HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170925PAC to Staff 5-35.pdfROCKY MOUNTAINPOWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP 1407 W North Temple,Suite 330 Salt Lake City,Utah 84116 September 25,2017 Diane Hanian Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Boise,ID 83702-5918 RE:ID PAC-E-17-06 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request (5-35) Please find enclosed Rocky Mountain Power's Responses to IPUC 2nd Set Data Requests 5-35. Also provided are Attachments IPUC 6 -1 (Parts 1,2,and 3).Provided on the enclosed CD are Confidential Attachments IPUC 6 -2,9,11 --(1-2),17,22,28,30 --(1-2),and 32 and Confidential Response IPUC 17.Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. If you have any questions,please feel free to call me at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, J.Ted Weston Manager,Regulation Enclosures C.c.:Ronald L.Williams/PIIC ron@williamsbradbury.com (C) Jim Duke/PIIC jduke@idaho_aan.co_m (C)(W) Kyle Williams/PIIC willia_msk@byui.edu(C)(W) Val Steiner/PIIC (C)(W) Brian C.Collins/Brubaker &Associates bcollins@consultbai.com (C)(W) James R.Smith/Monsanto (C)(W) Maurice Brubaker/Monsanto mbrubaker consultbai.com (C)(W) Katie Iverson/Monsanto _rn (C) Eric L.Olsen/IIPA elo@echohawk._co_m(C) AnthonyYankel/IIPA t_ony@y_annkel.net (C) Randall C.Budge/Monsanto reb@racinelaw.net (C) Thomas J.Budge/Monsanto tjb@racinelaw.net (C)(W) PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 5 IPUC Data Request 5 Please provide work papers,exhibits,tables,and any analysis supporting the Company's filing in electronic format with formulae intact with references to sources for all pasted values.Please consider this an ongoing request. Response to IPUC Data Request 5 The work papers were provided on a CD in native format along with the filing submitted on June 30,2017. Recordholder:Jennifer Angell Sponsor:Not applicable PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 6 IPUC Data Request 6 Please provide copies of all past and future data requests and responses received by or sent from Rocky Mountain Power to any party in related applications submitted in other state jurisdictions.Please include both formal and informal responses.In addition to requests made in Idaho,please provide copies of PacifiCorp's responses to wind repowering data requests submitted by all parties in the states of Utah,Washington,Oregon,Wyoming,and California.This response should include public and confidential data responses.Please provide all future responses at,or shortlyafter,the time when the Company files its responses to other parties'requests.As responses are provided,please include a summary of the state name,organization and DR#s for the DRs contained within each response. Response to IPUC Data Request 6 Please refer to Attachment IPUC 6-1 and Confidential Attachment IPUC 6-2, whichprovide copies of Rocky MountainPower's (RMP)responses in other jurisdictionsto date.There are no repowering-specific proceedings pending in California,Oregon or Washington.The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)was copied on all Idaho responses to date. Going forward,the IPUC will continue to be copied on all outgoing responses in other jurisdictionsas a supplement response to IPUC Data Request 6. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Kaley McNay Sponsor:Not applicable PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 7 IPUC Data Request 7 Please provide a list of all regulatory authorizations required for the project. Please identify the authorizations,if not obtained,that would cause the Company to cancel or modify the project,and explain why it would affect the project and specifically what action the Company would take. Response to IPUC Data Request 7 The Company objects to this request as requiring speculation.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: The followingis a list of regulatory dockets seeking review of the repowering projects and associated ratemaking treatment: Case No.PAC-E-17-06-Applicationfor binding ratemaking treatment for wind repowering before the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Docket 20000-519-EA-17-Applicationfor an order approving nontraditional ratemaking related to wind repowering before the Wyoming Public Service Commission. Docket 17-035-39-Voluntaryrequest for approval of a resource decision to repower wind facilities before the Public Service Commission of Utah. The Company's decision to continue pursuing the opportunity without authorization would depend,at least in part,on the findings and conclusions in any applicable commission order,the opportunityto pursue traditional ratemaking treatment for the projects,and the treatment of the mismatch of the costs and benefits through any existing ratemaking mechanisms. Recordholder:Ted Weston Sponsor:Jeff Larsen PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 8 IPUC Data Request 8 Please provide all informationsince the last depreciation study supporting the Company's basis for a 30-year depreciation life of the wind turbine generators (i.e.,manufacturer data or studies). Response to IPUC Data Request 8 