HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170925Utah_DPU Set 2 (1-17).pdf1407 W.North Temple ROCKY MOUNTAIN Salt Lake City,UT 84116 POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP August 11,2017 Erika Tedder Division of Public Utilities 160 E 300 S,41 Floor Salt Lake City,UT 84114 etedder@utahgov (C) RE:UT Docket No.17-035-39 DPU 2nd Set Data Request (1-17) Please find enclosed Rocky MountainPower's Responses to DPU 2nd Set Data Requests 2.1- 2.17.Also provided is Attachment DPU 2.11 -2.Provided on the enclosed Confidential CD are Confidential Attachments DPU 2.4,2.6 -1,2.8,and 2.11 -1 and Confidential Response 2.6. Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC) Rules 746-1-602 and 746-1-603. If you have any questions,please call Tarie Hansen at (801)220-2053. Sincerely, Bob Lively Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.:Dan Kohler/DPU (C) Dan Peac/DPU dpeaco daymarkea.com (C)(W) Aliea Afnan/DPU _aafnan@daymarkea.com (W) ibower@daymarkea.com (W) Béla Vastag/OCS bvastag@utah.gov(C) Philip Hayet/OCS p_hayet@jkennn.co_m (C) Gary A.Dodge/UAE gdodge hidlaw.com (C) Kevin Higgins/UAE (C) Neal Townsend/UAE (C)(W) 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.1 DPU Data Request 2.1 In reference to Mr.Hemstreet's testimony,lines 318-325,how many turbines does the Company expect will experience component failures that render them unable to provide service before they can be repowered?Please provide this information by wind fleet site for each of the followingwind farms: (a)Glenrock I (b)Glenrock II (c)RollingHills (d)Seven Mile I (e)Seven Mile II (f)High Plains (g)McFadden Ridge (h)Dunlap (i)Marengo I (j)Marengo II (k)GoodnoeHills (1)Leaning Juniper Response to DPU Data Request 2.1 The Company objects to this response to the extent it requests information not maintained in the ordinary course of business or developmentof a special study.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: The Company's economic analysis assumes that approximately 45 turbines will experience failures that render them unable to be returned to service before repowering. This number reflects an estimate across the entire wind fleet proposed to be repowered, and the Company does not have an analysis of estimated failures that will be unable to be returned to service at the individual wind plants. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.2 DPU Data Request 2.2 What is the estimated economic impact relating to these turbine failures as factored into the economic analysis? Response to DPU Data Request 2.2 The Company has not prepared a sensitivity to isolate the economic impact relating to these turbine failures,although their impacts are factored into the financial analysis. Nonetheless,the Company offers the followingresponse: The Company's economic analysis assumes that approximately 45 turbines will experience failures that render them unable to be economically returned to service before repowering.As a result,the Company's analysis assumes that generationwill be reduced from the projects by 2.5 percent 2 years before repowering,5 percent in the year before repowering,and 7.5 percent in the year of repowering (generally 2019,except for Dunlap).Althoughgeneration will be reduced,the Company will avoid the cost of replacing these failed components.These estimated impacts are shown in the table below and are derived from the work papers provided with the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link and the work papers provided with the Company's response to DPU Data Request 1.9;specifically Confidential Attachment DPU 1.9,the spreadsheet entitled "Wind Repower CAPEX (May 10 2017)CONF." Pre-Repowering Generation Reduction (MWh)-61,999 -136,854 -211,710 Avoided Capital Gearbox Replacements--Idled WTGs ($m)5.67 6.21 6.57 Please refer to Mr.Link's Direct Testimony,specifically Exhibit RMP_(RTL-3),which shows the net (benefit)/cost for each of the nine scenarios referred to in Mr.Link's testimony.The "Change in NPC"shows an increase in net power costs (NPC)in the first three years as a result of reduced generation.The impact of lost production tax credits (PTC)is included in the "Cost of Project"line.The impact of avoiding the cost of repairing components is also included in the "Cost of Project"line. An economic analysis will be performed to evaluate each component failure to determine whether the turbine can economically be returned to service before repowering.The Company has not made a blanket determination that component failures will not be addressed before repowering.Therefore,the assumption that a certain number of turbine component failures will not be repaired before repowering is conservative. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August l1,2017 DPU Data Request 2.3 DPU Data Request 2.3 In reference to Mr.Hemstreet's testimony,lines 269-272,in consideration of the locations of the WTGs to be repowered throughoutthe system,what is the average available excess carrying capacity for each of the constrained transmission lines serving those areas? Response to DPU Data Request 2.3 The Company objects to this request as vague and ambiguous.