HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170925Utah_DPU Set 5 (1-9).pdf1407 W.NorthTemple ROCKY MOUNTAIN Salt Lake City,UT 84116 POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICOftP August 18,2017 Erika Tedder Division of Public Utilities 160 E 300 S,4th Floor Salt Lake City,UT 84114 NLudAtayegelt@uLM&Y ete_dder@uttahgov (C) RE:UT Docket No.17-035-39 DPU 5th Set Data Request (1-9) Please find enclosed Rocky MountainPower's Responses to DPU 5th Set Data Requests 5.1-5.9. Also provided is Attachment DPU 5.3. If you have any questions,please call Tarie Hansen at (801)220-2053. Sincerely, Bob Lively Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.:Dan Kohler/DPU dkoehler@davraarkea.com(C) Dan Peac/DPU doeaco@daymarkea.com (C)(W) Aliea Afnan/DPUaafnan@davmarkea.com (W) jbower@daymarkea.com (W) Béla Vastag/OCS bvastag@utah.gov(C) Philip Hayet/OCS p_h_ayet@jkennso_m (C) Gary A.Dodge/UAE gdo_dge@hjdla_wso_m(C) Kevin Higgins/UAE khiggins@energvstrat.com (C) Neal Townsend/UAE (C)(W) 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 18,2017 DPU Data Request 5.1 DPU Data Request 5.1 Crane Testimonv.In reference to Ms.Crane's Testimony,lines 75-84: (a)What is the status of regulatory filings in other state jurisdictions? (b)Will the repowering project continue if it the Company's applications are rejected in other jurisdictions? (c)The California proceeding is scheduled for 2019,after the deadlines noted in this proceeding.How would a rejection by California impact the project and Utah ratepayers? Response to DPU Data Request 5.1 (a)The related regulatory filings in the other state jurisdictionsare ongoing.Please see the Company's response to DPU Data Request 1.2 for the docket numbers of the filings in the other states. (b)The Company objects to this request as requiring speculation.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: The Company's decision to continue pursuing the opportunity would depend,at least in part,on the findings and conclusions in any applicable commission order,the opportunityto pursue traditional ratemaking treatment for the projects,and the treatment of the mismatch of the costs and benefits through any existing ratemaking mechanisms. (c)The Company objects to this request as requiring speculationand development of a special study or informationnot maintained in the ordinary course of business.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: The majority of PacifiCorp's repowering projects will be addressed through traditional ratemaking processes in Pacific Power's next general rate case in California,which will use a 2019 test period.The Companyhas not analyzed the effect on Utah customers,if any,if the projects are disallowed. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 18,2017 DPU Data Request 5.2 DPU Data Request 5.2 Crane Testimony.In reference to Ms.Crane's Testimony,lines 117-136:Please differentiate between the purchases made in 12/2016 and the purchases planned for early 2018.Please provide an itemization of completed and planned equipment purchases. Response to DPU Data Request 5.2 Please refer to the Company's response to OCS Data Request 1.26. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 18,2017 DPU Data Request 5.3 DPU Data Request 5.3 Crane Testimony.In reference to Ms.Crane's Testimony,lines 229-241: (a)Provide any analysis performed by or for the Company related to the impact on the Company's credit rating of a denial of this application. (b)Provide any analysis quantifyingthe impact to customers of a denial of this application,includingcredit rating impacts,collateral impacts,financing terms impacts,etc. Response to DPU Data Request 5.3 (a)The Company has not performed any specific analysis regarding denial of this application.In its June 23,2017 Ratings Methodology paper,Moody's Investor Service provides informationon their "approach to assessing credit risk for regulated electric and gas utilities,"in whichthey state the importance of rate recovery: The ability to recover prudentlyincurred costs on a timely basis and to attract debt and equity capital are crucial credit considerations.The inability to recover costs,for instance if fuel or purchased power costs ballooned during a rate freeze period,has been one of the greatest drivers of financial stress in this sector,as well as the cause of some utility defaults.In a sector that is typically free cash flow negative (due to large capital expendituresand dividends)and that routinelyneeds to refinance very large maturities of long-term debt,investor concerns about a lack of timely cost recovery or the sufficiency of rates can,in an extreme scenario,strain access to capital markets and potentiallylead to insolvency of the utility[.]' If the Company is not allowed to recover its prudentlyincurred costs on a timely basis,it may not have consistent access to capital markets at reasonable costs.Future borrowings and the resulting costs to build and maintain facilities become more expensivethan they otherwise would be. Please refer to Attachment DPU 5.3,which provides a copy of the full Moody's Ratings Methodology paper. (b)The Company has not analyzed the effect on Utah customers,if any,if the projects are disallowed. 1 Moody's Investors Service (June 23,2017). 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 18,2017 DPU Data Request 5.4 DPU Data Request 5.4 Link Testimony.In reference to Mr.Link's Testimony,lines 58-63: (a)Please explain why the Company did not include a REC value in the economic analysis. (b)Please provide work papers supporting the $11 million benefit value.Work papers should be provided in electronic spreadsheet format with formulas intact. Response to DPU Data Request 5.4 (a)The renewable energy credit (REC)market is not consistently active and is illiquid. There is little price transparency in REC markets.Most transactions are conducted as bilateral contracts between parties,and prices are not reported.The current vintage unbundledREC prices have been ranging between $0.75 per REC ($/REC)and $2.25/REC based on transactions the Company has executed and based on quotes from market participants.The price of RECs depends on the volume of RECs available in the market at any given point in time,the vintage of the REC,applicable program for which the RECs are eligible,and location of the facility that is generating the RECs.With these considerations,the Company's economic analysis conservatively does not rely on a revenue stream to support the all-in economic benefits for customers.Rather,the Company quantified how REC revenues could improve the economic benefits from the wind repowering project. (b)Please refer to the confidential work papers that accompanied the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,specifically the folder entitled "Exhibits Figures Tables",the file entitled "Repower Results Direct Testimony",bottom of "Price- Policy Annual-PaR"worksheet (row 903),which reports the REC benefit estimate of $11 million. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 18,2017 DPU Data Request 5.5 DPU Data Request 5.5 Link Testimonv.In reference to Mr.Link's Testimony,lines 64-67:Please explain why the Company structured the economic benefits analysis as a 20-year study. Response to DPU Data Request 5.5 The 20-year study period is consistent with the planning horizon used to identify the preferred portfolio in the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP).The System Optimizer model (SO model)and Planning and Risk (PaR)model,used in the 2017 IRP and used to support the economic analysis in this proceeding,are configured with long-term planning assumptions that align with this 20-year planning horizon. 17-035-39 /Rocky MountainPower August 18,2017 DPU Data Request 5.6 DPU Data Request 5.6 Link Testimonv.In reference to Mr.Link's Testimony,lines 276-283: The previous data request alluded to the Company's 20-year economic analysis.How were the re-powered wind resources analyzed given their renewed 30-year or,potentially, 40-year lives?Were their economic analyses for 30 and 40 years?Or,were they analyzed over 20 years,but with,say,different depreciation rates? Response to DPU Data Request 5.6 Please refer to the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link's direct testimony,lines 412-431.PacifiCorp's base analysis assumes that repowering will reset the 30-year depreciablelife of the asset.In the System Optimizer model (SO model)and the Planning and Risk (PaR)model,all incremental capital was depreciated over the 30- year life (or the 40-year life for the sensitivity case assuming a longer depreciablelife). The resulting revenue requirement was then levelized and reflected in the SO model and PaR model results through 2036. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 18,2017 DPU Data Request 5.7 DPU Data Request 5.7 Link Testimony.In reference to Mr.Link's Testimony,lines 303-334: How was Goodnoe Hills analyzed,i.e.was it added to the list into the SO and Par analyses in a similar manner to Leaning Juniper?Was the analyses for Goodnoe Hills given the same 20,30,and 40 year economic evaluation as were the other projects (per the Company's answers to data requests 5.5 and 5.6)?Was Leaning Juniper removed from the analysis with GoodnoeHills included to determine whether or not it,Leaning Juniper,remained an economically viable repowering option? Response to DPU Data Request 5.7 As described in the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,lines 303-334, PacifiCorp first started with the wind repowering scope assumed in the 2017 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)preferred portfolio that included 905 megawatts (MW)of existing wind resource capacity.PacifiCorp analyzed the present value revenue requirement (PVRR)impact with and without Leaning Juniper as it has the lowest expected annual average capacity factor.These results show that when customer benefits are higher when Leaning Juniper is included in the scope of the wind repowering project,and therefore, PacifiCorp did not analyze furtherreductions to the wind repowering scope.PacifiCorp then looked at expanding the scope and analyzed the addition of Goodnoe Hills,again starting with the 905 MW included in the 2017 IRP preferred portfolio that includes the Leaning Juniper facility.In this study,there are 999.1 MW of existing wind capacity included in the wind repowering scope.As described in Mr.Link's Direct Testimony, includingGoodnoeHills in the repowering scope further improved customer benefits. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 18,2017 DPU Data Request 5.8 DPU Data Request 5.8 Link Testimony.In reference to Mr.Link's Testimony,lines 246-263:Please provide detailed calculations of the risk-adjusted PVRR,includingall calculations related to "adding five percent of system variable costs,from the 95th percentile of the distribution of system variable costs,to the stochastic-mean PVRR." Response to DPU Data Request 5.8 Please refer to the confidential work paper that accompanied the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link;specifically the folder entitled "Exhibits Figures Tables", the file entitled "Repower Results Direct Testimony.xlsm",the worksheet entitled "Risk Adjustment". 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 18,2017 DPU Data Request 5.9 DPU Data Request 5.9 Link Testimony.In reference to Mr.Link's Testimony,lines 314-317:Please provide a reference to specific work papers where the $7 million value is calculated.If this value is not calculated in work papers alreadyprovided,please provide all analysis supporting this value. Response to DPU Data Request 5.9 The risk-adjusted present value of revenue requirements (PVRR)is calculated by adding five percent of system variable costs,from the 95th percentile of the distribution of system variable costs,to the stochastic-mean PVRR. Stochastic PYRR (M lions S) 95th Iteration.Risk-adjusted 95th Iteration Expected PYRR Mean (with (with fixed Value (Mean +.05 * Desenption Cases fixed costs)costs)(prob =5%)95th iteration| Repower,no Leaning Juniper DEV-MM-RPE-UN 24,163 24,459 1,223 25,386 Repower with Leaning Juniper DEV-MM-RPE-D 24,157 24,453 1,223 25,379 PVRR(d)(7) Please refer to the followingconfidential work papers that accompanied the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,that support the values referenced in the table above,specifically: (1)Folder entitled "PaR Summary Reports,"the file entitled "PaR Stochastic Summary P_DEV-MM-RPE-LJ _1705181709.xlsm,"and (2)Folder entitled "PaR Summary Reports,"the file entitled "PaR Stochastic Summary P DEV-MM-RPE-LJN 1705181714.xlsm."