HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170925Utah_UAE Set 1 (1-3).pdf1407 W.North Temple ROCKY MOUNTAIN Salt Lake City,UT 84116 POWER A DIV1SION OF PACIFICORP August 4,2017 Gary A.Dodge HATCH,JAMES &DODGE 10 West Broadway,Suite 400 Salt Lake City,Utah 84101 gdodgee@hidlaw.com (C) Kevin Higgins Neal Townsend ENERGY STRATEGIES 215 S.State Street,#200 Salt Lake City,UT 84111 RE:UT Docket No.17-035-39 UAE 16'Set Data Request (1-3) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to UAE Data Requests 1.1-1.3.Also provided is Attachment UAE 1.1 -1.Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD is Confidential Attachment UAE 1.1 -2.Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)Rules 746-1-602 and 603.Attachments are requests for copies and provided to the requesting party only. If you have any questions,please call Tarie Hansen at (801)220-2053. Sincerely, Bob Lively Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.Erika Tedder/DPU dpudatareguest utah.gov gedder@uttah.gov(C) Dan Kohler/DPU dkoehler daymarkea.com (C) Dan Peac/DPU (C)(W) Sam Brandin/DPU (C)(W) Philip Hayet/OCS (C) Béla Vastag/OCS bvastag utah.go_v(C) 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 4,2017 UAE Data Request 1.1 UAE Data Request 1.1 Other Data Responses.Please provide copies of all past and future data requests and data responses received by Rocky Mountain Power from or sent by Rocky Mountain Power to any other party in this docket.Please include both formal and informal responses. Response to UAE Data Request 1.1 Please refer to Attachment UAE l.1 -l and Confidential Attachment UAE 1.1 -2. Going forward UAE will be provided copies of all responses in this docket. Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)Rules 746-1-602 and 603. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 4,2017 UAE Data Request 1.2 UAE Data Request 1.2 Models/Passwords.Please provide all models,spreadsheets,passwords,instructions and other information necessary for UAE to access and utilize any models used or to be used by the Company in this docket. Response to UAE Data Request 1.2 Please refer to the Company's response to DPU Data Request 1.9;specifically Confidential Attachment DPU l.9.No passwords are necessary to access the provided confidential work papers.In addition,please also refer to the Company's response to OCS Data Request 1.26. PacifiCorp used the System Optimizer model (SO Model)and Planning and Risk (PaR) model to develop resource portfolios and to forecast dispatch of system resources in simulations with and without the projects.SO and PaR files were provided as work papers to support the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link.PacifiCorp cannot provide the SO Model and /or the PaR model due to licensing restrictions with the vendor ABB (formerly VENTYX). 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 4,2017 UAE Data Request 1.3 UAE Data Request 1.3 Filings/FilingRequirements/WorkPapers.Please provide all information,including all proprietary or confidential information,relied upon in preparing or provided as part of the Application,testimony,exhibits or filing requirements in this docket,along with all worksheets,work papers,spreadsheets,models and other documents or information that comprise or that were used or relied upon in preparing or provided as part of RMP's Application,testimony,exhibits or filing requirements. Response to UAE Data Request 1.3 The Company objects to this request on the basis that it is overly broad and unduly burdensome.Notwithstandingthe objection,the Company states the following: The Company provided all non-confidential and confidential information used in preparation of the Application,testimony,exhibits,worksheets,work papers, spreadsheets,models and other documents were sent on August 3,2017 via Fed-Ex overnight Delivery. The Company relied upon certain highly confidential documents which have been identified in various data requests in this docket.Participants in this docket may contact Bob Lively,Manager of Utah Regulatory Affairs at (801)220-4052 to make arrangements to review those documents at the Company's Salt Lake City offices.