HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170828Staff 1-48 to PAC.pdfBRANDON KARPEN DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PO BOX 83720 BOISE,IDAHO 83720-0074 (208)334-0357 IDAHO BAR NO.7956 Street Address for Express Mail: 472 W.WASHINGTON BOISE,IDAHO 83702-5918 Attorneys for the Commission Staff BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF )PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN )CASE NO.PAC-E-17-07 POWER FOR A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC ) CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND )BINDING RATEMAKING TREATMENT FOR )FIRST PRODUCTION NEW WIND AND TRANSMISSION FACILITIES)REQUESTOF THE )COMMISSION STAFF )TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN )POWER The Staff of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission,by and throughits attorney of record, Brandon Karpen,Deputy Attorney General,requests that Rocky Mountain Power provide the followingdocuments and information as soon as possible,but no later than MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18,2017. This Production Request is to be considered continuing,and Rocky Mountain Power is requested to provide,by way of supplementaryresponses,additional documents that it or any person acting on its behalf may later obtain that will augment the documents or information produced. Please provide answers to each question,supporting workpapers that provide detail or are the source of information used in calculations,and the name,job title and telephone number of the person preparing the documents.Please identifythe name,job title,location and telephone number of the record holder. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 1 AUGUST 28,2017 In addition to the written copies provided as response to the requests,please provide all Excel and electronic files on CD with formulas activated. REQUESTNO.1:Please provide workpapers,exhibits,tables,and any analysis supporting the Company's filing in electronic format with formulae intact with references to sources for all pasted values. REQUESTNO.2:Please provide copies of all past and future data requests and responses received by or sent from Rocky Mountain Power to any party in related applications submitted in other state jurisdictions.Please include both formal and informal responses.In addition to requests made in Idaho,please provide copies of PacifiCorp's responses to new wind and transmission data requests submitted by all parties in the states of Utah,Washington, Oregon,Wyoming,and California.This response should include public and confidential data responses.Please provide all future responses at,or shortlyafter,the time when the Company files its responses to other parties'requests.As responses are provided,please include a summary of the state name,organization and DR#s for the DRs containedwithin each response. REQUESTNO.3:Please provide a list of all regulatory authorizations required for the project.Please identify the authorizations,if not obtained,that would cause the Company to cancel or modify the project,and explain why it would affect the project and specifically what action the Company would take. REQUESTNO.4:Please provide all information since the last depreciation study supporting the Company's basis for a 30-year depreciation life of the wind turbine generators (i.e.,manufacturer data or studies). REQUESTNO.5:Please explain all IRS requirements needed by the Company to receive 100%of the PTC's related to PAC-E-17-07 projects. REQUESTNO.6:Please detail all IRS requirements the Company has completed to date by project site in order to qualify for 100%of the PTC's referenced by PAC-E-17-07. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 2 AUGUST 28,2017 REQUESTNO.7:Please detail all remaining IRS requirements by project site which the Company has yet to complete in order to qualify for 100%of the PTC's referenced by PAC-E-17-07. REQUESTNO.8:In reference to Company witness Teply's testimony on page 7, please provide the documentation,by Wind Project,showing that the Company has met the "start of construction"requirement,and the "safe harbor"requirement for the PTCs.Include all source documents includingreceipts,journal entries,emails,contracts,and any other documents for the purchases and acquisitions for the Wind Projects before December 31,2016. REQUESTNO.9:Please explain the Company's approach to meet IRS Safe Harbor eligibilityincluding start of construction,continuityand any other provisions. REQUESTNO.10:If the Company does not meet the December 2020 completion project date,please describe in detail the Company's contingency plans to obtain 100% eligibilityof PTCs. REQUESTNO.11:The Company has provided economic analysis of the project assuming 100%eligibilityand receipt of the PTCs.Please provide similar analysis of the project if full receipt of the PTC is not met (i.e.80%,60%,and 40%). REQUESTNO.12:With respect to the previous question,please quantify the likelihood of not receiving 100%of the PTC. REQUESTNO.13:In order for customers to realize the full net benefits of the project as proposed by the Company,the Company will need to execute its plan on schedule and under proposed cost estimates.Below are three potential conditions that would put ratepayer net benefits at risk.For each circumstance below,please describe how the Company would ensure customers are compensated for lost benefits or increased costs that are the Company's responsibility. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 3 AUGUST 28,2017 a.Reduction in PTC Benefits related to non-attainment of IRS Safe Harbor requirements (not meeting requirements necessary for 100%of PTC); b.Reduction in PTC,NPC,and wholesale wheeling revenue benefits related to late schedule completion; c.Cost overruns due to construction,capital infrastructure cost,cost to establish right-of-way,permitting,etc. REQUESTNO.14:Please provide the average yearly market price of wind RECs over the past five years,in addition to the projected value of these RECs over the next 10 years. REQUESTNO.15:Please provide the Company's Project Plan includingbut not limited to: a.A detailed schedule/Ganttchart reflecting all major activities on the critical path. b.Any contingency plans the Company will implement to recover from delays. c.Project risks,the likelihood of these risks,and costs associated with those risks. REQUESTNO.16:Please list and quantifythe potential for schedule delay related to: a.Jurisdictional approval b.Permitting c.Procurement d.Construction REQUESTNO.17:Please provide the transmission capacity and the monthlypercent utilization for the existing line segment between Aeolus and Jim Bridger. REQUESTNO.18:Please provide a detailed map of the existing transmission system for Wyoming identifyingthe individual segments and the segment transmission capacity. Separately provide a table showing each transmission segment and the monthlyutilization for each of the segments. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 4 AUGUST 28,2017 REQUESTNO.19:Please provide additional detail and examples related to Mr.Link's testimony on page 7,lines 18-20 -"At times when wind resources in southeastern Wyoming are operating near full output,other resources in the area can be re-dispatched to accommodate PTC- producing wind generation." REQUESTNO.20:Presupposing a new transmission line between Aeolus and Anticline,would the 60 MVAr synchronous condenser at Standpipe still be required for voltage stabilization?(Vail,Di.24) REQUESTNO.21:Please provide all related costs associated with the installation of the synchronous condenser located at Standpipe.(Vail,Di.24). REQUESTNO.22:Please indicate if the Company plans to evaluate the bids through its proposed Request for Proposal process from the perspective of the utility or from the perspective of the ratepayer.In other words,will the Company include the Company's authorized rate of return when evaluating the cost of the Company's submitted bids for its benchmark projects versus the cost of a Purchase Power Agreement for a developer owned and operated facility?Please provide an example of the analysis over the life of the project to compare the benchmark project to a PPA. REQUESTNO.23:The Request for Proposal solicitation includes a provision allowing the Company to purchase the wind development project under a build-transfer agreement (Link, Di.13).How will the Company ensure that Customers not be economically disadvantaged if the Company chooses to purchase the facility? REQUESTNO.24:Has the Company considered and quantified other locations for siting wind that would not require building additional transmission lines?If so,please provide the analysis and the results.If not,why not? FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 5 AUGUST 28,2017 REQUESTNO.25:Has the Company quantified the economic tradeoff between reduced wind capacity factors and transmission investment expense?If so,please provide the results of the analysis.If not,why not? REQUESTNO.27:Please provide the NPVRR(d)of the project with capacity factors of 20%,30%,40%,and 50%for the Company's benchmark wind projects using medium gas price and medium CO2 price assumptions. REQUESTNO.28:Please provide all supporting documentation for the transmission project cost estimates by project section (i.e.the 3 projects included in the Aeolus-to- Bridger/Anticline Line;and the 3 projects included in the 230 kV Network Upgrades).(Vail,Di 2) REQUESTNO.29:Please provide all supporting documentation for the benchmark wind project cost estimates. REQUESTNO.30:Please explain how the Company determined the amount of wheeling revenue benefit.Please provide workpapers showing the calculated amount with all formulae intact. REQUESTNO.31:Please provide a copy of PacifiCorp's Energy Vision 2020 strategy. REQUESTNO.32:Please explain what the Company will do with the items procured to meet the 5%safe harbor benchmark if the projects do not proceed.Will the Company request customers pay these costs? REQUESTNO.33:Please provide a list of all contracts required to complete the wind and transmission projects.Please include the names of the contractor,the purpose of the contract,and estimated cost amounts. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 6 AUGUST 28,2017 REQUESTNO.34:In reference to Company witness Larsen,please provide all workpapers that were used to develop Exhibit 27 and Exhibit 28. REQUESTNO.35:Please provide the estimated NPVRR(d)for the project if there is a 1 year,2 year,or 3 year slip to the project's completion. REQUESTNO.36:What is the breakeven point for continuing with the combined projects in relation to the Production Tax Credits?At what level of Production Tax Credits do the costs of the projects become untenable? REQUESTNO.37:When did the Company first begin analyzing the Production Tax Credit after it was extended in the PATH Act of 2015?Specifically when did the Company begin pursuing eligibilityfor PTC for these projects? REQUESTNO.38:Did the Company investigate claiming the Investment Tax Credit (ITC)in