The Company has not developed additional informationregarding the appropriate depreciation life for the wind turbine generators since the last depreciation study. However,the Company intends to complete studies to inform the Company's depreciation study that will be filed with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)in September 2018. Recordholder:Kent Ipson Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 9 IPUC Data Request 9 Please detail all IRS requirements the Company has completed to date by project site in order to qualify for 100%of the PTC's referenced by PAC-E-17-06. Response to IPUC Data Request 9 Internal Revenue Code (IRC)section 45(a)provides for a current production tax credit (PTC)for 2017 in the inflation adjusted amount of 2.4 cents per kilowatt- hour (¢/kWh)of wind electricity produced for wind facilities for which construction begins before January 1,2017.This is known as the 100-percent PTC amount.IRS Notice 2013-29 Section 5 and 2016-31 Section 6 provide that if five percent or more of the total cost of a repowered wind facility is incurred before January 1,2017,then the wind facility will be deemed to be under physical construction before January 1,2017,and will therefore qualify for the 100 percent PTC.In December 2016,the Company procured wind turbine generator (WTG) equipment of sufficientvalue to meet the five-percent safe-harbor requirement for each repowering project.Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 9,which provides calculations of the five-percent safe-harbor requirement for each repowered wind project. Confidential informationis provided subject to the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Jonathan Hale /Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 10 IPUC Data Request 10 Please detail all remaining IRS requirements by project site which the Company has yet to complete in order to qualify for 100%of the PTC's referenced by PAC-E-17-06. Response to IPUC Data Request 10 Internal Revenue Service (IRS)Notice 2016-31 provides that the continuity requirement of continuous physical construction must be met.Section 3 of the Notice provides that the continuityrequirement will be met if the wind facilities are placed in service no later than the end of the fourth calendar year following the calendar year that physical construction began.Accordingly,all project sites are using the five-percent safe harbor to establish that physical construction began before January 1,2017.Therefore,to qualify for 100 percent of the production tax credit (PTC)value underthe four-year safe harbor,the repowered wind facilities must achieve commercial operations by December 31,2020. Recordholder:Jonathan Hale /Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 11 IPUC Data Request 11 Please provide the documentation,by Wind Project,that shows the Company has met the "start of construction"requirement,and the "safe harbor"requirement for the PTCs.Include all source documents includingreceipts,journal entries, emails,contracts,and any other documents for the purchases and acquisitions for the Wind Repowering projects before December 31,2016. Response to IPUC Data Request 11 Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 9,which provides the five-percent safe-harbor calculations for each repowering project,which all exceed five percent. Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC l1-1,which details the Company's December 2016 safe-harbor purchase expenditure amounts.Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 11-2,which provides supporting documentation, includingredacted confidential versions of the Company's appropriation requests (APR)for the 2016 safe-harbor wind turbine purchases. Additional source documents for the safe-harbor purchases made in December 2016 are considered commercially sensitive and highly confidential.The Company requests special handling.Please contact Ted Weston (801)220-2963 to make arrangements for review. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 12 IPUC Data Request 12 Please explain the Company's approach to meet IRS Safe Harbor eligibility includingstart of construction,continuityand any other provisions. Response to IPUC Data Request 12 The Company's proposed repoweredwind projects will meet the start-of- physical-construction requirement through the use of the five-percent safe harbor as set out in InternalRevenue Service (IRS)Notice 2013-29 Section 5 and IRS Notice 2016-31 Section 6. As described in the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 10,the Company intends to the meet the requirement for continuous physical construction under the continuitysafe-harbor provision of IRS Notice 2016-31 Section 3 by placing the repowered wind facilities into service by December 31,2020. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 13 IPUC Data Request 13 If the Company does not meet the December 2020 completion project date,please describe in detail the Company's contingency plans to obtain 100%eligibilityof PTCs. Response to IPUC Data Request 13 The Company expects the repowering projects to meet the December 2020 completion date,and has plannedthe repowering project construction schedule so that more than 87 percent of the wind turbines that will be repowered (all projects except Dunlap)are placed into service more than a year ahead of the deadline. The Company has not developed specific contingency plans to obtain 100-percent production tax credit (PTC)eligibilityif repowered wind turbines are not placed in commercial operation by December 31,2020. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)guidance provides certain provisions for wind projects to demonstrate PTC eligibilityvia certain "start of construction"and "continuous construction"parameters,which would be assessed by the IRS on a case-by-case basis,but may also allow 100-percent PTC eligibilityto be maintained with an in-service date beyond December 31,2020,as a contingency consideration. Recordholder:Jonathan Hale /Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 14 IPUC Data Request 14 The Company has provided economic analysis of the project assuming 100% eligibilityand receipt of the PTCs.Please provide similar analysis of the project if full receipt of the PTC is not met (i.e.80%,60%,and 40%). Response to IPUC Data Request 14 The Company objects to this request on the basis that it does not have custody, possession or control of the requested information.The request requires development of a special study or information not maintained in the ordinary course of business.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: The Company has identified the contribution of 100 percent of the production tax credits (PTC)from the assumed repowering of 999 megawatts (MW)of wind resources in its economic analysis.Please refer to the rows "PTCs"in Link Exhibit No.10,which shows that 100 percent of the PTCs contribute $822 million in present-value benefits in each price-policy scenario.The effect of reduced PTC benefits can be estimated by applying a percentage adjustment to the PTC benefits included in the Company's economic analysis. Recordholder:Randy Baker Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 15 IPUC Data Request 15 With respect to the previous question,please quantifythe likelihood of not receiving 100%of the PTC. Response to IPUC Data Request 15 The Company has not quantified the likelihood of not receiving 100 percent of the production tax credits (PTC),but such a result is highly unlikely.The Company intends to receive 100 percent of the PTCs by ensuring that the safe-harbor and Internal Revenue Service (IRS)80/20 Rule requirements have been met and that the projects have been placed in service by December 31,2020. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 16 IPUC Data Request 16 In order for customers to realize the full net benefits of the project as proposed by the Company,the Company will need to execute its plan on schedule and under proposed cost estimates.Below are three potential conditions that would put ratepayer net benefits at risk.For each circumstance below,please describe how the Company would ensure customers are compensated for lost benefits or increased costs that are the Company's responsibility: (a)Reduction in PTC Benefits related to non-attainment of IRS Safe Harbor requirements (not meeting requirements necessary for 100%of PTC). (b)Reduction in PTC,NPC,and wholesale wheeling revenue benefits related to late schedule completion. (c)Cost overruns due to construction,capital infrastructure cost,permitting,etc. Response to IPUC Data Request 16 The Company objects to this request as vague,ambiguous,and speculative. Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: (a)The Company fully expects it will successfully meet the requirements necessary to ensure eligibilityof the 100 percent of the production tax credits (PTC)and receive net power costs (NPC)benefits available through the repoweredwind projects.The Company anticipates passing on to customers all of the realized benefits.The Company is not proposing to provide customers benefits greater than or less than those received by the Company. (b)Please refer to the Company's response to subpart (a)above.Wholesale wheeling revenue is not expected to be affected by wind repowering. (c)The Company believesthat its projection of costs and benefits of wind repowering are reasonable and achievable and,as stated beginning on page two in the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,"...net benefits,which include federal PTC benefits,net power cost ("NPC") benefits,other system variable-cost benefits,and system fixed-cost benefits, more than outweigh net project costs."The Idaho Public Utilities Commission will have the opportunityto review the construction costs and implementation of the repoweredprojects and make a determination on the prudence of the actual costs incurred. Recordholder:Terrell Spackman Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 17 IPUC Data Request 17 Please provide the average yearly market price of wind RECs over the past five years,and the projected value of these RECs over the next 10 years. Confidential Response to IPUC Data Request 17 There is no published price index for renewable energy credit (REC)markets. Most transactions are conducted as bilateral contracts between parties,and prices are not reported.The REC market is not consistently active and is illiquid.There is little price transparency in REC markets.Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 17,which provides the average yearlysale price of the RECs sold by PacifiCorp. Due to lack of transparency and liquidity in the REC markets,the Company maintains only a one-yearforecast for REC sales. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Tuba Avcisert Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 18 IPUC Data Request 18 Please provide the Company's Project Plan including,but not limited to: (a)A detailed schedule/Ganttchart reflecting all major activities on the critical path. (b)Any contingency plans the Company will implement to recover from delays. (c)Project risks,the likelihood of these risks,and costs associated with those risks. Response to IPUC Data Request 18 (a)A project schedule/Ganttchart was provided with the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Timothy J.Hemstreet,specifically Hemstreet Exhibit No.5. (b)The Company is implementing a strategy of ongoing engagement with permitting agencies,turbine suppliers,and contractors to identify risks and develop mitigation plans.Construction contracts will have guaranteed milestones and liquidated damages included to motivate contractors to complete the repowering projects on time.Contractors will be empowered to use whichever method(s)they feel appropriate to recover from any schedule delays. (c)Case-by-case project risks will continuallybe identified,assessed,monitored and mitigated to maintain project schedule and cost.Beyond consideration of traditional project implementation risks in project development and planning activities to date,no stand-alone quantification or probability analysis of specific project risks has been completed. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 19 IPUC Data Request 19 Please list and quantifythe potential for schedule delay related to: (a)Jurisdictional approval; (b)Permitting; (c)Procurement; (d)Construction. Response to IPUC Data Request 19 (a)The current procedural schedules that have been set by each commission anticipate final orders in line with the Company's proposed timelines and project implementation schedule.Additionally,the Wyoming Public Service Commission (WPSC)determined in June 2017 that a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN)is not required for the repowering projects to be implemented in Wyoming. (b)Permitting requirements related to the repowering projects are minimal, requiring no new siting,environmental or other permits.While county conditional use permits and local buildingpermits will be necessary for some projects,the Company does not anticipate any schedule delays associated with permitting of the repowering projects. (c)The Company's project schedule provides sufficienttime for the procurement of the wind turbine generator equipment consistent with contractual requirements,while also providing ample time for the Company to procure turbine installation contracts where necessary.Assuming jurisdictional approvals are obtained consistent with the procedural schedules set by the commissions,the Company does not anticipate procurement issues delaying the project schedule. (d)The Company's construction schedule results in more than 87 percent of the wind turbines being repoweredin 2019,more than a year before the December 31,2020 deadline.In addition,the Company's proposed construction schedule results in repowering activities taking place during the spring,summer and early fall periods when weather and wind conditions are most favorable for construction activities.The Company is unable to quantify the potential for construction-related delays,which can be heavilyinfluenced by weather conditions. PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 19 Recordholder:Ted Weston /Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 20 IPUC Data Request 20 Has the Company considered and quantified other locations for siting wind that would qualify for the PTC and not require retirement of existing capital?If so, please provide the analysis and the results.If not,why not? Response to IPUC Data Request 20 The Company has considered other locations for siting wind resources that would qualify for the production tax credit (PTC)but not require retirement of existing capital.In 2016,the Company issued a request for proposals for renewable resources (2016R RFP).In response,the Company received 19 wind project proposals,all of which were evaluatedand determined to have higher costs for customers than other alternatives. Wind resources in Wyoming are expected to have superior generation performance compared to the wind resources evaluatedin the 2016R RFP.The 2017 IntegratedResource Plan (IRP)identified new Wyoming wind resources as part of PacifiCorp's least-cost,least-risk plan,and all of the resource portfolios produced during the initial stages of the portfolio developmentphase of the 2017 IRP contained new Wyoming wind resources in 2021,which for modeling purposes was used as a proxy on-line date for PTC-eligible wind resources in commercial operation by the end of 2020.The Company is currentlysoliciting proposals for those additional wind resources through the 2017 Renewable Request for Proposals.PacifiCorp also filed an application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)on June 30,2017,seeking approval for the new transmission and new wind resources identified in the 2017 IRP (Case PAC-E-17- 07). Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 21 IPUC Data Request 21 Please explain what the Company will do with the items procured to meet the 5% safe harbor benchmark if the projects do not proceed.Will the Company request customers pay these costs? Response to IPUC Data Request 21 If cost recovery is not granted for the repowering equipment purchased in December 2016,PacifiCorp will evaluate alternativesto identify best use. Options could include repowering those units that experience a major component failure requiring crane mobilization or selling the equipment to an entity that is repowering or developing new wind resources. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 22 IPUC Data Request 22 Please provide a list of all contracts required to complete the wind repower project.Please include the names of the contractor,the purpose of the contract, and estimated cost amounts. Response to IPUC Data Request 22 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 22,which provides a list of existing and future anticipated contracts necessary to complete the repowering project. The Company's estimates of costs associated with future contracts are considered to be highly confidential and commercially sensitive.The Company requests special handling.Please contact Ted Weston (801)220-2963 to make arrangements for review. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 23 IPUC Data Request 23 In reference to Company witness Larsen,please provide all work papers that were used to develop Exhibit 12 and Exhibit 13. Response to IPUC Data Request 23 Mr.Larsen's work papers were provided on the CD submitted with the filing on June 30,2017. Recordholder:Kaley McNay and Terrell Spackman Sponsor:Jeff Larsen PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 24 IPUC Data Request 24 Please provide the source documents that support the information in Larsen Exhibits 12 and 13. Response to IPUC Data Request 24 The confidential work papers supporting the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Jeffrey K.Larsen,and used to develop Exhibit No.12 and Exhibit No.13 were provided with the June 30,2017 filing.The file name is "CONF JKL Exhibits 12-14 Repower ID 6.28.17 Work Papers." Confidential informationis provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Terrell Spackman Sponsor:Jeff Larsen PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 25 IPUC Data Request 25 Please provide the estimated PVRR(d)for the project if there is a 1-year,2-year, or 3-year slip to the project's completion. Response to IPUC Data Request 25 The Company objects to this request as requiring developmentof a special study or information not maintained in the ordinary course of business.Without waiving this objection,the Company responds as follows: PacifiCorp has not performed the requested analysis. Recordholder:Randy Baker Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 26 IPUC Data Request 26 What is the breakevenpoint for continuing with the wind repowering in relation to the PTCs?At what level of PTCs do the costs of the projects become untenable? Response to IPUC Data Request 26 The Company objects to this request as vague,ambiguous,and requiring development of a special study or information not maintained in the ordinary course of business.Without waiving these objections,the Company responds as follows: PacifiCorp has not developed the requested break-evenanalysis;however,the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC)can estimate the level of production tax credits (PTCs)that would cause the repowering projects to achieve break-even economics using data contained in the Direct Testimony of Company witness, Rick T.Link,specifically Link Exhibit No.10.This exhibit includes a line item "PTCs"under Project Net Costs for each price-policy scenario.The present value of revenue requirements differential (PVRR(d))for this line item can be multipliedby a percentage that offsets the PVRR(d)for the "Net (Benefit)/Cost" line item for any given price-policy scenario. For instance,in the medium natural gas and medium carbon dioxide (CO2)price- policy scenario,the PVRR(d)for wind repowering "PTCs"is $822 million,which reflects the full value of PTCs.The PVRR(d)for the "Net (Benefit)/Cost"line item is $359 million.If the PVRR(d)for the "PTCs"line item is multipliedby approximately 56 percent,the "New Wind PTCs"line item would drop by approximately $359 million,thereby causing the PVRR(d)for the "Net (Benefit)/Cost"line item to be zero (i.e.,break-eveneconomics). Recordholder:Dan Swan Sponsor:Rick Link PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky MountainPowerSeptember25,2017IPUC2ndSetDataRequest 27 IPUC Data Request 27 When did