HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171004PAC to IIPA 20-29.pdfdaho Puolc Utéties Commission Ofuce of the SecretaryRECEIVED ROCKY MOUNTAIN 001 0 4 209 POWERorvismomomeo.Boise,idanC 1407 W North Temple.Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 October 4,2017 Eric L.Olsen ECHO HAAWK &OLSEN,PLLC 505 Pershing Ave.,Ste.100 Pocatello,Idaho 83205 elo@echohawk.com (C) RE:ID PAC-E-17-06 IIPA 4"'Set Data Request (20-29) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responsesto IIPA 4th Set Data Requests 20-29. Also provided is Attachment IIPA 24.Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD is Confidential Attachment IIPA 21.Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, J.Ted Weston Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.:Ronald L.Williams/PllC ron i williamsbradburv.com (C) Brad Mullins/PIIC brmullins mwanalvtics.com (C) Jim Duke/PIIC iduke idahoan.com (C)(W) Kyle Williams/PIIC williamsk2bvui.edu (C)(W) Val Steiner/PIICval.steiner aurium.com (C)(W) James R.Smith/Monsanto iim.r.smithamonsanto.com (C)(W) Brian C.Collins/Brubaker&Associates beollinsdi consultbai.com (C)(W) Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker@consultbai.com (C)(W) Katie Iverson/Monsantokiverson@consultbai.com (C) Anthony Yankel/IIPA tonv@vankel.net(C) Randall C.Budge/Monsanto reb@racinelaw.net (C) Thomas J.Budge/Monsanto tjb@racinelaw.net (C)(W) Diane Hanian/IPUCdiane.holt@puc.idaho.gov (C) PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 20 IIPA Data Request 20 What is the total expected installed cost of the facilities to repower the proposed wind facilities? Response to IIPA Data Request 20 The total expected installed cost of the wind repowering facilities is $1.128 billion.For a breakdown of the installed costs per facility,please refer to page 1 of Confidential Exhibit No.3,which accompanied the Direct Testimony of Company witness,TimothyJ.Hemstreet. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky MountainPower October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 21 IIPA Data Request 21 What is the unrecovered cost of the existing wind facilities that will be replaced by the repowering? Response to IIPA Data Request 21 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IIPA 21.The net book balance of the equipment being replaced will be transferred into the accumulated depreciation reserve and will be recovered over the 30-year life of the replacement equipment. The Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (ADIT)balances have been derived through ratios based on the replaced components as a percentage of the total wind property by wind plant. Confidential informationis provided subject to the nondisclosure agreement between the Company and IPUC. Recordholder:Kent Ipson Sponsor:Jeff Larsen PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 22 IIPA Data Request 22 Assuming full recovery,what is the estimated future cost of the unrecovered existing/replaced wind facilities by year,broken down by return,depreciation, taxes,etc.?What general assumptions go into the estimated costs? Response to IIPA Data Request 22 The estimated futurecost of the unrecovered existing/replaced wind facilities has not been calculated by year.However,please refer to the Company's response to IIPA Data Request 21,which provides the net book and Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (ADIT)balances at the repower date by wind facility as well as the projected annual depreciation expense.Also,please refer to Larsen Exhibit No.14 accompanyingDirect Testimony of Company witness,Jeffrey K.Larsen,for the Idaho system generation (SG)allocation factor and financial assumptions such as the capital structure and cost,pre-tax return and consolidatedincome tax rate used in developing the wind facilities revenue requirement in Larsen Exhibit No.12 and Larsen Exhibit No.13. Recordholder:Terrell Spackman Sponsor:Jeff Larsen PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 23 IIPA Data Request 23 What is the annual change in wind energy generated and the Production Tax Credits resulting from the repowering? Response to IIPA Data Request 23 Please refer to the confidential work papers that accompanied the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,specifically the folder "Other Summary Reports",the file "RePower Data 20170516 LGIA Limit vl3". The annual change in wind energy generated in gigawatt-hours (GWh)is shown on line 49 on the tab "Summary".This is the difference between annual generationwith repowering (line 20)and without repowering (line 37). The annual change in Production Tax Credits (PTC)is shown on line 75 on the tab "Summary".This is the difference between PTCs with repowering (line 13) and without repowering (line 30). Recordholder:Mark Paul Sponsor:Rick Link and Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 24 HPA Data Request 24 In Figure 1.7 of the Company's 2017 IRP there is listed the Preferred Portfolio Coal Unit Retirements. (a)Are these retirements the same as those used as inputto the cost analysis for the impact of the repowering?If not,what were the retirements used? (b)Are these retirements the same as those used as input to the cost analysis for the base case without repowering?If not,what were the retirements used? (c)What is the