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: For the Wyoming wind projects,the available transfer capability across the currently constrained TOT 4A path is zero.However,since the wind projects are network resources,opportunities for re-dispatch of generatingresources to take advantage of the low-cost generationprovided by the facilities will be available.The definition of the path is provided below. The TOT 4A path is defmed as the sum of flows on the following230 kilovolt (kV)lines: Riverton -Wyopo Platte -Standpipe Spence -Mustang For the Marengo wind project in Washington,the available transfer capability across the 230 kV transmission system connected to the resource is zero.As above,since the wind projects are network resources,opportunities for re-dispatch of generating resources to take advantage of the low-cost generationprovided by the facilities will be available. The Leaning Juniper and GoodnoeHills wind projects in Oregon and Washington do not connect to PacifiCorp transmission.These projects connect to another transmission service provider's transmission system and available capacity is not known. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.4 DPU Data Request 2.4 In reference to Mr.Hemstreet's testimony,lines 350-358,Mr.Hemstreet claims that the 32 turbines that won't be repowered will need new gear boxes.What is the average cost per turbine (all in cost to replace the gear boxes)?What is the location by wind plant of each of the 32 turbines? Response to DPU Data Request 2.4 To clarify,the Direct Testimony of Company witness,TimothyJ.Hemstreet indicates that of the 32 turbines that will not be repowered,10 of those turbines have gearboxes that are estimated to require replacement during their remaining service life.As stated in Mr.Hemstreet's Direct Testimony (page 340 through 344),the average all-in cost to replace the gearboxes is $400,000.This cost figure also applies to the 10 gearboxes among the 32 turbines that will not be repowered.Please refer to Confidential Attachment DPU 2.4,which provides the all-in cost of recent gearbox replacements of the scope described in Mr.Hemstreet's Direct Testimony. The number of turbines not repowered by project location are as follows: Numberof Turbines Not Project Repowered Glenrock 1 8 Glenrock 3 6 Rolling Hills 18 TOTAL 32 Confidential informationis provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)Rules 746-1-602 and 746-1-603. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August l1,2017 DPU Data Request 2.5 DPU Data Request 2.5 But for the wind repowering,would the gearboxes need to be replaced? Response to DPU Data Request 2.5 Yes.If this data request is related to DPU Data Request 2.4,the wind repowering project does not affect whether or not the 10 gearboxes among the 32 turbines at the Glenrock / RollingHills site that will not be repowered will need to be replaced.If the question is intended to more broadly address the impact of repowering on the Company's estimates of the number of gearboxes requiring replacement,the answer is also that the wind repowering project does not affect the Company's estimates of the number of gearboxes that will need to be replaced. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August l1,2017 DPU Data Request 2.6 DPU Data Request 2.6 Please state by wind farm how many gearboxes have been replaced to date at each respective wind plant? (a)Please provide the costs of each of the gearbox replacements at each wind plant with supporting documentation. (b)Please state when the Company was first made aware of the gearbox failure issues. (c)Please state the name of the manufacturer and model of the defective gearboxes. (d)Were any of the defective gearboxes under warranty or any type of service agreement?If so,how long was the warranty coverage period for? (e)Did the manufacturer or WTG supplier assume any cost and liabilityfor replacements of the gear boxes? Confidential Response to DPU Data Request 2.6 Please refer to the Company's response to DPU Data Request 1.3 subpart (5),specifically Confidential Attachment DPU l.3 -2. (a)Please refer to the Company's response to DPU Data Request 2.4;specifically Confidential Attachment DPU 2.4.In addition,please refer to Confidential Attachment DPU 2.6 -1,which provides costs for gearbox replacement projects for models of the type described in the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Timothy J.Hemstreet. (b)The Company became aware that certain gearbox models were failing at a higher rate than other models in the wind fleet in 2014. (c)The manufacturers and model numbers of the impacted gearboxes are indicated in the table below: [CONFIDENTIALBEGINS) [CONFIDENTIALENDS) 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.6 (d)Yes.Please refer to Confidential Attachment DPU 2.6 -2,which provides the original warranty terms for each project. (e)Yes,when covered under warranty,the wind turbine generator (WTG)manufacturer supplied the gearboxes,and in some cases parts exchange labor.Outside of the warranty period,the WTG manufacturer did not assume any cost or liability. Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)Rules 746-1-602 and 746-1-603. