined projects. (c)PacifiCorp is unable to speculate on the availabilityof transmission in the EIM,however,the EIM is a least-cost economic dispatch model that will dispatch thermal resources across the western footprintto take advantage of low-cost renewable resources. Recordholder:Kelcey Brown Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 1st Set Data Request 44 IPUC Data Request 44 Please explain and quantifythe transmission limitations created by the Dave Johnston coal plan mentioned in Mr.Link's direct testimony on pages 29-30. Response to IPUC Data Request 44 The Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link did not state the transmission limitations were created by the Dave Johnston plant,but that the transmission congestion is from the energy output of all resources in eastern Wyoming,includingthermal generation,wind projects,and qualifyingfacilities. Recordholder:Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 45 IPUC Data Request 45 Staff is interested in the evaluation of alternativesthat take advantage of PTCs without additional transmission investment.Please provide and explain all alternatives that take advantage of PTCs without additional transmission that were evaluated.For example,but not limited to in your explanation: (a)How many different alternatives were evaluated? (b)Did any of the evaluatedalternatives provide a benefit in PVRR(d)? (c)What are the net benefits and negative implications for implementing the alternative?For example,taking advantage of PTCs 1-2 years sooner could show benefits without installinga new transmission line or retiring a coal plant early would negatively impact system voltage control. (d)Has the company considered and quantified shutting down the units of Dave Johnston and/or Wyodak by 2020 to free up transmission capacity to install some or all incremental wind to take advantage of PTCs?If so,please provide the results of the analysis.If not,why not?Please explain. (e)What is the PVRR(d)if units of Dave Johnston and/or Wyodak are shut down and incremental wind is installed/interconnectedup to the freed up capacity amount?If this type of analysis has been performed,please explain the assumptions used and provide the summary files. Response to IPUC Data Request 45 (a)Please refer to the Company's responses to IPUC Data Requests 24 and 25. Production-tax-credit (PTC)eligible resources in the simulations performed without the new wind and transmission projects for each price-policy scenario are summarized below: Gas /CO2 2021 Wind 2022 Wind 2023 Wind 2024 Wind Benefit Assumption MW MW MW MW Relative to (100%(80%(60%(40%Company PTC)PTC)PTC)PTC)Proposal? High/High 760 150 800 0 No High/Med 760 150 800 0 No High/Zero 910 0 800 0 No Med/High 300 150 0 0 No Med/Med 300 3 0 0 No Med/Zero 300 0 0 0 No Low/High 300 0 0 0 No Low/Med 300 0 0 0 Yes Low/Zero 300 0 0 0 Yes PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 1st Set Data Request 45 (b)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above. (c)The magnitude of the incremental cost or benefit from the alternatives shown in response to subpart (a)above are located in Table 2 and Table 3 in the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link.In all but the low natural gas price scenarios paired with either medium or zero carbon dioxide (CO2) price assumptions,portfolios with the wind resources shown in response to subpart (a)above are higher cost than portfolios with the Company's proposed new wind and transmission project. (d)Today,due primarily to voltage issues,no new resources can interconnect to this part of the transmission system without constructing elements of the Energy Gateway transmission project (beyond those facilities that have already executed interconnection agreements stating otherwise).If Dave Johnston and/or Wyodak were to retire early,voltage issues would worsen, and no new resources would be able to interconnect to this part of the transmission system. (e)The Company has not performed the requested analysis.The Company has completed steady-state transmission studies that identify major system- reinforcement improvements to the 230 kilovolt (kV)transmission system that would be necessary to meet thermal and voltage criteria sufficient to operate the transmission system reliablyassuming Dave Johnston retires early and new Wyoming wind resources are added to the system.High-levelestimates indicate the cost of these reinforcement projects would exceed the cost of the proposed 500 kV Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlineproject,would result in a lower transfer capability (approximately 562 megawatts (MW)versus the 750 MW expected from the 500 kV Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlineproject),and accelerate the need to replace capacity from the 762 MW Dave Johnston Plant by seven years (from 2028 to 2021).All of these variables related to an early Dave Johnston retirement alternative would increase costs and reduce benefits relative to the Company's proposed new wind and transmission projects. Recordholder:Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 13'Set Data Request 46 IPUC Data Request 46 Based on the alternatives posed in Request No.46,indicate the year and the amount of generationwhen incremental system capacity would be required. Response to IPUC Data Request 46 The Company assumes that the reference in the request to "Request No.46"is intended to reference IPUC Data Request 45.Based on this assumption,the Company responds as follows: Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 45.The timing and location of new resources on the system does not affect the current forecast for new resource needs.PacifiCorp identifies its need for new capacity in the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP),which shows that,if firm market purchases are maximized,new generationwould not be required until 2028.Without these firm market purchases,PacifiCorp shows an immediate capacity need (i.e.,in 2017).Any new resource added before 2028 would primarily displace firm market purchases and contribute to the deferral of longer-term resources required to maintain a target 13-percent capacity planning reserve margin (PRM). Recordholder:Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-07 /Rocky Mountain Power September 18,2017 IPUC 16'Set Data Request 47 IPUC Data Request 47 Based on the alternatives posed in Request No.46,indicate the difference to net power cost each year over the life of the projects. Response to IPUC Data Request 47 The Company assumes that the reference in the request to "Request No.46"is intended to reference IPUC Data Request 45.Based on the foregoing assumption, the Company responds as follows: Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 45. Recordholder:Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link