unrecovered cost of these retired facilities that will be replaced by the repowering? (d)Assuming full recovery,what is the estimated future cost of the retired facilities by year,broken down by return,depreciation,taxes,etc.?What general assumptions go into the estimated costs? (e)Does the Company propose to recover the cost of these retired facilities in the same manner as that of the wind facilities that were repowered (continued recovery of undepreciated costs)? (f)In the Company's financial analysis of the repowering,is the same cost recovery used for the retired units in both the with and without repowering scenarios? Response to HPA Data Request 24 (a)Yes.Retirement assumptions are the same for all cases,and match the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)Preferred Portfolio. (b)Yes.Retirement assumptions are the same for all cases,and match the 2017 IRP Preferred Portfolio. (c)The Company objects to this request as misstating the evidence in the record given the implication that repoweredwind resources are a replacement resource for existing coal units that will be retiring.Coal retirements and wind repowering are separate decisions,eachjustified on its own merits.Without waiving this objection,the Company offers the followingresponse: The Company anticipates future depreciation study filings will facilitate retiring coal facilities to be fully recovered throughdepreciation expense by the retirement date.For the unrecoveredcost of the coal facilities referenced in the 2017 IRP,specifically Figure 1.7,please refer to Attachment IIPA 24, PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 24 which shows the total plant net investment as of December 31,2016,for each coal facility referenced in the 2017 IRP,specifically Figure 1.7. (d)The Company objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and requiring development of a special study or information not maintained in the ordinary course of business. Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: The information being requested has not been calculated. (e)Full recovery of both replaced wind and retiring coal resources will be addressed in the next depreciation study. (f)Yes.The same cost recovery assumptions are used for retiring units in both the with-and without-repowering scenarios. Recordholder:Jin Jin Fan and Terrell Spackman Sponsor:Rick Link,JeffLarsen and Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 25 IIPA Data Request 25 If the Company's analysis of Benefit/Cost of Wind Repowering in Table 2 of Mr. Link's testimony contained the same coal plant retirement dates for the with and without repowering scenarios,please rerun the analysis for the "repowering" scenario with the same retirements used and the "without repowering"scenario using the retirements found in Table 5.3 of the Company's Updated2015 IRP. Response to IIPA Data Request 25 The Company objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and requiring developmentof a special study or informationnot maintained in the ordinary course of business.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: PacifiCorp has not performed the requested analysis. Recordholder:Jin Jin Fan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 26 HPA Data Request 26 The 2021 retirement of 387 MW of the Cholla 4 facility in Figure 1.7 of the Company's 2017 IRP is five years before the retirement listed on Table 5.3 of the Company's Updated 2015 IRP (March 31,2016).According to Table 5.3 of the Company's 2017 IRP,the "Assumed End-of-Life"for Cholla 4 is 2042. (a)Why was Cholla 4 assumed to be retired in 2025 according to the Company's Updated 2015 IRP? (b)Why was Cholla 4 assumed to be retired in 2020 according to the Company's 2017 IRP? (c)Would Cholla 4 be assumed to be retired in 2020 if the repowered wind project did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? (d)Would Cholla 4 be assumed to be retired in 2020 if the new wind project did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? (e)Would Cholla 4 be assumed to be retired in 2020 if both the new wind project and repowering did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? Response to HPA Data Request 26 (a)At the time of the 2015 IntegratedResource Plan (IRP)Update,Arizona's State Implementation Plan (SIP),the Federal Implementation Plan (FIP),the United States (U.S.)Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)determinations and ongoing litigation made the retirement of Cholla Unit 4 at the end of 2024 a conservative and reasonable assumption.As stated in the 2015 IRP Update, page 26:"With reduced load,lower market prices and uncertainties around state plans for implementing the clean power plan (CPP),the Business Plan assumes Cholla Unit 4 is retired at the end of 2024.PacifiCorp will continue to evaluate the most cost effective compliance alternatives for Cholla Unit 4 in future IRPs". Please refer to the following: rated Resource Plan/2015IRP/PacifiCorp 2015IRP-Vol3-CoalAnalysis- REDAC_TED pdf(page 28-45) 6_0426_.p_d_f (page 2-3) PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 26 (b)Nine regional haze cases were developedand analyzed in the 2017 IRP to reflect a range of potential regional haze compliance outcomes for affected generatingunits in PacifiCorp's fleet.Regional haze case RH-5a was selected as the least-cost least-risk compliance portfolio,which included the early retirement of Cholla Unit 4. For further discussion of Regional Haze case development,please refer to the 2017 IRP,Chapter 7 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach),page 170 and 171,which is publicly available and can be accessed by utilizingthe followingwebsite link: http://www.pacificoro.com/es/iro.html (c)Yes,the Cholla Unit 4 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2020. The assumed retirement date of the Cholla Unit 4 facility is not impacted by the repowering projects. (d)Yes,the Cholla Unit 4 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2020. The assumed retirement date of the Cholla Unit 4 facility is not impacted by the new wind and transmission projects. (e)Yes,the Cholla Unit 4 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2020. The assumed retirement date of the Cholla Unit 4 facility is not impacted by the combination of the repower,new wind and transmission projects. Recordholder:Jin Jin Fan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 27 HPA Data Request 27 The retirement of 82 MW of the Craig facility in Figure 1.7 of the Company's 2017 IRP takes place in 2026,but does not take place during the 20-year planning horizon ending 2034 on Table 5.3 of the Company's Updated 2015 IRP (March 31,2016).According to Table 5.3 of the Company's 2017 IRP,the "Assumed End-of-Life"for Craig is 2034. (a)Why was Craig assumed to not be retired through 2034 according to the Company's Updated 2015 IRP? (b)Why was Craig assumed to be retired in 2025 according to the Company's 2017 IRP? (c)Would Craig be assumed to be retired in 2025 if the repowered wind project did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? (d)Would Craig be assumed to be retired in 2025 if the new wind project did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? (e)Would Craig be assumed to be retired in 2025 if both the new wind project and repowering did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? Response to HPA Data Request 27 Based on the facility name and timing described above,the Company assumes the reference to "Craig"applies to the Craig Unit 1 facility.Based on this assumption, the Company responds as follows: (a)The 2015 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)Update evaluatedupdated information relevant to the 2015 IRP Preferred Portfolio,and did not evaluate new alternative Regional Haze compliance scenarios.The Craig Unit 1 facility was analyzed under the default assumption of an end-of-life retirement. (b)Nine regional haze cases were developed and analyzed in the 2017 IRP to reflect a range of potential regional haze compliance outcomes for affected generatingunits in PacifiCorp's fleet.Regional haze case RH-5a was selected as the least-cost least-risk compliance portfolio,which included the early retirement of Craig Unit 1.As noted in Volume I,Chapter 3,page 36 of PacifiCorp's 2017 IRP,owners of Craig Unit 1 have agreed to retire the unit by December 31,2025,or convert the unit to natural gas by August 31,2023. The terms of this agreement are currentlybeing considered by the Colorado Air Quality Board;United States (U.S.)Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)review and approval will then be required. PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 27 For further discussion of Regional Haze case development,please refer to the 2017 IRP,Chapter 7 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach),page 170 and 171,which is publicly available and can be accessed by utilizingthe followingwebsite link: (c)Yes,the Craig Unit I facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2025. The assumed retirement date of the Craig Unit 1 facility is not impacted by the repowering projects. (d)Yes,the Craig Unit 1 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2025. The assumed retirement date of the Craig Unit l facility is not impacted by the new wind and transmission projects. (e)Yes,the Craig Unit 1 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2025. The assumed retirement date of the Craig Unit 1 facility is not impacted by the combination of the repower,new wind and transmission projects. Recordholder:Jin Jin Fan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 28 IIPA Data Request 28 The retirement of approximately 350 MW of the Jim Bridger facility in Figure 1.7 of the Company's 2017 IRP takes place in 2029,but does not take place during the 20-year planning horizon ending 2034 on Table 5.3 of the Company's Updated 2015 IRP (March 31,2016).According to Table 5.3 of the Company's 2017 IRP, the "Assumed End-of-Life"for Jim Bridger is 203 7. (a)Why was this unit at Jim Bridger assumed to not be retired through 2034 according to the Company's Updated 2015 IRP? (b)Why was one Jim Bridger unit assumed to be retired in 2029 according to the Company's 2017 IRP? (c)Would the first unit at Jim Bridger be assumed to be retired in 2029 if the repowered wind project did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? (d)Would the first unit at Jim Bridger be assumed to be retired in 2029 if the new wind project did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? (e)Would the first unit at Jim Bridger be assumed to be retired in 2029 if both the new wind project and repowering did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? Response to IIPA Data Request 28 Based on the facility name and timing described above,the Company assumes the reference to "Jim Bridger"applies to the Jim Bridger Unit 1 facility.Based on this assumption,the Company responds as follows: (a)The 2015 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)Update evaluatedupdated information relevant to the 2015 IRP Preferred Portfolio,and did not evaluate new alternative Regional Haze compliance scenarios.The Jim Bridger Unit 1 facility was analyzed under the default assumption of an end-of-life retirement. (b)Nine regional haze cases were developedand analyzed in the 2017 IRP to reflect a range of potential regional haze compliance outcomes for affected generating units in PacifiCorp's fleet.Regional haze case RH-5a was selected as the least-cost least-risk compliance portfolio,which included the early retirement of Jim Bridger Unit 1.If a different regional haze case had been least-cost least-risk,Jim Bridger Unit 1 could again have been selected to retire at the end of 2037. PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 28 For further discussion of Regional Haze case development,please refer to the 2017 IRP,Chapter 7 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach),page 170 and 171,which is publicly available and can be accessed by utilizing the followingwebsite link: (c)Yes,the Jim Bridger Unit 1 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2028.The assumed retirement date of the Jim Bridger Unit 1 facility is not impacted by the repowering projects. (d)Yes,the Jim Bridger Unit 1 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2028.The assumed retirement date of the Jim Bridger Unit 1 is not impacted by the new wind and transmission projects. (e)Yes,the Jim Bridger Unit I facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2028.The assumed retirement date of the Jim Bridger Unit 1 is not impacted by the combination of the repower,new wind and transmission projects. Recordholder:Jin Jin Fan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 29 HPA Data Request 29 The retirement of approximately 350 MW of the second Jim Bridger facility in Figure 1.7 of the Company's 2017 IRP takes place in 2033,but does not take place during the 20-year planning horizon ending 2034 on Table 5.3 of the Company's Updated 2015 IRP (March 31,2016).According to Table 5.3 of the Company's 2017 IRP,the "Assumed End-of-Life"for Jim Bridger is 2037. (a)Why was this unit at Jim Bridger assumed to not be retired through 2034 according to the Company's Updated 2015 IRP? (b)Why was this second Jim Bridger unit assumed to be retired in 2033 according to the Company's 2017 IRP? (c)Would the second unit at Jim Bridger be assumed to be retired in 203 3 if the repowered wind project did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? (d)Would the second unit at Jim Bridger be assumed to be retired in 2033 if the new wind project did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? (e)Would the second unit at Jim Bridger be assumed to be retired in 2033 if both the new wind project and repowering did not take place?What would the retirement date be in that case? Response to HPA Data Request 29 Based on the facility name and timing described above,the Company assumes the reference to "Jim Bridger"applies to the Jim Bridger Unit 2 facility.Based on this assumption,the Company responds as follows: (a)The 2015 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)Update evaluatedupdated informationrelevant to the 2015 IRP Preferred Portfolio,and did not evaluate new alternative Regional Haze compliance scenarios.The Jim Bridger Unit 2 facility was analyzed under the default assumption of an end-of-life retirement. (b)Nine regional haze cases were developed and analyzed in the 2017 IRP to reflect a range of potential regional haze compliance outcomes for affected generatingunits in PacifiCorp's fleet.Regional haze case RH-5a was selected as the least-cost least-risk compliance portfolio,which included the early retirement of Jim Bridger Unit 2.If a different regional haze case had been least-cost least-risk,Jim Bridger Unit 2 could again have been selected to retire at the end of 2037. PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky MountainPower October 4,2017 IIPA 4th Set Data Request 29 For further discussion of Regional Haze case development,please refer to the 2017 IRP,Chapter 7 (Modeling and Portfolio Evaluation Approach),page 170 and 171,which is publicly available and can be accessed by utilizingthe followingwebsite link: (c)Yes,the Jim Bridger Unit 2 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2032.The assumed retirement date of the Jim Bridger Unit 2 facility is not impacted by the repowering projects. (d)Yes,the Jim Bridger Unit 2 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2032.The assumed retirement date of the Jim Bridger Unit 2 is not impacted by the new wind and transmission projects. (e)Yes,the Jim Bridger Unit 2 facility would be assumed to retire at the end of 2032.The assumed retirement date of the Jim Bridger Unit 2 is not impacted by the combination of the repower,new wind and transmission projects. Recordholder:Jin Jin Fan Sponsor:Rick Link