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.7 DPU Data Request 2.7 For each of the Company's wind plants,please provide the O&M costs by plant, includingany repairs,for the past ten years.Please identify what the repair was,the cost, why it was needed,when it was done,if the repair was covered under any type of warranty or service agreement,and who was responsible for the repair costs. Response to DPU Data Request 2.7 The Company objects to this request as requiring information not maintained in the ordinary course of business or developmentof a special study.Without waivingthese objections,the Company responds as follows: The Company contracts the service and maintenance of its wind projects under agreements that do not provide for the tracking of itemized costs associated with routine service,maintenance and repairs performed within the defined contract scope.When repairs performed under the service and maintenance contracts cannot address the identified reliability or failure issues,these components are typically replaced under a capital project if the components are no longer covered under the warranty terms of the turbine supply contract.The Company therefore does not have the requested information for each repair.For operations and maintenance (O&M)costs by wind project,please refer to the Company's response to OCS Data Request 1.40 and Attachment OCS 1.40. Please also refer to the Company's response to DPU Data Request 2.6. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.8 DPU Data Request 2.8 With respect to Mr.Hemstreet's testimony,lines 345-347,please identify the location of the 230 gearbox models remaining in the Company's wind fleet that the Company anticipates will need to be replaced.Please include the wind farm,the expected date of failure,and the forecast costs to repair or replace. Response to DPU Data Request 2.8 Please refer to the Company's response to DPU Data Request 1.3;specifically subpart (5) and Confidential Attachment DPU 1.3 -2,which provides the locations of the 230 gearboxes the Company anticipates will need to be replaced.As indicated in the Company's responses to DPU Data Request 2.4 and DPU Data Request 2.6,the average all-in cost to repair each gearbox is $400,000 in 2016 dollars,which represents the forecast costs for ongoing gearbox replacements. The Company's estimate of the timing of failures for the 230 gearboxes is indicated in Confidential Attachment DPU 2.8.The Company does not have an estimated date of failure for each gearbox at each wind project. Confidential informationis provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)Rules 746-1-602 and 746-1-603. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August l1,2017 DPU Data Request 2.9 DPU Data Request 2.9 In reference to Mr.Hemstreet's testimony,lines 381-387,with the warranty and service agreements aside provided by the turbine manufacturers,has PacifiCorp completed any reliability analysis or testing of the new equipment?If so,please provide that analysis. Response to DPU Data Request 2.9 The Company is currentlyin consultation with a professionalthird party to obtain technological reviews of the turbines proposed for repowering.The Company anticipates receiving these third-partyreviews during August 2017.The Company will supplement this response after the reviews are completed.The Company has not performed any testing of the new equipment because it has not yet been installed. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August l1,2017 DPU Data Request 2.10 DPU Data Request 2.10 In reference to Mr.Hemstreet's testimony,lines 431-435,if the WindFREE and WindINERTIA technologies don't work,what will the related estimated expenses be if traditional technologiesare used in their place? Response to DPU Data Request 2.10 The Company objects to this request as requiring information not maintained in the ordinary course of business or development of a special study. The Company has not analyzed the estimated expenses requested. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.11 DPU Data Request 2.11 In reference to Mr.Hemstreet's testimony,lines 570-581,please complete the attached table (DPU Attachment 2.11),listing all permits or licensing of any type that the Company will need to obtain to complete its wind repowering project (including modifications to current permits or licenses),the status of obtaining each respective permit,and the date the permit is obtained,etc.Please provide supporting documentation for this response.Also,please update this response every two weeks with updated information as it becomes available. Response to DPU Data Request 2.11 Please refer to Confidential Attachment DPU 2.11 -1 and Attachment DPU 2.11 -2. Given the limited permit approvalsrequired,and because repowering will be implemented in 2019 and 2020,the Company does not anticipate that meaningful updates will be available every two weeks.The Company will,however,provide an updated response when new information becomes available. Confidential information is provided subject to Public Service Commission of Utah (UPSC)Rules 746-1-602 and 746-1-603. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.12 DPU Data Request 2.12 In reference to Mr.Link's testimony,lines 298-300,what is the cost to modify the LGIA limits to gain the 20.8 percent output increase capability?Please provide a breakdown of the costs by wind plant with supporting documentation. Response to DPU Data Request 2.12 To modify the existing large generator interconnection agreement (LGIA)limits,system impact and facility studies are required to evaluate the effects of the additional power output on the transmission system.These studies are currentlyin process and will determine the final system modification costs once completed.In addition to the engineering studies,balance of plant (BOP)equipment,includingcollector circuits, individual step-up transformers and main generator step-up transformers (GSU)at the collector substations,is being evaluatedfor proper ratings to support the additional capacity. The Company has determined that the existing individual step-up transformers are adequatelysized to support the output of the repowered wind turbine generators (WTG)at projects where the new turbines do not have step-up transformers within the nacelle.Initial calculations indicate that most of the collector circuit feeders can carry the additional capacity,but the final determination of whether or not any segments need replacement requires additional data gathering and assessment. The existing 34.5 kilovolt (kV)feeder circuit breakers at all the wind projects are also sized properly for the additional capacity and do not require replacement. The existing GSUs,with the exception of High Plains /McFadden Ridge,are rated for the increased capacity anticipated with the repowered WTGs.At this time,the Company believes that the cooling system for the existing GSU at High Plains /McFadden Ridge can be modified to increase its rating. The Company will supplement this response as the transmission system and BOP studies are completed. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.13 DPU Data Request 2.13 In reference to Mr.Link's testimony,lines 471-481,hypothetically,if the Dave Johnston plant were retired today,would the Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlinetransmission segment still be needed?Please explain and provide supporting documentation. Response to DPU Data Request 2.13 The Company objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and as speculative.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: The Aeolus-to-Bridger/Anticlinetransmission segment is not at issue in this proceeding. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.14 DPU Data Request 2.14 In reference to Mr.Link's testimony,lines 471-481,hypothetically,if the Dave Johnston plant were retired today,would the 230 kV Network Upgrades be needed?Please explain and provide supporting documentation. Response to DPU Data Request 2.14 The Company objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and as speculative.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: The 230 kilovolt (kV)Network Upgrades are not at issue in this proceeding. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.15 DPU Data Request 2.15 After the Dave Johnston retirement,years 2028-2050 (presumed useful life of new and repowered wind generation),and in consideration of the contribution capacities of the Dave Johnston facilities versus the proposed new and repowered wind generation,is it assumed that there will be no further need to add generation resources to the transmission that serves Dave Johnston and the wind facilities to meet load expectations? Response to DPU Data Request 2.15 The Company objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and as speculative. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.16 DPU Data Request 2.16 For the period up to the retirement of the Dave Johnston plant,has the Company considered other options to mitigate the transmission congestion as the new and repowered wind comes on line?If so,please provide that analysis with complete documentation. Response to DPU Data Request 2.16 The Company objects to this request as not reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence and as speculative.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: The existing transmission constraints and the ability of new generationto interconnect to the company's system in eastern Wyoming is not at issue in this proceeding. 17-035-39 /Rocky Mountain Power August 11,2017 DPU Data Request 2.17 DPU Data Request 2.17 Please provide any analysis (in Excel format with intact formulae)that has been performed,other than that already described by Mr.Link in his testimony,showing the correlation of NPC between intermittent wind resources (NPC to recover intermittency) and thermal generation. Response to DPU Data Request 2.17 PacifiCorp's loads and resources must remain balanced,both over its entire system and in each of its balancing authorityareas (BAA),after accounting for any imports or exports between BAAs. To the extent additional wind resources are added to the system,to remain balanced, either other generationmust be dispatched down,market purchases must be reduced,or market sales must be increased.If incremental access to markets is limited,thermal resources are likelyto be dispatched down instead,since their marginal cost is higher than the marginal cost of wind generation.As a result,a negativecorrelation between wind generationand thermal generationis expected. PacifiCorp has not performed any specific analysis on the correlation between intermittent wind resources and thermal generation,but would note that,to the extent wind resources are causing thermal resources to be dispatched down (as opposed to supporting incremental market sales),those same thermal resources would thus have capacity available to compensate for intermittencyin wind output.