HomeMy WebLinkAbout20161219PAC to Staff Attachment 35.pdf (ID Dec2016) Estimator name C/C: Account #: Request #: Service ID #: Contract #: RESIDENTIAL REMOTE SERVICE CONTRACT between ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER and //CUSTOMER'S NAME// This Residential Remote Service Contract (“Contract”), dated , is between Rocky Mountain Power, an unincorporated division of PacifiCorp (“Company”), and //Customer's Name// (“Customer”) for extending Residential electric service to Customer’s facilities located at or near , Idaho. Company's filed tariffs and the rules of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission regulate this Contract. They are available for review upon request. 1. Term. This Contract becomes effective when both Customer and Company have signed it. It will remain in effect for an initial period of five (5) years from the date Company is ready to supply service, and will automatically renew year to year thereafter until: canceled by permanent disconnection of service and Customer payment of all removal costs for inactive facilities; or, otherwise canceled by Company as provided by tariff. 2. Delivery of Power. Company will provide 120/240 volt, single-phase electric service to Customer’s facilities, and Customer warrants that the residence is permanent in nature. 3. Company Investment. Company agrees to provide an Extension Allowance of $0.00, towards Company facilities to serve Customer’s residence, as provided for in the tariff, and Customer warrants that the residence is permanent in nature. 4. Customer Advance. Customer agrees to pay Company the estimated construction costs in excess of the Extension Allowance (“Customer Advance”). Customer has paid for engineering, design, or other advance payment for Company’s facilities in the amount of $0.00, which amount is reflected in the balance due in the Customer selected option below. (Customer must initial selected option on the blank space at the beginning of the option and pay the balance due given in that option.) ____ Refund Option. The total Customer Advance for this work is $0.00, the balance due is $0.00, and Customer remains eligible for refunds. Company will refund part of the advance if additional customers connect to the new line within sixty (60) months of the date Company is ready to supply service. Company will refund 20% of the cost of the shared facilities for each of the first four additional customers. Company will try to inform Customer when a refund is due. However, in the event Company is unable to locate Customer or has not identified that a refund is due, Customer is responsible for requesting a refund within twenty-four (24) months of the additional customer connecting to the new line. ____ Contract Administration Credit Option. Customer chooses to receive a Contract Administration Credit of $250 and waive their right to refunds should additional customers connect to this line. Accordingly, Customer’s balance due is $0.00. 5. Contract Minimum Billing. Customer agrees to pay a Contract Minimum Billing for the term of this Contract. The billing shall be the greater of: (1) the monthly schedule billing; or, (2) $0.00 plus eighty percent (80%) of the monthly schedule billing. Billings will be based on Rate Schedule No. and superseding schedules. ID PAC-E-13-16 IPUC 35 Attachment IPUC 35 1 of 3 2 Company will adjust the minimum charges if additional customers connect to the new line. 6. Customer Obligations. Customer agrees to: a) Provide legal rights-of-way to Company, at no cost to Company, using Company’s standard forms. This includes rights-of-way on your property and/or adjoining property and any permits, fees, etc. required to cross public lands; b) Prepare the route to Company’s specifications; c) Install all Customer provided trench, conduit, equipment foundations, or excavations for equipment foundations within the legal-rights of ways; d) Take service for not less than sixty (60) months from the date Company is ready to supply service; and, e) Comply with all of Company’s tariffs, procedures, specifications and requirements. 7. Underground Facilities. If service is provided by an underground line extension, Customer will provide, or Company will provide at Customer’s expense: all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduit and duct, and furnish and install all distribution transformer pads, as designed by Company. Company may abandon in place any underground cables installed under this Contract that are no longer useful to Company. If any change in grade or surface improvements on Customer’s property, change in Customer’s property lines, failure to install to the specifications in Company’s Electric Service Requirements Manual, or failure to install facilities within legal rights-of-way, require Company to change its facilities, or causes additional cost to Company, Customer agrees to reimburse Company for such change or cost. The provisions of this paragraph 7 shall survive the termination of this Contract. 8. Effective. This Contract will expire unless Customer: a) Signs and returns an original of this Contract along with any required payment to Company within ninety (90) days of the Contract date shown on page 1 of the Contract; and b) Is ready to receive service within one-hundred fifty (150) days of the Customer signature date below. 9. Special Provisions: None 10. Assignment. Company may at any time assign its rights and delegate its obligations under this Contract to any: affiliate; successor in interest; corporation; or any other business entity in conjunction with a merger, consolidation or other business reorganization to which Company is a party. 11. Waiver of Jury Trial. To the fullest extent permitted by law, each of the parties hereto waives any right it may have to a trial by jury in respect of litigation directly or indirectly arising out of, under or in connection with this Contract. Each party further waives any right to consolidate any action in which a jury trial has been waived with any other action in which a jury trial cannot be or has not been waived. 12. Entire Agreement. This Contract between Customer and Company replaces all prior communications about this project. ID PAC-E-13-16 IPUC 35 Attachment IPUC 35 2 of 3 //CUSTOMER'S NAME// By signature NAME (type or print legibly) TITLE DATE ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER By signature NAME (type or print legibly) TITLE DATE Customer’s Mailing Address for Executed Contract ATTENTION OF ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP EMAIL ADDRESS Rocky Mountain Power’s Mailing Address for Executed Contract ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP EMAIL ADDRESS ID PAC-E-13-16 IPUC 35 Attachment IPUC 35 3 of 3