lieu of the PTC?Please provide any analysis the Company did as it pertains to the ITC. REQUESTNO.39:IRS Notice 2017-4 states in Section 3,"If a facility does not satisfy the Continuity Safe Harbor,whether the facility satisfies the Continuous Construction or Continuous Efforts Tests is determinedby the relevant facts and Circumstances."If it is determined that the Five Percent Safe Harbor is not met,what information will the Company rely upon which will satisfy the Continuous Construction or Continuous Efforts Tests?Is the Company compiling and retaining this information at this time? REQUESTNO.40:Please provide System Optimizer and PaR files containing assumptions,inputs,outputs,and summary information for all scenarios and sensitivities used in PacifiCorp's economic analysis.For each scenario and sensitivity,provide a summary of the parameters changed for each run. FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 7 AUGUST 28,2017 REQUESTNO.41:Please provide a copy of the executed PPAs/interconnection agreements for the 320 MW of QF Projects mentioned in Mr.Link's direct testimony on page 21. REQUESTNO.42:Please provide and explain the analysis includingwork papers that was performed to conclude the 36.5 MW reduction value is a reasonable assumption to show reliability benefits (Link,Di.25). REQUESTNO.43:Please provide and explain the analysis includingwork papers that was performed to conclude the l 1.6 aMW value is a reasonable assumption to show line-loss benefits (Link,Di.25). REQUESTNO.44:Please provide additional detail on the 300 MW value chosen to model the EIM benefits (Link,Di 26).For example,but not limited to in your explanation: a.Is this capacity currentlyalways available to transfer between the east and west sides of PacifiCorp's system? b.Does this 300 MW value require the new transmission lines planned in the Energy Gateway Transmission Expansion Plan? c.Will the capacity be available during the most likely time when 300 MW of power is needed? REQUESTNO.45:Please explain and quantifythe transmission limitations created by the Dave Johnston coal plan mentioned in Mr.Link's direct testimony on pages 29-30. REQUESTNO.46:Staff is interested in the evaluation of alternatives that take advantage of PTCs without additional transmission investment.Please provide and explain all alternatives that take advantage of PTCs without additional transmission that were evaluated. For example,but not limited to in your explanation: a.How many different alternatives were evaluated? b.Did any of the evaluated alternatives provide a benefit in PVRR(d)? FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 8 AUGUST 28,2017 c.What are the net benefits and negative implications for implementing the alternative?For example,taking advantage of PTCs 1-2 years sooner could show benefits without installinga new transmission line or retiring a coal plant early would negatively impact system voltage control. d.Has the company considered and quantified shutting down the units of Dave Johnston and/or Wyodak by 2020 to free up transmission capacity to install some or all incremental wind to take advantage of PTCs?If so,please provide the results of the analysis.If not,why not?Please explain. e.What is the PVRR(d)if units of Dave Johnston and/or Wyodak are shut down and incremental wind is installed/interconnected up to the freed up capacity amount? If this type of analysis has been performed,please explain the assumptions used and provide the summary files. REQUESTNO.47:Based on the alternativesposed in Request No.46,indicate the year and the amount of generationwhen incremental system capacity would be required. REQUESTNO.48:Based on the alternativesposed in Request No.46,indicate the difference to net power cost each year over the life of the projects. DATED at Boise,Idaho,this day of August 2017. B ndon en Dep Attorney eneral Technical Staff:Rick Keller/l-27 Kathy Stockton/28-41 Michael Eldred/40-48 i:umisc:prodreq/pace17.7bkrkkisme prod req l FIRST PRODUCTION REQUEST TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 9 AUGUST 28,2017 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 28TH DAY OF AUGUST 2017, SERVED THE FOREGOING FIRST PRODUCTION REQUESTOF THE COMMISSION STAFF TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER,IN CASE NO. PAC-E-17-07,BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF,POSTAGE PREPAID,TO THE FOLLOWING: TED WESTON YVONNE R HOGLE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ASSITANT GENERAL COUNSEL 1407 WEST NORTH TEMPLE STE 330 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 1407 WN TEMPLE STE 320 E-MAIL:ted.weston@pacificorp.com SALT LAKE CITY UT 84116 E-MAIL:vovonne.houle@pacificorp.com DATA REQUEST RESPONSE CENTER RANDALL C BUDGE E-MAIL ONLY:RACINE OLSON NYE &BUDGE datarequest@pacificorp.com PO BOX 1391 POCATELLO ID 83204-1391 E-MAIL:reb@racinelaw.net BRUBAKER &ASSOCIATES RONALD L WILLIAMS 16690 SWINGLEY RIDGE RD #140 WILLIAMS BRADBURY PC CHESTERFIELD MO 63017 PO BOX 388 E-MAIL:bcollins consultbai.com BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL:ron williamsbradbury.com ELECTRONIC ONLY ELECTRONIC ONLY JOHN DUKE KYLE WILLIAMS IDAHOAN FOODS BYU IDAHO E-MAIL:jduke@idahoan.com E-MAIL:williamsk@byui.edu ELECTRONIC ONLY ERIC L OLSEN VAL STEINER ECHO HAWK &OLSEN NU-WEST INDUSTRIES INC PO BOX 6119 E-MAIL:val.steiner@agrium.com POCATELLO ID 83205 E-MAIL:elco echohawk.com ANTHONY YANKEL UNIT 2505 12700 LANE AVENUE LAKEWOOD OH 44107 E-MAIL:tony vankel.net SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE