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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170815Wyoming_WPSC Set 3 (1-16).docxIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER FOR CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY AND NONTRADITIONAL RATEMAKING FOR WIND AND TRANSMISSION FACILITIES Docket No. 20000-520-EA-17(Record No. 14781) Wyoming Commission Staff Investigative Requests – Set 3 for Rocky Mountain Power Issued August10, 2017 Please provide responses by August21, 2017 Please provide responses to these questions in hard copy and electronically. If a response is lengthy, please provide on CD only. In the response, please note who responded to the question and which witness will respond to related questions at hearing. Electronic responses should be submitted toLori Brand at, John Burbridge at, Michelle Bohanan at, Kara Seveland at, Morgan Fish at,Dave Walker at, Perry McCollom at perry.mccollom@wyo.govand Meridith Bell The hard copy should be delivered to the WPSC at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, Attn: Meridith Bell. In the instructions for maps, charts and visual aids please include a complete legend or key. Please provide the estimated proposed financing for the $2 billion for the New Wind and New Transmission project. Please include a breakdown of long-term debt, equity, short-term debt, retained earnings, preferred stock, etc. How will the Company obtain this financing? What is the Company’s estimated capital structure before and after the proposed Wind Repowering project and New Wind and New Transmission project?How will the proposed securities outstanding compare with the fair value of the businesses and properties before and after the issuance of securities for the Wind Repowering and New Wind and New Transmissionprojects? Please discuss and describe in detail and provide any calculations used. How will bonus tax depreciation and ADIT be accounted for in each of the years from 2016 to 2023 for the New Wind and New Transmission project, please describe in detail both with and without the proposed nontraditional ratemaking? Please provide a map of all proposed facilities (transmission lines with voltages clearly shown), substations, and approximate areas for wind farms. Please show for each transmission line: the voltage, the conductor (name and size), whether there is multiple conductor bundling, the approximate line carrying capacity, and whether it is based on thermal limit, voltage drop, or other criteria. The following is a continuing investigative request:Please provide all studies completed to support the capacity of the 500kV line and associated facilities. Please provide the shape files that include where the 500kV line will cross roads. Please also provide the shape file for the road improvement around the Aeolus substation. Please provide all of the Remedial Action Schemes (RAS) for both sides of the 500kV line, the Aeolus side and the Jim Bridger side. Show all basis on the operation of the scheme and the residual effect on the rest of the system Please provide all of the N-1, N-2 and N-1-1 studies showing that the system at Dave Johnston/Casper Rawlins/Rock Springs, and Jim Bridger area are fully protected in the event of the loss of either the 500kV line or any of the 230 kV lines from Dave Johnston to Casper and /or Rawlins/Rock Springs. Please provide a power flow diagram with all Bridger units at full output and the 500 kV line at maximum generation from the Aeolus area. If any of the Bridger units require curtailment under those circumstances, please provide a full explanation. Please provide the procedure and expected steady state operational output for each Bridger unit in the event curtailment is necessary. Please discuss the conditions under which curtailment of Bridger units would be necessary? Based upon the known Wind resume in that Aeolus area, what is the estimated annual curtailment of Bridger, and for which unit(s)? What are the WECC MW ratings for the 500kV line as proposed with the connection through Bridger? How was the rating (MW) determined for purposes of this application? Please provide all documentation. Can the 230 kV system support the wind generation if the 500kV line fails? Please provide any studies done for generation or load in the Rawlins area that rely on the proposed 500kV line. Please provide consequences, if any claimed, of delays in the proposed Company schedule.