HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170925Utah_OCS 1.10 NREL_Presentation 1-28-2016.pdfIT I o L -- - - r+ r-r- Background Repowering can be defined in two ways: o Full repowering:complete dismantling and replacement of turbine equipment at an existing project site o Partial repowering:replacing selected turbine or plant components to extend the life of a given facility at some cost that is less than full repowering;may also trigger fewer legal hurdles Repowering offers various opportunities: o Increased project productivity o Better utilization of high-value resource areas o Improved grid support and interactions o Reduced visual impacts (fewer turbines per overall capacity) o Potentially reduced avian and wildlife impacts Repowering first emerged in the early 1990s in the California and Danish wind power markets and was followed by the Dutch and German markets in the 1990s and 2000s. NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY 2 U.S.Case Study Projects that "operate in the black"have little cash Flow Analysis of 2003 Vintageincentivetorepower,relative to investingin new Wind Plant in 2025greenfieldsites $14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Around 20-25 years of operation,the choice I between investingin greenfield sites and i s12 ------------------------------------------------------------------ repowering becomes viable but depends on:) o Cost and performance of new technology i g sto ------------------------------------------------------------------ o Anticipatedenergy productionof comparable o½ greenfieId site ·°!sa ----------------------------------------------------- o Durability and reliabilityof turbine equipment o Usefulnessof existing infrastructure a i $6 ---'------------------------------------ o Wholesale market electricity prices and existing jcontractualarrangements=$4 ----------------------------------------- Partial repowering solutions that can be realized 6 at a lower cost would likely prove more viable o Analysis of partial repoweringassumes:Existing+Green Repower PartialRepower -An increase in net capacity factor (NCF)from 30%to 3/%source:Lantz et al.2013.Note:data in the figure illustrate value gained or lost as a result of a -A 15%cost reduction relative to a green field (~10%specific investment decision;as each of these plants is modeled at an equivalent size,the relative to repowering).change in plant-specific net present value can be compared across time;however,caution is advised against any direct assessment of wind plant profitability or return on investment,as the overall magnitude of net present value is highly correlated to plant size NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY 3 European Experience Before Repowering After Repowering Hub height [m]Hub height [m] 3500 ..50 400C -Average full time hours O 15mrotordiameter o 90 O 48mrotordiameter 3000 45 350C 2500 300C40 70 2000 250C ee 35 60 1500 200C 30 50 1000 150Cz -Average full time hours g25O44mrotordiameter 40120mrotordiameter 5 84 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 10Ë00 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Year of Commissioning Year of Commissioning Note different scales. Source:Buzauet al.(forthcorning) Repowered wind plants have an increased hub height (2X),rotor diameter (3X),and rated capacity (5X),resulting in increased productivity.For example,the number of average full time hours has increased about 20%. The figures show an analysis of 48 wind plants in Denmark installed in the 1990s and repowered in the 2000s. NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY 4 Research and Development Opportunities To what extent can existing infrastructure be used to support taller towers,larger rotors,and/or improved site layout to increase project productivity? o Could innovative drive-system and/or blade designs make partial repowering financially attractive? How will unused materials be recycled or repurposed? Would improved energy capture at high-value resource areas enable California to meet carbon emission reduction goals more cost effectively than development of greenfield sites or importing electricity from other states? What technology innovations are needed to improve grid support?And would enhanced grid services from repowered wind projects affect California system reliability or transmission expansion requirements more generally? Would visual impacts be reduced? Would avian and wildlife impacts be reduced? NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY 5 Sources and contact Information Lantz,E.,M.Leventhal,I.Baring-Gould.2013.Wind Power Project Repowering:Financial Feasibility,Decision Drivers,and Supply Chain Effects (Technical Report).TP-6A20-60535.National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),Golden,CO (US).http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/60535.pdf Buzau,M.,Serrano-Gonzalez,J.,Lacal-Arántegui,R.(forthcoming). Wind farm repowering:an analysis of wind farm performance. Ongoing work,Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. M.Maureen Hand,Ph.D. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden,CO USA Maureen.Hand@nrel.gov NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY 6