the Company first begin analyzing the PTCs after it was extended in thePATHActof2015?Specifically,when did the Company begin pursuingeligibilityforPTCfortheseprojects? Response to IPUC Data Request 27 The Company began to review its options in May 2016,followingthe May 5,2016 release of the InternalRevenue Service (IRS)guidance clarifying therequirementsrelatedspecificallytoproductiontaxcredit(PTC)eligibilityandrepowering.The guidance also provided for a four-year safe harbor to satisfy thecontinuityrequirementofcontinuousphysicalconstruction.In November 2016,the Company concluded that repowering was technicallyfeasible on at least asubsetofitswindfacilitiesandbeganpursuingPTCeligibilityforrepoweringprojectsthroughsafe-harbor equipment purchases that were ultimatelycompletedinDecember2016,The IRS guidance (Notice 2016-31)can be accessed using thefollowingwebsitelink: Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 28 IPUC Data Request 28 Did the Company investigate claiming the Investment Tax Credit (ITC)in lieu of the PTC?Please provide any analysis the Company did as it pertains to the ITC. Response to IPUC Data Request 28 The repowering project will increase generation from the repowered wind projects such that the present value of the production tax credit (PTC)benefits that can be realized exceeds the value of the available investmenttax credit (ITC)for all repowering projects.This is the case even without considering normalization requirements associated with the ITC,which would furtherreduce benefits associated with the ITC.Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 28 for the Company's analysis. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective order in this proceeding. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 29 IPUC Data Request 29 IRS Notice 2017-4 states in Section 3,"If a facility does not satisfy the Continuity Safe Harbor,whether the facility satisfies the Continuous Construction or Continuous Efforts Tests is determined by the relevant facts and Circumstances." If it is determined that the Five Percent Safe Harbor is not met,what information will the Company rely upon which will satisfy the Continuous Construction or Continuous Efforts Tests?Is the Company compiling and retaining this information at this time? Response to IPUC Data Request 29 The five-percent safe harbor relates to the start of physical construction.The continuityof physical construction still has to be met regardless of whether the taxpayer uses the five-percent safe harbor or some other evidence of the start of physical construction.If the five-percent safe harbor is not met for any wind project,then the Company will need to complete its due diligence to determine whether the claim that physical construction began before January 1,2017,to secure 100 percent of the production tax credits (PTCs),and the Continuous Construction or Continuous Efforts Tests can be supported.The five-percent is a safe harbor and the deliveryof a significant amount of wind turbine components for a wind project in 2016 could still qualify the project as being under construction in 2016.Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 12 regarding the continuitysafe-harbor requirements of Internal Revenue Service (IRS)Notice 2016-31 and IRS Notice 2017-4 Section 3.The Company will retain project documents necessary to support potential claims related to meeting the Continuous Construction or Continuous Efforts tests. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 30 IPUC Data Request 30 The expected cost of wind repowering is approximately $1.13 billion. (a)Please provide a cost breakdown by item (blades,nacelle,etc.)and location for the cost estimate totaling approximately $1.13 billion. (b)Please provide the work papers,invoices,emails,and all other source documents used to calculate the estimate. (c)Please provide the work papers,invoices,contracts,etc.for the items that have been purchased or contracted for through June 30,2017.Please provide the information by wind facility,i.e.Glenrock I,Glenrock III.Please update this monthlythroughoutthe remainderof the project. Response to IPUC Data Request 30 (a)The cost breakdown of the capital costs for the wind repowering project are considered to be highly confidential and commercially sensitive.The Company requests special handling.Please contact Ted Weston (801)220- 2963 to make arrangements for review. (b)The work papers used to develop the project capital cost estimates are considered to be highly confidential and commercially sensitive.The Company requests special handling.Please contact Ted Weston (801)220- 2963 to make arrangements for review. (c)Please refer to the Company's response to IPUC Data Request 11,which provides the contracts related to the 2016 safe-harbor equipment purchases. Please also refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 30-1,which provides the contract payments related to wind turbine generator (WTG)equipment items purchased in support of the repowering project.Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 30-2,which provides redacted invoices relatedto these items.Non-redacted invoices are considered to be highly confidential and commercially sensitive.The Company requests special handling.Please contact Ted Weston (801)220-2963 to make arrangements for review. Confidential information is provided subject to the protective order in this proceeding. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 31 IPUC Data Request 31 Please provide the contracts with General Electric,Inc.and Vestas-American Wind Technology,Inc.for the purchase of new WTG equipment. Response to IPUC Data Request 31 The contract between PacifiCorp and General Electric International,Inc.(GE) dated December 2,2016,is considered highly confidential and commercially sensitive.The Company requests special handling. The contract between PacifiCorp and Vestas American Wind Technology,Inc. (Vestas)dated December 28,2016,is considered highly confidential and commercially sensitive.The Company requests special handling. Please contact Ted Weston at (801)220-2963 to make arrangements for review Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 32 IPUC Data Request 32 Please provide the ongoing depreciation expense calculation,and all other costs currentlyin rates,by project,by year,for the recovery of the plant equipment that is replaced due to the wind powering project.Does the Company anticipate that these costs will continue to be recovered in the next general rate case?Does the Company anticipate there is any salvage value in the replaced plant equipment? If so,please quantify. Response to IPUC Data Request 32 Please refer to Confidential Attachment IPUC 32,which details by wind project the asset balances as of the project repowering date and projected annual depreciation for the plant equipment that is to be replaced in wind repowering. The Company proposes that the replaced investment be included in the next depreciation filing and that depreciation rates be set to recover the undepreciated wind investment in any subsequent general rate case. The Company acknowledges that the potential for salvage value benefit may be available for the replaced equipment.However,the Company has not quantified the amount of salvage.To the extent that any salvage value is realized,the Company would credit the accumulated depreciation reserve by that amount,thus making that benefit available to customers. Confidential information is provided subject to the terms and conditions of the protective agreement in this proceeding. Recordholder:Terrell Spackman Sponsor:Jeff Larsen PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 33 IPUC Data Request 33 Please quantifythe reduced operating expenses by providing an estimate of the O&M costs for the wind facilities as they are today,for the years 2020 through 2029,and the estimate of the O&M costs for the repowered wind facilities,for the years 2020 through 2029.Please include any anticipated updated capital investments to the existing wind facilities,including the corresponding depreciation expense changes associated with any capital upgrades. Response to IPUC Data Request 33 Please refer to the confidential work papers supporting the Direct Testimony of Company witness,Rick T.Link,specifically "PAC-E-17-06 Link Exhibit No.6 CONF",which contains the capital cost of repowering as well as the increase or (decrease)in run-rate capital and operations and maintenance (O&M)expense. Please refer to the confidential work papers supporting Mr.Link's Direct Testimony,specifically the folder "Wind Projects/Linked Repower",which provide the capital cost of repowering as well as the increase or (decrease)in run- rate capital and O&M expense for each wind plant.Changes in depreciation are shown in tab "Generic"on line 1729. Recordholder:Mark Paul Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet PAC-E-17-06 /Rocky Mountain Power September 25,2017 IPUC 2nd Set Data Request 34 IPUC Data Request 34 Please provide and explain the costs associated with modifyingthe current interconnection agreements. Response to IPUC Data Request 34 To modify the existing large generator interconnection agreement (LGIA)limits, system impact and facility studies are required to evaluate the effects of the additional power output on the transmission system.The Company filed generation interconnection applications for the additional generationat the existing points of interconnection (POI)for the planned repowering projects described in the application,except for Leaning Juniper and Goodnoe Hills. PacifiCorp's transmission function is currentlyreviewing the applications and preparing the required studies under PacifiCorp's Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT).These studies are currentlyon-going and will determine the final system modification costs once completed.System impact studies are expected to be completed in December 2017.The completed studies will provide information on the transmission upgrades,if any,needed to accommodate the interconnection request. The Company expects to file generationinterconnection requests for Leaning Juniper and Goodnoe Hills with the transmission provider (BonnevillePower Administration)by October 27,2017. Recordholder:Tim Hemstreet Sponsor:Tim Hemstreet