HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180227PAC to Staff 41-43.pdfryROCKY MOUNTAIN np.,HF^n,,,,,, REC E IVED t0lB r[B 27 fiH t0: 06 In ! I '/\ :-rr'1 I tAii,-t;l'.: r'rDLlr;r.ii1 l i i :i {10i,{illssl0N 1407 W North Temple, Suite 330 salt Lake city, Utah 84116 February 23, 2018 Diane Hanian Idaho Public Utilities Comnrission 472W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5918 dianc.holt@puc.idaho. gw (C) RE: ID PAC-E-17-06 IPUC 5tr' Set Data Request (41-43) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 5th Set Data Requests 42-43 The response to IPUC 4l rvill be provided separately. Also providcd is Attachment IPIUC 43. If you liave any questions, please l-eel free to call rne at (801) 270-2963 Sincerely, J.roZfu/{-b^/a- J. Ted Weston Manager, Regulation Enclosures C.c.: Rr:nald L. Williams/PIIC fon@williafnsbradbury=oorl (C) Brad Mull i nsl? IIC bnn ul I i n s@m rvanal )rti cs. corn (C) Jinr Duke/PiIC i ilrke(eDidahoarr.corU (CXW) Kyl e Williams/PIIC u,il liarn sk(0blui.edu (CXW) Val Steiner/P I lC r.al. steiner(@.agriur:r. com (C)(W) J am es R. Smitiv''Mon santo j irq. r. smith@rnonsan to. gom (CXW) Bri an C. Collins/Brubaker & Associates bcol lins@,cousultbai. corn (CXW) M auri ce Brubaker/Mon santo rn brub aker@-cons ultb ai. com (C X W) Katie IversonlMonsanto kiverson@eonsultbai.com (C) Eric L. Olsen/IIPA eloGDechoharvk.com (C) Anthony YankellllPA tony@yankel.net (C) Randal I C. Budge/Monsanto rcb@racinelarv.n et (C) Thomas .1. Budge/Monsanto tjb@rapinelaw.net (CXW) PAC-E-17 -06 I Rocky Mountain Power February 23.2018 IPUC 5th Set Data Request 42 IPUC Data Request 42 Please provide a copy of the master retrofit contract with General Electric and the supply contract with Vestas mentioned in the Cornpliance filling on page 4. Response to IPUC Data Request 42 Thc master retrofit contract and turbine supply contracts are considered highly confidential and commercially sensitive. The Company requests special handling. PIease contact Ted Weston (801) 220-2963 to make arrangements for review. Recordholder: Tirn Hemstreet Sponsor: Tim Hemstreet PAC-E- 17-06 I Rockv Mountain Power Fcbruary 23. 2018 IPUC 5tr' Set Data Request 43 IPUC Data Request 43 In tlre Cornpliance Filing dated February 7,2018. Itenr 35 states that '"thc Company proposes to separatcly defer the nct costs in cxccss of the cap associated rvith thc Tax Act changes, and seek rccovery through an offset to the def'erral for the impacts from the Tax Act." How will the Company identify the impacts that will be deferred? I{olv will the amounts deferred be calculated? Please identify in Exhibits 12 and l3 the amounts that would be detbrred due tei the Tax Act changes. Response to IPUC Data Request 43 The Company proposes to make an annual determination of the additional resource tracking mechanism (RTM) deferral associated with Tax Reform that the Company rvill defer and seek recovely of as part of the Tax Reform docket. Please ref'er to Attachment IPUC 43, especially tabs "'lax l{etonn Deferral Exhibit 12" and "Tax Refbrm Deferral Exhibit l3" for an examplc calculation of how the additional Tax Reform defenal will be calculatcd. The additional Tax Reforrn Delbrral is calculated by subtracting the cap benefit using the previous 35 percent l'ederal tax rate fi"orn the cap benefit using the Tax Retbnn 2l percent t'ederal tax rate. The cap benefit ditference is thc anrount to be cleferred and addressed in the Tax Refonn docket. 'fhe ftillolving adjustmcnts werc madc to thc Compliance Filing results in order tt: proviclc rcsults using a 35 percent federal tax rate: (a) Calculated the pre-tax return on rate base and grosscd up procluction tax credit (PTC) incolporating a 35 pcrcent federal tax rate. (b) Recalculated accumulated doferrcd income tax (ADIT) incorporating a 35 pcrcent federal tax rate. For purpt'rses of the example in Attachrnent IPUC 43, Exhibit l2 and Exhibit 13, ADIT was recalculated by multiplying ADIT in the Cornpliance Filing by the old conrposite tax rate divided by the new cornposite tax rate (0.37951 divided by 0.24587). Reoordholder: Terrell Spackman Sponsor: Joelle Steward